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File: 265 KB, 2000x1335, favorite-baking-tools-the-kitchen-scale-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16284963 No.16284963 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16284967

That’s not what Adam Ragusea, world renown chef, thinks

>> No.16284974

You mean baking, the WNBA of cooking, the only thing you'd ever need a scale for.

>> No.16284982

Objectively correct. People who don’t minimize variables in order to learn and experiment more effectively are NPCs being carried by the ingredient weighing Chads of the world.

>> No.16284997

I don't bake but it is nice to portion out things, like when I buy the 3 pound chubs of ground beef and want to freeze some.

>> No.16285016

I once asked the meat guy from the supermarket for 2 kilos of ground beef, but I asked him to make 4 half a kilo bags. He did it, but he wasn't very pleased. I don't understand why. It's his job. I'd have no problem doing it if I had that job.

>> No.16285027

That's nice, dear.

>> No.16285125

the best chefs in the world just use their eyeball to judge things. they don't stick thermometers every place or use infrared beams, unless they're in a competition.

a kitchen scale is primarily for someone who is watching their diet and trying to figure out how much protein they are consuming. but you don't have to use it forever. overtime your brain will adapt to how much protein is in stuff by eyeballing it. a kitchen scale is a babys tool.

>> No.16285134

because you're giving him more work to do and the grocery store told him to serve each customer one bag. he's doing you a favor and is mad because he technically doesn't have to serve your request at all.

>> No.16285138
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>the best chefs in the world just use their eyeball to judge things

>> No.16285146

You are out of your mind if you think kitchen scales are not heavily used in the food industry.

Who in the sweet fuck is going to measure 25 cups of anything?

>> No.16285203


>> No.16285212

Dude's there to work though. He should get over it or find a job where you don't have to follow people's requests.

>> No.16285216

Only for baking and brewing. There is very little in my repertoire that can't be eyeballed and touched up later.

>> No.16285219

He's right, he's absolutely right. Anyone else who disagrees just doesn't know wtf they're talking about.

>> No.16285224

If you're making a lot of something in several batches, and you're looking for consistency, they're great. For delicate desserts and really touchy breads, they're great... For portioning out marijuana, they're great... for everything else, volumetric measure, and experience should get you close enough for jazz music.

>> No.16285228

Gordon ramsay just hates american food like greasy grilled cheeses and american deep dish pizzas.


if you're talking about catering jobs or fancy restaurants, sure, because they have a reputation to uphold. but i'm trying to say that when those chefs come home, they're not measuring shit for their family meals. a great hole in the restraunt with a grandma in the kitchen isn't measuring anything either.

>> No.16285235

Don't chefs eat canned shit, microwave food and take-out at home?

>> No.16285252

When grandma dies, they'll probably weigh out the dough for the bao - at least the first handful, and every tenth one until someone slowly dying in that tiny dim sum joint is as skilled as grandma.

I really only use mine for touchy pastries that I've fucked up in the past, and when I'm making a bunch of something like dimsum for a party where I want things to look and taste as consistently good as I can.
Also barley and hops, because I'm finally starting to make decent beer recipes by feel, and I'm fine tuning a few.

>> No.16285256

Why bother though? Weighing is still easier than fucking around with leveling/packing and potentially adding extra measuring stuff to wash. Once you have the scale it's not like it costs you anything per use, and dump/tare/dump/tare is really quick and simple if you're mixing up a bunch of stuff.
I guess if you just never bake or want consistent/repeatable portions of anything, you can avoid it. But a scale is so cheap to begin with, why handicap yourself for such paltry savings? Obviously if you're not measuring at all then that's even faster but if you are then volumetric is usually worse

>> No.16285271

For rice, I know that it's about 1:1 by volume, depending on the rice. For most doughs, I know that it's 1:3 by volume, depending on what I'm making the dough for. It doesn't have to be a measuring cup, I just find it easier to use something for water, and use the same vessel for flour, rice, pot barley, etc. It's easier than trying to pour it from the bag.

>> No.16285304

They're human just like us so i don't doubt it. Also they have a wide range of tastes so they probably don't care how canned food and fast food tastes.

>> No.16285315

You mean a weed scale.

>> No.16285318
File: 763 KB, 761x761, 1623235474508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you measure your ingredients? Just go by taste/consistency.

>> No.16285320

Some work themselves to death and just hit Taco Bell on the way home to their miserable, sleepless downtime. Some are a little easier on themselves, and enjoy the freedom of cooking off menu.

>> No.16285370

only own a scale to track calories bucko

>> No.16285388
File: 27 KB, 280x391, iseriouslyhopeyoudont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you weigh a calorie?

>> No.16285393
File: 248 KB, 859x960, Chadam14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and heterogeneitypilled

>> No.16285396

i measure my ingredients using units of time
>three seconds of olive oil
>a minute of water
>about a second of flour

>> No.16285470

I prefer random measure.
- a champagne flute of eggs
- 0.000000000000000002 parsecs^3 of flour
- a baby's weight in ripe tomatoes
- a pope's hat of basil
- 3 Cuils of garlic.
- a prepubescent scrotum of olive oil
- a trout's liverful of salt
- a sparrow's fart of pepper
Mix eggs and flour, with roughly 1/10 of the trout's liver of salt, rest for the length of a depression shower. While that's resting, chop the tomatoes, murder the garlic, and aggressively slice the basil. Apply heat at 9 o'clock to the tomatoes and olive oil in an appropriately wide pan, hum a national anthem, mash tomatoes, add garlic, basil, a thumbscoop of salt, and the pepper. Reduce heat to 11 o'clock. Roll egg dough as thinly as an expired Visa, cut to the approximate width of a pinky-toe nail, and boil in a metric fuckton of water with 4/5 of the remaining salt at approximately 373K for one Limelight. Strain. Test sauce while pasta drips. If necessary, add remaining salt. Toss pasta with sauce. Serves a miniature Vatican.

>> No.16285485
File: 44 KB, 640x640, fagget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16285489

You started it. Lube up.

>> No.16285495

I've been using a shitty drugs scale as a kitchen scale for years, what actual scale should I buy to replace it.

>> No.16285502

a hammock of cake

>> No.16285507

with an Imperial aneurysm of lilac buttercream frosting.

>> No.16285514

I hate this white cooking culture
Nigga im AZN, I can just judge this shit, I dont need to measure 8,3 grams of salt for my pad thai, I like my food to have SOVL

>> No.16285521
File: 67 KB, 607x426, 1253990965955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, someone else started it
but you decided to take it to that level
i was just sitting here when i noticed how much time you wasted typing that response

>> No.16285529

What's wrong with it? Weight is weight.
I'm pretty sure my scale is for drugs or something because it's very precise but I actually like that because it's sensitive enough that I can even measure salt if I want to. Only downside is it has a weight limit but unless you're weighing potatoes or something it doesn't matter.

>> No.16285539

It flowed pretty quickly to be honest. It feels like it might not be that inaccurate.

>> No.16285544

look for:
easy interface (two buttons)
simple units (grams/kilo & pounds/ounces...nothing more than that)
USB rechargable
water resistant
looks good on the counter
probably costs moar than your willing to spend

i can't recommend anything that fits that description since i haven't found it yet but i have an espresso scale that fits all but one of those descriptors

>> No.16285552

I own a kitchen scale and I'm not serious about cooking

>> No.16285555

For one the weight limit is only a half a pound, I can't even weigh things in glass bowls because they max out the scale empty, and also it does this thing where it won't turn on until you've popped the batteries out and put them back in, when I say shitty I mean shitty.

>> No.16285558
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>It flowed pretty quickly to be honest
yeah and i bet you fucking love science too, faggot

>> No.16285567

You probably cook boring food if you don't love science on some level. Chemicals and shit, son.

>> No.16285605

We are mostly talking about baking here.

>> No.16286204

That's so true the other day I had a chicken cacciatore where the cayenne was off by 2.4 grams so I set the place on fire after puking blood on my waitress.
5/10 b8 for making me respond.

>> No.16286623


>> No.16286632

cooking is an art not a science!

>> No.16286633

I thought everyone had those

>> No.16286853

I also own a fine/drug scale. I bought it for spices and herbs. It can weight up to 1/2 kg. I don't really trust its second decimal place though, because the scale was dirt cheap. I still prefer it ober regular scales that only show grams but not tenths of gramms.

>> No.16286877

Baking is a science, dressed up to look like art.

>> No.16287248

lmao i dont measure that shit it just goes in

>> No.16287484

Baking maybe, I don't think I ever use the scale when cooking.

>> No.16287834
File: 6 KB, 162x258, th.jpeg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own one of these and use it only to weight my ingredients

>> No.16287867

this. no need to be so fucking OCD about exact measures. if you cook for yourself you're eating it anyway even if you fucked up. this is for pros in a mass production kitchen

>> No.16287903

people get angry at me enough for using a measuring cup in cooking

"I just eyeball it"
t. average self diagnosed chef

>proceeds to undercook noodles/rice from lack of water
> uses way too much fucking oil
> makes a salt block out of a piece of meat
>refuses to use a timer and burns literally everything

>> No.16287922

I always autistically follow recipes. Can't say I'm proud of that but at least I rarely make disasters

>> No.16287929

You weigh, time and check temperature on everything.

The majority of you guys can't cook for shit and this is the reason why.

Cooking isn't about making something that tastes nice.

It's about being able to repeat a good result over and over again, while the quality of your produce changes constantly.

>> No.16287984

When you make something enough times, you understand how to make it. I can accurately alter my hydration in my baking based upon how humid it feels, but unless it's just a slab of bread for myself (and even then), I will weigh things out. Most meals, on the other hand? Cooking by feel with consistent results - maybe a timer if I've got the oven, smoker, and three or four burners going.
I know that some people aren't cut out for professional cooking, but it's the fastest way I can think of to get your shit together - you start just feeling and knowing when you have enough of something, or when it's cooked at a level that's well past guesswork. I haven't had to do it for years, but I still check my work every now and then; I can still weigh out kilograms of 00 flour, semolina, and water by feel and sight to within a gram. It's been two years since I've HAD to, but I can cook burgers and steaks through ESP if I can get a good read or feel on the flattop, pan or grill - I can feel 400, 450, and 550 within 5 degrees.

Pressure and time... it's just pressure and time.

When you start out, or when you start slipping, it's good to check where you're at against a trustworthy reference (like a calibrated scale, timer, or thermometer), but once you're consistently nailing it, you can cut back on the checks.

>> No.16289560

jazz fucking sucks though

>> No.16289583

You just don't like spicy key signatures and harmony. There's nothing wrong with preferring Nickelback's Ranch dressing to Miles Davis' habanero salsa.

>> No.16289638

OP here.

I'm not talking about weighing 60 grams or 2 ounces of onions when you're cooking a sauce. I'm mostly talking about baking and things like pickling/preserving/jams.