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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 390x280, raw-liver-isolated-on-white-260nw-1016966311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16310020 No.16310020 [Reply] [Original]

Liver is underrated and tastes pretty good. I do it either in the classical way, i.e. with apple slices and onions or the Italian way.

>> No.16310032

Liver is disgusting and should not be consumed unless grinded with other undesirable crap to make hot dogs

>> No.16310040

What do you mean with "the Italian way"?

>> No.16310058

It's for 3rd world people that haven't evolved to only eating the desirable parts

>> No.16310118

I fry some pancetta or guanciale (or whatever bacon I have there), render the fat out and then fry the liver in it. If the liver is ok, I take out the bacon and liver and fry onions, a little garlic and tomatoes in the fat. When the tomatoes fall apart, I deglaze everything with white wine, put the bacon and liver in and mix everything again. Do not forget to season. Then I serve it with pasta.

>> No.16310498

More tastelets filtered. More liver for the adults.

>> No.16310527

Orcas kill sharks to eat only their liver.

>> No.16310529

Yellow hands typed this

>> No.16310579

duck liver is top tier, good thread OP

>> No.16310638

>eating organ meat

Jesus Christ

The liver cleans your body, why not chew on a air filter

>> No.16311863

Enjoy eating your diseased food

>> No.16311888

Fried with onions and gravy is god tier and cheap

>> No.16311899

- Soak liver in milk for an hour
- Pat dry season with salt and pepper
- Coat with all purpose flour
- Fry in skillet with butter until golden brown
- Serve with sautéed onions

Would probably taste even better served with a balsamic glaze.

>> No.16311939

Rigatoni with chicken livers leeks and sage is the only way.

>> No.16311945

>eating an organ filled with toxins

>> No.16311977
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Dangerously based, organ meat is superb and gives mad gains

>> No.16312039

This is true especially for Americans. Our live feed are pumped with so much shit that the toxins fuck up and stay in the liver. Deer liver is the way to go for a natural and clean liver... Unless the land it lives in is tainted.

>> No.16312152

>eating muscle meat

Jesus Christ

The muscles are to move the body, why not chew on an engine

>> No.16312176

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.16312196

Liver is actually dope and healthy af, you're just retarded

>> No.16312355

> american education

>> No.16313996

most mammalian apex predators eat the stomach and liver first

>> No.16314006

Liver tastes good but I can't eat it very often because high cholesterol runs in my family

>> No.16314013

I tried soaking it exactly once and found that it did not improve one bit.
I'll soak kidney in water overnight but with liver it just seems unnecessary.

I mostly eat pork and chicken livers

>> No.16314017

If you want your blood cholesterol to be perfect you just need to stop eating carbs and vegetable oil. Not sure what you think liver has to do with anything.

>> No.16314071

Yeah, I'm starting to get a hankering for liver too OP, beef and/or chicken. It's cheap af in the Mexican section of Walmart and is vacuum sealed to extend shelf life. Season with salt/pepper, coat with chickpea flour and quickly panfry with some butter/ghee. Been having lots of trouble with wheat lately so I mainly have been making and freezing shitloads of idli, slice idli in half, add some chutney then top with a bit of liver for an open-face sandwich.

>> No.16314083

Imagine being this much of a soyboy

>> No.16314566

if you dont eat organ meats and cuts that are visibly animal body parts, you're a mere soyboy urbanite.

>> No.16314572

Liver is extremely high in cholesterol

>> No.16314579

Dietary cholesterol is not that strongly correlated with blood cholesterol levels. A bunch of medical associations around the world have quietly changed their guidance on it after telling people the opposite for 50 years. Also cholesterol is important for lots of bodily functions like hormone production

>> No.16314600

If you have a normie friend who don't eat liver. Make a pate with it and call foie's pate or pate d' fegato and watch the faggot devour it like it was the most gourmet shit he ever ate.

>> No.16314637

I eat pate and liver sausages. Yet I can never enjoy liver whole. It's strange.

>> No.16314785

Italian way is just liver with onions (Venetian liver)

>> No.16314888

you're cutting it too thick probably. heavily disliked it as a kid, because mother used to cut thicc af chunks and make it in a heavy cream/onion/carrots sauce and buckwheat as a side (10 pts for guessing my country of origin), and it was always dry on the inside.
but when I grew up and started cooking for myself I started loving it. it's literally just as easy as cut it into really thin stripes and fry them, then add some cream, whole green pepper, some lea&perrins sauce and (either fry in extra pan or beforehand) some onions carrots and let it thicken a bit. coocked buckwheat is a great side.

>> No.16314893


>> No.16314936

farther east, but you've the right idea. buckwheat is criminally underrepresented in western cuisine - it's both delicious and nutricious, it just need the right sauce and/or heavy meats.
rice goes better with fish and chicken, but for venison, beef, chevon or horse buckwheat is king. (rice fits mutton better but only because pilaf is amazing when made properly)

>> No.16314956


>> No.16314975
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ding! we've a winner. picrelated is you prize, monsieur.

>> No.16315054
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For me, it's the liver disk.

>> No.16315059

Instead of rendering the fat out with bacon, can i just use olive oil to fry the liver?

>> No.16315084

I started having liver last month. Very cheap, like $3-4 for 1 lb of liver over here, probably because demand is low here in the USA.
I need to learn how to cook liver properly, all I do right now is just cut it into inch-wide slices and then drop it in a pan of olive oil as I add some "everything but elote" seasoning.

>> No.16315089

Is deglazing where you basically pour in a liquid so the solid chunks of food stuck to the bottom of the pan come off?

>> No.16315099

>olive oil
nope. use fat, clarified butter, rapeseed oil

>> No.16315104

I heard that seed oils are bad for you though? I think I will use butter/ghee

>> No.16315135

Shit is only diseased in your dogshit country where they assfuck the animals before they are made into products, and then they fuck the products too

>> No.16315460


>> No.16315581

Does deglazing make liver taste better?

>> No.16315586

Cut it into small pieces and add it to a stew, bolognese etc

>> No.16315596

Cholesterol is not bad for you


>> No.16315622
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It's funny how someone will call things for example "the Italian way" when it's not common at all in Italy. It can apply to any country, and Chinese cuisine in Italy is of course also based on a (false) idea of what it is and adjusted to local tastes.

The most "known" liver-dish in Italy is of course fegato alla veneziana which is basically liver and onions with a herb. My favourite to mix in is sage. I recommend trying it. Also I like a lot more onion than in this pic.

>> No.16315790
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True, but I didn't know how to else call it.
Fegato alla Veneziana is similar to how we eat liver. We just add some apple slices and serve it with mashed potatoes

>> No.16316399

...and you think it's stored in the liver... Um-Kay?

>> No.16316943

I tried it for the first time and it's gross, and I'm not a picky eater. I soaked it in milk and threw it in some butter with onions. The texture was the worst part, it like dissolved in my mouth but not in a pleasurable way. The taste itself wasn't intolerable but it wasn't good.

>> No.16318934
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Dietary cholesterol doesn't change blood cholesterol. And as already pointed out blood cholesterol isn't bad for you anyway.

If you're looking for relevant information on a typical blood lipid panel, use the HDL:Trig ratio.

>> No.16318946

Liver and kidneys are probably my favourite innards.

>> No.16319104

I love chicken/duck/goose liver, but I don't fuck with lamb's fry.

>> No.16319120
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>he cooks his liver

>> No.16319844

>I soaked it in milk
wtf? why?

>> No.16320454

Good keep being an idiot so ofal keeps being cheap as shit for me to enjoy

>> No.16320466

The fuck is this? Do you slice a whole liver or what?

>> No.16320481

Your liver isn't a "filter," it DESTROYS toxins in your body. An air filter doesn't turn dust to oxygen, what a ridiculous comparison. Moreover, the liver has enzymes and cofactors for those enzymes (i.e. a TON of nutrients) that your body uses and desperately needs, none of which are found in any other single food.

>> No.16320484

How to prepare kidney?

>> No.16320487

>the texture was the worst part
You overcooked it and didn't have enough caramelized onions. Try again.

>> No.16320588

steak and kidney pie

>> No.16320925

A nice bologonese or a quick marinade and sear for tacos.

>> No.16322187

b-but anon the cholesterol... and cholesterol is bad!

>> No.16322307

I know you're joking, but cholesterol is absolutely something you should never ever worry about (unless you aren't getting enough).

>Total cholesterol and risk of mortality in the oldest old
>Each 1 mmol/L increase in total cholesterol corresponded to a 15% decrease in mortality (risk ratio 0–85 [95% Cl 0·79–0·91]).
>Mortality from cancer and infection was significantly lower among the participants in the highest total cholesterol category
>In people older than 85 years, high total cholesterol concentrations are associated with longevity owing to lower mortality from cancer and infection.

t. eats 3–4 dozen eggs a week.

>> No.16322454

I prefer heart, sliced thin, coated with flour and salt/pepper, pan fried in oil.

>> No.16322464

Oh hey, it's your retarded ass again using cancer and terminally ill patients which waste nutritional reserves as evidence that gorging on cholesterol is healthy. You got embarrassed in the other thread already.

>> No.16322477

I like it, it's like a blander marrow.

>> No.16322489

huh, iirc grape seed oil is a really good alternative to canola and vegetable oil

>> No.16322495

I don't know who you're referring to. Furthermore, my study didn't involve anyone with cancer or anyone who was terminally ill at the onset of the longitudinal study. The main cause of death in this study was cardiovascular disease, making the results quite shocking due to the mainstream misconception that cholesterol is bad for your heart.

Instead of blindly making wild accusations, perhaps you should take a deep breath, stop being so enraged, and actually read my post. Would you like to have a rational conversation like adults now?

>> No.16322506

Correct, seed and vegetable oils are high in PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) which are terrible for you. Stick with olive oil (olives are fruits) (I use EVOO and mild olive oil for low heat/high heat cooking) and animal fats (butter, tallow, etc.). Here are some studies about PUFAs, specifically comparing them to the vilified "saturated fats," in case you want to do further reading about them.

>The effects of dietary unsaturated and saturated fats on chemically induced colon carcinogenesis were examined in male Donryu rats.
>The rats fed unsaturated fat diet demonstrated a significantly higher incidence of colon tumors
>These findings suggest that dietary unsaturated fats have potent cocarcinogenic effects on colon carcinogenesis.

>Mice were fed Lieber–DeCarli liquid diets containing EtOH and enriched in USF (corn oil) or SF (medium chain triglycerides:beef tallow)
>We demonstrate that USF (corn oil/linoleic acid) by itself results in dysregulation of intestinal TJ integrity leading to increased gut permeability, and alcohol further exacerbates these alterations

>Brief episode of STZ-induced hyperglycemia produces cardiac abnormalities in rats fed a diet rich in n-6 PUFA
>(To explain this a bit better, they gave mice diabetes and one group of mice a diet high in PUFAs. The ones with the PUFA diet had metabolic dysfunction on top of their diabetes and suffered cardiac necrosis more than the other group).

>> No.16322509

>associated with longevity owing to lower mortality from cancer and infection

>making the results quite shocking due to the mainstream misconception that cholesterol is bad for your heart.
No, because again, terminal illness especially in end of life results in wasting. You've just discovered the concept of reverse causation with absolutely no randomized control
And no I have no interest in talking with a pretentious retard who can't even authentically address the contents of the study he cites

>> No.16322534

Corn is fruit too.

>> No.16322542
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I like that you're at least trying in this post to make an argument. Keep it up, I think we can have a great discussion.

Why do you keep using this word? If you're unhappy with experiments on older people and think they don't translate to every other age group, I can find another study about cholesterol.
>can't address the contents of the study
I don't know if you're shifting the goalposts or what, but the study clearly says that the main cause of death for each group was cardiovascular disease, and that cause of death was equal across all groups. You would think that the group with very high cholesterol intake would have the highest rates of CVD, but they don't. That's why the results are shocking.

Not only do they have less cancer and less infection rates, but they have the same amount of CVD. You have to admit that that is at least slightly interesting. You can't just say "but that study isn't good enough so I'm going to pretend like it never happened" and not actually address the results.

>> No.16322551

Uh I guess it is, but when you look up "corn oil" everyone calls it a vegetable oil. Furthermore, when you squeeze an olive, oil comes out of it. When I squeeze a piece of corn, it shoots out some thing at me that isn't corn oil. So I don't know much about corn oil, but I wouldn't equate it to olive oil.

>> No.16322569

All two times I've used it? It's relevant because cholesterol levels alongside other biomarkers tend to plummet in a terminally ill patient, like I have now stated thrice..

>you're unhappy with experiments on older people and think they don't translate to every other age group, I can find another study about cholesterol.
That's literally not what I said. You obviously can't read and are lying about not knowing what I was talking about before because you made this exact post in another thread

>don't know if you're shifting the goalposts or what, but the study clearly says that the main cause of death for each group was cardiovascular disease, and that cause of death was equal across all groups. You would think that the group with very high cholesterol intake would have the highest rates of CVD, but they don't. That's why the results are shocking.
You're obviously a retarded troll and not even slightly well read in anything regarding the subject because yet again, I literally just explained this to you.

No point in continuing. Enjoy your fat ass though ;)

>> No.16322576

I guess? It is a fruit. That's the standard you're operating off of. I don't care what other people call it. Fruits are vegetables. But more specifically corn is a fruit. Ergo, your standard of "fruit" is somewhat flawed.

>> No.16322588

Since you are extremely lazy and don't care to do any research, I'm not going to do any more for you. Olive oil isn't a vegetable oil because it is squeezed from olives. Corn oil is a vegetable oil because it needs to be extracted from the corn with solvents. That's the bottom line. If you're still confused, go look it up yourself, you lazy faggot.

>> No.16322609

Hey retard, corn is a fruit. You're welcome again.

>> No.16322613
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That's a shame, I was on the fence about whether or not you'd be interested in having a conversation or if you just wanted to vent some frustrations on an online forum. I'm too optimistic, I guess. If you'd like to provide some studies or reasoning you base your opinions off of, feel free. If you'd like to keep repeating some irrelevant point about "terminally ill patients" feel free too, responding to you is getting a little tiresome, though.

>people who ate a lot of cholesterol in the last 10 years of their life died less of cancer & infection and didn't have increased rates of CVD
To every rational person in the world, this is interesting. The fact that you can't directly address this without a petty insult to me is pretty pathetic. You have nothing to lose by saying "Wow, that's interesting." Why are you so petty and closed-minded?

>terminally ill terminally ill terminally ill
Do you know you can be 85–95 years old and not be "terminally ill" ? Do you even know what that means? You keep referring to the participants in this study as "terminally ill" like every old person is on death's door. Terminally ill people DO NOT usually live 10 years(!!) past their diagnosis.

>> No.16322620
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Not reading any of this btw, im sure it's very enlightened and not totally what you just posted the two previous times. Sad!

>> No.16322638

>being so arrogant that you brag about how closed-minded you are
I can't imagine being this pathetic. I hope, even in my darkest moments, I never act like you are right now.

>> No.16322653
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>youre arrogant and close minded if you dont entertain my pretentious autism
-Totally normal well-adjusted human

>> No.16322655
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>I can't imagine being this pathetic. I hope, even in my darkest moments, I never act like you are right now.

>> No.16322698

>Retard role playing as a pretentious smart person attacking a study he can't comprehend because he's angry whenever he remembers every time he's been made to face the fact that he's a retard.

>> No.16322712
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Beginning and ending a run-on sentence with the same word. Impressive!

>> No.16322745

I really am not bothered by dumb people, but dumb people who are (1) arrogant (2) closed-minded (3) feel the desperate need to staunchly defend mainstream opinions (lol!) are really the worst. Fortunately, I never encounter these people in real life, only on 4chan. I think 90% of people are rather reasonable, but 10% of people just can't help themselves, like the shitposter above.

>> No.16322751
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You're so open minded that people who disagree with you and or happen to align with a mainstream opinion to a degree are arrogant and close-minded. What a totally non-myopic non-psychotic world view

>> No.16322764

>pretentious retard
>retarded troll
>fat ass
>not reading any of this btw
>pretentious autist
Yup, I think you're arrogant and closed-minded because you disagree with me. Has nothing to do with the contents of your posts (quoted above). You nailed it, anon.

>> No.16322770

Awwww a wittle babby! Babby need nappy time! Babby need everything he want!! Babby no like mean words :(

>> No.16322854

Liver filters out the bad stuff. Why would you eat the bad stuff??

>> No.16322855
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Not eating organ meat is the one thing you could do to separate yourself from all other animals

Animals and subhumans do shit like eat eyes and brains and hearts.

Why not just be a cannibal? It's just meat right? Imagine how tender your average amerifat must be! Jesus, those scooter blobs must be like Kobe beef, all soft and sweet from an all carb diet

Or you could have some fucking standards and not insult Christiandom by eating garbage meats. Europoors and subhumans love that shit. They also love fucking first cousins in the ass. You wanna take advice from them?

Fucking savages

>> No.16322884

>liver and heart are "garbage meats"
What a terrible post that screams underaged. Organ meats have been the most prized food throughout all of our history until long after the agricultural revolution (meaning modern times). They are full of nutrients not found in any other single food. If you want to live in denial and desperately don't want to be like "all other animals" you can eat lab meat and pea protein all you want.

>> No.16322935


>Prized meat

Sure thing buddy, enjoy your brain parasites

>> No.16323761

'toxins' are either made to exit your body or stored in fat. the liver itself doesn't hold onto all of it unless it's excess iron

>> No.16323799

Meds, schizo, you know the drill.

>> No.16323887

soak in dr pepper, but dry it off before u cook it, it will caramelize beautifully also add onion and butter, but dont over cook the liver, its very thin and cooks fast

>> No.16323890

oysters filter too, and guess what they are the most nutrient dense food on earth, kys kike

>> No.16323893

You mean softened up and became a bitch? Disgrace. Nobody thinks you are some civilized gentlemen for grimacing like a toddler when offered liver.

>> No.16323901

Boomers do.

>> No.16323918

I’d unironically turn cannibal in life or death conditions. If my tribe just killed someone who was trying to cause us harm, why not make use of the body? (Just don’t eat shit like the brain or something as that will kill you). I digress though. Eating organ meats won’t make you some kind of demon, you might be surprised that they are rather tasty and extremely high in nutrients (so high that you should limit your intake of some). I bet Jesus Christ himself probably ate organ meats as people in those times made use of the animal, and ate whatever was safe and nutritious. You aren’t virtuous for going “ew yucky” over organ meats. Just say you don’t like them and drop the act.

>> No.16324023

Organ meat is an important food group anon. If you're feeling adventurous sometime, try this recipe for chicken gizzards and hearts:

>pound the shit out of them with a mallet or a literal hammer
>soak them in buttermilk for several hours or overnight
>bread em
>fry em
Simple as.

>> No.16324028

Didn’t expect for those in a food board to be so picky

>> No.16324054
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Having it the way you do does dull the "liver taste" a good bit. I always tell people who are curious to try it to start out with stuff like that instead of the ol' liver and onions. I love fried liver, but it's a very different flavour from pate or sausage etc.
It's a good way to ease yourself into it, I suppose.

Making your own liver pate is also fun.

>> No.16324057

>its only function is to filter out undesirable crap from the bodies
<mmmmmm tasty
do you eat kidneys too, you retard?

>> No.16324061

based rational adult

>> No.16324063

>only function
If you say so, doc

>> No.16324064
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For me, it's liver that's been seasoned with s/p, breaded and panfried in butter on med/low heat. Be sure and leave some pink then either use the fond to make gravy or pour the drained blood in and scrape around then save the liverscraps and process with a couple servings of some sort of savory bean dish, makes a based faux pate.

>> No.16324069

this is your brain on wartime propaganda
do you also eat carrots to improve your eyesight?

>> No.16324596

>the liver is a filter
Something only someone with absolutely no knowledge of the liver would say. It's like something you'd read in your elementary-school textbook.

>> No.16324601

This post makes absolutely 0 sense. Please try again.

>> No.16324603

What? Why would I ever eat carrots? Organs are full of Vitamin A. What war are you talking about? Are you 13 years old?

>> No.16324615

t. liver apologists

>> No.16324616

>eating meat

Good Heavens

Organic tissue is used by sinful living things with no soul, why not just worship the antichrist

>> No.16324630
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>whoaHOAH you eat yucky organ meat??
>how could you eat that leftover garbage meat??
>don't you know that we have mutlivitamins and stuff so you don't have to eat the yucky bits?
There is absolutely no point to arguing with children with no life experience.

>> No.16324634

>his diet is so poor that he has to choose between blood-filtering organs and multivitamin pills
lol pleb

>> No.16324662

Literally tastes like sand.

>> No.16324674

>the liver is a filter
Yup, confirmed underage with no knowledge of how our body functions or really any idea about nutrition. Please never post about things you don't know about again.

>> No.16324684

chop, chop, stop posting or you won't get to the store on time to buy your $0.02 discounted organ "meat"
buy some kidneys as well

>> No.16324773
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>> No.16324780

i like it the classical way. fry it up with some onions, apples and majoran. i also like chicken hearts.

>> No.16324814

I really think that guy is a spoiled high school kid on summer break who has never had to think for himself. He probably eats açaí and chia seeds because his mom buys them at Whole Foods and he can't fathom why anyone would eat yucky organs (which are a much better source of nutrition than those two fake superfoods).

>> No.16324910
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And the Asian style.

>> No.16324940

Never had fish liver btw, do they sell it?

>> No.16325540
File: 343 KB, 2250x1266, tongue-57bb83275f9b58cdfd681252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello yes I am the best meat ever created thank you do not @ me.

>> No.16325810

How do I cook and eat this big guy?

>> No.16326158

>Why would I ever eat carrots
because carrots&onions are awesome and add neat flavour for meat-based dishes.

>> No.16326196

I agree, I frequently add them to meat sauces and such. I'm just so confused as to why he thought I ate carrots to improve my eyesight after I said I like organs.

>> No.16326203

Liver is still cheap too until the zoomers figure out it is good. Always looking for new recipes for liver.

>> No.16326246

Cleaning these is a bitch though. I soak these in cold salt water as instructed by the Asian lady at the market and the odor just doesn't go away.

>> No.16326291

Yes keep being disgusted of organs meats, oh no so yucky.

>> No.16326296

it makes a nicer sauce, so yes. soaking livers in milk beforehand will help the liver

>> No.16326316
File: 27 KB, 800x480, acef23e4-63c1-4a29-a161-b4ad4138342b_screenshot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, it is very easy to overcook, and it gets an almost powdery dry texture when overcooked
try again, don't give up!

>> No.16326402

Not eating liver is something for children between the ages of 4 and 9.
And new worlders, I guess

>> No.16326414


simple as

>> No.16326429

That's why most Americans dislike liver. Their boomer parents cooked it well done. It should only be cooked to medium rare or at most medium. In fact, I think the fresh liver from a newly killed deer grilled or sauteed to medium rare is the best part of the deer.

>> No.16326733

it should be peeled and boiled for several hours before final cooking. a simple soak is not enough. much like tripe, it's good when it's good, but it can also be terrible

>> No.16327105

But won’t there be unbroken down toxins in the liver when the animal dies? And wouldn’t that be bad for you?

t. potential retard

>> No.16327372

All parts of your body (and animals' bodies) contain toxins at any point. That's why the acidity of our stomach is so important, because it melts away all the bad stuff as long as it's at a negligible level. Sometimes bad bacteria can sneak through the acid in our stomach and go on and multiply in the rest of our digestive system (E. coli for instance). That's why we have to worry about bacteria, because they can multiply. Toxins in small amounts don't affect us because they can't multiply and our body just melts them away.

In brief, our body is really good at destroying most bad things before they can affect us, unless they're really bad and can multiply.