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16354610 No.16354610 [Reply] [Original]

>Lose sense of taste to the coof
>Starts to come back
>Suddenly regress and everything smells like dead bodies
Why even live at this point

>> No.16354618
File: 22 KB, 319x410, 1224135372581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current year
>catching covid

>> No.16354620

I actually caught it in previous year

>> No.16354899

Should've worn a mask, eh?

>> No.16354905

I did and worked from home. Still got it.

>> No.16354914

I'm trans btw

>> No.16354925

How? I worked in retail from the beginning and never got it

>> No.16354926

Live in NYC in a multigenerational household

>> No.16355041

You know virus are pretty good at infect people

>> No.16355048

Covid is a fraud. Most positive test cases was just the common fucking cold. Common cold and flu cases miraculously had a significant decrease in 2020. Why is this? Because they were classified as fucking COVID.

>> No.16355127

>hurr durr covid is fake
People like myself and OP are perfect examples of anecdotal proof that it exists.
I thought it was fake too. I refused to wear a mask and I kept hanging out with my friends to drink and watch kinos. and then I got the coof.

I lost my sense of smell and taste and over a few weeks the coughing got so bad that I could hardly breathe between coughs and ended up in the hospital for a few days.
I'm vaccinated now of course and the coof is gone and my sense of taste is back, but I still can't smell. And the doctor at the hospital said it could just come back tomorrow possibly at random, or it might be upwards of several years until it comes back.

Let me be your walking example anons. Don't do what I did. I want to die. Ironically I'm dating a florist right now.

>> No.16355130

this sounds like a larp

>> No.16355145
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lmao faggot

>> No.16355161

I wish it were larp. I feel incredibly suicidal lately because I can't smell the food I cook. I feel like I've lost out on an important stream of environmental data now that I can't smell. It's more likely than not gonna come back soon, the whole several-years thing was a maximum he said and not very likely, but it's still a possibility.

Literally all I can say is, don't get the coof.

Fuck you faggot, post your dick or GTFO nigger

>> No.16355338

>Suddenly regress and everything smells like dead bodies
you're smelling yourself. Take a bath.

>> No.16355347

>Why even live at this point

well I'm pretty lazy and I'm sure something or someone will kill me eventually and I've never been one to do unnecessary labour

>> No.16355372

I don't get it either. I worked through the entire pandemic on taking and processing water samples for quality and environmental control. I went into other peoples houses and flats all day everyday and than I went to companies and public facilities. I was constantly in close contact with other people and didn't even catch a cold last year much less Covid.

>> No.16355376

The weak should just perish

>> No.16355386

>Having anything from fucking virus
If we weren't forced to go get tested for covid like cattle I wouldnt even know I had it.
Had much worser sicknesses as child Jesus Christ.

>> No.16355388

you may have been asymptomic, moran

>> No.16355403 [DELETED] 

When I got angry as a teenager after being jumped by black kids, to cope I imagined cutting off their taste buds so they could never enjoy food again.

>> No.16355404

Don't give a shit. I did have any fucking symptoms and did feel sick. If the rest of the world is to fucking weak just die. I really had high hopes for Covid I could have cleansed the world of over population but it was just boring and weak. If you are a victim I have no sympathy for you.

>> No.16355407

damn that sounds rough. I've never heard of it not eventually coming back.

>> No.16355450

You should have gotten the vax

>> No.16355458 [DELETED] 

Covid isn't real. The Chinks and the Leftist Jews conspired to trick us all into letting them perform a soft coup and put a Chinese puppet in the white house instead of trump. It's the real 5d chess, trade war is the real game here.

>> No.16355526

You that just because you didn't get very sick, others didn't? Not how it works, bud. I caught it in march last year, didn't think it was that bad, nothing to be scared of. Now, 15 month later, when I still haven't recovered I feel diffetent about it. Just like OP and the other guy it has driven me suicidal. You can get this stuff from regular flu and cold too, but the covid is way more likely to cause it because of the way it infects your nerve system. It can create an over reaction in your immune system. It's also that over reaction that makes you very sick. There's no way to tell in advance how deep the infection will set in your body or how effective your immune system will work. Why don't you read up on the spanish flu? It killed mostly young and healthy men. If you didn't get very sick you should just shut the fuck up and be happy about it because for all we know this shit hits like a fucking lottery

>> No.16355535


>> No.16355539

Covid is mostly a hoax but you are still a retard. Masks do Not only reduce the risk of spreading covid, but also Flu and Cold

>> No.16355610
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Interesting how americans are completely housebroken yet lack compassion for their fellow man

>> No.16355612

That is the plan. Just get culled like the rest then.

>> No.16355616

A low inflammation diet may help your sense of smell. I had problems with my sense of smell starting a couple years ago and a low inflammation diet has helped.

>> No.16355670
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>> No.16355685


Sounds disgusting, poo in loo

>> No.16355719

Jesus Christ imagine being imunolet and boasting about it, literally defective genes which can't even get rid of virus.
You can get this shit from literally any bacterial or viral infections which fucks you up good yet untill now nobody was bitching about it because nobody gave a shit.

>> No.16355733

>being imunolet
More like the other way around, very effective immune system. Read up on the spanish flu. Yes, you can get it from any viral infection, it just WAY MORE LIKELY you'll get it from covid

>> No.16355738

Wait you mean to tell me you were exposed to small amounts of viral load daily and never got sick? It's almost like you have a good immune system that prevents you from becoming ill.
On that note, I've been working in public since it started and I haven't gotten sick at all. Tested negative for the coof twice. I've been in an out of hospitals a half dozen times for unrelated stuff too. Just live your life.

>> No.16355741

>very effective immune system
More like defective, efective one doesn't have problem, it just works.

>> No.16355749

Wow it's like a m night shamababylon movie

>> No.16355978

fake as fuck
you’re a massive nigger and need to gtfo

>> No.16356274

Why do you guys feel the need to beat on people who lost their health due to a disease, does it make you feel better in anyway? If you didn't catch it or didn't get very sick you can just be happy about that

>> No.16356682

Go get the coof and fucking die you niggerfaggot

>> No.16356706
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>so much butthurt from COVID-hoaxers
how does it feel to refuse a safe vaccine just to virtue signal to your fellow retard conservatives, I'm sure the dopamine levels must be amazing

>> No.16356727

Chantards are pathetic and achieve so little in life. Not getting killed by covid is a major achievement for them, even if they did achieve it without actually doing anything proactively .

>> No.16357435

It's spelled "moron", moron.

>> No.16357440
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>> No.16357442
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>> No.16357803

covid is fake and gay

>> No.16357815

I caught a regular cold last year but never covid despite not wearing masks ever unless I would literally get thrown out of the place, and traveling around at the height of the outbreak. Weird, and I kinda wish I got it because it sounds good for weight loss

>> No.16357823
File: 489 KB, 2048x1536, ElqnvWKU4AEDupa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets covid
>still gets a gf
I would literally kill myself for a gf

>> No.16357833

if you believe either of those things then you should actually kill yourself

>> No.16359049

>everything I don't agree with is larp!

>> No.16359206

No, thats god

>> No.16360291


>> No.16360301


Basically I'm just not going to get it (the vaccine)!

I know...UGH I know... I'm sorry!!!

It's just that I'm not gonna take it is all


>> No.16360307

>no proof of it being safe long term
>new side effects keep popping up
>companies immune to any liability
Imagine being this gullible. Literally subhuman

>> No.16360756

Cool, didn't ask, just don't breathe on me faggot

>> No.16360770


>> No.16360803
File: 87 KB, 600x585, D6CFE193-1B3C-4916-BF1D-8462CC04EBA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurk moar, newcunt.

>> No.16360964

>>no proof of COVID it being safe long term
>>new side effects of COVID keep popping up
>>COVID-hoaxers immune to any liability

>> No.16360968

>"""gets""" coof
>"""gets""" vaxx
3 shekels have been deposited into your account

>> No.16360979

have you stopped the steal, patriot?

>> No.16360980

I got the vaccine. Unironically.

>> No.16360982

wow bro, I bet hillary clinton paid you to post it, shill!!!11

>> No.16360985
File: 89 KB, 720x405, fuck this gay earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holocaust denying
>pandemic denying

>> No.16360987

>>pandemic denying
or in one word

>> No.16361012

>catching an imaginary disease
Suggestion is really something huh.

>> No.16361017

What is this image from?

>> No.16361022

>worshiping imaginary jews

>> No.16361041

Literally my nightmare. I'm vaccinated and the county's lifted basically all restrictions, but still stay inside and wear masks at the grocery store because I don't want to risk losing my sense of taste

>> No.16362172

It's almost impossible for this to happen to vaccinated people.