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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.81 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210626_110142909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16340248 No.16340248 [Reply] [Original]

I made bread today /ck/

500g flour, 350ml water, 2 packets on dried yeast, 10g salt

>> No.16340252
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*of dried yeast.

This is what it looked like rising.

>> No.16340257
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>> No.16340265
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This is the inside.

Anyway, discuss bread and show off breads you made.

>> No.16340269


Kindly fuck off back to cuckkit.

>> No.16340284

Is first time I made bread :( I want to share with frens

>> No.16340383
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Thanks for sharing. Im only good at making pizza dough I have no idea what watery consistency the bread should look like so your image helps.

>> No.16340401

>reddit spacing
takes one to know one.

>> No.16340429

>500g flour
>2 dried yeast

You only need one.
Been experimenting with bread making these past few weeks.

>> No.16340446

Don't need to experiment to know that. It's right there on the fucking package.

>> No.16340454

Those were two separate statements. I certainly admit that it doesn't read like that.

>> No.16340470

Bread is super forgiving. Make pizza dough with lots of sugar and you get white bread

>> No.16340476

Will an oven suffice or is it better to invest in a bread maker?

>> No.16340483

Oven is normal.

>> No.16340526
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Some sourdough

900 g flour
600 g water
200 g rye-based starter
some honey
spoon of olive oil

gets you 2 loaves

>> No.16340550
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Make your own starter, it's easy as shit.
Shut up, faggot.

>> No.16340560

You can use starters that are are few weeks young but they really get their shit going in months. I Use 100% rye based starter, much more robust, gives good depth of flavor, increases bread moisture etc.

>> No.16340568

Based and home bread pilled

Fuck off retard

>> No.16340597
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Made some hamburger buns yesterday for some smash burgers.

>> No.16340618

Looks purdy good anon

Which you had a crumb shot but otherwise also good

Niiiiice - hope you had some fluffy insides

I want to add that using a starter (poolish) for pizza is also highly highly recommended for the same points

>> No.16340633
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It's been a few months since I last baked bread but I made these red bean buns for my grandma last week

>> No.16340658

Looks great anon

With all these bottom of the barrel threads it's nice to see that there are a few souls on this board that can cook.

>> No.16341178

Thanks fren. My raw dough was realy soft, if you tilt the bowl, it would wobble a bit with the bowl.

They were really old yeast so I figured I need to use more to make up for dead yeast. But you're right, they were still very alive even though it was expired.

Any starter tips? I just started one with a flour water mix and more flour on top. I just wait right? It looks really dry.

>> No.16341254
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>> No.16342913

rare thread on /ck/ where actual cooking is involved rather than racebaiting and low quality <nationality> really threads

>> No.16342963

That's literally it. Do 1:1 ratio by weight of water and flour and leave out. Discard half each day and add more flour and water once or twice a day for like a week or two. After that stick it in the fridge and feed it every once in a while with a 1:1 ratio of flour and water.

>> No.16342968
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This was a bad weekend for /bread/. My apartment is already ungodly hot before having an oven cranked up to 500...

>> No.16344198

>Discard half each day

Why would you do that?

>> No.16344688

Why don't you check the archive before you got here and when digg was around.

>> No.16344864

>Do 1:1 ratio by weight of water and flour
Apparently you can do double water, to set it off faster. I'm trying that right now, with going for each refresher back closer to a 1:1 ratio, over the next few days. First day seems promising, just have to stir it every now and then, because some water ends up on top after some hours and that's just sealing shit up.

>> No.16344898

Whenever i make bread it doesn't rise enough. How do i make it rise anons?

>> No.16344907

You're trying too hard to fit in, newfag zoom zoom.

>> No.16344925

Depends on what you are doing. Something is clearly missing, so what are your steps?

>> No.16345082

Very nice

>> No.16345090

hi retard here
how long such bread can last in fridge/storage ?

>> No.16345141
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Try these:
Preheat to at least 450F and reduce the temp after 10-15 minutes, this helps with oven spring
Check your yeast, it could be old and it's good to have confirmation that it isn't the issue
If using sourdough starter, feed it first and wait until it's very bubbly before adding
Your house probably is warm enough in the summer, but in the cooler months it's common for bread to rise slower and lower
Don't skip the shaping step of baking. Before the final rise, if you're making any kind of wheat bread, don't be afraid to take it and tightly roll it into a ball or whatever to get it into the shape you want. If your yeast is healthy and it's not overproofed (don't let the first rise go too long either) it's going to seek out the rearranged sugar molecules and the dough will grow from there.

>> No.16345147

Fridge will slowly stale the bread (dries it out), but freezing is a good way to prevent a fresh loaf from getting stale. It can last for months if you seal it well and then afterwards do a quick remake at a lower temp.

>> No.16345176
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>> No.16346079

Nice breads anons

>> No.16346086

Breadbros, how do you get the crust to stay crispy? My bread crust went soft after it cooled...

>> No.16346114

Pour water into a hot bowl once the bread is in. During baking, spray water with a spray bottle right into the oven, close door to keep in the moisture

>> No.16346135
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Tried making bread last weekend for the first time, didn't have a dutch oven so used a cast iron pan covered with foil, with a waterbath in the oven.

>> No.16346137
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Turned out alright

>> No.16346183


Dang that turned out pretty fuckin' awesome

>> No.16346334
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what happens if you make bread but you use orange juice instead of water

>> No.16346341

orange bread, sounds delish

>> No.16346362
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no crust, no bread. try again faggot

>> No.16346368

Could be a bit too acidic. Other than that, nothing.

>> No.16346369

bad b8 m8

>> No.16346376
File: 70 KB, 600x400, SylterGenusslaib-Hand-Getreide-Tuch_JPPb_Quer-8a6bea92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if this isn't how your crust looks like, your bread SUCKS COCK.

>> No.16346385

Post your own selfmade bread.

>> No.16346387

That looks burned.

>> No.16346393

It's just the sugars and starch. It's a good thing.

>> No.16346395

>what is the Maillard effect

this looks raw

>> No.16346398

>this looks raw
Just no.

>> No.16346402

very nice. We have a winner

>> No.16346411

Get the fuck out of here you absolutely disgusting pleb and don't come back until you tasted good bread

>> No.16346414

I'm German. I AM bread.

>> No.16346424

70% hydration, absolute madlad. Even pizza dough doesnt need to go beyond 60%

>> No.16346429

and yet you don't know how good bread is supposed to look and taste like.

>> No.16346437

I certainly do.

>> No.16346441


Some of the best pizza dough is high hydration (65 - 70% ).

Working with high hydration dough can be annoying though.

>> No.16346464

All of your comments and the bread you posted and deem fine suggest otherwise you absolute tastelet.

>> No.16346471

I didn't post any bread.

>> No.16346479

You posted this, which is enough to give away the fact that you are a clueless pleb. Being of X nationality means jackshit as is clearly evident by the likes of you.

>> No.16346487

>to give away the fact that you are a clueless pleb
Says the one without knowing what they're saying.

>> No.16346492

Oh this looks absolutely delightful
Is it still nice and spongy? It looks like it's pretty light.

>> No.16346497
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>Just no.

>> No.16346518

Looks a bit too wet. But not that much. Just a little more flour next time.

>> No.16347190

one packet would have been enough, don't measure out flour and water instead its best to judge by the consistency of the dough

>> No.16347202

never baked a good loaf before clearly

>> No.16347205

just use a grill

>> No.16347207

>don't measure out flour and water
Hard disagree here. There are plenty of recipes where hydration matters

You aren't getting an airy light crumb with a low hydration dough ( like ciabatta for instance )

>> No.16347209

you need to do that to feed the starter, you can just use the discard for pancakes thou

>> No.16347247
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70% White
30% Rye
85% Hyration
Some sesame and poppy seeds thrown in.

>> No.16347253
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Money shot.

>> No.16347266

measuring the actual hydration of the dough by eye for accurate

>> No.16347440

>no crust
you should be ashamed

>> No.16347472


>> No.16348468
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I make wild yeast sourdough every few weeks. This weekend I felt lazy and made a quick beer cheese (soda) bread (no yeast). It was pretty good.

>> No.16348477

Anyone else just slightly jarred that fungus is literally everywhere?

>> No.16348582

I suck cock btw not sure if that matters

>> No.16348585

Don't Google what percentage of your body is foreign life forms...

>> No.16350007
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uuh idk

>> No.16350019

Define foreign.

>> No.16350042
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also my first one ever.

>> No.16350049

next time dont stop baking when the crust is only 20% done

>> No.16350050

I just followed chef john's recipe...

>> No.16350064

well, he's a chef and not a baker.
that said, his sourdough has quite a bit darker crust, but you can go even darker. it will just enhance the flavour even further.

>> No.16350077

I was super inexperienced, and I think my oven is pretty shitty too because it doesn't have a fan and it always takes like min +10 to 15 mins to finish not just bread but pretty much everything. I didn't knew I have to rotate it then put it back either.

>> No.16350097

keep baking and dont be afraid to brown the crust

>> No.16350538
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Here's one of my sourdough loaves.

>> No.16350540

Get a cast iron dutch oven. Cheap but great for bread ( helps with heat retention, steam, etc).

>> No.16350542
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And another

>> No.16350561
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How about some focaccia?

>> No.16350622

I'm not doing that and my starter and SD works. Dunno what you mean, really.

>> No.16350802

Proofing/baking times?

>> No.16351107
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This will give you the best bang for your buck early on. Your bakes will be on a whole new level, and you'll still want to use it even if you get bored of making the same shape over and over because nothing will ever beat its convenience.

Since I'm here, here's my latest bread. It's one of the better ones I baked, but it's still far from perfect. I can't get a beautiful ear.

No matter what I do, my dough doesn't firm up like the ones I see in almost every sourdough bread video, and when I score it it almost immediately closes back so I don't get an ear as beautiful as this >>16350538

As with any bake, I think the reason I fail is probably a combination of multiple factors. My AP flour most likely doesn't support this much hydration (~83%), my knife isn't sharp enough to make a swift and stable cut, and I probably tend to overproof a little.

Anyways, here's my recipe in case you want to achieve something like pic related.

- 550g flour (400g AP, 100g whole wheat)
- 440g water
- 180g starter
- 14g salt

I take my starter out of the fridge in the morning, feed (1:1:1 ratio with warm water) it, and as it activates I sift my flour and mix it with water to autolyze. Once the starter is ready, I mix them with the salt for about 5 minutes with a stand mixer, and proceed to stretch and folds.

After 3 folds at 60-90 minute intervals, I lightly shape the dough into a boule, let it rest for 20mins, give it the final shaping, let it rest on the counter for 2 hours, and then put it in the fridge. The next morning I bake it in a dutch oven at 250c for 25mins and 200c for 12-15mins.

For this time I opted to skip the 2 hour bulk fermentation, and instead did 5 stretch and folds, and then immediately put it in the fridge after shaping. I like the result so I think I'll stick with this method from now on.

>> No.16351118
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And here's the inside

>> No.16351339
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Thanks to an anon who posted their dough recipe a few weeks ago. 4 day cold ferment turned out much nicer (easier to work, rises in oven, more airy). Hard to tell because the wheel kinda crushes the pizza at the cut, but the dough turned out with decent bubbles throughout. Crisped nicely. Good stuff.

Attempt #2 starting tonight. Gonna tweak a few things because we couldn't find the malt powder anon suggested; longer ferment maybe to help offset that.

>Inb4 topping choice
You didn't eat it. You shouldn't care. Bread thread.

>> No.16351418

nice crust

could use some work, only the top of the crust is good

>> No.16351549

fucking nice, anon
sourdough best bread btw

>> No.16352893

You need bread flour. Ap just won't cut it for higher hydration. 12-13% protein

>> No.16352960

ooooooooooooooo mama that looks delicious

amazing crumbshot

Looks good anon ( airy, crispy with some chew )

>> No.16353480
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Here's mine

>> No.16353490
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And the inside

>> No.16353892

Very nice. Yeast or sourdough?

>> No.16353994

Could you repost the recipe please?

>> No.16354006

looks good anon

what weight is the yeast? i have a jar of yeast and want to duplicate your recipe.

>> No.16354018

Looks nice OP.
I'd have a slice with some butter.

>> No.16354239
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How about my English muffins?

>> No.16354428
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Fresh Pretzels anyone?

>> No.16354434
File: 250 KB, 750x993, B44AB3AC-D329-4D47-B3F1-D23956F193D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon… pesto bread…

>> No.16354441

I look like that, and I also say that

>> No.16354468

Why don't you go fuck yourself?

>> No.16354815
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Is this a bread?

>> No.16354919

Seems more like a pastry, but close enough to post, at any rate.

>> No.16354978

As soon as I removed dough from my diet all the bloating was gone from my stomach and I stopped farting. I don't think bread is good for you at all.

>> No.16355024

In my case it's not stomach issues, but the increased appetite, at least for white bread. When I eat white bread for breakfast I always seem to want to keep snacking throughout the day.

With sourdough bread I feel noticeably less hungry, and don't snack as much. It's a heavier, denser and more nutritious bread so it's more filling, and it doesn't spike your blood sugar as much as white bread so you don't crave for snacks that much either.

>> No.16355064

Fresh yeast

>> No.16355221

Learn baker's ratios and drop the exact measurements, voila now you can make a loaf of any size you want

>> No.16355699

>I don't think bread is good for you at all.
No, it's just not good for YOU.

Do you have problems with pizza, or shit like that? Try leaving out specific grains. I have the same problems you're describing with oats in muesli, though nothing else, for example. It could also be the yeast itself in your case, or sourdough, or the fabled gluten.

>> No.16356264

I really like kouginn amanns, because now its way too hot for croissants to proof them. In my country nobody really bothers with layered pastry, and the stuff you can buy in bakery were just mediocre at best. I love versatile this stuff is.

>> No.16356362

Yes, I used to eat a lot of pizza, and it always sent me on a farting fest.

>> No.16356494
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>anon was slow as fuck
Sorry. I made the following deviations:
>used 7g Active Dry Yeast instead of instant, and added it into the warm water instead of the dry mix
>did not use malt powder at all, as I couldn't find it for sale here. Seems only DIY brewery shit has it here, $$$
>added some Italian seasoning to the dry mix on my second batch for a bit of flavor. Personally didn't need it but the gf said the crust was "bready". At least she's pretty.
Makes 4 medium sized pizzas. I froze 2 of the balls, put them in the fridge the day before and it went just fine.

Shape, stretch, bake at 500F on an aluminum pizza pan for about 4 minutes. The crust is cooked enough to handle without it sticking and has some rigidity. I do this because my pizza peel sucks and topping it beforehand makes it impossible to move. Top with what you want, cook for another 8-10mins. Wala.

I didn't want to post until I refined it a bit. Making a third batch now with a longer cold ferment. Eventually I'll do a non-phone post when I feel I've done it well enough.

>> No.16356973

What can I make with sourdough discard?

>> No.16357535
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I was at a different grocery store from my normal one last weekend and they had wheat flour, so I decided to pick it up. Can I just substitute this for white flour, or does it require its own special recipe?

>> No.16358066

Oh, nice. Thanks! I'll write it all down.

>> No.16358602
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I made some banana bread and came out ok :), does it count for this thread?

>> No.16359992
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I also made this from the leftover dough

>> No.16359999

White flour is also wheat flour, but yes whole wheat flour does behave very differently. It doesn't take up water as well, so you're working with a much stickier dough and do want to be following recipes specific to whole wheat flour.

>> No.16360319

I sort of wanna try making bread but 1) I'm trying to eat less carbs/gluten, and 2) it just doesn't seem worth it. For the money it would take to make and bake, I can just buy a good quality loaf.

>> No.16360330

>I can just buy a good quality loaf.
kek, good one.

>> No.16360932

Anyone know where to cop some burger bun pans- preferably non silicon or made in china. France or USA preferred.

>> No.16361250
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Can I play too?

>> No.16361257
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and with some smelly cheese

>> No.16361304

So, any recipe I followed, no matter the source, always seems to have too much water for the dough...what am I doing wrong? I always use quite a bit less than it says in the recipes.

>> No.16362797

wow, that's nice. great job

>> No.16363022

I found my dough to be super sticky and hard to handle with high hydration, but throwing a bit of oil in near the end of mixing and before kneading, floured surface, then after the first minute or so of kneading, the stickiness subsides.
>t brainlet with no evidence other than "it just werks for me"

>> No.16363147

oh nice, do we have an actual cooking thread on /ck/ again?

I've been wondering something very similar, while I wanted to try OJ as well, I have some onion+garlic pickle that the juice just tastes incredible, I've been wondering how it would turn out or if its a really bad idea overall

I usually add yogurt whey, not replacing all water, it turns out good but makes the gluten very loosey
another thing I'm wondering is smashing those very same garlic from the pickle to a more garlic taste bread

>> No.16363161

what the heck, is that the growth while bulk rising? or how did you shape it?
also how long did it take to rise on dry yeast?

>> No.16364377
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Not much compared to what you folks have been doing, but I've been throwing a heap of minced garlic and parmesan cheese into store-bought wholemeal mixes. Cheating with a machine though. Pop it all in before work and come home to the result

>> No.16364498

my breadmaker was crap, moisture on the window made shite texture and half the time when it mixed it would fail. i just use a stand mixer to knead
you can use as little yeast/sugar proofing as you want you just end up waiting longer to rise

>> No.16364549

make sure yeast is good by proofing, if that is good then bread is too cold during rise, turn oven on for a few min at low temp and toss it in after you turned it off to keep it warm during rise phase. also dont put shit into bread that can kill yeast off (some spices, too hot water etc)

>> No.16364751

when you knead it (on a floured surface) a lot of it should go from sticky to 'bouncy'

>> No.16364976

Most every dough is sticky as hell before it gets worked. I knead in the bowl just to avoid having to clean shit off of a work surface. Keep kneading and just deal with the shit on your hands, or just use a machine. Once it comes together reasonably well and you leave the dough to rest for a few minutes, it should much prefer to stick to itself rather than sticking to you. Unless you work it way too hard and the surface breaks completely, then all the sticky ends will come and get you. Just don't do that.

>> No.16364983
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I made this earlier. It's a lot denser than I thought it would be, but I'm not sure what to do about that.

>> No.16366287

What yields a better crust: baking the bread in a dutch oven, or baking the bread in a pan and spraying water on it or pouring water into a second hot pan on another rack?

>> No.16366292

when you proof your loafs you're probably not warm and humid enough, turn on your oven and open the door to get the heat up a bit and simmer some water in a pot on the stove to bump up your humidity.

>> No.16366294

knead it more, proof it better, use that much dough for two fluffy loafs instead of one brick

>> No.16366687
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Looks great! The great thing about baking your own bread that I've found is that unless something really basic goes wrong (like forgetting to add salt or doubling the proof time) even the 'mistake' loaves will be perfectly edible. Shaping is the hardest part of these free-form breads (meaning not baked in a loaf pan).

Ignore the critics here - trolls like >>16340269 are just jealous you can bake bread because they are too lazy or stupid to do it themselves.

>> No.16366699

Also if there is rye or whole wheat flour you might need to add gluten as those flours do not readily form it like bread or AP flour does. Even with added gluten, rye or whole wheat loaves will be more dense than loaves made with bread or AP flour. How did it taste? In my experience even my 'failures' were still quite edible, tasty even in some cases even if they didn't look great.

>> No.16366725
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images (85).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digg and slashdot before it were just as snarky, smug and elitist. man makes bread on cooking board and you tell him to go to website. gtfo.

>> No.16367042

dangerously based

>> No.16367044


>> No.16367071

You did good. I always stayed away from baking until the least couple of years. I make all my own breads now, even sourdough.

>> No.16367087

the crumb is a bit closed
id recommend a bit more proofing time.
Dutch oven baking will help with oven spring and develop a better crust

>> No.16367138

99% of what I bake is sourdough. I've found sourdough to be much more forgiving than yeasted breads. Yeasted breads are more predictable but if you make a mistake it's much harder to fix.

>> No.16367237

I want to find a cute girl and make a starter from her pussy juices, it's got to be possible.

>> No.16367897

I'm about to make another bread loaf
thinking of adding either nuts crumbs, dried raisins, or both
tips on this? how much to put into it?

>> No.16367903

Don't add raisins until you've finished kneading, then gently knead them in.

>> No.16368282

so like, 30 minutes after the first knead, as to actually kneading?

also, I'm trying to add more sustenance to my bread, I tried eggs but they ended up tasting pretty eggy, are you supposed to replace water in the recipe to add them?

>> No.16368378
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bread == reddit

>> No.16368460

Yeah, it's about 1/3 whole wheat, 2/3 AP flour. It tastes pretty nice, I like the nutty flavor that whole wheat adds. I noticed that it makes the dough a lot looser, but didn't really put two and two together about the density of the loaf at the end. I'll probably try a smaller loaf with less whole wheat next time, thanks for the advise.

>> No.16369608

White bread is gay and bad for you

>> No.16369762
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Made sourdough, hadn't made any for a while and the starter had been in the fridge unfed for weeks, but it turned out okay anyway.