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16352569 No.16352569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Remember to get your free bagel. You can get one each day.

Also, what are the best Panera bagels? I usually just get the asiago cheese bagel

>> No.16352584

Enjoy your heart inflammation and blood clotting.

>> No.16352587

You do understand that obese and overweight people have higher risk of dying from covid.

>> No.16352596

the nearest panera is 3 miles and idk if thats worth driving to for a free bagel

>> No.16352635

How can they stop me from going to several Paneras everyday?

>> No.16352641

drive thru feels bread line as fuck already

>> No.16352646

Irony is lost on NPCs.

>> No.16352648
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>> No.16352652

>you have such an insignificant chance of dying, don't bother
>omfg, did you hear that 3 people had complications from a vaccine?!

>> No.16352653

Why do his eyes look dead

>> No.16352655

round bread?

>> No.16352659


>> No.16352673

the jew bakery 2 blocks away sells bagels for 75 cents lol@getting a vaccine

>> No.16352678

Yeah but cheap bagels is not better than living around jews. That's like saying there's cheap weed from my neighbor the nigger

>> No.16352681

enjoy the third lockdown coming up because faggots like you listened to karens and didn't get vaccinated and let the delta variant run wild. All you had to do was get a shot and now you're gonna have to wear masks all summer thanks a lot asshole.

>> No.16352685

The risk of getting a blood clot as a result of covid is higher than the risk of getting one from the vaccine.

>> No.16352690

meh they stick to there little orthodox ghetto and walk back and forth to temple

>> No.16352693

You still have to wear masks when you get the vaccine though.

>> No.16352703

if you get both shots and wait the 2 weeks you're in the clear. They just say that because tards will get one shot and then go wild

>> No.16352959

fuck bagels and fuck panera

>> No.16352990

the kikes in my local kike bakery charge 10 bucks for a bagel with lox
they were giving out a free bag of bagels if you were "needy" but i wasn't jewish enough to take them considering I can afford it

>> No.16353010

Im not taking the vaccine faggot

>> No.16353027

>Indian variant
And there isn't going to be a third lockdown with a democrat in office

>> No.16353044

>anon the vaccine probably won't kill you you should go get it
>what do you mean you want the giga-corporations to have liability?
>what do you mean you're 21 and healthy?
>anon you're being a dick you're gonna give my grandma covid!
Bazinga, I don't care.

>> No.16353049

This is just lime training a pet wuth treats for good boi points holy shit, people are seriously NPCs

>> No.16353050

I'm so glad I put myself at risk of permanent heart damage, Bell's palsy, and death for three free bagels.

>> No.16353059

anybody tried printing out a vaccine card for free shit

>> No.16353465

Vaccinated, duh

>> No.16353493

Why? They can't legally ask for proof, it's all honor system based.

>> No.16353526

Go back to Twitter.

>> No.16353532

am i required to show proof of vaccination? i shouldn't have to because i'm protected by HIPPA.

>> No.16353533

Nah, I'm good. Still not wearing a mask, still not getting the vaccine.
Simple as.

>> No.16353541

I took some classes on leadership back in the day.
The most important lesson I took away from that was one line that a head nurse said: "You can buy a lot of loyalty with a donut"

>> No.16353544

>anybody tried committing a felony for a bagel
do trumptards really?

>> No.16353549

>i shouldn't have to because i'm protected by HIPPA.
that's not how HIPAA works, moron

>> No.16353563

You agree that the risk of dying from COVID is insignificant?

>> No.16353574


>> No.16353861


the delta variant or what ever variant it was is spreading fast and infecting people even with the vaccines, the vaccines out now are pointless

>> No.16353874


The vaccine helps to limit the impact of COVID if you do end up catching it

>> No.16353897

>limit the impact of COVID if you do end up catching it
sounds like a treatment not a vaccine then ether way the variant is fucking up people with the vaccine so here we go again it really is going to be flu 3.1

>> No.16354203

>Bell's palsy
dumb boomers should stick to facebook

>> No.16354218

>sounds like a treatment not a vaccine
No, that’s exactly what a vaccine is meant to do you retard. It’s the same way the flu vaccine works. It’s supposed to make your immune system ready for it so if you do catch it you barely get sick and are less likely to transmit it

>> No.16354248

That's assuming you're symptomatic.
Also I don't intend to get the virus OR get vaccinated. How about that?
If all I'm doing is taking walks and going to the grocery store with a mask (which is still mandatory anyway) there's literally no reason to bother getting a vaccine only for the govt to mandate a booster shot in 2 months.

>> No.16354260

Panera bagels suck. I'd rather have a fucking Thomas's bagel

>> No.16354270

noun: vaccine; plural noun: vaccines

a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
vaccines are to prevent the virus from surviving in the body by making antibodies if it dosent do that and still adversely affects you its not a vaccine its a form of a treatment treat·ment medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury.
plural noun: treatments
"I'm receiving treatment for an injured shoulder"

>> No.16354311

you are unironically retarded

>> No.16354335

not sure what this atrocity is called, but it sure ain't a bagel

>> No.16354338

I want to know why the US hasn't nuked China for unleashing this shit on the world. 600k dead is like 200 9/11's.

>> No.16354370

china is your new master

>> No.16354383
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>> No.16354386

not my problem

>> No.16354391

Ok boomer

>> No.16354392

...you understand that's literally only to protect unvaccinated people, right? Also, CDC basically says 'ehh, whatever, you're vaccinated' it's WHO who is begging everyone to mask no matter what because the Delta variant is ripping fresh assholes all across countries with low vaccine rates.

>> No.16354396

Because the ruling class Americans use China for slave labor.
How else are they going to produce cheap consumer goods?
China cuts them off, its going to be difficult to relocate

>> No.16354410

The kind of people who would inject experimental drugs for fast food were going to die of heart inflammation anyways

>> No.16354419

Exactly the risk of the disease itself, nice job, retard

>> No.16354448

Its a comedy bit but braindead /pol/yps decided to take it prima facie

Are you saying fat retarded republicans will revolt? Yeah Id enjoy tanks splattering conservatards, but its not going to happen. Keep barking.

Corporations arent held liable for meds side effects, on what planet do you live retard

Have you stopped the steal, patriot?

Every study shows the vaccine is quite effective against the variant. You are repaeting alex jones propaganda, seethe


Nonsymptomatic people also get blood clots. Ypu dont get blood clots from coughing, retard

Wow, you just described capitalism

Yeah bro all those people who died from covid are a dem hoax!

>> No.16354465

incoming soyjak posts

>> No.16354714

China uses her own citizens as slave labour*. The Chinese government owns every Chinese citizen as property, and the Chinese economy is one giant plantation with the CCP as the foreman. This is how communism works. The CCP has simply decided to lease her workforce to the western world to enrich herself with USD. This is why the Chinese GDP has exploded so much in the last 15 years; every single dollar sent to a Chinese factory goes right into the pockets of the Chinese government.

It should be noted that if for whatever reason the western world decided to stop buying Chinese-made goods, their economy would cease to exist overnight. They need us FAR more than we need them.

>> No.16354826

you spelled labor wrong retard

>> No.16354855

That doesn't make sense. The vaccinated shouldn't have covid to spread. Fucking moron

>> No.16354859

Don't care, still not getting the vaccine

>> No.16354934

Go choke on a bag of dicks you little pharma shill nigger..people can see right through your bullshit. What part of NOT taking your toxic injection do you faggots not understand? Fuck you

>> No.16354955

>obeying lockdowns

>> No.16354958

>fight the corporations!
>no, not those corporations!
Do leftists really?

>> No.16354961

I speak English you fucking bean