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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16280580 No.16280580 [Reply] [Original]

I want to lose weight, what are snacks I can eat that will satisfy my hunger while still dropping pounds with the exercise I will do? I hear almonds are good?

>> No.16280597


>> No.16280600

literally just dont eat. You dont need to constantly sate your hunger

>> No.16280611

I can't sleep on an empty stomach, I like to eat a big heavy meal at work so that I don't have to eat when I get home but just want to know what's a good snack

>> No.16280617

>what are snacks I can eat that will satisfy my hunger while still dropping pounds
3 glasses of water

>> No.16280618

>I want to stop being fat but i don't want to change habits that make me fat

>> No.16280624

I'm not fat (yet) just want to slowly lose some weight

>> No.16280629
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>> No.16280631

>I hear almonds are good?
almonds have quite a lot of fat in them. if you want a tasty treat and you're working out properly why not make a protein shake with a bunch of fruit and berries and stuff and drink that instead of eating? I make one like this:
>3dl mango juice
>1dl cranberry juice
>1 banana
>a handful of raspberries
>1 scoop whey protein
sometimes I put a shot of rum in it as well

>> No.16280672

dice some tomatoes, add canned tuna, olive oil and garlic and eat with a spoon

>> No.16280935

hmm not in op's situation but i might just try this if it's not some joke

>> No.16280946

Nah man, almonds are pretty high in calories, get yourself some sugar free jelly (jello) and either eat that stuff on it's own or some greek yogurt and a lil honey.

>> No.16280974

Water supresses the feeling of hunger pretty good (remember to drink slowly though), but what would help you more is changing your eating habits in general. Don't eat one giant meal and fill your stomach to the brim but split your meals and eat less but with shorter waiting periods in between

>> No.16280979

>I want to lose weight,
>what are snacks
you already lost, fatty

>> No.16281000

>almonds have quite a lot of fat in them.
They do, but they're also more satiating than something like potato chips. There's nothing wrong with drinking a little juice once in a while but it's still basically just sugar water which isn't the best.

A snack should pretty much be small amounts of food that you would consider healthy and eat with a regular meal. But the best way to lose weight is to just eat less. You can exercise to lose weight, but you'd have to run a mile just to burn the calories from a single soda. I'll occasionally have just one meal a day for a few days in a row, and I think it helps me realize that some slight hunger pangs aren't a big deal and I don't have to immediately start stuffing myself as soon as I feel any amount of hunger. And it helps to realize what it actually feels like to be hungry and need to eat rather than just eating for pleasure or out of boredom.

>> No.16281029

you dont snack if you wanna lose weight

>> No.16281033

Try chewing gum.

>> No.16281046

eat real food

>> No.16281049

yes you can, and you won't feel like you have an empty stomach after a couple of days of doing it as your body starts using all your fat as food

>> No.16281057

Salty sunflower seeds

>> No.16281073

watermelon, carrot sticks, cucumber, celery, vegetable soups, broth, unsweetened popcorn

>> No.16281107

Nuts are really calorie dense. Handful of them could be 150-250cal. You've eaten shit food if you crave snacks. Fix that before adding more eating times to your day fatty.

>> No.16281118

Cook your own food. No premade shit. No candy, little to no sugar. No bread. No booze. Just good meals with a protein source, veg and carbs. Eat slow, chew your food well. Eat till satiated. Exercise/be active for atleast 1h a day. Walking, lifting, w/e. Sleep well. Repeat till death.

>> No.16281122

The next time you have a craving, instead of giving in and eating just cram it up my ass.

>> No.16281133

And to any fat fuck who is addicted to soda, start drinking tea/coffee/sparkling water. Never drink ANYTHING with added sugar or sweetener daily/in excess.

>> No.16281218

>satisfy my hunger
You're fat. You don't deserve to be satisfied.
Put the fucking food down and do a pushup you dumb sack of lard.