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16309762 No.16309762 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on moka pots?

>> No.16309774

A must have

>> No.16309994

Pretty good, hard to fuck up. Buy a French press and you can do coffee/loose leaf tea as well.

>> No.16310275

Very based

>> No.16310307
File: 22 KB, 304x303, petit cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like charred burned tasting coffee?
cuz thats how you get charred burned tasting coffee

>> No.16310341

It's alright for making cappuccino

>> No.16310535

>buy a large Moka pot
>brew super strong coffee
>store in fridge
>cold brew any time (fuck Starbucks)

>> No.16310703


>> No.16310757

stop being poor

>> No.16310821

You can get stainless steel versions as well - and yeah, better to use those.

>> No.16310840

It's ok. Most people don't know how to brew with it properly.

>> No.16310845

The aluminum ones have steel linings.

>> No.16310875

They make great coffee if done right, but it's indeed pretty easy to get a sub-par coffee.
There are some good instruction videos out there, invest 5 minutes for best result.
And definitely use freshly ground coffee, grind fairly fine (a bit coarser than for espresso) and don't apply too much heat.

>> No.16310914

t. puts the heat on high because he has zero patience

>> No.16310919

What’s wrong with aluminum?

>> No.16310932

It causes parkinson's disease.

>> No.16310944

causes estrogen, alzheimers, & transgenderism

>> No.16310947

water boils at only one temperature, tard

>> No.16310950

go on...

>> No.16310952

The thing with moka pots, is the pot itself heats up.
That's why you need to start with already boiling water and put the heat on as low as possible.

>> No.16310958

>What is water memory
Who's the retard now?

>> No.16310959

wow that sounds really fucking convenient how do i get one of these things?

>> No.16311024


I've followed the guides, done everything properly and the coffee it makes still tastes like shit.

V60 or Aeropress is far superior.

>> No.16311028

>water remembers things
uhhhh ok?

>> No.16311045

Except those methods make you a cocksucking faggot.
Especially aeropress. Bripers are unironically less faggoty than aeropress cunts.

>> No.16311078

V60 is far less faggoty than a moka pot. Its just pouring water over coffee in to a cup.

>> No.16311109

You have it half-right.
The water in the bottom part should already be hot, but you should place it on midium high to high heat to make it boil and brew as quickly as possible.
Keeping it on low causes the dry coffee grind to heat up, which is responsible for bitter, burnt taste

>> No.16311184

Based desu. Best way to a make a near-espresso without buying an actual espresso machine

>> No.16311252

they are garbage, people who say they like it think coffee should taste like burnt asshole

>> No.16311258

If you boil the water before you put it in the moka pot that's never an issue.

>> No.16311909

Far better than Keurig/Nespresso or other meme machines. Bit of a learning curve at first but once you nail it it's convenient

Picked one up for $12 and haven't looked back since. Closest I can get to good coffee without shelling out of an actual espresso machine

>> No.16311952

coldbrewsolutions . com

>> No.16312760

That's retarded. You don't boil water first because extraction starts at lower temperature
Did you wonder why the fuck they made the bottom part to be screwed if you need to heat it?
Where did this meme start ?

>> No.16312765

There's another one >>16311258

>> No.16312797

and that temperature isn't high enough to burn grounds in the amount of time it takes to pass through them

>> No.16312810

i honestly think you guys must be confusing the taste of strong coffee with the taste of over-roasted coffee. that, or you're just throwing your grounds into the water tank like some kind of savage

>> No.16312848

thanks, le reddit warrior

>> No.16312865

That is iced coffee, not cold brew. Cold brew is steeped for 22+ hours.

>> No.16312877

The fuck are you talking about? Extraction starts when the water touches the grounds.
That doesn't happen until there's enough pressure in the bottom chamber, from steam pressure, to push the water through the basket.

>> No.16313094
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> That doesn't happen until there's enough pressure in the bottom chamber, from steam pressure,
No you fucking retard. The heat make the air expands and push the water up the chamber which happens below the boiling temperature of water

No steam, just gas expansion

>> No.16313119

You vastly over estimate how much air expands when heated

>> No.16313121

Not at all. That's how it actually works

>> No.16313143

there you go

>> No.16313161

I really like them. Good strong coffee, almost as good as espresso but way cheaper.

>> No.16313187

You actually "burn" the coffee if you make the water reach 100C (overextraction of bitter compounds)

What puzzle me is how can someone think that you are supposed to heat something that you need to twist without handles.
It's hilarious if you think about it. Why don't you look some video of italians using it for more than 80 years?

>> No.16313195

>i only read the abstract

>> No.16313210

What are you talking about? Do you think the paper have different conclusions from what it is written in the abstract? Are you seriously retarded or just desperate ?

Anyway, since you cannot read a whole 5 page study or so, form page 3

> 3. Results and discussion
> It is an article of faith, among stove-top coffee maker users, tothink that standard atmosphere boiling point temperature isneeded to drive the water out of the tank[6], and to think that
> the pressure rise is due to thermodynamic equilibrium betweenwater and its vapor in saturation conditions[11]. While the first of these common believes might, at a first sight, be justified by Fig. 3, where a sensible pressure rise is perceived at about 90°C of the water, the second is clearly disproved.
In the same page
> Fig. 4 shows the temperature of the water TI2 inside the tank and the eight measurements of water flowed. It reveals that, despite the first impression, even the first convincement is wrong. In fact, extraction commences at lower temperatures

>> No.16313217

Yes. It shows extraction BEGINS at low temperature. Now keep reading and use your little brain to critically think.

>> No.16313220

Anon, I'm not even the guy you're arguing with, but even I can scroll up a few posts
>Extraction starts when the water touches the grounds. That doesn't happen until there's enough pressure in the bottom chamber, from steam pressure, to push the water through the basket.

>> No.16313226

You keep the heat on the lowest on purpose to avoid the water from boiling as much as you can, the exact opposite you do, you mongoloid

>> No.16313252

I said you pour in boiling water so the water gets up to temperature quicker.
Boiling water loses heat very quickly in the seconds it's taken off the heat.
I didn't say you bring the water BACK to a boil you "i interpret what you say to w.e. fits my narrative" retard.

>> No.16313281

nice backpedalling faggot, why don't you just admit you were wrong. It's not like we know your stupid face, just move on

>> No.16313292

yeah, this is the point in the argument where i would have closed the tab, reported the thread, and gone to another board until i thought there was little chance of accidentally seeing more rebuttals to my posts

>> No.16313293

Time for your meds. You're retarded and not only misunderstood the study you linked, you also went full schizo on my post.

>> No.16313323

I think you sure have made a lot of very poorly disgused advertising threads about your shitty cuck kettle here lately

>> No.16313325

There's no more room for rebuttal, you were just wrong.
I didn't "misunderstood" the study, whatever the fuck it means for you in this context.
Anyway since you seems sensitive about being wrong I will gladly leave you the last word if you want.

Next time you make coffe with moka, post a webm here of you closing the hot chamber you heated without a reason

>> No.16313333

An aeropress is way more practical.

>> No.16313334

>this is the point in the argument where i would have closed the tab, reported the thread, and gone to another board
Practice what you preach faggot.
You don't know how to critically think, and your room temperature IQ brain makes you read everything in your own retarded interpretation.
Now go away and don't (You) me again.

>> No.16313788

I literally cannot tell the difference between moka pot, french press and my machine espresso coffee. I've tried making batches from each of them at once and it takes virtually the exact same. Also, inb4 "its the quality of the coffee that matters" - it all tastes the same to me too. Its some Jew homo trick to call one bag of coffee "fruity with nutty undertones" or something.

>> No.16313805

its toxic, its not as bad as lead... but its not good for you

>> No.16313817


>> No.16313819

Would a french press or espresso machine have less? Yeah I'm guessing so, especially the french press as its mostly glass with the steel (?) mesh sieve thingy.

>> No.16313925


I find French Press can make pretty watery weak coffee. Bit more control with a Moka Pot

>> No.16313932

I think if you're getting what you'd describe as watery weak coffee from a french press, you're probably doing something wrong

>> No.16314003
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Since this is the preeminent coffee thread of the day I'm posting my question here.

I bought this a few weeks ago and I love it, the coffee is super smooth even if I make it way too strong which I sometimes do. Then I had a couple coffeeƒag friends over and they jeered and derided. What gives? Are these really all that bad?

>> No.16314015

nah they're just niggers

>> No.16314036


TIL I've been using my moka wrong all this time. I'll have to try pouring in hot water first

>> No.16314053

just save up and get a real expresso machine instead of drinking poser expresso

>> No.16314063

no those machines are great

they are just the flair incel crowd.

>> No.16314486

That's what I do! It's a good set up.

>> No.16314502

wow anon, did you NOT NOTICE that they changed your pills again. the name on the prescription is the same, but the pill color and numbers are different now, common way to sterilize and fuck you up


>> No.16314520

Burny Coffee Pots. Get a shitty espresso machine.

>> No.16314575


>> No.16314596

> Trusting an American soy barista

>> No.16314633

Good luck with that

>> No.16315345

what are some good pre-ground, store-brand coffees for moka pots? Preferably preground.

I usually use Cafe Bustelo and it works fine. I tried using some 'medium roast' preground, and I think I like the less-acrid taste more, but since it was standard pre-ground it seemed to be slightly too coarse and the cooking process was weird. On the other hand, I read somewhere that moka pots are probably better-off with a 'drip-coffee' grind size than 'espresso' grind size, so maybe I just fucked it up somehow?

I've tried grinding my own, but since I use a 'six-cup' (espresso cup) size moka, it is too much of a pain in the ass to finely grind that much coffee with a manual grinder, even if I do it in batches, and I really didn't notice much of a taste difference at all.

>> No.16315544

hot take
a stainless pot should perform a gorillion times better as head transfers at a much lower wattage to the grouts
common A2 is ~10% transfer rate of Aluminium

>> No.16315638

Aluminium, not aluminum

>> No.16315902


>> No.16315987

Honestly having to boil water first and deal with screwing it closed properly when the chamber is hot is a fucking pain in the ass and I'd rather use any other brewing method than bother with that.
I use a moka pot for one purpose, which is making a bowl of coffee with milk. But I don't drink enough milk to justify making that too often, and I'm cutting calories right now so it's collecting dust. For standard black coffee I use either a V60 or an Aeropress, they yield different brews but both are good and easy to prepare.

>> No.16315997

It's good if you're a character in a work of noir fiction. Otherwise, you're an idiot.

>> No.16316010

I prefer Pilon over Bustelo over La Llave. mainly use it to make cuban coffee

>> No.16316924

i get cans of cafe du monde french roast

>> No.16316926
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>Honestly having to boil water first and deal with screwing it closed properly when the chamber is hot is a fucking pain in the ass
so dont do that?

>> No.16316969

Basically good for having on your counter for girls to ooh and ahh at but get a nespresso too so you can make her coffee she'll actually like

>> No.16317610

You are not gay, you're a faggot. Faggots suck dick for 22+ hours

>> No.16317727

Is this a meme or american are seriously this retarded?

>> No.16317861

Sorry to upset you. That it is why it is called cold brew. You put coarse grounds in something like a teabag, pour cold (not hot) water over it, and let it steep. It is actually more caffeine per mg than even espresso or a light roast pour over.

Iced coffee is brewed like normal coffee, then refrigerated.

Then you have nitro cold brew. It starts like normal cold brew, then poured into a keg that is basically the same thing as a beer keg and has CO2 pumped into it and uses a tap to dispense.

>> No.16317913

Don't pretend like you're more interested in caffeine per mg than cum per boy's asshole

>> No.16318223
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>not waking up to a delicious moka pot every morning
I pity am*ricans

>> No.16318655

I bet cu/ba easily converts in metric.

>> No.16318923

You vastly overestimate your own competence you fucking retard. Can you be any more obviously be a mutt cocksucker? Jesus, the mechanism has existed for 100 years but some retard amerimutt on 4chinz thinks "well air doesnt expand a lot so it's cant be working xD"

>> No.16318924

Theyre muttoid zog negroes anon, get your terms straightened out

>> No.16318927
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Thanks friends, I suspected neither myself nor the coffee maker were the problem

>> No.16318928


>> No.16318933

Anything that makes a good result in your mind is good. I think the only part where this might not be true is if youre damaging the environment to an unnecessary degree (e.g. Nespresso caps), or youre ingesting chemicals that the brewing process washes out into your coffee.
The less plastic the better really.

>> No.16318938

Well it has a fine steel mesh strainer dealie so I guess it's doing neither which is nice

>> No.16318984

I think I'm gonna go make a moka pot right now :3

>> No.16318999

make coffee in a moka pot or make an actual moka pot

>> No.16319028

Make me one too! :3c

>> No.16319032
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here is mine

>> No.16319047

Looks like it's never been used.

>> No.16320710

Spotted the kraut

>> No.16320972

i bought it just 2 months ago
I use it every day