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File: 311 KB, 800x376, Fatty-liver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16273699 No.16273699 [Reply] [Original]

anyone have a fatty liver? what were you eating/drinking to cause it?

>> No.16273716

That is clearly CGI.

>> No.16273726


>> No.16273741


>> No.16273753

Just stop drinking for a while you retard

>> No.16273853

18 beers a day for some years
had it since like I was 26

>> No.16273876

How can you tell? Is it from an x-ray, or just because of that ongoing dull bruised feeling in the gut?

>> No.16273900

skin turns yellow

>> No.16273927

how do i know it's not just a tan?

>> No.16273939

Drink all day every day , start before 8am each day. Constantly feel like shit, often throw up water and bile first thing in morning. Work from home due to covid sucks, has really elevated alcoholism

>> No.16274142

healthy fruit. fructose is one of the causes of fatty liver, and fruit has more fructose (50%) than high-fructose corn syrup (45%). regular corn syrup is only 35%-40% fructose.

>> No.16274192


>> No.16274248

First they test your urine and blood can tell if you have liver issues. Then they send you to a radiologist for an ultrasound

>> No.16274259

You'll know, it's called jaundice. Yellow eyes and possibly skin tone (not tan yellow) along with abdominal pain, throwing up etc...

>> No.16274272

Honestly, I'm sure pictures of livers off the autopsy table would have it's intended effect on me, but these perfectly plastic looking things really make me more suspicious of what I'm being sold than anything else

>> No.16274310

I can LFT blood tests and they're all fine so I don't think so

>> No.16274316


>> No.16274397

They probably use cgi so that they can bypass censors who would consider actual images to be indecent, like how you’ll see diagrams of genitalia in biology school books but not photos

>> No.16274452

Good job sniffing out the tricks of the Big Liver Jew

>> No.16274550

most people don't know until its progressed quite far along and by then they're probably already fucked... last time i checked ~100 million americans have just NAFLD and thats likely an underestimate

>> No.16274556

the fructose moiety in sugar is metabolized primarily in the liver very similarly to how alcohol is and the prime suspect for the NAFLD epidemic should be sugar... now to wait for the sugar shills to pour in

>> No.16274579

>anyone have a fatty liver?
where do you think we are?

>> No.16274583
File: 22 KB, 660x371, A6F4D550-3CFB-465C-BCAA-3EB15324E74D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this. The exact same picture but one says not alcohol related and the other says it is

>> No.16274587

excess carbs

>> No.16274604

I drink heavy too and often puke up bile and or mucus what is this ? Why does it happen and right after I get it up I feel better

>> No.16274640

simple blood work, i get mine checked every time i have a physical

>> No.16274646

I literally never go to the doctor so how would I know. I feel like shit every single day already so I can never tell when another disease decides to pile on

>> No.16274743

Non-alcoholic fatty liver is caused by food staying in your system and fermenting. What you need is some digestive enzymes.

>> No.16274746


>> No.16274785

As the doctor told me in the ER, I looked neon bright, and I was going to die in 6 months if lucky.

>> No.16274796

I do. Got diagnosed with it last month. I got it because I gained 40 pounds last year and drink a lot.

>> No.16274805

>what is this?
The cold hand of death, take a break before your skin starts to turn.

>> No.16274817

I had a scare about a year back when my liver enzymes were elevated. In retrospect it was probably because I drank the night before. It did prompt me to lose 40 pounds though.

>> No.16274834

your disgusting "country" ought to be carpet bombed

>> No.16274865

I think I have it from going on drinking binges without eating properly, hopefully it's just my gallbladder. I'm going to quit drinking for a few months before I go to a doctor.

>> No.16274877

I never drink and my only source of fat is from proteins and oils yet I have fatty liver
maybe its because I am a stick

>> No.16274974

This has been happening for over 8 years now

>> No.16275308

dude your body is telling you to ease up

>> No.16275840
File: 3.63 MB, 1669x2554, 1623602127953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you who got this, how much do you actually drink? Give me some numbers

>> No.16275852
File: 46 KB, 750x573, 1499091072654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cold hand of death
maybe i can finally have a day off work

>> No.16275883

I am 350 lbs drink like a fish and smoke weed every day. I am 34. Skin is pale. Dark circles under eyes. Have random muscle cramps. Have a pain in my left shoulder that is dull. Dull dragging feeling where my liver is. Shit Mulch every morning. hands shake when handing people money to buy the booze. Anit life grand

>> No.16275898
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>> No.16275919

I dont but after learning how fucking importat liver is I treat mine better, you can do fine with one lung, one kidney, shorter intestines/stomach, little bit of pancras, even half a brain no kidding but if your liver gets fuggered you are going to have a bad fucking time

>> No.16275924

my brother has it. 2 liters a day everyday will do that to you

>> No.16275955

But how long does it take? I have a good friend who drinks everyday beer or hard booze, every damn day no skip, will he get fucked up? Can you recover from that?

>> No.16275989

2 liters of vodka every day? lol and i thought i was an alcoholic

>> No.16275993

You been regularly puking up bile for 8 years and never thought of seeing a doctor??

>> No.16275994

He must be american, if he visits a doc he will go bankrupt

>> No.16276186

I got up to $67k before I stopped opening hospital bills
>3 days in ER
>Amberlamps ride
>8 days in ICU
>Two sets of x-rays and CT scans
>4 days in private room to consult with specialist and get the tubes removed from my dick and ass (a balloon catheter in your ass is no fucking joke if you aren't used to taking dick)
>Assorted side expenses (medication, after care, vital tests, physical therapy, etc.)
And this was with a discount. Physical therapy in home was fortunately forgot about, but I'm still having issues walking a month later. Listen to your liver, and don't day drink like mad.

>> No.16276214

I’m probably more fucked than you... I should probably open one of those one of these days.
I’ve been in and out of the ER for dying, having seizures (I keep telling people NOT to call an ambulance if this happens, god damn it), a gnarly gut infection at the height of the pandemic, etc., and multiple lengthy icu stays.
My credit is fuuuuucked and I’m only 24.
Funny thing is, they’d probably be more than happy to bury me further with some student loans, but I’m stuck renting when I could be paying a fucking mortgage.
That’s about where I was at for five years straight.

>> No.16276220

That’s like, routine when you get deep into it enough.
>wake up
>if you don’t drink immediately you vomit
>slam something and try to sit still long enough to let the warmth settle in
>eventually reach a comfortable buzz and feel normal

>> No.16276231

>as catheter
They had you on that lactulose feed, eh?
Can't say I ever envied those patients.

>> No.16276291

Liver overload and can't process shit

>> No.16276306

mine was from booze and being fat in general and taking heart pills. im a fat fuck at 340 but i quit drinking and it is healing. im not near cirrhosis

>> No.16276324

a bottle of vodka a day for ~3 years

a few years and a fatty liver isnt really a problem but it is the first step to cirrhosis

>> No.16276329

I've got like 64 oz of lactulose sitting on my gun cabinet right now, and it's only my first refill of six. Those shits are something else.

>> No.16276341

if your eyes get yellow it is th liver if not it might be the pancreas the comes at first with slight pain just below your chest often in the center or slightly on your left. If it is the liver you first get a feeling of pressure on your right because the liver grows larger.

>> No.16276356

Yeah it’s probably time for me to quit drinking, but I really, really don’t want to. Any tips?

>> No.16276363

I have a fatty liver
When I told my doctor about it he told me to open my mouth and say oink

>> No.16276403
File: 110 KB, 634x793, 1623424356412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my uncles story shocked me about liver disease. he didn't have fatty liver, but he contracted Hepatitis C a while back, which can attack the liver randomly. the doctor told him not to worry about it. but some years later, he begin to feel lethargic symptoms, bloating, weakness, and diarrhea.

this was end stage liver disease, basically incurable and a 2% chance of reversing it at that point. he became hospitalized suddenly and an infection spread to his brain. he could no longer talk, or walk. he begin to repeat stuff i would tell him, instead of responding in his own ways. he appeared as a very drunk person would appear. eyes very glossy and not the same person.

he was in this comatose state for about 10 days and then had a heart attack. by this point his ankles and feet were extremely swollen and puffy.

>> No.16276406

my uncles eyes never turned yellow from his end stage liver disease, so don't always rely on eye color.

>> No.16276412

I’m this fag
It sucks really fucking bad at first, and tbqh I’m still struggling a bit.
Taper. That is very important.
Tapering sucks because it requires self control while still drinking, and you’ll still feel pretty shitty. Sweating, WDs, DTs, etc.
After you get through that, don’t keep booze in the house, that’s a big one.
Expect anxiety.
I’ve been putting what I would normally spend on booze in a jar every other day.
I don’t know what I’ll use it for, but it helps me to physically see what I’m saving.
I’ve slipped a few times (buying a couple miniatures when I go grocery shopping), but I’m nowhere near as bad as I was.
Not doing shit/going outside because of COVID helps.

>> No.16276416

It’s been about two months since I was at a handle a day.

>> No.16276427

Oh yeah, kinda like the wikipedia page for woman in english vs in netherland.
american puritanism is so weird.

>> No.16276430

fatty liver would probably be caused by a diet high in fructose, alcohol, and fat.

>> No.16276433

don't listen to >>16275308
your body is telling you it's just made space for you to slam another few down

>> No.16276453
File: 142 KB, 800x800, tropea-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one in my fridge

>> No.16276964

So how bad is alcohol withdrawal actually supposed to be? I drink half or a whole 750 mL of vodka each day and I can’t really say that on the days I don’t drink I’m experiencing anything crazy. I don’t know though, when was the last day I didn’t drink?

>> No.16277075

I only got sever withdrawal aftre drinking for over a year daily before that i only had a bit of night sweats but later after drinking for longer the withdrawal became stronger and included puking, tremors, sweating, freezing and unrest, nerveousness and being unable to sleep more than 2h a night all this stopped after ~4 days.

>> No.16277077

Huh I wonder if I never really drank that much to get withdrawal even though I drink daily for years

>> No.16277081


i consumed 750 mL of vodka each day sometimes with another
or two of 5% beer

>> No.16277085

liter beer

>> No.16277091

stop as soon as you can also ~30mg diazepam helps with the first 3 days

>> No.16277096

i forgot that i also had daily nightmares for a few days after stopping

>> No.16277129

Depends on the individual. I drink about that much a day and the only withdrawal symptoms I get is insomnia for like 2 days.

>> No.16277164

I have a bump right below my chest. This bump was not there previously. It doesn't hurt.

Is it my liver or pancreas?

>> No.16277193

the liver is on your right side but i never had a bump or other visible symptoms besides the pain and puking from the pancreatitis and a felling of light pressure from the enlarged liver

>> No.16277200

also the pancreas dosent enlarge

>> No.16277201

The bump is right in between the ribs, like where the ribs meet. It is hard, but it does not hurt if I push it.

>> No.16277219
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean the position in the pic? You know when you have an alcoholic pancreatits you puked everything out even water and it is painfull, i had it twice from drinking and it required each time a 5 day hospital stay with a fluid and pain med drip. How long do you have the bump?

>> No.16277224

It's so they can give a representation that is not accurate. Look at what an artist's rendering of a fetus looks like in a biology textbook compared to a real one that's been aborted. The drawing looks like some alien fish thing, and the real picture looks like a tiny human.

>> No.16277227

last time i also got an antibiosis drip because the pcr value was of over 300

>> No.16277233
File: 38 KB, 612x459, man-with-jaundice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your eyes will begin to swell
others may not be able to understand you
cravings for offal and other nutrient rich unsanitary meats
expressing views that Taiwan is part of the mainland or speaking about the century of humiliation

>> No.16277242
File: 431 KB, 1000x1000, 1606751052281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend of mine has it, when they told me I almost quit drinking entirely out of fear. How much would you even have to drink in order to get something like that?

>> No.16277244

a handle a day of hard liquor, or close to.

>> No.16277248
File: 69 KB, 985x1024, EuYtrB9XIAALuI5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it also effect absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream? I'm just in disbelief how you don't die from alcohol poisoning drinking that much...

>> No.16277249

No. It is not painful. It's just a hard lump in the first open space below the chest. I'm guessing it's my enlarged liver pushing something out, but I really don't know. It could be something swelling. Help.

>> No.16277253

from the feeling and your drinking you can make a good guess but a ultrasound exam is enough to the the enlargment if they want to also see if there are fat deposits they would do a ct scan

>> No.16277268

>ITT: fatty liver and liver cirrhosis are the same thing

>> No.16277278

it is unlikely that it is the liver for you would then have a dull pressure feeling on your right side roughly at the hight of your navel just wait a bit see if a change occurs if it gets bigger or painfull go to the doctor/internist

>> No.16277300

Kys data mining tranny

>> No.16277301

How do I know if I have a fatty liver

>> No.16277355

You dont unless you also have swelling. A fatty liver is very common many overweight middle aged people have one. It doesent affect your life in anyway if it is an alc. fatty liver and not just a normal fatty liver it is time to reduce your alc intake for if you keep drinking a lot for a few more years it can develop into a cirrosis.

>> No.16277376

if your liver in the early stages it can heal back to normal within a few months ~3-4 but only if you stop drinking and lose some weight if you are to fat

>> No.16277502

That's cirrhosis, not fatty liver. Fatty liver is extremely common and is not cirrhosis.

>> No.16277517

Im getting a testbto detect hepatitis as soon as possible, im a dirty fuck who eats street food everyday and now im scared of hepatitis...shiiiiieeeet

>> No.16277540

Such a warm feeling knowing millions of people are constantly thinking of me and the things I like and it triggers them to their absolute core. Meanwhile I never think about them. Accidentally got some shit on my thumb today when I was carelessly wiping in between posts waiting for my minute cooldowns. Kind of made me think of how lucky I am to be American and how if I lived in Europe I wouldn’t even have any toilet paper. They just have to use their hands unless you’re royalty. No wonder they’re always thinking about us and the things we like.

>> No.16277543

I never paid in America when I was poor. I have a career now and I still don't pay.

>> No.16277548

Liver and pancreas are working harder than they should, and secrete excess bile into your stomach. If you're drinking half a fifth or a fifth a day, from the moment you vomited bile you have maybe 2 years before you develop early stage alcoholic liver disease. You can still bounce back at this point, and at this point you have maybe a year of hard drinking before developing cirrhosis.

>t. recovering alcoholic that drank very heavily for 7 years straight.

Quit while you can before you experience terrible withdrawals and delirium tremens. Your demons will dance around you as you hallucinate, and the audial hallucinations will make you temporarily lose your mind... then the anxiety takes you. If you do at-home detox, you'll feel pins and needles over where your heart is, as it struggles to keep from cardiac arrest as you sieze up from shaking.

>> No.16277616

Is there anything that doesn't kill you?

>> No.16277687

Whattt? If its so bad why you drank so much in the first place? Dont tell me boohoo I have a shitty life otherwise you would have blown your brains off instead of drinking like a retard

>> No.16277723
File: 220 KB, 377x473, 1615104776636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death and pain is scary and the jews started putting air into helium tanks so you have to deal with pain or becoming a potential vegetable kept alive for no other reason than because its a crime to destroy government property
Over a third of the western population are on SSRI's because people are miserable, include drugs and alcohol and very clearly most people are self medicating because their lives are miserable, introduce painless suicide booths and overpopulation would fix itself in a year

>> No.16277812

Alcohol is a depressant, an inhibitor. After my 2 tours in AFG I lived with a lot of guilt and once i got out my mom was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. For 7 years I took care of her and watched her wither away until her final moments. I never got the chance to get over the war as the reaper still lurked around me. I kept numb with booze. In the end the purpose of life is to live it. If your first plan of action is to blow yourself during hard times, the only weak one here is you.

I survived delirium tremens during home detox. It should've killed me but it didn't. I've been to hell back and forth twice and survived both. Suck my dick, pussy.

>> No.16277979


>> No.16278069

How much did you tip, tho?

>> No.16278288

About three fiddy

>> No.16278320
File: 135 KB, 630x1080, Alcohol Uk Weekly Recommended Intake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booze does nothing if you drink daily, save it for the weekends, even if you go mad Friday and Saturday night there's only so much damage you can do living like that and your mind can't get used to it

>> No.16278350

I thought men could drink more than women? Like how men can eat more calories than women.

>> No.16278364

I dont drink alcohol nor eat excess fat/sugar/carbs

>> No.16278447

Works fine for me :)

>> No.16278668

They changed it to satisfy feminist politics. Women can now officially drink just as much as men. Even if that isn't true

>> No.16278762

Fatty liver just seems like human fois gras.
Should be delicious.

>> No.16278840
File: 86 KB, 640x512, 1397415086879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drank 18 beers a day for 10 years, got my Liver ultrasound next month, I'm fucked aren't I?

>> No.16278866

You'd think that, but it's chock fulla toxins because we ingest a lot of crap.

I've been downing a handle of vodka every week for a couple years now. Had a biopsy last year and all it came back with was "mild fatty infiltration".

>> No.16278896

I was pretty much invincible the first few years as well, it's only the last few years, especially the very last that it all went to shit. I had a DT seizure because I went more than 10 hours without a drink for the first time in years and decided enough is enough. 22 days sober now after detox.

>> No.16278934

that looks like raw vs deep-fried comparison

>> No.16278943

serious question,
how are you alive?

>> No.16278947

Are you still drinking? It's never too late to make things better. TWU

>> No.16278972

Irish and Welsh genetics, we're natural pissheads.

Haven't touched a drop since detox last month, I still enjoy 0% alcohol beer though.

>> No.16278982

I'd also like to know whats too much. Sometimes people talk about how much they drink and then say 6-8 beers in a night. Bitch I kill a 12 pack of 5.9% tallboys and then some with ease

>> No.16279003

>the pancreas the comes at first with slight pain just below your chest often in the center or slightly on your left
It's the right side

>> No.16279381

they're both the same thing though, cirrhosis of the liver, just caused by different things.

>> No.16279404

no sorry. soda. KEK but he really does have it from that.
everyday for years

>> No.16279423
File: 56 KB, 634x423, foie gras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be some shit to get fatty liver from foie gras. It's a goal of mine now.

>> No.16279443

I think I'm at the end of my run, boys. It just isn't fun anymore and each time results in withdrawal. As an American, is it smart or stupid to bite the bullet and tell my doctor?

>> No.16279451

your doctor will not be the end all be all but if you want it cant hurt to mention it to them and see what is said.

>> No.16279452
File: 919 KB, 1500x1450, 1615755372795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fasting can heal fatty liver disease. save yourself bros

>> No.16279493

I don't really drink that much anymore compared to my 20s but I still get bad anxiety in the morning after 10-12 beers and i dont drink everyday anymore, i guess it's just alcohol 'kindling' or whatever. I think it has more to do with how long you've been drinking in life.

>> No.16279537

Well, I was thinking of getting on Naltrexone to start stopping. But then I get a scarlet letter on my record as a drug abuser, in which insurance and future prescriptions will be compromised. It's a tossup.

>> No.16279543

Only if you can get Naltrexone. Try AA too. You're gonna need some kind of help if you are suffering from withdrawals

>> No.16279859

yo mama was a who-wah and ur a welfare queen bitch idiot. what kind of loser joins the military lol i hope it haunts you forever

its your fault they died

>> No.16279867
File: 36 KB, 600x329, edgy mcedgerton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16279870

cry more literally seething

>> No.16279876

K sure, and then what am I gonna do when I get home from work? Read? Go for a walk? Fuck outta here with that dumb shit bruh.

>> No.16280175

Eat beef liver, it will help heal you

>> No.16280183

when I die of fatty liver I want my liver to be force fed to geese.
the circle of life.

>> No.16280307
File: 29 KB, 500x487, 20210611_042251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was in hospital cause thought was having heart attack
>They do some tests, "everything seems fine but you do have a bit of a fatty liver"

>> No.16280327

Damn, anon. Surviving at-home detox is hardcore risky, under certain conditions that shit can leave you permanent brain damage without medical supervision and intervention. I hope things are better for you nowadays and life is better for you.

>> No.16280343

Good job not drinking for that long. There will be rough days, but it gets easier over time.

>> No.16280370

Thanks man, I switched to 0% beers but find I still chug them down at a furious rate, nasty little habit I can't seem to ditch atm.

>> No.16280377


>> No.16280594

Checked, bread, sugar and medications. Not me someone I know, they got better though.

>> No.16280619

you can fap and play video games

>> No.16280623

I know it is placed center-right but for me the pain was center-left

>> No.16280885

Based fat fetish poster

>> No.16281226

This is your brain on /pol/

It's honestly just to do with weight anon

>> No.16281700
File: 327 KB, 1191x1683, 1623597513945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink about 750mL hard liquor a week

is this bad or nah

>> No.16281707

How much do you drink?

>> No.16281812

There's still a small amount of alcohol in those. Maybe switch to sparkling water.

>> No.16281843


Exercise, even walking, helps with the anxiety. I highly recommend it when you crave booze. Even a small weight can help just work out the stress hormones that you're overly sensitive too after alcohol cessation.

Once you replace the booze with exercise, the anxiety will drop after a few weeks. Then you can start crawling into a slightly more normal life.

>> No.16281926

Bros I drink 3 glasses of wine a day and go running after I feel the buzz will this help my liver please I know I drink less than you guys but still
I used to drink 9 glasses a day back in college but I graduated last year so I’ve tried to taper out but I’m stuck in 3 glasses a day

>> No.16281941

Btw it’s 500 mL of 12.5% wine a day, specifically

>> No.16282142

Weight + body fat. Women have higher body fat (on average), therefore lower alcohol tolerance.

>> No.16282190

you'll know when you get the beetus, then 10 years later have a heart attack

>> No.16282234

14 units a week...
I was on 40 units a day.
Dunno how I'm still alive...

>> No.16282385

You used to drink three bottles of wine a day?

>> No.16282395

lol, sure thing sweetie

>> No.16282520
File: 123 KB, 334x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16282715

There's like 17 and some odd drinks in a 750mL. Goes slightly over the "14 a week at max" limit only slight. Still wouldn't say it's good, but it's not terrible bad either.

>> No.16282739

I used to drink 1.5 bottles of wine a day, now it’s down to 0.5-0.75 bottles of wine a day

>> No.16283095

I was drinking an 18 pack a day for 3 months and got fatty liver

>> No.16283188

I drink about 6 or a few more drinks daily.
Am I really fucked? I handle alcohol pretty well.

>> No.16283225

Maybe not fucked as such, but your health in your mid to late middle age will likely be less robust than it should be.

>> No.16283238

Aye. I do stop for a few months out of the year when I feel its effects taking a toll on my health. I'm just wondering how long I can keep doing this. Sobriety is unbearable for long periods of time.

>> No.16283259

The liver is actually the only organ humans can fully repair, if you have 75% of your liver removed and live a healthy life it will grow back like a lizards tail.

>> No.16283266

big if true, post sources

>> No.16283283

They'll do a temporary liver transplant where your liver is taken for inspections and given back on the next day. However, remember stay sober that one night with hospital liver, they are not very good.

>> No.16283304

Looks NOTHING like the OP pic. What a fucking fraud.

>> No.16283307

I got my physical this January
Cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. all good
Enzymes are "abnormally elevated" Take a blood test, I'm not sure how enzymes are calculated but the "healthy range" is anywhere from 0-49, I had 74. I did a hepatitis test ABC are all negative, another blood test to verify, I got a 72. Today I got through with my ultrasound, and will be doing a iron and other liver blood tests before going to a specialist if I don't find a response.

5'8, 160 lbs. Which is 24.9 BMI, the line right before overweight begins. Wish me luck anons, I've got another week and a half to get my results from this ultrasound and blood test.

>> No.16283521

I've progressed to drinking 6 Coors a night. Am I fucked?

>> No.16283559

cool image

>> No.16283589

how much do you drink on average per week?

>> No.16283619

Assuming the same baseline, you aren't too bad. My doc said my enzymes should be 50 or under. I was admitted with a liver enzyme test of 500, got down to 200 before being released two weeks later. My PA I'm seeing, a month after release, said all my tests came back okay, but my liver enzymes and ammonia levels are slightly increased.

>> No.16284286

I rarely drink if ever

what an odd thing the human body is. I'm glad to hear that things went well with you anon.

Let's hope it's just a little fatty tissue or high iron on mine, things that can be fixed with diet and me going to the gym. The alternative could be liver cancer

>> No.16284318

My mom has this and she legitimately hasn't drank anything in her whole life.
I'm pretty sure the doctor's assume she's lying but I know she's not.

>> No.16284533

The color of your poop could be an indicator. If it's bright orange or graysh you have a problem.

>> No.16284560

pancreatic issues or simple acid reflux. i had the same kinda thing in January and went to a Dr. Turns out i had GERD and after taking some PPIs for two weeks i was good. It was a wakeup call and i stopped drinking but sadly i have relapsed to my old ways. i am much fitter now than i was back then, but it's tough to stop

>> No.16284614
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I don't know who in this thread needs to read this, but Milkthistle is known to help with liver function.

>> No.16284632

See? Now THAT's what I'm talking about.

>> No.16284660
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foie / foie gras

>> No.16284664
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Just got back from the doctor, the GGT level is supposed to be under 60..... 23 days of no drinking and it's dropped down to 200, slowly getting there.

>> No.16284705
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>tfw someone I know drinks a liter a day and has been taking melatonin to sleep for years

>> No.16284745

It's you isn't it anon?

>> No.16284880

Fuck you, have fun paying your super duper expensive 500 dollar ambulance rides and 3 thousand dollar hospital bills while I wait in line for 6 months heh, that'll show you.

>> No.16285147

What's wrong with melatonin?

>> No.16285183

I was going to grab my 3rd 16oz of the day but.... Maybe I won't

>> No.16286432

I mean I can somewhat sympathise with people that do the dirty work for the anglo-jewish world order, but at the same time you can still go in the army and never be deployed. I was in the army as well, and I would have never went to Afghanistan or any other poor country with impoverished suffering people whose only crime it is to be born into the wrong spot and being a hindrance to the eternal anglo. I fucking despise the USA.

>> No.16286561

gamma-gt value are most often used as an indicator

>> No.16287774

>and then what am I gonna do when I get home from work? Read? Go for a walk?
You're actually retarded and deserve to drink yourself to death if you cant think of anything else to besides drinking alcohol in your free time

>> No.16288065

I don't

I'm just a fat bastard (380lbs)

>> No.16288890

I'm not familiar with the units, but isn't AST elevated? Could be heart problems.

>> No.16288912

Basically all the H's mean they are higher than they should be, the rest have dropped down back to normal though.

>> No.16288919

this haha

>> No.16289562

She probably has non-alcoholic fatty liver. It is food related. If the food is left to ferment in the body, it creates alcohol. She needs to eat more fiber and be more regular.

>> No.16289570

So you can heal from that? Is only cirrhosis non reversible?

>> No.16289581

Yeah, it's no problem. Eat more greens and vegetables. Also take some digestive enzymes if you have trouble digesting foods.

>> No.16289610

oy im a medic here
NALFD: fatty liver disease NOT from drinking. usually its cause... you're overweight. Really the only thing that helps is losing something like 5-10% of your weight. that will often reverse it entirely. black coffee seems to help. it can remain asymptomatic for many years and suddenly boom, your liver is fucked.

alcoholic fatty liver disease: you fucked your liver over by years of drinking. the damage is done but if you keep drinking you'll die faster lol

hepatitis/end stage liver disease: read up hepatic encephalopathy. basically all the gunk your liver breaks down goes to your brain and you become a zombie. a shell of a human being.

>> No.16289994

Wrong. NAFLD is a progressive and incurable disease caused by several possible factors. It is thought to be auto-immune related. It can be managed with exercise, diet, medications, Albumin transfusions and surgery. It is a progressive and irreversible disease.

>> No.16291077

Don't listen to this retard

>> No.16292741

I have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The best way to counter it is by eating very little carbs- no bread, no potatoes, no rice, and no to some fruit. Concertedly you also need to work out; start with weights and end with hard cardio- you’ll lose a lot of weight rather quickly that way. I dropped from 180 to 140 in about 2-3 months following this strategy. The fat on my liver pretty disappeared.

>> No.16293273

Something is fucked with me, melatonin doesn’t do shit, I can bike 15+ miles and still not be sleepy (physically exhausted, yes, sleepy, no), I’ve tried Zoloft and Ambien and they don’t do shit (except for make me afraid to drive or leave my house in case it actually does work miraculously).
I’ve been like this since I was a kid.
After I became an adult and it really started to interfere with my jobs and life (I fell asleep at the wheel after being awake for 72 hours straight).
I know it’s killing me slowly, but booze or benzodiazepines are really the only thing that help me sleep.
And now I’m trapped in a vicious cycle.
And yes, I’ve talked to a doctor about my sleep issues.

>> No.16293286

It cracks me up when people act like melatonin makes them pass the fuck out.
I just gave up with it because I read somewhere that overdoing/ using it long term can lead to issues with short term memory loss. I’m aware that it is a chemical that your brain already produces naturally.

>> No.16293354

excess niacin is bad for the liver

>> No.16293361

>3000 calories of beer every day
400lber detected

>> No.16293502

I was drinking 4k calories a day of vodka and I’d just yo-yo up/down the same 20lbs depending on how often I ate.
Not a fat fuck, either.
It does suck, though- my tolerance is so high that I straight the fuck up can’t drink beer fast enough to get actually drunk.
And beer tastes like absolute shit no matter how expensive and fancy it is.

>> No.16295122

Some of the biggest alcoholics I’ve met have been rail thin for this very reason.
Lots of throwing up from withdrawals/ general lack of appetite when sober, also- all money goes to booze.

>> No.16295129

That’s the life m8.

>> No.16295147

AST can be elevated by many things but is only released by the liver. GGT is pretty specific to alcholism though it can be elevated in hepatitis and biliary tract disease.

>> No.16295672

30 pack of milwaukees best ice with the boys 3-4 days a week in college

>> No.16295680

how do you know if you have a fatty liver

>> No.16295681

Lol that shit is vile

>> No.16295688

how does alcohol make your liver fatty? no fat in alcohol

>> No.16295703

if you dump a large dose of alcohol or fructose on your liver quickly it cant handle it and has to convert it to fat

>> No.16295707

Lightweight shit if you split it among multiple people. Don't worry about it if you only had a few beers 3-4 days a week. It's bad if you drink every day.

>> No.16295710

>convert to fat
wtf why would it do that

>> No.16295731

Dietary fructose, sucrose, or HFCS have been shown to have a special tendency to induce fatty liver in experimental animals (6, 17, 30–34), as well as inflammation (35). To develop the fatty liver, it usually takes atleast 8–24 weeks on high fructose diet with more progressive disease with longer exposure (36). Often the administration of fructose also induces other features of metabolic syndrome as well, including elevated blood pressure, elevated serum triglycerides, and insulin resistance (37). In part the fatty liver may be due to increased energy intake, as high fructose intake induces leptin resistance in rats (38, 39). However, if diet is controlled so that the control group ingests the same amount of total energy, the fructose-fed rats will still develop features of metabolic syndrome, although weight gain will not be different between groups (37, 40). Indeed, one can even induce fatty liver with a calorically restricted diet if the diet is high (40%) in sugar (41). Others have also reported that high fructose diet can induce fatty liver in the absence of weight gain (35).

>> No.16295736

yeah not gonna read all this bullshit you fag

>> No.16295745

okay then dont

>> No.16295918

The Beast!

>> No.16296195

Same thing happened to me; I gained 40lbs during the pandemic and got diagnosed with fatty liver a couple weeks ago. I'm certain it has more to do with weight gain than alcohol consumption.

>> No.16296203

>And beer tastes like absolute shit no matter how expensive and fancy it is.

LARP detected

>> No.16297326

there are different forms of hepatitis, but hep C is the worst one I believe. in the last 10 days of his life, he was stuck in the ICU, this was before Covid-19, but we still had to wear masks, gloves, and a sterilized jacket to hold his hand or talk to him, and if i got too close, the nurse told me i had to back away and keep my distance from him, so as to not get him sicker.

the last 10 days is when i completely lost faith and knew it was over for him. my uncle dying from liver disease stared at me blankly, but i didn't want him to see me cry and I wanted him to seem like everything was still okay.

>> No.16297417
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Sugar and alcohol, mostly. I've cut down on sugar recently while feeling lighter, fortunately.

>> No.16297513

Since you brought up alcohol, Ill tell you this story about the time I was drunk as shit and wandered into the local YMCA to get some water from the fountains, free chips, condoms and other stupid free shit laying around everywhere and I took a kid into a handicap bathroom and had my way with her while she was waiting for adult swim to end so she could go back into the pool. I COULD NOT fucking stay hard. This was pre cameras 90's shit and I had a good time with those torpedo tits sticking out but god damn I couldn't stay hard or fuck.

Alcohol does that. Alcohol fucked that up. Not me. I could have scored but I didn't. Alcohol is a tricky mistress, you gotta plan and not let her take control of you. Always on your toes enough to keep you from doing bad shit.

Just like guns everywhere in the house and jumping off the roof. You won't feel falling off the roof till the next day. Anyways, alcohol? Yeah... that is a thing. Have fun, but watch out.

>> No.16297668

Brutal mog

>> No.16299145
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>I took a kid into a handicap bathroom and had my way with her

>> No.16299163

>Anyone have Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease?

Got mine from Type II Diabetes.
Undiagnosed for 3 years.
I thought drinking 3 to 4 gallons if fluid a day was normal.
Thought everyone had chronic diarrhea and began and ended the day vomiting.
Finally went to the Dr, in the waiting area and passed out, woke up in the ICU 4 days later.
Had a blood glucose level of 1325, that was after a 24 fast, I went into a Diabetic Coma.
Liver is 2 times the normal size and working at 25% function, Pancreas is also swollen and hardly functioning.
6'3", 175lbs, no drugs, no alcohol, no junk food, Dr said it's genetic, only Diabetic in my family, Dr advised to take a DNA medical test, results showed 97% chance of Diabetes, also found out that I am adopted, parents child was stillborn, dead child was given to a heroin addict prostitute mother and her live baby (me) was given to my parents, my mother was a nurse at the hospital, "we decided it was best for everyone".
Currently on Insulin, $450 a month (thanks Biden) under Trump it had dropped to $30 a month.
On a transplant waiting list for a liver (full or partial) and a pancreas, not holding out a lot of hope, my blood type is odd, so probably not going to find a match.
Kidneys are now affected, other organs will quickly become compromised.
Will be 26 in September.
To extend my life dietician has me on a full raw vegan diet, I really, really hate vegetables.

>> No.16299196

top one looks tasty
bottom one looks like fishing bait

>> No.16299217

>parents child was stillborn, dead child was given to a heroin addict prostitute mother and her live baby (me) was given to my parents, my mother was a nurse at the hospital, "we decided it was best for everyone".

lol bullshit

>> No.16299965

good job!

I'm down to 4 vodka shots a day from 17-20 a few months ago. Drank like that for years, but it's definitely affecting me now. Think I've reached a point where I can finally start skipping days without major withdrawal.

>> No.16299978

i'd let that teacher give me hep c

>> No.16300029

that's something

>> No.16300151

This thread has been genuinely interesting and surprising. Get your fucking lives together. Go exercise every day, taper your drinking, and start eating healthier/cooking your own meals. If you do this I guarantee you will see and feel positive results in 2 weeks which should be sufficient motivation to keep going.
Life isn't that fucking hard when you live in a cushy first world country lol

>> No.16300161

>b-b-but it's hard!!!
No shit, do it anyway. Anytime you have doubt in your mind about making positive results to better yourself, just fucking do it anyway. Over time you'll get used it and start enjoying it.

>> No.16300182

Fuck off you buzzkill. I'm trying to enjoy my drink.

>> No.16300867

Yeah, keep ignoring your problems loser.

>> No.16300884

I don't ignore them I embrace them, jump off the deep end kinda thing

>> No.16301117

Haha that's even worse, enjoy your slow, painful, prolonged death.