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File: 269 KB, 1240x775, keto-FTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16311246 No.16311246 [Reply] [Original]

I am going to go shopping in a little bit. What are the essential Keto foods I should buy to cover my 3 meals for the day? Seems like eggs and avocados are two big ones.

>> No.16311251

Shotgun and shotgun shells. Better to get it over with straight away and not wait for the heart attack.

>> No.16311264

A brain. Preferably one with a slug through it.

>> No.16311273

Lots of oil for cooking, butter, olive oil, coconut, etc. Olives, cheeses, cured meats, etc for snacking on. High fat yogurt.

If you're serious though you're gonna wanna to learn to cook. It's hard to eat good keto from just ready made stuff. Chicken soup, steaks, etc nothing complicated.

>> No.16311275

Stop buy the ammo store and buy a bullet and kill yourself

>> No.16311283

A shotgun haircut would be more effective for you.

>> No.16311291

You should die because you want to go on a KETO diet. Your life should end for making this decision. You should be faced with death for wanting to better yourself.

>> No.16311313
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You can tell keto and low carb are good because of the intensity of shilling it solicits.

>> No.16311316

The carb and sugar bomb fatties are a jealous group of blobs

>> No.16311321

Why do so many people want me to die for going on keto?

>> No.16311327

It's a meme to hate on keto

>> No.16311394

theyve been brainwashed by the meme that meat eggs and dairy because of the saturated fat and or cholesterol will give you a heart attack and or cancer

>> No.16311936

Low t making them neurotic women.

>> No.16311975

t. fatties who think that eating 6 lettuce wrapped burgers and 2 blocks of cheese a day will make them healthy

>> No.16311991

spouts crap with no evidence meanwhile the nearly hundred clinical trials on ketogenic diets show them to improve the vast majority of heart disease risk; HDL, triglycerides, blood pressure, weight, glyciemic control... the list goes on


>> No.16312076

ground beef, eggs, cauliflour, broccoli, salami or pepperoni with no added sugar and minimal carbs, cheese, avocado oil or coconut oil, a bottle of coconut aminos and some chicken or beef broth. But if you wanted a special treat meal, baked chicken wings with hot sauce.

>> No.16312111

meat and vegetables

>> No.16312126

I mean or you can have a cut of meat, a salad (without croutons), some sautéed vegetables, and just nix the dessert and bread.

>> No.16312216
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>nix desserts
not if you're willing to spend some money on alternative ingredients

>> No.16312354


Green vegetables
A few berries

>> No.16312362

>creating a caloric deficit in your daily feeding routine and losing weight improves your health
WOW WHO THE FUCK KNEW?!?!?! Get some self control and go on a diet instead of destroying your kidneys because you can't put down a fucking cheeseburger.

>> No.16312372
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> Anti keto anons want me to die for being on keto
> Anti keto anons think keto diet will kill me
> Anti keto anons tell me to stop being on keto diet

>> No.16312938

the goal wasnt caloric reduction it was nutritional ketosis which may result in caloric reduction inadvertently due to the satiety of the diet

>> No.16312946

keto isn't a high protein diet so not sure why your kidneys would be at risk

>> No.16312951

you could look at the nearly hundred clinical trials showing significant clinical benefit or try it for yourself

>> No.16312966
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>> No.16312972

Having tried keto, that shit really does work. It was amazing losing 50 lbs in 3 months by just getting rid of nearly all carbs. The shitton of energy you get is a gift and a curse because it makes it a bitch to go to sleep though. Also end up having the smallest shits.

>> No.16312980

That’s literally why keto works

>> No.16312990

I don't do keto strictly but I basically do a keto-adjacent diet.
I have avocados, eggs, and I alternate between a type of meat like tilapia (yeah I know everyone memes on tilapia here), salmon, chicken, or turkey.
I have organs occasionally, such as beef liver. Like once every one or two weeks. Started this borderline-keto diet in October. Went from 195 lbs to 160 lbs rn. I couldn't run 5 minutes without being gassed to now being able to run 4 miles a day.

>> No.16312993

Also these are the main ingredients for getting my fats in.
Otherwise I just do meme salads with feta cheese and olive oil, just basically mediterannean salads are where I get other carbs.
Trying to figure out how to make use of sweet potatoes cuz apparently those are the healthiest starches out there

>> No.16313013
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>everyone memes on tilapia
I have only one question for you, sir. Are you talking about whole tilapias, or tilapia fillets? The answer will determine whether you are a faggot.

>> No.16313024

keto bread 100%. its high in fiber and stuff. its really good tastes just like normal (cheap) white bread

>> No.16313025

The frozen filets packs from Walmart or Costco. I don't really know which the best fish to eat is but tilapia is very cheap.
I heard tilapia can get toxic though, but the same for Atlantic salmon. I need to learn which type of fish to get consistently.

>> No.16313032

Fuck keto
Go bear mode.
Eat only things a bear would, if humans didn't exist.

>> No.16313043

Bears eat incredibly nasty shit which is why bear meat stinks and no one likes eating it unless it's a certain time of year for their diet.

>> No.16313073

You are aware of the Deenz threads, yes? I realize they're not for everyone.
A lot of cheap tilapia is farmed in poor conditions yes, but the real issue for me personally is just that white fish fillets are very low in the nutritional value that people seek fish for i.e. health fats. Additionally, deenz have skin and bones and everything, not just one muscle from the fish. It's more about eating a whole animal instead of one muscle than it is about tilapia being bad per-se. Real Mexicans eat whole tilapias fried up.

>> No.16313083

Mexicans are obese and most of them waddle around like gordito goblinos. I do not give a shit if Mexicans eat the whole fish. They are fat fucks. They have no authority on health.

>> No.16313099
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well you can be racist and ignorant if you want but white meat fillets are still trash and real fish is still healthy.

>> No.16313118

I'm not racist pendejo I play soccer with the Mexicans y Salvadorns every week ju know what I mean guey?
But I agree, white meat fillets taste horrible and I only learned in the last couple months that eating whole organs is far better. Do you still eat the fish brains and eyes?
I am considering just going to my local chink seafood store and buying some wild caught fish (doesn't have to be tilapia) and frying them all whole

>> No.16313133

>may result in caloric reduction
Which increases the likelihood of being in a caloric deficit?

>> No.16313201

I really don't understand all the hate for keto on here. I try to stay quiet about it unless someone specifically asks like you did. Chicken thighs and broccoli were my go to for lunches for a while. I try not to go overboard on the eggs but I do have a sensitivity to them. Cream cheese and chaffles are another lunch that is easy (Keto Twins on YouTube have a great recipe). I have done keto off and on for years and have bloodwork regularly done. I assume all the horror stories people shout about in here were people not even coming close to their macros or eat waaaay more than they should.

>> No.16313211

I’ve done keto on and off over the years, I started back up 2 months ago to lose the lockdown weight and since I started measuring breath acetone one month ago I’ve been in ketosis every day.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed keto adventurers typically have the mindset of “I’m gonna do the balanced keto meal plan where I eat all my veggies and drink black coffee with a stick of butter every morning” but unless you’re a basement dweller with the time and money to spend you’ll find that it’s not very realistic. If you want to go that route then buy green vegetables and fatty meats, be wary that pork tends to carry higher calories than similar poultry and beef items. Keto cookbooks will have you purchase off the wall items like portobello mushrooms and gruyere cheese to make 5 star imitation dishes but it’s more of a novelty than a staple. In this Avenue eggs and cheese will come as more of an afterthought next to how recipes can push the limits of your daily carb intake in order to fool you into thinking the keto diet is a bountiful world of gourmet food.

When you come back down to earth you’ll realize that realistically your diet will mostly consist of basic foods like eggs, mozzarella cheese, and bacon. I don’t remember the name off the top of my head but you can buy 1 net carb tortillas on Amazon for $10/bag, each bag having I believe 30 tortillas (they are the size of tapas though so don’t get too excited). I bought a scale and measure out about 2-3 ounces of mozzarella cheese to make quesadillas and that’s pretty much the only food I’ve eaten since I started back up. Don’t get me wrong, as someone who loves to cook it pains me to skip preparing delicious meals for what is the equivalent of a poor college student’s diet, but you’ll realize that if you’re legitimately serious about maintaining the macro nutrients then you’ll have to make the sacrifice.

>> No.16313222

You are literally the type of person to eat eggs, mozarella cheese, and bacon and then complain about your keto diet not working years later when you get NAFLD and a variety of gastrointestinal complications.
Eat some fucking veggies you fat whale.

>> No.16313237

I appreciate the shitty speculation but I’m not interested in your perception of my opinion that I had to narrow down to 2000 characters. If you had a semblance of thought you might put together that I’ve put a lot of thought into the keto diet considering I specifically mentioned a variety of sources, never mind how I stated that I don’t do keto continuously because I’m aware of long term health complications. Thanks for your explicitly narrow interpretation of my post though.

>> No.16313265

>s, never mind how I stated that I don’t do keto continuously because I’m aware of long term health complications.
Jesus fucking Christ don't tell me really think the issue was keto's effects on your health over a broad timeframe? The issue is that you are projecting your lack of willpower and gluttony because you think that coming back down to Earth from keto involves living off bacon and mozzarella cheese.

>> No.16313286

You can straw man any argument you want but it’s highly ironic that you’re focusing in on my response to long term keto diet health complications when you completely missed that my original point was for newbies not to get wrapped up in pie in the sky keto cookbook recipes which require $100 worth of groceries every week to make fancy keto friendly meals when realistically it’s simpler and more effective (in time and money) to stick to basics. Go ahead and rage all you want anon, your lack of comprehension doesn’t make you any more holy despite your high and mighty demeanor.

>> No.16313320

>when realistically it’s simpler and more effective (in time and money) to stick to basics.
You are directly advocating for an incredibly unhealthy and metabolically inefficient "version" of keto where you consume foods like bacon and mozzarella which are conducive to far more health complications than keto would initially have been intended to remedy. This is the typical fat Ameriblobber chronology of trying out a diet.

First, try a fad diet with fundamentally sound reasons for doing so, but execute it with foods which negate any benefits the underlying diet structure you're trying to emulate. Instead of advocating for the layman to use mozzarella and bacon for keto, try telling keto newbies to execute that diet with vegetables and non-red meats with fat like fish.

>> No.16313329

You continue to narrowly define and straw man my post because you’re on some holy tirade to disagree with me for some odd reason. I’ve clarified and refined my point but you keep obsessing over mozzarella cheese and bacon. For some reason you keep thinking I’ve said something like “only eat bacon” which as you can scroll up and see is not the case at all. Get over it, anon.

>> No.16313353
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get some collagen powder off amazon , it's somewhat reasonable in price.

for snacks eat porkskins instead of potatoe chips or cheetos, you can get porkskins at any store or gas station, and they are all zero carbs

>> No.16313358

whats wrong with cheese? or bacon for that matter? you can still eat loads of green veggies while doing keto just throw on some olive oil or butter not very hard

>> No.16313414

I agree, there’s nothing inherently wrong with cheese or bacon. I originally was making the point that those are the staples that you can base your keto diet from. An anon was falsely claiming that I said those are the only things you should eat. They aren’t, you should definitely incorporate other healthy items like vegetables to make your diet somewhat well rounded (as much as keto can be well rounded).

>> No.16313794

Vegetables are bad for you though.

As for gastrointenstinal problems and e.g. NFALD, where are you getting these reports? Keto subreddit? Everywhere I look people seem to enjoy keto for its various benefits. Carnivore-keto is even better.

>> No.16313812

Weird, I had 0 energy and was low mood for 2 months, but lost the weight I wanted, which just made the holiday I did it for so much better.

>> No.16313957

That happened to me the first month, but after that first month when the carbs and withdrawal symptoms ran out, the surge of energy happened.

>> No.16313971

humans aren't carnivores. carnivores don't have tastebuds for sweetness. carnivores don't chew their food.

>> No.16314026
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They are vegans. Vegans hate keto because it promotes meat, egg, and dairy consumption.

>> No.16314122

Good point about the chewing. Didn't know about the tastebuds thing.

Plants bloat and cause a whole bunch of GI problems, how do you explain that? Carnivore makes you peak performance. The biggest problem I have with it is that its boring.

>> No.16314779
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>Vegetables are bad for you though.