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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16317494 No.16317494 [Reply] [Original]

My gf and I are poor college students. Pretty much the only thing she eats is rice and cheese. Not even the good kind, it's Uncle Ben's instant rice and Walmart brand shredded cheese. It fucking smells and it's really starting to get to me. Any ideas on how to make it better?

>> No.16317500

Jesus Christ

>> No.16317504

What the fuck are you guys doing? What the fuck guys?

Pls let this be bait

At least start here >>16312412

>> No.16317505

>instant rice
>eating rice for every meal
is your gf retarded or paraplegic? how does she not understand the concept of cooking in bulk

>> No.16317512

ramen and eggs

>> No.16317519

Dorm rooms here don't have stoves

>> No.16317523

She's vegan

>> No.16317524

get a rice cooker
or instant pot
or a hotplate
a microwave

cmon now

>> No.16317526

I used to fo that, it's fucking delicious.
also the cream cheese variant is pretty good specially if you let the rice half cooked.

>> No.16317530

cheese isn't vegan

>> No.16317540

At first I was gonna tell you cheese isnt vegan but shes using shitty walmart brand shredded cheese and thats plastic... Plastic is still vegan, right?

>> No.16317544

>My gf and I are poor college students.
Stopped reading there, kys normalfag

>> No.16317545

Hmmm. I need to start asking questions

>> No.16317553

No one will love you

>> No.16317556

lmao, it's american cheese, it's basically 90% latex and 10% corn syrup

>> No.16317557

start with why/how she has a penis

>> No.16317565

Keep us out of your sexual fantasies, thank you

>> No.16317572

If this isn't bait then get
>rice, beans, lentils, and spices
Not much but it's better than rice and cheese every day.

>> No.16317581

Have you stopped to consider that your gf just likes it?

>> No.16317589

White people are disgusting

>> No.16317602

nothing wrong with it, rice and cheese are a winning combo. if you're sick of it, be the man in the relationship and provide better food.
>it's an "anon pretends he is too classy to eat basic food" episode
get a grip.

>> No.16317609
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>My gf and I are poor college students
if the place youre going has a dining hall and you have tuper ware i really dont know why youre even making this thread

>> No.16317633

Its not that hard to buy ok food if you work a minimum wage job.

>> No.16317638

>dating a grown woman who’s only cooking skills are bagged shredded cheese and minute rice

>> No.16317652
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break up with her

>> No.16317675

god imagine her braps after a big bowl of that

>> No.16317715
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>> No.16317793

Potatoes with skins are nearly a nutritionally complete meal all by themselves. Add a little flavor with salt, butter, or sour cream and some cheap protein like boiled eggs and you can keep going for a long time without feeling malnourished. When you can, eat some green vegetables like broccoli.

>> No.16317807

You got one of those girlfriends that are Somalian thin and have no feminine features huh? Shock that she is like that eating carbs and cheese every day

>> No.16317841

That's depressing, college students are usually not poverty stricken, most unis require a meal plan where you have to pay a crazy amount for cafeteria food. Are you sure it's not because of some OCD thing? Rice and cheese is an extremely autistic dish. Rice and beans/curry doesn't cost any more and tastes way better.

>> No.16317848

Ketchup or barbeque sauce.

>> No.16317893

Diced , cooked chicken, some broccoli, and some name brand extra sharp cheddar cheese and Kraft American slices, maybe a dash of some garlic powder. Mix that altogether and it will be less miserable

>> No.16317905

Don't worry she'll pack on the pounds starting right after college or the day after op gets tricked into marriage

>> No.16317917

are you retarded, go to a public kitchen or a hostel or anything. Be resourceful god damn.
>t. biology majors

>> No.16317920

lol even homeless people start fires n cook rats n shit

>> No.16317958

>how does she not understand the concept of cooking in bulk
bro you're talking to someone to whom a rice cooker is a cultural norm

>> No.16317981

I think you're looking for

>> No.16317992

>rice cooker
So if you have a rice cooker im assuming it came with a plastic insert that allows you to steam vegetables at the same time as cooking the rice
>red onion
>thinly sliced carrots
for it being a part of your "cultural norm" you clearly have no idea how to use it. Even at my worst I could still do better than fucking rice and cheese lmfao.

here is my real advice and this is what I like to do. people donate cookbooks all the time to places like value village and shit. go to value village or something similar, chances are they have a literal WALL of cookbooks. Ive seen multiple "broke student guide to cooking" esque books. go for the recipes in the books that use lots of beans because they have excellent nutritional value. Follow the instructions in the book to the finest detail, do not deviate, I have made the mistake of eyeballing and shit before when I didn't know better and it ruined the food. Also breakfast for dinner, as in oats and a cut up apple or something.

>> No.16318083

OP here, she's trans if that matters, btw

>> No.16318135

Oh baby open your mouth oh yeah I'm gonna really blow a big one baby

>> No.16318149

risotto comes to mind with cheese and rice but if she doesn't like chicken stock or shrimp stock then you're out of luck

>> No.16318175
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>> No.16318216

if you want to get into semantics plastic is made from crude oil which at some point was a dinosaur so no not technically vegan but you'd have to be a major autist to scrutinize like that

>> No.16318218

Looks like ketchup could actually be an improvement

>> No.16318229

going vegan because it's trendy when you literally cannot sustain it diet wise is extremely low IQ and opening the doors to developing some brain diseases in the future. What's stopping you from providing more for both of yourselves anon?

>> No.16318240

Crude oil is the remnants of all sorts of biomatter, which means statistically its mostly the remnants of plants. That said, no plastic manufacturers differentiate between crude oil derived from ancient plants and crude oil derived from ancient animals (if it's even possible to do so), so there maybe trace animal products in your plastic - enough to classify them as non-vegan, even if a vanishingly small amount is actually from dinosaurs.

>> No.16318261

based and assholepilled

>> No.16318281

Double jesus, but in a funny I'm so pour kinda way

>> No.16318317
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Do this instead

>> No.16318337

>Any ideas on how to make it better?
Slow cooker.

>> No.16318359

If this isn't bait and you 2 live in a dorm...

>move off campus unless you have a scholarship that pays specifically for on campus dorms. Cheaper.
>if you got that loan or scholarship or parent funded savings, get rice cooker and crock pot and induction eye even though the dorm forbids. Hide under shitty mattress and be present in room during inspection
>most dorms have a communal kitchen
>near laundry communal most times
>bring your own cookware.
>convince GF lack of any protein even beans is gonna slowly kill her.
>break up with her for being vegan and eating cheese.

Honestly getting a rice cooker and breaking up with this twat will help you a lot financially and psychologically.

>> No.16318392
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Your genitals must stink, how do you both even enjoy sex desu

>> No.16318406

you can cook great rice in a microwave

>> No.16318415

you may be retarded and not know yet

>> No.16318418

I remember the days of being poor in college. A 40lb sack of rice a 15L jug of soy sauce and pepper packets stolen from A&W. One time I found some change on the street and went to 7/11 and got one of their shitty hotdogs and just filled the entire container with chili and cheese sauce. Good times.

>> No.16318441

not an argument

>> No.16318471

embracing the retardation, bold of you


>> No.16318474

you may be retarded and not know yet

>> No.16318475

get a portable induction cooker and a stainless steel pots
most of your problems will be solved then

>> No.16318479

Easy buy a instant pot and cook your own food.
You got running water a table and a power socket you can make almost anything.
Just get a chopping board and a knife.
I say instant pot because its easy to never fuck up.
Here is a Russian woman who can explain shit clearly.

>> No.16318613
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Fuck, that's depressing to an astronomical level. You owe it to me personally to find something enjoyable and share your success story with us.

>> No.16318628

You already got the rice, how about you add some veggies and cheap protein to it as well?
Stir in some red chili paste and you have an actual meal

>> No.16318653

Even though most people don't realize this, but most college students qualify for food stamps. It sounds like you should and your girlfriend should get some. With nutrition like you currently have, it very unlikely that either one of you will make it through the 4 years of college from a health perspective.

>> No.16318658

This is what I used to eat in high school
I'd microwave semi real sliced cheese on top of rice, I'd have one slice of cheese in the middle and one on top
Then I'd get the fake dried parmasan cheese and spread it on top of the top slice
Microwave for 3 mins and it's great

>> No.16318916

any good cheap cooker? mine always fucking spills out

>> No.16318922

You should buy different rice packs and cook them with vegetables or make soups. I bet your gf would like rice soups

>> No.16318926

post gf feet

>> No.16318930

Good morning, I hate women so much it's unreal.

Greetings from Italy.

>> No.16318947
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You will never experience happiness like I do as an American woman

>> No.16318961

Ugh like we are SO poor
>pearl pendant
>posted from my iPhone

>> No.16318972

all women should be killed

>> No.16318973

there are no women on the internet, much less any that are interested in cooking. let the men handle the kitchen fatty

>> No.16318974
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Go die in a war, scrote

>> No.16318979

stop larping faggot

>> No.16318980

You and your girlfriend are retarded. How the fuck are you in college if you don't know cheese isn't vegan?

>> No.16318992

we are philosophy majors

>> No.16319000

Is it normal to give your self malnutrition to believe in communism?

>> No.16319003

that would make it even worse since going vegan is based off a supposed moral obligation

>> No.16319007

piggy pig pig, howd he get so big?

>> No.16319014
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Fern fed him well and Charlotte spun the message to save his life