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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16282309 No.16282309 [Reply] [Original]

>sunflower oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, linseed oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, teak oil,

are most of these actually useful or just a meme? i use olive oil or vegetable oil 99% of the time and its fine

>> No.16282320
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A certain type of rapeseed oil called caiziyou is popular in chinese cooking. Coconut oil is good for certain things as well especially when you want its flavor. The rest are just good for high heat

>> No.16282322

Some are better for frying because of heat tolerance right? I know the coconut oil shit has strong antiviral properties, I bought a jar but never actually cooked with it. Apparently you need to watch yourself if you're eating it for medicinal reasons because it's so effective at killing microorganisms

>> No.16282326
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Teak oil and linseed oil are for wood my man...
I use olive oil or grapeseed.

>> No.16282365

Seed oils are very bad for you. Soybean oil is even worse.

Olive oil, butter, lard, tallow. These oils are worth using.

>> No.16282400

what exactly is vegetable oil? i always thought it was just a generic term for seed oils, for some reason.
anyway i like sunflower oil because it doesn't smell like much so that's what i use for cooking. and olive oil for direct consumption like in salads

>> No.16282407

oil bros is the a reason have to stock of regular olive oil, virgin OO, etc? I solely use EVOO for everything and havent had an issue

>> No.16282410

>"grapeseed oil"
G™rapeseed oil

>> No.16282418
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>> No.16282419

You should never eat any of these heated except coconut oil

>> No.16282422

heating PUFAs makes them toxic, just because they don't smoke doesn't mean they don't change.

>> No.16282468

Whatever is cheapest, which currently seems soybean oil.
You can use refined olive oil for mayo.

It doesn't really matter what fully refined oil you use. All the flavour is gone, all the antioxidants get destroyed and they all have 3-MCPD and GE. Even for allergies it doesn't really matter in theory, but they might blend in some of the unrefined oil so be careful.

They all do high temperatures. The only oil you shouldn't buy is avocado oil, it's all fake.

>> No.16282499

I mostly use lard, tallow, butter, or duck fat.

I will occasionally use peanut oil, and olive oils for salad.

>> No.16282506
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most vegetable oil you buy is probably soybean oil
although the term "vegetable oil" is a catchall for any oil derived from fruits or vegetables as to distinguish them from animal fats or mineral oils

>> No.16282516

Vegetable oil means any oil from plants. They contain unsaturated fats that will transform with heat to transfats the longer you cook them. Some, like olive oil have less heat tolerance than sunflower oil and you also need processed sunflower oil rather than cold pressed for that.
But the most optimal for frying are fats like lard or butter.

>> No.16282523

so just eat olive oil right.

>> No.16282562

>like olive oil have less heat tolerance than sunflower oil a
There is high oleic sunflower oil, which is even more stable than olive oil.

>> No.16282720

There's only three oils you'll ever need for mainstream cooking: olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, and whatever you need for high heat.

Olive oil is the go to for generic needs. Extra virgin olive oil has a more fruity flavor, so you'd use it on breads and salads when you want the flavor. There's lots of high heat oils that work like avocado and peanut oil, but I typically like to use peanut oil. Most other oils weird oils are used for a specific flavor and aren't worth it.

Don't use vegetable, canola, soybean oil, etc...
That shit is super bad for you and almost all seed oils were originally made for lubricants. Linseed oil is literally used as a paint lacquer still.

>> No.16282726

EVOO has a super low smoke point and meant for its flavor. Use it for salad dressings or some shit, not general cooking.

>> No.16282729

That one is good. Avocado oil is also stable at high temp. Refined coconut oil is stable at 450 also, unrefined 350. Butter is fairly ok but not for high heat. Ghee is high heat, beef tallow and other animal fats are high heat and nutritious as well.
They are the best choices in general.

>> No.16282790

I love linseed oil but im not gonna eat it

T. Artfag

>> No.16282905

>beef tallow and other animal fats are high heat and nutritious as well.
Nutritious is a low bar to cross.

Unless you make your own tallow/lard, and do some kind of salt filtering, it will almost certainly be high temperature refined just like vegetable oil.

>> No.16282921

>EVOO has a super low smoke point
Upwards of 180C as long as it's filtered, honestly it's not that bad. Below the smokepoint it will actually last longer than vegetable oil for deep frying.

>> No.16282966

Vegetable oil is poison don’t use it

>> No.16282994

Gutter oil is the best.

>> No.16283336

yeah PUFAs are up there in the number 1 contenders for most toxic things humanity ingests.

>> No.16283519

fuck PUFAs and FUPAs

>> No.16283698

coconut oil with my coffee. just a tablespoon. reminder it's made up of MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) instead of LCTs (same but long-chain) so it's a good choice for some of your fat consumption (low-fat diets are a bad idea)

>> No.16283744

>t. broscience enjoyer

>> No.16284907
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Where the fuck did all these facebook moms suddenly come from posting wives tales about how plant oils are bad

>> No.16284915

What can I cook with macadamia oil? It’s the only cooking oil I have

>> No.16284953

why is it called SEED OF RAPE?


>> No.16284969

I render fat from the frozen corpses of children I found in permafrost last year.

>> No.16285043

How can someone be so rich yet so badly stocked?

>> No.16285226

Only used sunflower and coconut oil. Used the coconut oil to make bacon and it smelt awful. Sunflower is good for frying and I prefer it over canola as it doesn't burn while sitting in the pan. Plus sunflowers take less processing to get the oils out so it's a little healthier.

>> No.16285238

Used to be palm oil but I think it's a mix now.

>> No.16285262

>Linseed oil is literally used as a paint lacquer still
So? People use bees wax to wax cars and furniture. Doesn't mean you can't eat honeycomb. Multipurpose use doesn't equal toxic.

>> No.16285643

For me? It's 0w30.

>> No.16285650

Whatever costs $4.99, tops

>> No.16285663
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I use straight 50 in the summer and 30 in the winter

>> No.16285811

bacon is so fatty you don't need oil for it

>> No.16285834

The best one to use is motor oil

>> No.16285838

Vegetable oil is just soybean oil.

>> No.16285845

Olive oil is the fake one if it comes from Europe since the Italian mafia runs that shit. Except Spanish oil. Middle Eastern (except israel) if fine too.

Avocado is run by the cartels but it isn't "fake."

>> No.16285851
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>rapeseed oil

>> No.16285862

I know, I was an impatient teen hoping the oil would cook it faster or make it crispier. These days I just use an air-fryer, cooks it better than I ever could and there's no spit.

>> No.16285880

Do they not label shit in the US? In Canada there's no such thing as vegetable oil, they have to tell you what type of oil it is. Canola, corn and olive are by far the most popular. >>16285862

>> No.16285952

I think you're replying to the wrong person but here in Aus, we do have vegetable oil among other specific oils. It used to be made with palm oil but now it's a mystery. Canola is the most popular but I like sunflower.

>> No.16286001

>In Canada there's no such thing as vegetable oil, they have to tell you what type of oil it is
Same for Germany. Rapeseed being the cheapest oil you can get. Sunflower coming next so those are the most popular ones.
Only those big ass blocks of deep frying fats are also made from the even cheaper palm oil, but those are not used as regularcooking oils.

>> No.16286040

BritLord reporting in.
I understand from my butler, Jeeves, that my housekeeper Mrs Hogglybottom advises that the local purveyor of goods to the gentry, a boutique by the name of 'Tesco', sells 'vegetable oil' which is 100% rapeseed oil.

>> No.16286047

Is rapeseed oil another name for paki cum?

>> No.16286069

Similar, but I use sesame oil for stir fries too.

>> No.16286091

Olive oil for general all purpose, coconut oil for flavor or to attempt to kill my friend who is allergic to coconut, linseed for my cutting boards or I just use mineral oil, teak for my woodcrafts as a finish, rapeseed for dishes that will start in the pan and go into the oven using the same pan, butter for small flavor and to change consistency of sauces. I got a small sample sized bottle of avocado oil, and I tried baking with it. I think I like that, so I might give it another go. It gave a savory element, but I might tone it down next time. Canola oil or peanut for deep frying.

>> No.16286100

Oh yeah, and sesame oil for mostly every Asian dish I make. Really great flavor there.

>> No.16286138

Only use olive oil for dressings

Use lard or ghee for cooking, vegetable and seed oils oxidize and aren't healthy during high temps

>> No.16286346
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>> No.16286368

Don't like olive oil. Use sunflower for everything.

>> No.16287451

t. Bayer-Monsanto shill