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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 600x450, beans soak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16281772 No.16281772 [Reply] [Original]

ITT steps that do nothing
>soaking beans

>> No.16281773

adding olive oil to pasta water

>> No.16281778

>cooking meat

>> No.16281794

>letting steak 'rest' for 5 minutes

>> No.16281803

it keeps the spaghetti from sticking to the pan and also adds flavor and more importantly fat

>> No.16281804

becoming vegan

>> No.16281808

i eat it right out of the pan. Fuck resting meat faggots

>> No.16281811

>adding said beans to a pot of chili

>> No.16281824


>> No.16281830

>rinsing or soaking any of your grains

>> No.16281832

salting eggs prior to cooking them, as in they wont ruin the texture
searing the meat doesnt keep moisture in or out
modern pasta is made so it's very non sticky so oil wont impact anything in cooking water as long as you stir it couple times
searing minced meat prior to adding them to sauce isn't necessary for anything, you can just add it raw to cold water and it'll work just fine

>> No.16281873

>coming to /ck/
>reading /ck/
>posting on /ck/

>> No.16281878
File: 151 KB, 317x220, shelves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dry storage

>> No.16281882

I don't think wet storage would work any better

>> No.16281889

It doesn't do any of these things.

Salt the water (for flavor and for no other reason).

>> No.16281907

For the last its about the meat's flavor.

>> No.16281983

Adding oil to pasta water DOES do something. It prevents sauce from adhering to the pasta after cooking.
It doesn't do anything good, but it does something.

>> No.16281995

The only thing you have to do to stop pasta from sticking while it cooks is stir it a few times during the first few minutes of cooking. If you add oil to the water when it cooks, you're just going to end up pouring most of it down the drain when you strain the pasta.

>> No.16282004

Washing your hands before doing anything

>> No.16282010

they noticed if you wash your hands with soap prior to surgery the patients tend to die less

>> No.16282034

Activating almonds

>> No.16282085

not my problem

>> No.16282106

not. my. problem. (I'm an anti-social incel)

>> No.16282200

This does make a difference
Try an easy experiment
Put a few drops of water on a fireproof surface
Put an open flame right next to them
Notice how water moves away from flame?
Juices in meat do the same thing when you have one side or other on a heat source like a hot pan
Resting for a few minutes gives the juices a chance to settle and distribute themselves evenly again

>> No.16282204

>he doesn't want to unlock the full potential of his almonds

>> No.16282208

Its neat how seared meat gives off juices and if you just let it rest long enough all of them will disappear back into the meat.

>> No.16282236

Washing your fruit and vegetables vefore eating them.

>> No.16282281

b-but then the fucking meat is cold?

>> No.16282289

You just microwave it

>> No.16282412

Buy tastier pasta. No need for salt.

>> No.16282588

i've only ever cooked spaghetti, or any other pasta, in salted water and never had any of it stick. are you just buying shitty pasta or what?

>> No.16282890

retards don't stir the pasta

>> No.16282894

It destroys the hormones and body composition, so it clearly does something

>> No.16282896
File: 144 KB, 1280x600, why-does-wooden-spoon-stop-pasta-from-boiling-over.1280x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, you put oil into the pasta when you take it out of the water to stop it sticking if you are cooling it and storing.
You stop it sticking when cooking by stiring it immediately.

Oil in pasta water stops it boiling over since the oil sits on top and breaks the foam apart.
Same can be done with a spoon or small fan

>> No.16282897

Then it gets overcooked. You do know how microwaves work right?

>> No.16282900

i dont stir the pasta either lmao
once you put it in the bowl it just comes apart

>> No.16282910

>soaking beans
Is this a bait

>> No.16282962

Beans are full of antinutrients that make it difficult or impossible to absorb anything good from the beans, and they're also responsible for the association between beans and farting. Soaking beans overnight helps leech out the antinutrients into the water, and thus lessen their effect.

But what's important is to dump the water after. What really gets me going is retard cooks who go through the motions of soaking the beans, and then they use the antinutrient water as a kind of broth in their dish, like what the fuck are you doing?? Why bother with soaking then?

>> No.16282989

Dude, you can just cover the pasta with salted water. Or maybe buy a bigger pan
All pasta tastes better when it's cooked in salted water
Just eating beans. They're disgusting.

>> No.16282995

>Soaking beans overnight helps leech out the antinutrients into the water, and thus lessen their effect.
sounds like pseudoscience. you soak died beans over night so they dont take hours to cook

>> No.16283015

you are an absolute nitwit if you think that "experiment" is even remotely similar to the conditions in a seared piece of meat

>> No.16283047

Nowhere near the explanation.

Meat is just muscle and flesh.
The fibers have a natural reaction to heat, to tense up and try to stop the heat penetrating too deep and cooking the animal/person deeply.

The same thing happens if you jump into a scorching hot bath.

When you rest a steak for instance, the meat literally relaxes and the seared outside spreads out, this exposes cracks in the sear where the outside overlapped or tightened together.
That's where the juices come from.

The steak tightens up to protect the flesh, this and the sear traps the juices in, when it relaxes the juices can get out through the cracks.

>> No.16283053

OP those beans are too big you need get smaller beans

>> No.16283101

You can either cook for an additional hour or soak them overnight. Not useless, just not necessary.

Keeps it from boiling over.

People say it keeps the juices from running, but it's just eating cold steak. It's fine to do, but juices don't magically stay inside after a 5 minute waiting period.

>searing minced meat prior to adding them to sauce isn't necessary for anything, you can just add it raw to cold water and it'll work just fine

It'll work and taste worse. It's almost like seared meat tastes good.

>> No.16283120

psuedoscience bullshit

>> No.16283142
File: 118 KB, 800x789, soy sciencee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a fact. soaking beans and dumping the water reduces farting, and improves nutrient absorption

>> No.16283172
File: 108 KB, 1116x744, cooking-chickpeas-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, I just wondered if it was bait to think soaking beans was bad...

Usually it reduces the cooking time, and with chickpeas it softens them prior to cooking.

>> No.16283248

fucking gutlets when will they learn? comic up with random arcane bullshit to explain their shitty (heh) GI function

>> No.16283258

why would you want to reduce farting? farting is one of the most enjoyable activities there is
any farters in the thread? any brappers?

>> No.16283473

>oil keeps pasta from boiling over
Nope. It does literally nothing.

>> No.16283484

wearing a mask to prevent the spread of the china flu

>> No.16283512

Are you White or European

>> No.16283754

no one knows how fucking microwaves work.
I'm still pretty sure its alien technology.

>> No.16284375

That's for getting off chemical/organic fertilizers and toxoplasmosis from cat shit. Probably harmless for most but you can't feed that to a pregnant woman unless you want her fetus to die.

>> No.16284424

Learn to cook.

>> No.16284476

came here to post this
i never do this

>> No.16284663

mmmmm meat fibers

>> No.16284676

>Same can be done with a spoon or small fan
Turning down the heat slightly so it's not boiling as hard as possible will also stop it from boiling over without affecting the cook time.

>> No.16284719

Talking about food on /ck/

>> No.16284769

Farter here!
Also, no one in this thread buys dried beans? soaking them is essential to rehydrate them.

>> No.16285272

It's true. No one is saying that they're toxins, but they do interfere with various nutrient absorption. You could even use high pulse consumption as part of a weight loss strategy.

>> No.16285303

>U M A M I
Glad I share /ck/ with some fellow patricians.

>> No.16285311

if you soak your beans before cooking it substantially reduces you turning into a fart factory. same effect by bring to a boil and steeping for an hour. you can also use the resulting broth to get tough stains out of white cloth, no joke

>> No.16285519

None of what you are saying is relevant here
That tightening action is completely inconsistent and usually happens well after you put the meat on heat, if at all
It does not always happen
The meat will relax back while it's still on heat if you wait long enough
If you cook meat in a pan sometimes it will release a lot of juice into the pan, killing the finish and leaving a grayish piece of meat in a puddle in the pan
If you turn the heat down a bit and wait it out it will eventually soak the juices back up and get a bark on the outside again
That's the effect you are talking about, but again it's inconsistent and does not happen every time

>> No.16286262

Go know nothing somewhere else.

>> No.16286267

Washing rice.
I know it rinses starches off resulting in fluffier rice but I just never do it and I like my rice and I also don't see any cops.

>> No.16286275

Beans are poisonous.
Soaking them removes more poison than just cooking them.

>> No.16286326
File: 209 KB, 1674x1674, bay-leaves-dry-2500-56a210353df78cf772718c1f (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16286353

You know the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chick pea?
I don't wash my rice in garbanzo bean

>> No.16286409

>What really gets me going is retard cooks who go through the motions of soaking the beans, and then they use the antinutrient water as a kind of broth in their dish, like what the fuck are you doing??
That's how you make mujaddra... You soak black lentils and use the water for your rice...

>> No.16286419

lentils aren't beans you retard

>> No.16286420

lentils aren't beans, though

>> No.16286422

Do you not soak them for the same reason you soak beans?

>> No.16286424

No, because unlike beans, lentils are not poisonous.

>> No.16286425

I prefer gamer pea

>> No.16286429


>> No.16286431

>lentils are not poisonous
"While lentils are very nutritious with many health benefits, eating them raw or undercooked is very dangerous, and can even lead to death"

>> No.16286445 [DELETED] 

>letting fresh, piping hot food rest/cool
For example, it annoys me to no end that so many recipes want you to let your steak or turkey get ice cold before eating it because no reason.
No, a cold brownie doesn't taste better than a warm one.
No, a piece of cooked meat doesn't reabsorb its juices and become better when cold.
No, a slice of lasagna isn't better when it's just a lukewarm brick of mozzarella.

>> No.16286542

That's called evaporation, not it getting magically sucked back into the meat. Kids these days I swear to GOD.

>> No.16286555

It gives you migraines
T. Ex vegtard

>> No.16286643

I certainly agree retards should be executed at the earliest convenience.

>> No.16286670

I'm a complete brainlet and even I know adding oil to water is just going to separate.

>> No.16286680

go back

>> No.16286721

Say nope all you want.
It literally does.

The restaurant I work at uses it and i've been doing the same for years.

>> No.16286728

>Stopping the water from boiling stops it boiling over
No shit sherlock

>> No.16287090

Soaking beans is pretty necessary if you're cooking them in the same dish as anything else. I make rice and beans in my pressure cooker and if you use dry, unsoaked beans by the time they're done cooking the rice is mushy and disintegrating.

>> No.16287760

Dis nigga eatin' BEANS

>> No.16287888

>soaking does nothing
Retards. Soak it a few days and you'll see it sprout. A lot of things happen in between these two stages.

>> No.16287925

It really doesn’t, you’ve been fed lies by someone who wants to sell you more oil. Just because a restaurant does it doesn’t mean it serves any purpose, it just means they’ve also been duped.

Don’t boil your pasta like a mong, and/or do the spoon thing. Literally free. No need to pointlessly waste oil.

>> No.16287974

is this bait? no one is talking about soaking until it sprouts, they obviously mean overnight soak like in most recipes. it makes no difference in comparison just boiling, or if you are SUPER tryhard about reducing flatulence, discarding the boiling water and boiling again.

>> No.16288001

>adding a garlic glove if you fry anything
not once did i taste any garlic afterwards

>> No.16288015

garlic added at the end of cooking will taste strongly of garlic, while garlic added at the beginning will add umami with much less garlic taste

>> No.16288021

i know that most of the time you dont need more garlic but simply add it later, but i specifically mean adding it to a pan while frying.

>> No.16288061

use a plate warmed in the oven or warmed w/ water in the microwave and then dried or some such other method and the meat remains hot. obviously don't use a cold plate, heat energy wants to spread out and cold ceramic in contact w/ the food makes a convenient outlet for that heat. there's a reason restaurant plates arrive hot to the touch.
what the fuck is wrong with your meat that it's releasing that much liquid
use a hotter pan christ

>> No.16288394

Hell yeah boy, I eat ice cream from time to time just so I can have rancid farts. And no, I'm not black, I'm white, and no other dairy product gives me gas, so don't even try to say anything stupid.

>> No.16288451
File: 688 KB, 603x604, firepasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding water to pasta

>> No.16288504

You do realize that there are hundreds of millions of black people who are lactose tolerant, right? You could at least say that you're not Asian.

>> No.16288634

>You do realize that there are hundreds of millions of black people
a tragedy

>> No.16289355


>> No.16289455

double frying

>> No.16289558

Deglazing ;)