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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16326047 No.16326047 [Reply] [Original]

why it the British?

>> No.16326053

Gr8 b8 m8.
I r8 8/8

>> No.16326063
File: 208 KB, 3000x1421, the-working-boat-pub-falmouth-sunday-roasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warming pies, hearty puddings, unctuous cakes, glorious ales, all of which keep you content and happy on a rainy day
Furriners will never know this feel, they feel confused and enraged when they see the Englishman's fayre displayed in front of them and their tiny pea brains know only how to seethe and whimper in impotent fury and jealousy

>> No.16326066

I'm English and from that list the only things I would even eat are liver and onions the plougman's.

>> No.16326068

Everything in crap tier should be god tier, except kippers which should be low tier.

>> No.16326069

Not even the brits think that

>> No.16326071

I fucking love and hate them so much. But I do miss my beer-battered tarragon french fries. I cannot reproduce them without the tarragon going dark. Brits can fry anything.

I put more in my kidney pies when I can find kidneys but they've been better at the crust, I miss my blood sausage. If anyone says something stupid like fish and chips, that's really fucking easy to outright master on your own.

>> No.16326086

oi m8 u got a loicinse for all dis garbage food?

>> No.16326087

>I'm English
No you're not, fuck off

>> No.16326100

Bizarre choice for someone so fussy

>> No.16326137

That pic is retarded or the survey was broken, They clearly just chose 'things I eat most often'
The correct order is:

>Fish and chips
>Full English

>Scotch egg
>Steak and kidney/ale pie
>Black pudding (included in full English tho)
>Beef wellington
>Welsh rarebit
>Cottage/Shepherd's pie
>Cornish pasty

>Lancashire hotpot
>Bangers and mash
>Bacon sandwich
>Pie and mash
>Pork pie
>Tikka masala
>Liver and onion
>Sunday roast

>Bubble and squeak
>Toad in the hole
>Cauliflower cheese
>Jellied eels
>Steak and kidney pudding

>Yorkshire pudding

>> No.16326182

chicken tika masala mid tier

4/10 bait

get a fucking life

>> No.16326219

pretty bland as curries go

>> No.16326238

i if you are serious it beats almost everything in the god tier

>> No.16326244

lmao no fuck off pajeet
It doesn't even beat half the stuff in mid tier

>> No.16326247

why am I not surprised lol

>> No.16326268

Haggis, black pudding, pork pies, scotch eggs all excellent. Fish and chips, meh, but situational, full english is kino, associated with holidays, hotels, b&b, guest house, daytime hangover/comedown or even drinking etc.

There are a lot of missing things which I'd say maybe fall under the sunday roast catagory. Roasted lamb shoulder, pork shoulder with the crackling etc.

The weird hybrid spaghetti bolognaise that everybody makes might as well be british, it sure as shit isn't italian. White pudding, red pudding, beans on toast.

>> No.16326307

As an amerifat, the only thing I find unappetizing are the meat pies. A huge gob of meat wrapped in a thin pastry is just gross. The American pot pie with more gravy, smaller chunks of meat and vegetables is far superior.

But when talking "cuisine" it shouldn't only be the main courses. Where Britain really stands above are the cheeses.

>> No.16326582

>best cuisine culture in the world
stop fighting truth, anons.

>> No.16326684

>The weird hybrid spaghetti bolognaise that everybody makes might as well be british, it sure as shit isn't italian.
What you mean?

>> No.16326710

I had fish and chips in london and they were bland as shit. dont you guys have salt? Youre on the ocean for fucks sake

>> No.16326743

You take and apply the salt yourself numbnuts

>> No.16326818

>crap tier


>> No.16326857

>amerisharts don't understand the concept of salting to taste

>> No.16326868

>The American pot pie with more gravy, smaller chunks of meat and vegetables is far superior.
The 'American pot pie' is just a standard British shortcrust pastry pie that you inherited from us. We usually make them with steak and ale gravy but also do chicken and veg ones. Idk what you mean huge gob of meat wrapped in thin pastry, do you mean the cold pork pies? Not the same thing as usual hot British pies

>> No.16326904

>The American pot pie with more gravy, smaller chunks of meat and vegetables is far superior.
The ignorance of Americans never fails to astound me

>> No.16326908

>crap tier
>black pudding
what the fuck, niggers

>> No.16327012

Fuckin' bongs. I was a gentleman and complimented your cuisine except for your shitty chunks of meat wrapped in a cracker crust and even gave a special nod to your cheese culture yet you respond like aussie low class bogans. I take it all back, starve in your brexit dystopia - ditchweed, corn pone, possum grits and gravy is better than your crap.

>> No.16327041

>I was a gentleman and complimented your cuisine except for your shitty chunks of meat wrapped in a cracker crust and even gave a special nod to your cheese culture
Put a monkey in a suit and it thinks it's a 'gentleman'
We don't want your 'special nod' lol, go eat some cheese-wiz and diarrhoea shit in a walmart

>> No.16327059

I'm disappointed that they are using the euphemism "welsh rarebit" for the honest ethnic slur "welsh rabbit".

>> No.16327077
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You know the answer

>> No.16327087
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>toad in the hole
>bubble and squeak

>> No.16327098
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>bacon sandwich as the highest tier

>> No.16327107

speak English you fuckin faggot

>> No.16327148

He was you filthy furriner

>> No.16327219

Not really. I might go the black pudding & kippers too, but the rest of it is just heavy, stodgy shit. actually destroying decent food for extra calories with no aesthetic benefit.

There's no culture of dining in the UK, it's all about getting calories on board quick.

Shit tier traditional cuisine. World beating restaurants that serve 'foreign' food.

>> No.16327292

Yorkshire pudding - No
Sunday Roast - No
Fish & Chips. - Prefer steamed fish, but maybe.
Crumpets - With jam, maybe.
Full English - No.
Bacon sandwich - I'll just have the bacon, maybe.

Bangers & mash - No
Cottage pie - No
Shepherd's pie - No

Toad in the Hole - No
Cauliflower Cheese - aye maybe, as a side dish
Cornish pasty - No
Pie & Mash - No
Chicken Tikka Masala - Maybe, as part of something else
Ploughman's - Good pickle is the key to this working. Great lunch though.
Welsh rarebit - No. plain cheese on toast is better.

Bubble & Squeak - No.
Beef Wellington - No.
Scotch egg - No.
Lancashire hotpot - No.
Pork Pie - No.
Steak & Kidney pie - Take away the pastry and aye, good grub.

Steak & Kidney Pudding - Take away the suet and aye.
Black pudding - Maybe, depends.
Kippers - Maybe, depends.
Liver & Onions - Bit of gravy and you're on.
Haggis - Same as black pudding.
Faggots - No.
Laver bread - No
Jellied Eels - No.

>> No.16327326

no one asked

>> No.16327332

>t. hypersensitive autist

>> No.16327343

Just don't enjoy lard based stodge lad.

>> No.16327503

I'd love to try Sheperd's Pie

>> No.16327520


>> No.16327564

Where's the toast sandwich?

>> No.16327577

Sorry but I like tasty food, not grease, pastry lard and baked meat.

>> No.16327587
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It is tho. You ever eaten bacon, Mo?

>> No.16327640

just make it? pretty basic ingredients and easy to cook

>> No.16327645

Yeah, why not.

>> No.16327647

The faggot said foreigner in retard.

>> No.16327657

Amerisharts only have that shit 'streaky bacon' that they cook to a crisp

>> No.16327670

Tikka masala is mild but I like it, I'm happy eating vindaloo too, not everything has to be some contest of le most spicy most manly, faggot. Go choke on a Carolina reaper

>> No.16327684

>Pretty women
Englishmen will never know this feel.

>> No.16327719

I'm an American expat and Burgers are really missing out on black pudding. It is now my favorite breakfast food. I like it more than bacon and eggs or anything else. It's delicious, hearty and a great breakfast food.

>> No.16327722

>Autism - Yes

>> No.16328527

never mentioned spiciness, just said bland. Nice projection

>> No.16328839

>Beef Wellington in low tier
People are stupid...

>> No.16328850

This all looks awful. Yorkshire pudding is nonsensical at best.

>> No.16328875

Full English

>I made some bacon
>Now I cooked an egg in the bacon grease
>Now I cooked a sausage in the same grease
>Now I toasted some bread in the same grease
>Now I cooked some mushrooms in the same grease
>Now I cooked some tomato in the same grease
>Now I heated up a can of beans
>Now I put it all on the same plate

Listen you fucking britaninnies, everyone has made toast, eggs, cooked mushrooms, bacon, etc. Just because you made them all and slapped the fuckers on a plate don't mean shit.

This is just a fucking deconstructed shakshouka with some bacon added.

>> No.16328883

Mothercucker you think putting chips on bread is culinary. I bet if I showed the Queen of Englambarrasment the time I put a hash brown on my Sausage McMuffin when I was 10 she'd crown me Sir Culinary King of the Bubble 'n Toad In The Faggots, or whatever the fuck Ramsay is.

>> No.16328902

>blood sausage
Pretty great. Other countries have them too. Poland and Germany, for example. Try them fried with potatoes and onions.

>> No.16328927


>> No.16329549

Hello ESL mong

>> No.16329554

>noooooo i listed all the ingredients now it doesn't exist!
Cope and seethe beyond belief

>> No.16329559

>t. furriner

>> No.16329573

In France we fry them with apples, it's delicious.

>> No.16329583

based and brit-pilled

>> No.16329606

I'm always triggered by the Cornish pasty in mid tier

>> No.16329614

>not starting with the sausage which takes the longest
>no black pudding
more like a shit English

>> No.16329803

3 Types of Engl*sh dishes

1: Something wrapped in dough.
2: Some random meats and carbs thrown on a plate
3. absolutely vile inedible shit mostly seafood related

>> No.16329821

That was literally English you absolute spacker

>> No.16329828
File: 282 KB, 800x600, angryyank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, I described food using reductionism, bongs btfo!

>> No.16329908
File: 799 KB, 703x1035, DfH55aY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of Brittish Food falls into one those categories you can't refute this bong only seethe.

>> No.16329936


British food gets a bad rap. It's comfy as fuck. Yeah, there's some headscratchers, especially for an American, but all-in-all outside of some silly names, I think it's great. The only thing on that list that looks bad is jellied eels

>> No.16329940

Fucking state of you millennial Redditors.

>> No.16329967

that's a term that is extremely common on 4channel.com stop embarassing yourself summerfag.

>> No.16329997

>t. 2016 Reddit immigrant
You’ll be shilling your discord next you absolute faggot.

>> No.16329998
File: 2.76 MB, 1766x676, wellington3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wellington that low
i fuckin hate the brits but you can't deny what this is

>> No.16330001


>> No.16330002


>> No.16330004

>meat and carbs on a plate
Yeah, well done, you just described 95% of world cuisine you complete gatterhead

>> No.16330007

that's the me me you absolute normie cuck back to tiktok

>> No.16330012

cope and dilate nigger

>> No.16330016

Absolute fucking state.

>> No.16330024

>I was only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.16330036
File: 53 KB, 356x356, pepetea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's only pretending

>> No.16330055

>i-I was j-just meme'ing!

>> No.16330065

Wog detected

>> No.16330073


>> No.16330079


A 'false' English, if you will.

>> No.16330082

sorry your severe autism prevents you from grasping the fine nuances of irony and humor.

>> No.16330086

kippers and jellied eels should be a lot higher
drop the indian shit

>> No.16330099


But he's right, this is 4channel, please fuck off to wherever you came from worthless zoomer faggots, we do not want you here, you will never be accepted.

>> No.16330192

Steak and kidney puddings are great, fuck whoever put them in shit tier

>> No.16330216

>Cooking an egg second, making it burnt to shit
>Not doing the sausages first because they take the longest

The real reason it's "traditional" is because it was invented in the 1800s, and became extremely popular because it meant even the poorest could afford a bunch of meat at once

It's also really good

>> No.16330217 [DELETED] 

brittish food is almost as disgusting as American "food"
fucking anglos

>> No.16330220

bacon fucking sandwich.


2 pieces of toast

"god tier"

>> No.16330233


>> No.16330241

carbonara probably

>> No.16330255

English bacon is a lot better than American bacon though. Also Americans don't have brown sauce

>> No.16330345

as an american all that food looks very bland. the only thing that looks good are the full eng breakfast, tikka masala, and scotch eggs.

>> No.16330356

I don't think anyone even eats jellied eels anymore
the only places that sell them are pie and mash shops, and I haven't seen A) more than three people in a pie and mash shop at any given time and B) anyone under the age of 60
it's a bygone food for starving impoverished rivermen

>> No.16330367

>as an american
That’s why your culinary opinion is null and void.

>> No.16330400
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, shit food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beef wellington is disgusting no idea how this celebrity made it popular.

>> No.16330419

What is there to find disgusting about beef, pastry and duxelles?

>> No.16330433

>Gordon Ramsay made Beef Wellington popular
The absolute fucking state of /tv/.

>> No.16330483

ok mr 'Bubble and squeak'

>> No.16330492

Not a bong, Marty Shartz.

>> No.16330636

if you have to add bread to filet place it on the side. soggy mushrooms layered between shitty bread tainting good steak? no thank you

>> No.16330685

You can’t cook.

>> No.16330694

Go stuff another frozen pizza in the oven you fucking nigger.

>> No.16330696

>pastry is bread
>duxelles are soggy mushrooms
people like you are why this place is seen as a fast food board for retards

>> No.16330717

>t. people who add salt on the table as a condiment

>> No.16330723

some faggot who thinks beef wellington is disgusting in no position to talk

>> No.16330732

NOOOOOOOOOO not the heckin wellingtonrino!

>> No.16330750

It really isnt the best by any stretch of the imagination but I've tried and enjoyed all of those dishes. Black pudding should be Top Tier though.

t. Spaniard who has lived 5 years in London and 2 in Cork (yes I know thats not British fuck you)

>> No.16330898

Move the entire top tier row up to god tier, bring fish n chip and bacon sandwich down to top tier.

>> No.16330949
File: 53 KB, 392x300, main-qimg-6c6e4a1c3d680a91dc74b8845353d92e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 'Full English' isn't even the best breakfast in the UK, those in Scotland and Ireland are far superior.

>> No.16330971
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>bacon sandwich
>culinary masterpiece

>> No.16330979

The fuck are rivermen? Sounds /x/ ish.

>> No.16330991

English bacon is basically just thin cut ham. Idk why you bongs even call it bacon. Is it because you have some faggoty name like ""gammon" for ham?

>> No.16331006

men who worked the river

>> No.16331011

>The real reason it's "traditional" is because it was invented in the 1800
You mean bongs didn't have bacon, blood sausage, eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans, toast prior to 1800? Wew lad!

>> No.16331021

they didn't have any eateries they could go to and get it all on one plate, but I guess that's less fun than shitposting

>> No.16331205

How so?

>> No.16331302

uh, why is all their food brown?

>> No.16331309

>Kippers that low


Also steak and Kidney pudding is mint

>> No.16331350

Because it, like the British, is shit.

>> No.16331377

Kek! Sunday "roast" is actually baked in the oven!

>> No.16331453

i love me a nice, cold pork pie; that i do, i do

>> No.16331477
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oi, you having a stroke there m8?

>> No.16331482
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> i do, i do

>> No.16331522

>English bacon is basically just thin cut ham. Idk why you bongs even call it bacon. Is it because you have some faggoty name like ""gammon" for ham?
Amerishart ignorance strikes again, how can they be this dumb and unaware?

>> No.16331549

holy shit lmao the absolute state of this lad

>> No.16331553

this has to be satire at this point
surely you aren't actually this autistic and oblivious

>> No.16331556

meh I prefer the pies

>> No.16331563

ok mr 'hot dog'

>> No.16331580

The scots just add white sausage or lorne sausage and the Irish prob add some other random sausage. It's the same dish they just add something inconsequential and claim its their own unique breakfast dish and far superior as they are want to do because they are constantly seething and insecure

>> No.16331591

I'm American and the only thing on that list that I wouldn't eat are the jellied eels. Memes aside, I don't see why anyone would hate British cuisine. You can't go wrong with meat, potatoes, and gravy.

>> No.16331620

>the only thing on that list that I wouldn't eat are the jellied eels
even jellied eels are actually pretty inoffensive if you actually try them, just taste like mackerel
Also it's so rarely eaten and hard to find that it shouldn't really be included on these british food staple lists, same as surstromming for swedes (which actually is fucking difficult to stomach)

>> No.16331671
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>because they are constantly seething and insecure

>> No.16331693

They really are though, a big part of their whole cultural identity is hating the English and pretending they're not almost completely alike

>> No.16331713

>a big part of their whole cultural identity is hating the English

I think about England as much as I think about Lithuania or Nigeria, i.e not at all
t. Scotsman

>> No.16331727

>I think about England as much as I think about Lithuania or Nigeria, i.e not at all
>t. Scotsman
Even the act of responding shows that this is patently untrue, and if it was, you'd be in the small minority of Scots

>> No.16331740

>I think about England as much as I think about Lithuania or Nigeria, i.e not at all
Cool but why you commenting in this thread then?

>> No.16331758

>The 'American pot pie' is just a standard British shortcrust pastry pie that you inherited from us.
I bet you also think that the British inherited the language from you too, amerishart.

>> No.16331766

>Cool but why you commenting in this thread then?

>Why are you posting on a board designed for people to post on?


>> No.16331768

>I bet you also think that the British inherited the language from you too, amerishart.
think you need to work on your reading comprehension hot shot

>> No.16331771

Why did you open and read through a long thread mostly about English/British cuisine and then decide to comment? Do you do that with Lithuanian threads?

>> No.16331778

lol they sound like Canadians.

>> No.16331780

I expected as much
Its pathetic how willing they are to adopt the 'special celt culture' over the tiniest of things

>> No.16331786

Every time you read a Sassenach online it's always

>"The Scots never shut up about us!"
>"The Scots just think about us all the time!"
>"The Scots all sit about plotting against us!"
>"The Scots! The Scots! The Scots!"

Yup, it's totally the Scots that are obsessed with England, and not vice versa.

>> No.16331794

I read every thread. If you're a mod, feel free to ban me, otherwise stop pretending to be one.

>> No.16331795

At least Canada is it's own sovereign country, it's more like if a particular state constantly seethed about the rest of the US even though it was pretty much culturally homogeneous

>> No.16331806

>Yup, it's totally the Scots that are obsessed with England, and not vice versa.
It literally is, we only discuss you when you get all worked up again obsessing over the English and get in the news

>> No.16331820

Sorry, I'm drunk as fuck.

>> No.16331821

you are forgiven based alchy, take a drink for me

>> No.16331886


>> No.16332039

Im American and thr only thing I wouldnt eat on there is the entire bottom row. Not sorry. everything else looks good though.

>> No.16332085

Spaghetti bolognaise doesn't exist in Italy. You've got bolognaise sauce which is usually served with tagliatelle or made into lasagna which usually uses slow cooked pieces of meat braised in milk and white wine with small amounts of tomato and usually no herbs which when made correctly isn't spaghetti bolognaise. Closer is napoletano ragu which uses large pieces of meat which are removed from the sauce and served separately. It is also typically served with tubular pasta, ziti or zitoni, penne or rigatoni.

Basically the traditional 'spag bol' that most people in the UK enjoy about once a week is a weird hybrid dish that might as well be considered British cuisine. It always follows this pattern ...

Fry minced beef in pan.
Add diced onion as a minimum.
Add diced carrot (optional) diced celery (optional, rare) mushrooms (optional, rare) bell pepper (optional, common).
Saute until soft.
Add tin chopped tomatoes
Add squeeze tomato puree (optional, common)
Serve over spaghetti

People go crazy. Obviously salt, pepper, sugar, dried herbs, red wine all improve the dish and are common 'secret' ingredients, worcestershire sauce, fresh herbs, chilli flakes, milk, white wine, sub some beef for pork, less common, but also have a place. Basically everybody has a variation.

>> No.16332093

>bacon sandwich in god tier
>scotch egg and pork pie in low tier


>> No.16332107

We have that same dish here in the USA so it isn't just British cuisine. It's kind of coincidental that two countries fuck up the same dish in the exact same way. I suspect that there was some subsection of Italians that actually made their spaghetti that way who then emigrated to the the UK and the US.

>> No.16333790

>British chefs are too inept to salt food properly
>D-do it yourself!
I should have fried my own fish, bog.

>> No.16333817

Not enough room left in god tier

>> No.16333825
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>> No.16334172


>> No.16334174

>beef wellington is low tier
what the fuck?

>> No.16334209

unironically learn to cook

>> No.16334247

America doesn't have any native cuisine. nearly all of the good stuff either comes from somwhere else, or was invented by someone who came from somewhere else. Native American dishes are gross shit like roasted raccoon. the stuff America is really famous for is garbage fast food.

actually... Barbecue is the one purely American dish that is actually worth talking about. Barbecued ribs are fucking divine. Everything else is either stolen or shit

>> No.16334265

>Amerishart ignorance strikes again, how can they be this dumb and unaware
what more can you expect from a nation reared on a steady diet of propaganda and corn syrup

>> No.16334325

>Everything else is either stolen or shit

I don't get this stuff... "stolen"? You open a restaurant and make good food, and other people like it and make it, too...that's not stealing, that's spreading around your methods and seasoning etc.

I'm an American who spent some time in the UK and Northern Ireland in summer 2019 . My take on blood pudding was that it was okay...nothing outstanding, but not disgusting by any stretch of the imagination. Haggis...it had an odd (to me) texture, but was otherwise very much like meatloaf. Not bad at all. I'd happily eat it if I was served it at a dinner or something, but I'd probably go with something else at a restaurant. The full-on English breakfast is pretty awesome stuff...and I'm the kind of person who usually skips breakfast entirely at home. I found myself waking up hungry and looking forward to digging in. To be honest, I think many Americans and Brits would generally be more or less comfortable with the standard breakfast fare in each others' countries. The Brits just seem to eat heavier in the morning, but it's usually pretty much the same sort of fare.

Most of the restaurants we went to were pretty much indistinguishable from American ones. Same sort of choices and styles of cuisine, and pretty much the same quality and prices. Service was comparable, too--generally nice and professional people all over. You just noticed the accent differences as we moved around the country(-ies). Sorry to burst bubbles, nationalist type guys.

>> No.16334345

based reasonable poster

>> No.16334476
File: 921 KB, 220x220, drcox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Britbong sitting there, eating some curry and pizza and drinking beer, bitching about people copying other cuisines.

>> No.16334480

Sort of sounds like you're under the impression that British people have a full english every morning. Definitely not the case. It's something you have when you're on the road, staying in a hotel, popping into the caf, etc - or maybe make at home once a week or a couple times a month.

>> No.16334558
File: 110 KB, 615x615, 0_CAAAAKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do foreigns piss and whine about British food, but they'll happily gorge on all of our sweet stuff like fat pigs?
No. It's British. Just like all cakes that aren't dried up egg-white wafers, and all pies.

>> No.16334568

>crumpets that high
>kippers that low

come back with taste please

>> No.16334573

unironically american; it steals all the best shit from all the other nations, so 90% of anything you haven't tried yet is usually mediocre or shit.

>> No.16334728

You cannot fool me I like all these things

>> No.16334756

Because it's 100% carbs, any food that's 100% carbs is going to be good? It's the same as candy or sugar and it's going to be unhealthy for you. Consuming any refined carbs like flour glycates your LDL cholesterol and clogs your arteries.

>> No.16336307

Chicago is the culinary capital of the world

>> No.16336374

How are scotch eggs low tier? One of the few British foods I ate, and it was so good.

>> No.16337692

Great with apple and a tiny bit of cinnamon I agree

>> No.16337816

Love a steak and kidney pud

>> No.16337894

I appreciated your nod to our cheese culture anon. Thank you. May I also extend my gratitude to American cuisine, and its development of European ideas such as pizza, hamburgers, and especially the hotdog

>> No.16337903

We don't bully the Welsh enough these days. Sure enough, the sheep shaggers have started thinking they're people.

>> No.16337912

Mate. I reckon you might be spacktarded. Sorry about that

>> No.16337968

British food is disgusting and its people look disgusting.

>> No.16338012

Okay faggot. Keep masturbating to Henry Cavill

>> No.16338032


I understand this is supposed to make British food look bad on purpose but aside from those multiple item meals like Sunday roast literally every meal looks FUCKING DISGUSTING aside from maybe Cauliflower cheese and tikka masala - which doesn't sound very British at all.

>> No.16338335

>Chicken tikka a-la Pakki

You people really enjoyed being invaded and co-opted didn't you? You deserve all the Pajeets and more.

>> No.16339937 [DELETED] 

Maybe English cuisine would've advanced the initial stage of poverty if they actually gave a shit about what they ate during the time they controlled the spice trade.

Which dumb fuck empire would ever thing "Hmm I have access to countless spices and herbs, let me just eat this bland chicken and sunday roast"

>> No.16339940

Maybe English cuisine would've advanced the initial stage of poverty if they actually gave a shit about what they ate during the time they controlled the spice trade.

Which dumb fuck empire would ever think "Hmm I have access to countless spices and herbs, let me just eat bland chicken, deep fried fish and oven roasted beef with pancake batter in muffin tins."

>> No.16339952
File: 329 KB, 1980x1320, croquemonsieur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but French cooking kicks bongoloid cooking any day of the year. All of those are midtier at best by comparison. Pic rel.

>> No.16340009

>have nice hearty traditional fayre
>'noooooo you have to add heckin' spicerinos and herberinos to that!!!'

>> No.16340010
File: 963 KB, 1077x1021, objectively the truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this a year ago for anytime some fag brings this up

>> No.16340036

>Yorkshire pudding on top
>Sausage right below it
>Add sausage to yorkshire pudding and it drops down below both

This list is bullshit and your mother is a whore.

>> No.16341072

>liver and onions not God-tier