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16300616 No.16300616 [Reply] [Original]

Just had real Ramen for the first time. Pork Tonkatsu. Tasted delicious but I have 2 questions.
Why is there an egg in the Ramen? I mainly threw that away but why is there?
And the other question is what this weird brown rectangular thing in my Ramen was. I ate it but idk what it was that I chewed.

>> No.16300630

egg amount doesnt matter a whole lot, the brown thing was probably just bamboo shoots

>> No.16300639

>bamboo shoots
Excuse me?

>> No.16300642

>Why is there an egg in the Ramen?
tastes good.
>And the other question is what this weird brown rectangular thing
seaweed probably

>> No.16300646
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where did you get ramen from

>> No.16300647
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>> No.16300665

Sadly I don't eat eggs. Too bland for me, unless they did some flavor to the egg.

>> No.16300668

S restaurant near me in Katy TX called Aji Ramen.

>> No.16300671
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>> No.16300674

A restaurant*

>> No.16300677

Ramen eggs are marinated - you missed out

>> No.16300683

>unless they did some flavor to the egg
they did flavor to the egg, ajitsuke, or ramen egg, is brined in soy sauce and mirin, maybe some shaved garlic and peppers if you're feeling jazzy. they're delicious, I make them just to eat on their own

>> No.16300684

>weird brown rectangular thing
They sometimes put pig blood cubes in pho, but never heard of it in ramen

>> No.16300689

You're retarded and i hate you, but licky for you the eggs are marinated.

>> No.16300696
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>make ramen eggs
Mmm good idea, I started sloppa-teir pickling during the lockdown, and I've been doing traditional picked eggs with vinegar, beets, and onions. I've had ramen eggs at restaurants but never realized how simple they are to make, thanks.

>> No.16300720

More likely to be fishcake, I think

>> No.16300728

oh my god bro I hope you didn't drink the liquid! you know the heckin based Japanese don't drink the liquid? have some respect for the best culture on earth that brings us anime and the best videogames by throwing your food!

>> No.16300748
File: 159 KB, 1277x1486, 08556B660A004D5D8076313079707F63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait do they not drink the broth?

>> No.16300756
File: 139 KB, 790x270, 3D301739-2F43-47C4-86DB-698D20EE4713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re going to be retarded, at least be entertaining about it.

>> No.16300858

calm down weeb

>> No.16300862

Literally young bamboo, sliced and simmered. It is a very neutral tasting vegetable with a nice texture.

>> No.16300866

Most places charge extra for eggs, so your local is unusually generous.

>> No.16300873

Drinking the broth is very common in Japan, so you're a fucktard.

>> No.16300880

>licky bum bum now

>> No.16300906

do americans really?

>> No.16300952

Because it's good

>> No.16300984

No it isn't, idiot. Especially not at a tonkotsu place, or at the abominations that are Jiro-style.

>> No.16301028

How long should I cook a ramen egg?

>> No.16301049
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why wouldn't you drink the broth?

>> No.16301050

Have you heard of search engines

>> No.16301057

I wanted to ask my friends, not Google, faggot

>> No.16301058

7-8 minutes and shock it in an ice bath and put in a refrigerator. should be just barely gooey on the inside, not hard to adjust for your cooking unit if you miss it by a bit either way the first try

>> No.16301063
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>> No.16301066

You don't drink the broth if you are gsy otherwise you drink it. Let's everyone else in the place know you love to give head to men.

>> No.16301067
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>angry noises

>> No.16301079


>> No.16301120 [DELETED] 

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16301136
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>Not drinking the broth of ramen
Excuse me? It's what gives the fucking meal flavor.

>> No.16301156
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>taiwanese (Chinese)

>> No.16301175

Taiwan is literally just Han Chinese so yes

>> No.16301180

How can I make ramen like that

>> No.16301183

But if your complaint is about noodles distinct to Taiwan then yes, distinction to mainland would be necessary

>> No.16301937

I'd imagine people don't drink the broth because of its high sodium content but given how retarded OP is (source:he lives in Texas) I'm gonna say those who don't drink the broth are tastelets

>> No.16302016
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Japanese people who drink all the soup are rare
A person who drinks all the soup is like a person who eats up a huge bowl of fried potatoes without taking them home.

>> No.16302385

Those little fuckers taste good mah dude

>> No.16302493

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16302537
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Many ramen shops here in Japan will give you an extra serving of noodles for the leftover broth if you ask (and it's often free). It's not uncommon to drink some of the broth, though, but not only the real hardcore ramen freaks go to the bottom of the bowl.

Here's some real deal aburi chashu miso ramen for y'all from small local chain, Tadokoro Shoten.

>> No.16302624

>Why is there an egg in the Ramen? I mainly threw that away but why is there?

i hate people like you.

just eat the fucking egg and finish your plate. your parents didn't raise you right.

>> No.16302649

Are you Japanese?
I am Japanese, born and raised in Japan.

There are not many restaurants that do Kaedama
If you are a ramen restaurant like Hakata Ramen...
but not in a ramen restaurant like Hakata Ramen, where you put rice in the leftover soup or pour the soup into a "small bowl". or pour the soup into a "小丼".
But that's a special case.

>Tadokoro Shoten
Kaedama is not free!
But I admit that there are a lot of noodles!

>> No.16302680

I'm not 日本人.

But I do eat a lot of ramen. I live out in Chiba and quite a few small ramen shops will give you more noodles. I often go during lunch, when they offer 大盛り noodles for free. If you don't get it, they'll often give you extra after and don't charge you (they never asked me to go buy another ticket). At least the shop I often go to. Maybe it's a Chiba thing (we have lots of local ramen shops all competing for business).

>> No.16302683

Update, yeah, Tadokoro Shoten doesn't do free kaedama. They're a bit more upscale than most ramen I eat, though.

>> No.16302718 [DELETED] 

Free *noodles like* Kaedama.

>> No.16302817

>I'm not 日本人.
I made a mistake, sorry.

I finally understand!
That's it!
If that's the case, a lot of restaurants do it.
It's a very common service, not only in ramen restaurants
Even in restaurants that don't offer it, you can get some kind of service if you keep coming back!
When I was a student, I used to go to a restaurant that offered free ice cream and coke at this time of the year!

>> No.16302828

Is this what you ate OP?

>> No.16302837

Tadokoro Shoten is a chain restaurant, so it's not surprising.
But they often offer some kind of free service!
Free rice, free gyoza, free chashu, etc.