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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16346412 No.16346412 [Reply] [Original]

Recipes every respectable human being should be able to cobble together by memory. Yeah, you're welcome to post a recipe, but not everything needs a recipe to be good.

My vote: Chicken Noodle Soup of some kind. Ideally from scratch, but you should know how to elevate it just with some stock as well.

>> No.16346445

peanut butter and jelly
put butter on some rye bread with a knife and then clean the knife and then sprinkle chopped peanuts and then put on jelly I like grape jelly but try not to get the chopped peanuts in the jelly jar because sometimes they stick to the knife

>> No.16346465

28oz crushed tomatoes
16oz tomato sauce
16oz tomato paste
1.5tspn salt
1/2tspn fennel seeds
1.5tspn fresh basil
2tbspn fresh flat leaf parsley
1tbspn sugar
2tspn Italian seasoning
1/2cup water
1 chopped onion
6 cloves minced garlic
1lb hot sausage
1lb bison

Makes the best sauce

>> No.16346478

Chicken permission

>> No.16346482
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>> No.16346495

>mashed potatoes
If you can't cook at least one of these by heart, it's already over.

>> No.16346509

ramen noodles

>> No.16346513

Absolute easiest meal to make to impress someone without having to actually know much about cooking. You can even bake it, it's idiot proof.

>> No.16346536

Ok here's some real shit if your poor and like calories
>Fry up ground meat and veggies of your choosing
>Steam rice
>Just as the meat n' veggies finishes open and dump a full campbells cream of mushroom soup can in the meat, no water just mix it in with the oil
>season with pepper and spices
>serve creamy meat on top of the rice
Extremely cheap and filling.

>> No.16346555
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>meat and vegetables over rice

autistics call it "bachelor chow" because of futurama.
But I'm willing to bet a significant portion of the world sustains themselves on shit that looks like this.

>> No.16346565

red beans, and rice with some hamburger, or sausage is a god sent to anyone living pay check to pay check.

>> No.16346867

How to order a pizza

>> No.16346886

My Recipes
>Chicken noodle soup
1 can of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup
1 can of water
Peanut butter, Jelly, two slices white bread
Tyson chicken cutlet
Raghu sauce
Kraft Shredded mozzarella
Hamburger helper, red beans

>> No.16347009


>> No.16347625

cream + soysauce is a great base for creating a sauce. Can be enough to just have those two and maybe some black pepper.

>> No.16347808

That kinda sounds gross

>> No.16347839

You're not meant to drink it. Try it out bro. What's the worst that could happen? The cream to soy ratio is good when it has a light brown colour.

>> No.16347889

What if I replaced the meat with chick peas?
Meat is expensive where I live and chick peas are dirt cheap and high in calories and protein

>> No.16347957

disco stang

>> No.16347964

>Sloppa Shit
1 of everything you have that isn't borderline toxic
Cook in a pot or something for way too long
Slop onto a plate
Enjoy (optional)

>> No.16347972

I'm sure it'd work.

>> No.16348043

German red cabbage:
-as much red cabbage as you want
-as mixture of white vinegar, brown sugar, lemon juice, salt, and a bit of soy sauce if you want
literally just cook it and add more liquids depending on how crunchy or soggy you want it. Super simple, great side dish.

>> No.16348352

Sounds tasty I'll have to try it

>> No.16348376

>no apple
>no lard
My grandmother would've tossed your faggot ass into the oven.

>> No.16348489

wa la!

>> No.16348537
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>(Not recipe) how not to overcook your meat
>Egg salad
>Any stew or soup
>Learn way of potato find your prefered way and master it
>Omlets and egg bread
>pickeled cabbage

>> No.16348957

>crushed tomatoes
>tomato sauce
>tomato past

Redundancy thy name is yank.

>> No.16349051

Oh my god. I realize now that I missed both of those somehow... Yeah, you have to use lard (or butter if you don't have lard), and add apples

>> No.16349077


>> No.16349103

Alfredo is a good one

Melt butter in a pan and add cream. Bring to a rolling boil to reduce for about 2-3 mins depending on how much and then add Parm, salt and pepper. Toss with cooked pasta and top with more cheese

Add savory herbs or whatever else you like to make it yours. Prociutto, bacon, chicken, tomato, mushroom...it's all good

>> No.16349196

The only problem is chickpeas are not as savory as meat, they might need a little help.

>> No.16349235
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>Rotkohl with soy sauce
The wrong side won WWII

>> No.16349245

I think it will taste like chickpeas instead of meat

>> No.16349256

it's Japanese soy sauce if it makes you feel any better. Oma started doing that instead of adding a lot of salt at some point.

>> No.16349276
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the humble hash

cube up some potatoes, onions and bacon. saute garlic and chili in olive oil, fry potatoes until brown, add onion and bacon and cook through. season with salt and pepper, fry an egg how you like and serve

dead easy to make and delicious with good macros

>> No.16349294

tomato paste is not redundant in a tomato sauce

>> No.16349618
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oyakodon, cheap and easy to make

>> No.16349696

1 15 oz can of fish (canned salmon works wonderfully)
1/3 cup rolled oats
1 egg
Whatever spices you like

Mix all 3 ingredients.
Form the resulting mixture into patties
Pan fry.

Makes delicious salmon croquettes, only uses 3 ingredients, simple as hell.

>> No.16349726


cook onions and peppers, throw ground beef in pan. brown. throw beans, garlic and beef broth in pan. season. salt. pepper. cumin. chili. cook until thickened. throw refried beans on top. close top, let beans warm. fill tortilla. ez.

>> No.16349760
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baked tater

preheat oven to 400° farenheit
clean tater
rub tater with salt and oil
place tater on rack for 1 1/2 hours
remove tater, slice open, squeeze both ends
add butter, sour cream, meat(s), cheese(s), or anything else you desire
if you have nothing to add to your potato it's because you're a failure at life

>> No.16349865
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>1tbsp sugar

>> No.16350080

I've traveled the world and serving sizes straight up are not smaller than NA. I don't get this meme. Americans are just lethargic apes that get no exercise because they drive their SUVs everywhere and quite literally never walk.

>> No.16350103


>> No.16350121
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You have my permission.

>> No.16350130

Is no one gonna point out the fucking iFunny watermark.
Holy shit I fucking hate the number of newfaggots on this board.

>> No.16350132

No, because nobody is autistic enough to care, redditor

>> No.16350641

The mark is ironic

>> No.16351600


>> No.16351781

Kill yourself newfag

>> No.16351866

It’s bait and it’s summer

>> No.16351895

It ain't the 90s anymore, grandpa. If I can shitpost on 4chan on my smartphone in the bathroom at work then kids can do it too while at school.

>> No.16352091

spaghetti & meatballs
grilled cheese
be able to cook any kind of raw meat

>> No.16352312

I assume I’ll be pouring cream into soy sauce and not the other way around, correct?

>> No.16352315

Only useless fat fucks can't cook pasta

>> No.16352444

Pixiv one-off

>> No.16352465

I do it the otherway around, but either way should work as long as you avoid the risk of having too much soy sauce. I talk about what colour it should have, light brown, in another post. To avoid too much soy I start with a base of cream and then carefully ad soy sauce to it. But there is no reason why going the other way around wont work, will atleast help in avoiding adding to much soy sauce. Also the Ratio is heavily in creams favour, something like 1 teaspoon of soy to 1-2 tablespoons of cream, followed by tasting and then adding according to your preferences. Too much soy sauce is an easy way to make this shit not tasty, so I can not stress enough the importance of making sure to not accidentally adding to much. Do not approach this from an eastern kitchen perspective, approach it from a western one.

>> No.16352533

you're not a chef

>> No.16353038

A search says a McDonald's medium coke was 621ml in the US and 325ml in Japan, strawberry milkshakes were 500 calories vs 210 calories, and the store used as a reference in Tokyo didn't even advertise super size fries. The super size meme is probably the main reason.

>> No.16353293

>depression sandwich
2 slices white bread
Ice cubes
pairs well with tap water, ramen crumbs, and sleeping 18 hours a day

>> No.16353390
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This sauce is actually based af. Usually I make it with one part soy, two parts mirin, three parts cream, and then reduce by half at a low simmer. If you let it come to a high simmer or a boil you will scorch the soy and get a shitty flavor. Fucking fantastic on seared tuna steaks, salmon, or halibut. If you aren't comfortable reducing, you can also cornstarch it. Also, you can always add more soy sauce at the end of the sauce, but if you add too much soy it's hard to fix and you'd be better off starting over.

>> No.16354794

Fish bait dough
Mix and make it into a fish bite sized chunks.

>> No.16354803

Honestly if I wasnt cooking for me and my gf I would have no problem eating random meat, vegetables, and spices mixed together with rice for like 5 days a week

>> No.16354825

Cup o' Water
200 mL water
1 medium-sized glass cup
Go the nearest tap, put the cup under it, grab the faucet, twist your hands while gripping it, let the water flow and fill the cup until about 7/8 of the cup's height, twist your pulse in the opposite direction of your first twist. Serves 1 person.

>> No.16354864

how to make a roux+how to season
if you can do these two things you're good
>2 tbsp butter
>3 tbsp flour
>2 cups liquid (water, milk, broth, wine, flat beer, canning liquid, any combination of, etc)
>lemon, hotsauce, worscherstershire
>cooked meat
>fresh, canned, frozen or cooked vegetables
serve with rice, noodles or potatoes

>> No.16355007


>> No.16355020

Fuck you, if I wanted consent from the chicken I wouldn't be eating it.

>> No.16355029

I always thought it was just peanut butter and jam.
I’ll give you an Aussie receipt in return.
Fairy Bread, a popular children party meal
White bread, add butter, add hundreds and thousands/sprinkles

>> No.16355031


Nigga, everyone knows wonderbread is the what you use for PB&J.

>> No.16355038

Also, Nature's Own and WonderBread is literally created in the same factory. Same manufacturer marketed to different generations. All you hipster faggots should just buy wonderbread.

>> No.16355089

>not using cornflour

>> No.16355186

What does this even mean

>> No.16355201


also caraway and black pepper

>> No.16355284

onion, halved

simmer until a bunch of the water has evaporated should be about 1-2 hours

This is a better sauce than yours.

>> No.16355309

The soup tech tree is very easy. Here's a guideline that makes 4 servings of a couple major soups. You can adjust easily.
>1 large carrot, peeled and diced
>one small white onion, or two full shallots, pureed with one clove of garlic
>one stalk celery, diced
Couple different ways to go from here:
>Sautee vegetables in olive oil until soft and fragrant, then add stewed tomatoes, bell pepper, basil, chicken stock, and wine, later beans and pasta
Good chicken noodle soup
>sautee veggies, with chicken bones, and cut chicken (your choice), herbs, and bouillon, add water, let simmer for a few hours, add noodles, adjust water level accordingly. Fish out the bones and serve
Corn chowder
>slice thinly some lardons (bacon) and cook, letting them render their fat, which you should collect. Remove the lardons and set aside. Cube 4-5 yellow potatoes (though a mix works just fine) and sautee in the fat collected. Do so on a high high for browning, and stir often to free the bacon fond form the bottom of the pot. Add your mirepoix, stir in, and continue to Sautee, lowering your heat until medium-low. Add in chicken stock, a little butter, and one can of whole corn, water and all. Dimmer for hours, until the potatoes are soft. Add a drained can of corn, let simmer, stir until the potatoes are mostly disincorportated (chunks are good), and serve with pepper, scallions, and lardons on top.
Pretty decent ramen broth
>sautee your mirepoix, scallions, and pork/beef bones in sesame oil
>deglaze with water, 1 tsp white vinegar, and 1tbs teriyaki, 1tsp dark soy sauce, 1/2tsp garum/fish sauce
>simmer covered, skim fat, strain after 4 hours
>cook noodles in plain water, rinse, then deposit into broth with light veggies like scallions, very very thinly sliced onion rings, etc. Thin slices of pork tenderloin (broth at the end are quite nice)

Hopefully these are helpful as jumping-off points. Soups require little money, ingredients, oe attention.

>> No.16355311

The most important habits you can have are these:
>taste and season as you go
>watch your pot
>lower temp, longer time never hurt anyone (you'll figure your stove and cookware's limits, as well as foods)
>season in small increments. You can always add more, but you can never take seasoning out.

>> No.16355984

>You can always add more, but you can never take seasoning out.
you can "counter" a lot of spices with others though

>> No.16355994

Yeah you can. But still, avoiding getting to that point is more essential than learning the advanced alchemy.

>> No.16355998

of course, but it's good to know if you're new to cooking. It's what my mother taught me, also said the only one you can't balance out with something else is nutmeg, dont know if it's true, never use it.

>> No.16355999

we get it dude you can your own vegetables. no one cares

>> No.16356001

>get some meat
>add some ketchup and onions and bread crumbs and milk
>oven until it’s cooked

>> No.16356016

That's bs. With the exception of soups where you can just add more water to do better stoichiometry, you can't un-salt a piece of chicken by throwing sugar at it. In some cases you can /mask/ flavors, but usually in such quantities thag will overpower everything else.

>> No.16356024

i have a very similar poorfag recipe; ground beef, canned tomatoes, onion, garlic and taco seasoning then mix with boiled rice. basically taco meat with rice. comes up to like 3/4£ for at least 4 meals, has both protein and carbs and actually tastes good. sometimes i'd roll it into a burrito with cheese and bit of sour cream if i was feeling fancy

>> No.16356030
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Is No OnE GonNa PoInT Out The FuckiNG WaterMARK!!! Holy Shiiiiiett I FucKinG HATE ThE NuMbER oF NeWFaGGoTs oN ThiS BoarD.

>> No.16356038

>That's bs
you tell her bro, she used most of her spice rack for almost any given meal, probably too much for you whitey

>> No.16356053


I do the same thing with leftover taco meat. shit is pretty good.

>> No.16356097

And easy to fap to!

>> No.16356124
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Stuffed peppers might be the perfect form of this dish. You got the pepper for something green, then you add in the beef, tomatoes, corn, garlic salt, and maybe some egg noodles and you've got a cheap, easy, tasty, and nutritious meal.

>> No.16356305
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>> No.16356911


>> No.16356974

How to cook chicken breast, most people cook it so it turns into a dry tasteless carpet. This is the easiest recipe possible to make it turn out moist and you can add anything you want to this base recipe. And before you autismos get all shitty about chicken breast and not eating thighs some people can't eat high fat foods so chicken breast it is.

Add some oil to a skillet on medium high
Let it come up to temp
Sear your chicken breast on one side
Sear it on the other side
Turn heat down to medium low
Add in a cup or half a cup of the cheapest cheap shit white wine you can buy depending on the size of your chicken breast
Cover and let it steam

Feel free to cut it open the first few times before you get the timing right to see if it cooked all the way through. You can add anything to this base, you could sear the chicken breast and then cook some vegetables in the residual oil and add some spices then add the chicken breast back to steam. You could do that and then remove the chicken breast and add some cream and tarragon and cook it down into a sauce, etc, etc.

>> No.16357173

Oven fries.

>> No.16357464

My oven fries come out bad but I think it's because I need to change from a glass dish to a baking sheet

>> No.16358026


>> No.16358309

Yeah ditch the glass. Here's what I do
>slice potatoes into your usual fry shape
>soak in water for an hour after agitating to get the starch off
>rinse and DRY with clean hand towel
>put in bowl that has a lid and season with whatever you want plus a couple tablespoons of oil, shake to coat
>Preheat to 400F and spread fries on baking tray lined with parchment paper
>Cook for 30 mins then turn and Cook for another 20 at 425F
They come out like pub fries, works every time.

>> No.16358383

it cuts the acidity of the tomatoes you retard

>> No.16359692

White bread
Heinz tomato ketchup

>> No.16359700

Yeah, great idea. Wouldn't want flavor in your food.

>> No.16359743

>people falling for this post

>> No.16359977

Based and rugbrødpilled. White bread is literally poison.

>> No.16361098

fuck, that was a good looking pie
better luck next time kid

>> No.16361101

Vodka sauce:
28oz can San Marzano tomatoes
1/3 cup vodka
1/2 onion diced
2 garlic cloves diced/crushed
1/2 cup cream
Red pepper flakes, dried basil, salt, pepper to taste

>> No.16361105

Back on fit we call that a sloppa

>> No.16362896

Good rye is delicious, fuck the tastelet americans. Its not even about the health benefits or whatever. Do yourself a favour and try butter+honey sandwiches on /GOOD/ rye.

>> No.16362902


>> No.16363424


>> No.16363448

cut it up and smack it on the stove with some oil

>> No.16364445

interesting technique anon. i use ethan chlewboski's method of putting it in water + vinegar + salt for a few minutes, seasoning after. everything else the same. (recommend the vinegar part, adds nice flavor and keeps them rigid)

>> No.16364521
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Learn how to butcher and use a whole chicken from the supermarket.
>level 0: roast it whole
>level 1: butterfly it for roasting
>level 2: separate it into breast/thigh/drumstick/wing/carcass
>level 3: make your own stock with the bones
>level 4: start from a freshly slaughtered chicken
>level 5: slaughter it yourself

>> No.16364853

>1lb bison
Where do you find a 1lb bison?
How small are they?

>> No.16364913

A 2 month old fetus should be adequate

>> No.16364927

ifunny is new /pol/ colony, so it's essentially 4chan.

>> No.16365039

Missing green onions.

>> No.16365159

>no oysters
heheheheh, oh if they only knew....

>> No.16365243

The serving sizes in America aren't anything crazy. The real craziness is how huge your sodas are. Like a large anywhere else is smaller than a small in America, and then the American large is like a fucking bucket.
But your coffee sizes are tiny as fuck.