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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16281435 No.16281435 [Reply] [Original]

How do you rate your wives'/gf's cooking skills? Picrel is today -- fried rice with Pagnasius, very fuckin good

>> No.16281473 [DELETED] 

Looks like some slop cooked up by a gook.

>> No.16281477

Considerably better than your ability to focus a camera, thankfully

>> No.16281535

The internet has reduced many “men” to conversing like catty, effeminate faggots.

>> No.16281549 [DELETED] 

OP then is wicked based and ladyboypilled

>> No.16281556
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in many ways, nonexistent

>> No.16281560

Rice looks overdone but i would probably pick the estrogen pills out and eat it

>> No.16281569 [DELETED] 

you will stay miserable and poor for the rest of your life, you racist piece of shit loser.

>> No.16281573 [DELETED] 

>getting upset about “racism” on 4chan
Pffffftttttt ha ha fag

>> No.16281583 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up bitch

>> No.16281586

everything looks soft
river fish = no thank you

>> No.16281592 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1024x958, 54e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow a thicker skin faggot

>> No.16281598 [DELETED] 

racism is against the rules outside /b/

>> No.16281602 [DELETED] 

You don't seem worth discussing anything with. Your perspective is clearly slanted.

>> No.16281606

Howdy newfriend! Here on 4chan, we say "pic related" not "picrel" or "pic rel" or "pic-rel." It's only a few more characters, so I'm sure you're able to handle typing out the whole word. Have fun and enjoy your stay!

>> No.16281607 [DELETED] 

Crying about racism on this site
Fucking redditnigger
Redditing niggers are literally worse than kikes

>> No.16281612 [DELETED] 

No, they're influenced by kikes, it's not their fault.

>> No.16281613 [DELETED] 

but you are the one who thinks we are in /b/ or /pol/

>> No.16281622 [DELETED] 

Eat my shit, whiny nigger.

>> No.16281625 [DELETED] 


>> No.16281630 [DELETED] 

Looks amazing

>> No.16281644 [DELETED] 

Whatever, squint as hard as you'd like until you see something you want to think is true.

>> No.16281648 [DELETED] 

you don't think it's true that you are being racist?

>> No.16281653 [DELETED] 

What? I haven't said anything racist. Why don't you zip that hole in your head shut?

>> No.16281667 [DELETED] 

>i havent said anything racist

>> No.16281670

My gf cooks...fine. She has some stuff that she nails pretty well, but 90% of the time I'm doing the cooking because it's more of a hobby of mine.

>> No.16281672 [DELETED] 


>> No.16281685 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 640x480, Screenshot (453).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe that telling you that you just want to be offended, coming here and spazzing out like this is racist.

>> No.16281687 [DELETED] 

Tiny dick chink.

>> No.16281691 [DELETED] 

>pic related
Howdy newfriend! Here on 4chan, we say "picture related" not "pic related" or "picrel" or "pic rel" or "pic-rel." It's only a few more characters, so I'm sure you're able to handle typing out the whole word. Have fun and enjoy your stay!

>> No.16281698 [DELETED] 

fine maybe not you as an individual but there are clearly racist /pol/tards in this thread right now. if we don't report or bitch about them they will never go away

>> No.16281702 [DELETED] 

You're just making it more fun for them. Listen man, if you truly wanted to shut them up, you wouldn't act like a pussy. jesus god. Just report them, if you want them gone. You ruined the thread so, cool man.

>> No.16281705 [DELETED] 


>> No.16281706 [DELETED] 

What’s wrong little faggot? You can’t breathe?

>> No.16281711 [DELETED] 

I took too much fentanyl and now I’s too lazy to collect dat welfare and robs dat pregnant bitch

>> No.16281715 [DELETED] 

>you wouldn't act like a pussy
He’s not acting lol

>> No.16281722 [DELETED] 

lol you cant blame me for ruining this thread
you are suffering from stockholm syndrome being around these racist for so long
silence = compliance

>> No.16281724

I love food

>> No.16281727 [DELETED] 

You are suffering from AIDS from being a massive faggot. Stupid broke bitch lmao

>> No.16281765

rice looks nice but >pangasius
it is a very reek-y fish

>> No.16281766 [DELETED] 

I can blame you for ruining the thread, because you ruined the thread.
If a bit of racism makes you sperg out then 4chan isn't the place for you, because you will keep ruining threads.

>> No.16282046

Mine makes the best fucking gyozas. She's a 9/10 in the kitchen. Not a 10 because she's scared of using the grill.

>> No.16282066


>> No.16282084

>tfw no gf
but when I did I cooked for her and she loved it and got incredibly flirty in the kitchen to the point where we stopped cooking and groped for a minute, she didn't cook for me tho just helped me in the kitchen

>> No.16282086

I don't get the sloppa hate. Yeah, I love a good hunk of meat too, but if you do it right, you get it close to when you're going to eat it and there aren't leftovers. You can eat off a pot of sloppa for days and reheat it easily. Working all day and throwing together some sloppa is a fucking skill. Looking in the fridge and making tasty sloppa out of random shit is a skill. No, it's not cheffing, it's cooking, and it's boring and ugly.

>> No.16282138

Nah, she used to live with chinks in college tho.

>> No.16282140

She stays in her cage