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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16300771 No.16300771 [Reply] [Original]

>Why every human being should have this quinky sauce reduction in their fridge

>> No.16300780

>boos boards
>recipe for X but less calories
>let me show you what I learned in mexico

>> No.16300807

Ethan is a massive cock sucking manlet faggot
What else is new?

>> No.16300815

I hate ALL clickbaiting.

>> No.16300824

He has a lot of good insight into food science, but yeah, he's a little ridiculous with some of his newer videos. "You're literally a baby line cook if you don't have fifteen different ways to make Mexican breakfast prepped in your fridge with pickled onions"

>> No.16300838

>He has a lot of good insight into food science
lmao wut

>> No.16300848

he cute

>> No.16301001


>> No.16301007

i hate this gentrifier that not only steals from PoC but also other white folks

also im sure his youtube career was artificially popularized

>> No.16301018

He's right. If you can't take a bunch of baseline ingredients (meats, potatoes, mirepoix, peppers, and probs some frozen veg mix) and assemble at least 15 dishes out of them, that's kinda sad. That's not even me being elitist, but I mean if you can't make shit on the fly then you either don't really understand how to blend the heats and reactions in the pan for the different ingredients, or you just aren't creative with your menu yet. You can fix both with practice

>> No.16301041

You're pretty dense, huh?

>> No.16301048


>> No.16301059


quinky lol

>> No.16301103

legit, I never watch his videos even though some of them seem potentially interesting, because the fucking clickbait fucks me off so bad.

>> No.16301160

not sure if this thread would count as spam (because you make it every day) or advertising or a low quality post but i'm sure that it breaks some rule

>> No.16301170

neutron star levels of density

>> No.16302555

>He has a lot of good insight into food science
From what I've watched, he just read "The food lab" and "Salt, fat, acid, heat", nothing else.

>> No.16304212

>is a retard
like clockwork

>> No.16304247

You’re such a faggot.

>> No.16304639

That moustache is cringe as fuck. You just know he thinks it makes him look heckin manly when in reality he's just a ginger soyboy

>> No.16304652

This guy is totally devoid of charisma. And a manlet fuck too

>> No.16304656

Oh look, it's the pickled onion and mayo guy.

>> No.16304688

I don’t know about the youtube dude but food science is actually a thing. Not the one you see on shitty food blogs though.

>> No.16304887


>> No.16304931

Still better than Ragusa or that faggot Weissman

>> No.16304970

>better than soygusea
debatable. Adam comes up with some of his own shit at least, Ethan is just like cringing with Reddit and copies shit from seriouseats 100% of the time.
>better than weissman
I mean duh, a wet sponge would be a more interesting cooking youtuber than that prick.

>> No.16305058

The only jewtube cook that didn't anger me within three vids by being a ginormous faggot was the young spic one. He aight.

>> No.16305069

Depends if you count Adam going on psychotic rants in comment sections any time he's even lightly criticized or somehow gets on the topic of how evil white people are (not very hard for him to) as a plus or a minus for entertainment value.

>> No.16305370

Literally the only reason I watch Adam is so I can watch his autistic shitfits. Endlessly entertaining.

>> No.16306201

Hate this tryhard faggot.