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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16334189 No.16334189 [Reply] [Original]

Is he in the right?

>> No.16334205

He's just doing what America and capitalism incentivize someone to do to earn a living. If you don't like it, work to enact a society that incentivizes and rewards different things or move.

>> No.16334274

The beauty of capitalism is that no one is forcing you buy that disgusting heart attack burger.
He'll fail or succeed based on what people like or don't. It's pretty simple and clean.

>> No.16334316

>heart attack burger
I'd never buy the OP pic, but a single patty burger from there is incredible. ironically the restaurant is designed to shame fat people, not support it.

>> No.16334320

Shame died mid 2000's

>> No.16334321

Uhhhhhh..... no. Not really. The richer you are the more tricks you have to control minds.

>> No.16334397

>Opinions of a novelty restaurant operator.

>> No.16334402

>don't want to die? don't eat here.
>it's your fault if you die.
I don't see why his opinions are so controversial.

>> No.16334408

I don't see what the big deal is. Omit the bread, fries, and sugary drinks and it's literally health food.

>> No.16334411

It's certainly a novel approach to raising health issues. Good for him for making the most of it.

>> No.16334420

Or good old fashioned monopoly and regulatory capture. Capitalism works until it breaks.

>> No.16334775

no, because there's tomatoes on that food.
why would you put non-food on food?

>> No.16334808
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>> No.16334813

tomatoes have umami

>> No.16334822

Of course. He is selling a product and people are willingly buying it, what's the problem?

>> No.16334877

> No, just for you
I honestly feel bad for mutts reading stuff like this.

>> No.16335071

Savoury you mean, unless you're a slant eyed baby killer.

>> No.16335089

savoury means salty or tasty
How the fuck does that related to foods that trigger umami sensors on your tongue?

>> No.16335099

Of course, doctor knows best.

>> No.16335102

Language is an evolving concept and umami is a faggot word.

>> No.16335190

I just want to go there and have a mean waitress step on my balls while force feeding me a burger. Why did they eject me from the restaurant last time I went? Isn't this what they are selling?

>> No.16335338

everything is cooked in lard

>> No.16335350

Why do they let you split a single burger but nothing larger?

>> No.16335450

>gets small business loans
>tax breaks from the city because he's floundering
>he hires two more employees, half of his loan is absolved
Eat my ass you dumb fucking cunt

>> No.16335463

As I said – health food.

>> No.16335469 [DELETED] 

You’re a fatherless faggot son of a single whore.

>> No.16335474 [DELETED] 

If you do some big think math, you might figure it out.

>> No.16335516
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What the fuck does this explanation have to do with math, Brains?

>> No.16335529

>providing assisted suicide for disgusting Amerisharts
Sounds incredibly based to me.

>> No.16335607
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>becomes so disillusioned with trying to help fatties he pulls a 180 and does everything he can to kill them

>> No.16336599

No, people aren't dying from having red meat, obesity is almost entirely due to carbs.

>> No.16336709

Bigger burger - spank punishment = sad nurse

>> No.16336724

I'd like to see him get his own Rob Zombie movie

>> No.16336773
File: 22 KB, 480x360, heartattackgrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice dubs, but bullshit.




And yes. Nothing makes me want to eat healthier more than watching this monument to excess.

>> No.16337043

nigga how the fuck is this balk lex luthor looking ass motherfucker tricking you into eatin his fucking burgers you a dumbass

>> No.16337065

healthier than cooking in oil

>> No.16337120

It's almost as if you're living under a rock.

Everyone is shameless. What used to be shameful is now worn as a badge of honor. /Everything/ has been monetized, even shame.

The fuck?

>> No.16337496

economistcook here
it's not 'capitalism' it is market economy, this is the free choice of customers part
in this case it is also gov't interference in the market... tax break to help stay open (lockdown? employment? tourist attraction?)

>> No.16338340

What would they even do if you split a double burger with someone? Eject you from the restaurant?

>> No.16338753

Probably should refuse service to morbidly obese guests

>> No.16338786

That’s how he makes half his money, not to mention his goal is literally to kill them. Everyone 350lbs and over gets unlimited burgers

>> No.16338787

damn this nigga really out here acting like mfing jigsaw

>> No.16338930


>> No.16339263

>obesity is almost entirely due to carbs

This. Obesity is caused by a sustained period of consuming more calories than your body burns.

>> No.16339330

he has a right to make money off retards
its literally not his fault people die when they eat his food
hes not forcing any of them to eat

>> No.16339385

Anon... you're talking about a restaurant named "heart attack grill" where grown people get spanked in public and patrons over 350lbs proudly come to get their free food
Pray tell
Where's the shame?

>> No.16339396

And why do you think somebody would do that?

>> No.16339486

stop speaking like an ape or kill yourself

>> No.16339489

he was never wrong

>> No.16339614

Yes because some people are stubborn retards that refuse to admit themselves are in the wrong no matter what you told them.

>> No.16340223

You might want to look up what carbs do to your appetite lmao

>> No.16340283

>You might want to look up what carbs do to your appetite lmao
Why? I see no reason that it would have any bearing on what I wrote.

>> No.16340302

Yes. He's totally upfront about how his food will kill you and dumb fat people still line up like cholesterol in MY ASSSS NYYYAAAAHH

>> No.16340369

He’s a modern day genius I mean if you’re obese
He’s straight up telling you this shit plus the alcohol
And cigarettes they serve will kill you much more
Honest than the cigarette companies and fast food restaurants

>> No.16340418

marketing genius he is, everyone knows this place.

>> No.16340448

He hate fat people so thoroughly that he wants to kill them with their vice of choice. Man is an absolute Chad.

>> No.16340868

Answer me pussy >>16339396

>> No.16341123

Check out Ethan Sims overfeeding experiments. Long story short it seemed easier for people to significantly overeat on carbohydrate than fat and protein.