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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16273794 No.16273794 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/!! ٩(•ᴗ•)۶ This year has been super wild huh?? Did any of you learn new cooking skills during quarentine? What cool new recipies have you learned/invented? I recently learned how to make white pesto with pine nuts! ^v ^

>> No.16273858

No one cares loser

>> No.16273866

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16273901

I care! ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)
What's your favorite recipe anon?

>> No.16273917

you are a light in this dark hellhole

>> No.16273925

Went to work for a michelin star restaurant recently, picked up some good techniques for seafood. Like smoking scallops in hay, then using the ash as seasoning

>> No.16273926

Found the stupid yank

>> No.16273932

I did fuck all in my kitchen because I've been living with adult children but they'll be gone in a few days and then I'm going to make an Aussie burger to see what that's about.

>> No.16273951

Ohoho! I'm not a fan of scallops but that sounds interesting! What flavor profile does the ash add to it? Also congrats at getting a job at such a high end place, that's not an easy accomplishment! (ノヮ)ノ*:・゚

>> No.16273958

I've always enjoyed wood smoking various foods but during the quarantine year I finally smoked meatloaf and lasagna. I highly recommend.

>> No.16273959

What quarantine? I live in the middle of no where. What happened?

>> No.16273960

That sounds awful, but I hope cooking will bring you joy and peace! It's really therapudic to create something special and enjoy it after putting love and labor into it *ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*

>> No.16273965

Smoked Lasagna?? That's so cool ...! ꉂ [△ ]] I'll have to try that! What wood did you use? Is it a cold smoke? Do you bake it first?

>> No.16273968

An economic health crisis!! ◝(0▿0)◜

>> No.16273989
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What I'm really looking forward to is cleaning my kitchen and waking up to a still clean kitchen. The cooking catharsis will come later when I'm no longer in the middle of doing something only to realize that the thing I need is dirty or the ingredient I need got used up.

Just a few more days and I can enjoy cooking again.

>> No.16274541

It was hot smoked, using apple wood, that is to say the smoking was the baking process (350°). It was good but I used smoked mozzarella and smoked paprika in the recipe so it is difficult to tell what came from the process and what came from ingredients.

>> No.16274546

This comic is hard to understand. The wizard needs to be saying something like "i hate cursive" or something otherwise I doubt most people will get the joke.

>> No.16274577

My biggest discovery was the easiness of making balsamic reduction. It's a very useful thing.
I wasn't affected by quarantine. I'm an unemployed NEET. If I wanted to go buy something or eat at a restaurant, I did.

>> No.16274584

I learned how to cook. I've prepared over 300 new recipes this year alone

>> No.16274615

shut the fuck up shut the fuvck up shut the fck up dhut yhruv guvk up dufvk up
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