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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 214 KB, 1216x960, Max-Miller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16346805 No.16346805 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of him?

>> No.16346814

smart !

>> No.16346816

Dude broke my gaydar

>> No.16346817

He seems a little gay.

>> No.16346823

how did you guess that?

>> No.16346829

Agree absolute king

>> No.16346832

I dunno man sometimes I just get a weird vibe

>> No.16346846

He needs a nametag if he's going to be a Mormon.

>> No.16346847

Cant say anything else however i try to hate him for being a faggot I just cant he seems like a genuinely good person unlike ragusea...

>> No.16346852

I just ignore the fact he is gay

>> No.16346853

10/10 house husband material

>> No.16346856

the best ever

>> No.16346880

He's the kind of gay who isn't a flaming obnoxious cunt about it.
I appreciate that.

>> No.16347005

his videos are pretty enjoyable and he's not obnoxious in them. not my favorite food youtuber but I do enjoy his stuff

>> No.16347025

Based faggot, I like him

>> No.16347037

The problem is NOT that he is gay, being gay is fine, the problem is that he settled for a non white. His bf is hispanic, and there's gotta be something wrong with him if he has to lower himself to dating a hispanic man, not to mention interracial dating makes us gays look bad.

>> No.16347046

Based fag

>> No.16347064

Gays recognize other gays rather quickly.

>> No.16347086

Back to /pol/ mate

>> No.16347117

At first his faggy entonation was off-putting, but he is so genuine and passionate that I ended up liking him. The entonation doesn't bother me anymore, he's cool :)

>> No.16347133

I made Spartan melos zomos because of him.

>> No.16347169

I want to try his mead, it's easier than I expected

>> No.16347201

doesn't own a doghouse

>> No.16347224

Your ass doesn't have a uterus in it, you dumb fuck.

>> No.16347226
File: 949 KB, 344x194, norm chicken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16347275

Kek I wanted to say something similar, peak /pol/ack IQ

>> No.16347292
File: 244 KB, 959x1280, gaypregnant3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is surrogacy

you can still have two kids, one related to each parent, and both half siblings to one another by sharing an egg donor

even without kids, it makes white gays look bad to be settling for hispanics, it means you couldnt find someone else of your own kind, and other people know it

>> No.16347321

>one chance at life
>your dad is a literal cocksucker

>> No.16347364

Sorry im not used to JEWsa level of degeneracy, feels good to be a spic

>> No.16347400

How the hell do you walk places? They should convert all stores to drive thru. Imagine it. Not only is your car now your suit, but you could wear slippers everywhere. You could drive to the jewellery store for your wife's anniversary and browse things by pootling around the store at 5mph like a parking lot with display cases in it. You go and get your wife, who is in a designer blouse and track pants. You take her out to dinner at a 5 star restaurant that serves you in the car, with a set of tables that fit in the car. You enjoy your meal and give your wife her jewellery. She is happy. You are happy. You head to the drive in movie and enjoy your film at your leisure. You then drive home to your drive in garage integrated into the house, get out of the driver's seat and take one step to your race car bed. Your date will have to walk further. You proceed to play a driving game together for several hours, discussing your favourite cars and mutually masturbating furiously. You fall asleep together in your house, which incidentally is also shaped like a car.

>> No.16347433

I'm much more into history than cooking so he's great.
Townsends too.

>> No.16347442

Townsend's is great too.

How the hell do you walk places? They should convert all stores to drive thru. Imagine it. Not only is your car now your suit, but you could wear slippers everywhere. You could drive to the jewellery store for your wife's anniversary and browse things by pootling around the store at 5mph like a parking lot with display cases in it. You go and get your wife, who is in a designer blouse and track pants. You take her out to dinner at a 5 star restaurant that serves you in the car, with a set of tables that fit in the car. You enjoy your meal and give your wife her jewellery. She is happy. You are happy. You head to the drive in movie and enjoy your film at your leisure. You then drive home to your drive in garage integrated into the house, get out of the driver's seat and take one step to your race car bed. Your date will have to walk further. You proceed to play a driving game together for several hours, discussing your favourite cars and mutually masturbating furiously. You fall asleep together in your house, which incidentally is also shaped like a car.

>> No.16347601
File: 168 KB, 680x379, Fem42985294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homophobia on /ck/

>> No.16347607

Handsome and I wanna pet his head.

>> No.16347644


>> No.16347954

He's cool. I don't necessarily think his cooking skills are insane but he makes good vids

>> No.16347969

Sodomite. He'll answer to god one day.

>> No.16347981

i dont know who this is but is it a confirmed faggot?

>> No.16348077

>Townsend's is great too.

Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

That's why the orange fool thing was confusing. It was the woman's idea (he co-hosted that episode with a woman who works on a living history place), not his. He is deeply homophobic (hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted), and knows if his personal political beliefs got out, he would be cancelled, so he couldn't come out and say "yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump", and that's why it got messy.

He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men feel threatened that now they aren't the only ones allowed to have power.

>> No.16348079

he's gay but not a faggot

>> No.16348099

Watched his video about 'coca de Sant Joan' and the guy is very well informed, I'd say he knows more than the average spaniard about the history behind the recipe. I find him more interesting than Ragusea and the other polish-last name shill with clickbait 'the [recipe] everyone should know' titles.

>> No.16348106

What's bigoted about hating gay people? They render themselves extremely hateable.

Aside the fact that he's a shit-digger and sometimes endows reddit-tier humour, I quite enjoy his videos.

>> No.16348315

It bothers me that he always looks like he's about to cry

>> No.16348411

I like him. His videos are great.

>> No.16348431

i like his content but i find him slightly annoying so i don't watch them often

>> No.16348434

>Not God

So will you, you heathen.

>> No.16348438

Ew faggot

>> No.16348446

Wonderful guy then

>> No.16348450

Go thump a bible christcuck

>> No.16348622

He's so precious!

>> No.16348631

> he not flaming....

Like to know where your baseline is.

>> No.16348636

> bf

Fiance, bitch!

>> No.16348646

>What do you think of him?
Hes gay but not a faggot I like his content and cooking

>> No.16348773

He sucks a spanish cock, must be the source of his knowledge

>> No.16348785

He's obviously intensely gay, but he's polite about it. He doesn't parade it around with a dildo glued to his forehead, and in this day and age that is a TREMENDOUS virtue.

>> No.16348805

I mean, he still mentions "my partner fozee" or whatever he is called on every other video.

>> No.16348813

perhaps but he's not a faggot about it

>> No.16348817

I mean, okay, sure, but compare that to any other YouTube who is gay and you've gotta watch them make out with their disgusting Filipino boyfriend on a video where they explain what an NFT is.

>> No.16349068

He's camp, not a flaming homo.

>> No.16349147

This. Being a racist homosexual is suffering.
t. racist homosexual who just wants to be a housewife, and isn't a tranny.

>> No.16349199

How the hell do you walk places? They should convert all stores to drive thru. Imagine it. Not only is your car now your suit, but you could wear slippers everywhere. You could drive to the jewellery store for your wife's anniversary and browse things by pootling around the store at 5mph like a parking lot with display cases in it. You go and get your wife, who is in a designer blouse and track pants. You take her out to dinner at a 5 star restaurant that serves you in the car, with a set of tables that fit in the car. You enjoy your meal and give your wife her jewellery. She is happy. You are happy. You head to the drive in movie and enjoy your film at your leisure. You then drive home to your drive in garage integrated into the house, get out of the driver's seat and take one step to your race car bed. Your date will have to walk further. You proceed to play a driving game together for several hours, discussing your favourite cars and mutually masturbating furiously. You fall asleep together in your house, which incidentally is also shaped like a car.

>> No.16349274
File: 45 KB, 612x600, 1624594193244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like his content, but he really needs to get a decent kitchen if he's going to have a food channel.
Every fucking video it's "my small kitchen," "my tiny oven."

>> No.16349408

this thread is gay

>> No.16349464

He is nice and I've learned some interesting stuff from his channel, one of the few youtube cooks who isn't completely insufferable

>> No.16349547

the reprobate mind is a hell of a thing

>> No.16349587

His videos are so enjoyable and his upbeat attitude is contagious

>> No.16349609

He is just sharing parts if his daily life, if he was straight he would say "my partner Josepha" or something, I dont really bother with that, compared to other living propaganda fucks who must tell everyone how gay they are even if its not barely related to the topic

>> No.16349621

perfect thread to ask, I have received quite a few nectarines and I have been wanting to make the coca de saint john from his recent video and I want to candy some of them for it, but with a little bit of quick searching it seems few people candy fruit at home so I found little in the way of videos and blogs that aren't factories making them, a video I found which use a recipe from the 18th century has you boil them first to peel them then you would boil them in a thin syrup (2 parts sugar to 1 part water) then half (I would do them in 1/8ths or even thinner since I am going to be putting them on the coca) and boil again in the thin syrup then you boil it in a more sugar heavy syrup (though they didn't say in the video what the ratio is so I would go with 3 to 1) and let them sit in this heavy syrup that has been boiled to just under candy overnight, then you would take them out and let try for 24-48 hours, has anyone else here candied fruits in the past? any tips for it?

>> No.16349733

it shouldn't be legal for gays to have children in any way for the safety of the child

>> No.16349743

Candying fruit really isn't that complicated. Cut your fruit small enough that the syrup will absorb the whole way through. Boil in syrup that's about 235F -- my candy thermometer has that marked down as "thread stage". The temperature guarantees that you're at the same sugar concentration, so don't bother with different sugar to water ratios. Stop when your fruit is translucent, maybe half an hour or so if it's cut reasonably sized. Done, ezpz.

>> No.16349752

alright thanks, I haven't candied fruits though I have made marmalade which I think is somewhat comparable?, I never learned because my mom doesn't really like making candy from syrups.

>> No.16349761

hate gays
hate blacks
hate jews

simple as

>> No.16349779


>> No.16349789

he sounds based

>> No.16349792

>t. dilate seething tranny

>> No.16350178

It's 'Jose', anon, u deaf

>> No.16350343

Based homo

>> No.16350347

I have done it, though I think when I boiled them to skin them I over did them, I made somewhat of a mess of them when coring them, then I think I sliced it a bit thin, but I'll consider this a test run for if I do this again or if I want to candy other fruits for whatever reason, I want to try out oranges since they hold up well to candying and look cool, so something I learned when making marmalade is to put a plate in the freezer and then put a bit of your marmalade on it to see what the consistency of the final product will be, for testing this for softball state I used a method I saw where you put some syrup in cold water and test its state like that, I plan to get a candy thermometer at some point but how trustable are these methods?

>> No.16350348

Wasn't he suppose to quit his channel and go back to work for Disney?

>> No.16350425

If that bothers you, but it doesn't bother you when a straight youtuber mentions their gf, then maybe you should ask yourself why that is

>> No.16350445

He was considering what to do and chose to continue working on his show over working at the Disney job.

>> No.16350470

He's gay and it prevents getting the information across since he can't talk like a human male.

>> No.16350478

fuck me, I wonder how much that woman can bench
mirin those GUNS

>> No.16350492

its just fat?

>> No.16350494

which one of them put his sneed inside her?

>> No.16350569



>> No.16350573

Guy looks like mattpatt

>> No.16350580



>> No.16350591

based as fuck he literally makes disgusting shit from when people could barely cook to show us how far we’ve come.

>> No.16350604

Not happy at all, I didn't laugh. Your joke is so bad, I will love it if it is removed from my head and would you please give up telling me it again. Honestly, this was a terrible effort trying to bring a smile away from me. No laughing, not hehe, not even a subtle outburst from my esophagus. Science says before you laugh your brain prepares your facial muscles but I don't even feel the slightest movement. 0/10 jokes are so bad, I can't believe anyone is legal enough to give you creative rights. The amount of brain power you put into that joke could power every home on Earth. Get a personality and learn to make a joke, read a book. I'm not saying this to be funny, I really mean that about how this is just comedy in comedy. You have killed the humor and every act of comedy on the planet. I am very frustrated that society has failed to teach you how to be humorous. Honestly if I put all the strength and time to try and make your joke funny, it would require Einstein to build a device so I could connect to energies of a billion. the star to do that, and the only thing that joke got from everyone was a subtle contempt. You are so lucky that I still have some sympathy for you after telling that joke otherwise I will take all the war crimes recorded in history just to prevent you from trying to bring any humor. any more fun. We should put that joke in the textbook so that future generations can be wary of becoming an absolute failure in comedy. I was frustrated, hurt and outraged that my precious time was wasted just for my brain to understand the joke. During that time I was planning on helping orphans, but because of that you did I had to explain with the least obscurity of your terrible attempt at comedy. Now the kids are suffering when there is no meal and there is no one to blame but you. I hope you are happy with what you have done and I really hope you can move on and learn from this pitiful effort.

>> No.16350714

I think that might be because I hate degenerates but that is a wild guess

>> No.16350728

so his "goodbye youtube" touchy feely rant was just attention and click bate?

>> No.16350757

He seems like a nice guy. I like his videos. I hope he has a nice time and is successful in his endeavors.

>> No.16350781

wholesome, genuine and occasionally funny

>> No.16350803

Gay pokemon furfag, but he's alright and will be among the last to be roped.

>> No.16350811

This is bad even by the standards of pasta

>> No.16351022

he addmited of having a BF

>> No.16351025

soon even /lgbt/ will be homophobic

>> No.16351031

what about all gachimuchi stars? they are based and should be allowed to die peacefully

>> No.16351049

More entertaining than some Public Access channel chefs.

Considering he most likely doesn't have a "professional" setup or camera crew, very passable. He doesn't lean into dumb shit like politics or social crap. Just History and Food.

>> No.16351081

Eres un homosexual.

No bueno.

>> No.16351186

This alone don't make him gay. Come on, it's 2021 FFS

>> No.16351225

>He doesn't lean into dumb shit like politics or social crap.
In other words he's not jewish?

>> No.16351235

Then why post on this website?

>> No.16351240

well, babbish also don't put politics in his videos and yet i looking at his face fills me with urge to bash his head on a curb

>> No.16351242

His face and not the incredibly fake way he speaks?

>> No.16351246

i'm ESL so some nuance is lost on me