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16297629 No.16297629 [Reply] [Original]

Do u just cut off the moldy parts? I've never had a problem

>> No.16297633

Had anyone ever gotten sick from mold in their food?

>> No.16297650

you can get a prion disease if the mold messes up the protein structure in the bread

>> No.16297662

Is that even a rare occurrence?
If so, my interest is piqued.

>> No.16297681

Used to know a guy who didn't give a shit about mold as long as the moldy spot wasn't larger than a cm or 2 in diameter. Too much effort to cut out the spot and too much of a waste to throw the food out completely. His immune system must be tougher to crack than fort knox

>> No.16297684

nah, i get rid of the whole bread when i see mold cuz i'm aware that deep inside the bread there's fungus too

>> No.16297687

I didn't. but I threw away the moldy slices and ate the other ones

>> No.16297717

You can have hallucinations from moldy rye bread

>> No.16297724

[Citation needed] - I have never come across this in the literature
>deep inside the bread there's fungus too
True, but largely irrelevant, because it's not usually harmful
>Had anyone ever gotten sick from mold in their food?
Obviously, people have gotten sick from molds, but the vast majority of cases are from allergic reactions. Bread can also be contaminated with a few seriously dangerous molds, but it's extremely rare, as bread isn't a good growth environment for the dangerous ones (they prefer firm fruit like apples and hard pears). If you don't see black patchy molds on your bread, it's almost certainly not harmful, though it may taste unpleasant. Eating bread molds (if you are not allergic) is unlikely to have any effect on your health whatsoever. On the other hand, who can't afford 25c of bread?

>> No.16297746

Oh, I missed this one. Ergot contamination is almost always contamination of the grain, and this flour, not the bread. Fresh-baked loaves are just as dangerous, in terms of ergot poisoning, as moldy loaves and, indeed, may be more dangerous, sine ergoline compounds do slowly break down over time.

>> No.16297766

But bread mold gets you high

>> No.16297774

How do I harvest ergot? Would really love to become an acid millionaire.

>> No.16297790

>How do I harvest ergot
You don't, you grow morning glory

>> No.16297796

i put my bread in the freezer/fridge and never worry about mold

>> No.16297799

Terrible post.

>> No.16297804

Have eaten more moldy food than I care to admit in college (cut off the moldy part). Never got sick.
One time got food poisoning from drinking tea that had sat in a hot car for 6 hours, it had milk in it.
That sucked, especially the abdominal pain

>> No.16297819

This. What kind of ape leaves it out on the counter or in a cupboard unless they’re eating a loaf every 5 days? If you’re making a sandwich, just take two frozen slices out and microwave them for 30 seconds lol

>> No.16297821

enjoy your radioactive bread

>> No.16297828

thats not how microwaves work retard

>> No.16297830

enjoy your radioactive bread

>> No.16297833

do you think repeating your post will make you less stupid, you should try microwaving your head maybe something will grow in your vacant skull

>> No.16297838

>he doesn't know
like I said, enjoy your radioactive bread

>> No.16297839

Based. I have gotten a few diarrheas and other shit from street food or home cooking but nothing from eating mold.

>> No.16297861

Thanks, now go engage in sexual relations with livestock.

>> No.16297864

enjoy your inactive head

>> No.16297866

>Tastelet eats cold bread
>Retarded tastelet eats soggy radioactive bread
Just let the bread sit out. If you don't go through the entire loaf, don't eat bread.

>> No.16297870

>he doesn't realize microwaving frozen bread enriches it i.e. activates it
based retard

>> No.16297888

>Tastelet eats cold bread
i put in a toaster, have you heard of one?
>Retarded tastelet eats soggy radioactive bread
microwaves dont make food radioactive, how fucking dumb are you?

>> No.16297934

every year there are a handful of cases of severe facial disfigurement caused by moldy food.
think flesh eating bacteria. the flesh and bones in your face rot and you start to look like that dude in the sequel to silence of the lambs.
BUT. it only happens to people who have a compromised immune system, cancer/aids/diabetes whatever.

>> No.16298167

or he just got lucky

>> No.16298172

It depends. If it's a hard food like a hard cheese then yeah just cut it off and keep going. If it's soft like fruits and breads then no.

>> No.16298407

Yeah, I know two elderly people who died from mold in their food. Not at the same time.

>> No.16298490

I pass, Im literally allergic to Alternaria family of fungus, though my mom used to cut the bad parts of moldy bread and then just eat it and nothing happened so serious damage seem to be rare, but is also rare to die from sepsis and yet still happens and is nasty so im not taking chances to save 10 cents worth of bread

>> No.16298502

I just freeze my bread and toast it or put it in the skillet with a little bit of butter.

>> No.16299285

>Do u just cut off the moldy parts?
No, because if you can see any of it, it's already throughout the whole thing.

>> No.16299316

On cheese yes but not on bread

>> No.16299397

Yes, but only because it's unsightly. You're unlikely to have any adverse effects unless you have a penicillin allergy.

>> No.16299410

Or why not to eat in the dark.

>> No.16299547

>On the other hand, who can't afford 25c of bread?
I don't even know what to say to this. You must not live in america

>> No.16299569

Some mold produces carcinogens.

>> No.16299611

no because i am not poor. I will just buy some more.

>> No.16299699

if there's the slightest hint of mold anywhere, I throw out the entire package
fuck that shit

>> No.16299745

sounds weird but just keep your bread in the fridge or freezer.
lasts much much longer.

>> No.16299750

>I have never come across this in the literature
way to make yourself sound like a fag

>gatekeeping fucking bread of all things

>> No.16299777

>He doesn't eat moldy oranges for the free antibiotics
never gonna make it

>> No.16299780

tl;dr yes the food is full of fungus, but you won't notice unless it's really rotten, and it should be safe if you cut out visible mold.

Basically by the time visible mold is present on a piece of food, the entire thing is likely full of mycelia, which are basically the roots of a fungus. Technically, the mycelia are the main organism, and the visible mold is just what it does to reproduce.

Mycelia make food bad to eat in several ways. First, they digest what is around them, turning it into a nasty sludge - rotting. This process is likely happening within the first day or two after harvest/production, but since it takes a while for a few cells to multiply enough become noticeable, the effect is negligible. By the time mold is visible, the mycelia are pervasive inside the food item, although parts further away from the moldy patch have fewer mycelia and thus unnoticeable amounts of the bad rotting slush.

The mycelia itself is typically not harmful. That part of the fungus is not vulnerable, so even most toxin-producing species (which are rare in bread and plant molds) usually only have toxins in the visible mold patch. Toxins cost energy to produce, and fungi that produce enough of them to harm humans must spend a lot of energy on that production, and thus grow very slowly. They will only be present in thoroughly rotten parts. Also, of course, the rotted parts are disgusting. A thoroughly rotted piece of food likely has bacterial growth too, which is more dangerous.

>> No.16299785

unfathomably based trips

>> No.16299798

>ewww moldy bread
>*eats cheese*

do picky eaters really?

>> No.16299812

You're supposed to throw the whole loaf out when you see even a speck of mold.

>> No.16299813

>all molds are equal
based retard

>> No.16299846

based knowledgeable anon. good shit.

>> No.16299856

Wow, never knew mold was so scary.

>> No.16299858
File: 14 KB, 111x79, f119272424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if you think about it, there's a point where you can't see it yet but it's already growing inside. You can see a perfectly normal looking piece of bread and still eat mold.

>> No.16299871

Imagine having allergies

>> No.16299945

Cite a source faggot

>> No.16299953

Allergies to Alternaria are very common, and are often confused for pollen allergies since both are seasonal (Alternaria concentration peaks in July/August iirc, Pollen concentration peaks in May).

>> No.16300246

isnt LSD synthesized used some sort of bread mold?