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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16272572 No.16272572 [Reply] [Original]

Gamer fuel thread

>> No.16272573

burger king filling but expensive
mcdonalds cheap but make me more hungry after

>> No.16272574
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>> No.16272575

How the fuck is Burger King still in business? I haven’t met someone who eats there in 10+ years

>> No.16272576

Miss Burger King from like 5-6 years ago

Can’t trust 10 nuggets for less than $2. Had to take my hunger for chicken elsewhere

>> No.16272577

Anyone who goes to burger king for anything other than maybe the whopper should be embarrassed. Everything they sell is better at even McDonald's.

>> No.16272578

The whopper is still the definitive fast food garbage burger

>> No.16272579

I suddenly crave a Whopper Meal from Burger King to enjoy alongside the Xbox/Bethesda conference.

>> No.16272580

>you're only lame if you don't do what I don't like
I forgot today was sunday and summer for a second. How about you go outside and get shot at or something? The adults are conversing.

>> No.16272581

I still really like Burger King's fries.

>> No.16272582

>you're only lame if you don't do what I don't like
Did you have a stroke? Or ESL?

>> No.16272583

i get coupons from them all the time
3 whoppers
3 cheeseburgers
3 fries
all for $13

>> No.16272584

This is just a /ck/ fast food thread on /v/

>> No.16272585

wrong, mcdonalds have the better fries and bk the better burgs

>> No.16272586
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>> No.16272587

Same here, coupons are great.

>> No.16272588

Got a 5 pound bag of Dots pretzels

>> No.16272589

Isn't that the "veggie" burger?

>> No.16272590

This. Burger King is cheap as fuck compared to McDonalds. They constantly give out coupons and they are good deals

>> No.16272591

Hold on, why Cock-a-Cola? In my country BK sells Bepis.

>> No.16272592

one bottle = lunch meal?

>> No.16272593


I like the fries from BK a lot, but their sandwiches suck.

>> No.16272594
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>> No.16272595
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*steals your heart*

>> No.16272596

Before it 404's I need help; I see no reason to ever order any fast food except for a Wendy's Medium 4 for 4 with the JBC no mayo and an additional 4pc Nugget. To me Wendy's is the only fast food place I've been to that makes food I would consider edible

>> No.16272597
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>go get fast food on a Sunday
>10:33 AM
>"unfortunately we are no longer serving breakfast"

>> No.16272598

of course the type of faggot that orders food with mods like no mayo thinks people care about his stupid ass opinion

>> No.16272599

my fridge is filled with nothing, but just still water and a few vegetables, thanks to COVID-19
it's been almost 3 weeks without any smells or taste

>> No.16272600

Goddamn I want to know the total calories for this

>> No.16272601

>someone get this kid a happy meal

>> No.16272602

McDonalds serves it past 10:30.

>> No.16272603

I was gonna go out for lunch today for fast food, dubs decides what I get. Price limit is $15 and no weird regional chains, big names only.

>> No.16272604

And a watch

>> No.16272605
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>> No.16272606

Not as good as the otherwise identical popeyes sandwich
Also the one I got was pretty dry, and burger king's ranch doesn't go very well with anything

>> No.16272607
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>> No.16272608
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>> No.16272609
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>Keep seeing commercials for this
>Allergic to gluten
>Have to make my own because now I'm craving a fried chicken sandwitch
I'm so sick of fast food commercials you have no idea.

>> No.16272610

BK also tastes better.

>> No.16272611

what makes it angry?

>> No.16272612

The only good items BK has are the whopper and chicken fries
Mcdonalds has a much better menu overall, but the general ingredient quality varies wildly based on location

>> No.16272613 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16272614


>> No.16272615

Being a limited time menu item

>> No.16272616

Does anyone order anything but value menu at fast food? It's so insanely cheap. Also, if you order a drink (that costs $) you're subservient to the upper class.

>> No.16272617

Fuck that, I want the angriest whopper back. Shit was delicious. FUCK WHY DID YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME AHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.16272618


>> No.16272619

Zoomers, i swear to god

>> No.16272620
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>> No.16272621

I just get water.

>> No.16272622

Look at this guy who doesn't even use a mobile app to get free food

>> No.16272623

>telling someone what they enjoy is wrong
kind of fucked up in this instance but alright

>> No.16272624
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>acknowledge that I'm fat and disgusting
>start diet
>after one week or two realize nothing matters and give up
>start eating takeout everyday, drink too much and snorting

how dafug do I find the *strength*? I hate myself

>> No.16272625

I'm 31 and I don't get it either, is this and advertisement reference? I know that's a scene from NGE.

>> No.16272626


>> No.16272627

I suppose it helps if you have a goal that you want to accomplish before you die. If you have nothing worth fighting for then it's hard to motivate yourself to do things that are good for you.

>> No.16272628
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>> No.16272629

Think like a teenage girl, that nothing is more important than how you look and the smiles of strangers when they look at you.


>> No.16272630


that bun was gross but i could just ask for a normal bun anyway.

>> No.16272631
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>dont go to X shop
>how i never saw anyone ever in X shop
Really mindblowing.

Expand your horizons anon, go take a peek sometimes. There will be people inside.

>> No.16272632

Gomenesorry, my memory is terrible, explain the obscure reference

>> No.16272633

how is mcdonald's better when the burgers are worse, the fries are better, the chicken is overpriced and they don't have snack wraps anymore? fuck mcdonalds.

>> No.16272634
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>they don't have snack wraps anymore
oh fuck

>> No.16272635

Sorry I don't like cum on my burger

>> No.16272636

Just put in the work, 30 year old boomer

>> No.16272637
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>is top tier

>> No.16272638

i live in ohio so i should be defending wendy's but well... the fries are soggy, the nuggets are ok, the onions are too strong, they use sweet pickles and the patties are often undercooked.

here's what you should get at wendy's
spicy chicken no tomato (dump hidden valley on it)
chocolate frosty (dip fries in it)

>> No.16272639

if you want a real answer it's about building good habits. if you manage to do that staying healthy takes zero willpower.
one of the best things i ever did was get an exercise bike to ride while watching anime and playing mmos, jrpgs and vns. even if you're no-lifing a game it's very hard to be fat if you're biking 80-100 miles a day at the same time.

>nothing matters
maybe but feeling like shit all the time is objectively worse than not feeling like shit

>> No.16272640
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>the onions are too strong
>chocolate frosty (dip fries in it)

>> No.16272641
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>> No.16272642
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pulled pork sliders
sweet chili doritos
arizona green tea

>> No.16272643

how do you like Ohio

>> No.16272644

>arizona green tea
I wish I could justify drinking this shit, but it's got more sugar in it than fucking soda

>> No.16272645

Fuck off godboy

>> No.16272646

Trader Joe's Indian meals
coconut water

>> No.16272647

yeah the sugars bad and I can already feel my body dependent on it for energy and it's only been 2 days of drinking the stuff

>> No.16272648


>> No.16272651

fuck jannies

>> No.16272661

Do you even know how to properly "diet"?
Did you even attempt at the most basic 1500 calorie limit per day?
Did you even go outside and walk around?
Did you limit oil and sugar?
Are you drinking plenty of fluids?
Are you getting enough sleep?
Are you taking care of your personal hygiene?
Have you limited masturbation?
Do you stand up and walk around every 20-30 minutes?
I ain't gonna call you a bitch but everyone can lose weight if they put in the actual effort, making excuses and saying you can't means you've already failed

>> No.16272671


>> No.16272674
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Nigga, shut the fuck up.
Australians invented grilled chicken sushi.

>> No.16272678

Bk had the best fast food double cheeseburger. That and onion rings are the only reason for going to bk.

>> No.16272680


>> No.16272684

it's a rollercoaster due to the extreme seasonal changes

>> No.16272686

>onion rings
>not chicken fries

>> No.16272687

What is it with mods? Sometimes they'll ban OP and everyone who replied to him for threads like this, sometimes they'll move the thread like they did this one.

>> No.16272689


Kind of excessive to call it 'fucked up'. It's not 'fucked up' to have strong opinions or claim that someone is wrong on something that is based on preferences.
Although it's dumb - most food choice is not even subjective, it's arbitrary.

>> No.16272697

> after one week or two realize nothing matters and give up

**After one week or two, come up with convenient excuse that 'nothing matters' and give up

>> No.16272698

>eating Burger King

>> No.16272700

>chicken fries
Dude, you wanna know how i know you’re gay?

>> No.16272705

I'm not gay, I have relationships with women, and sex with chicken fries

>> No.16272709

i would get the sourdough king. hardees frisco burger is better but i don’t have one near me :^|

>> No.16272713


You're not getting an answer, man. It's a sort of new trend on this site to pretend every meme or joke is some secret club you can flaunt access to.
As if memes and jokes form from people NOT sharing them.

>> No.16272715

these are better than popeyes, though that's a low bar in itself because popeyes is just EBT goyfeed

>> No.16272724

Liar. You put phallic shaped pieces of meat in your mouth. Uragay

>> No.16272728

>uses spoilers
>still watches commercials
literally never going to make it

>> No.16272737
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I kneel to my overlords, for they keep my ambrosia behind a paywall

>> No.16272741

>Guy types grammatical/logical error
>''Lol u HaVe a sTrOkE? StRoKE?

Do you know what a fucking stroke means? You don't mix up your negatives in a sentence b/c your having a brain bleed, let alone manage to post.

>> No.16272750

>Go get fast food on a Sunday
> 11:03 PM
> "unfortunately we are no longer serving breakfast"

>> No.16272763
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it's almost as if there are multiple mods and they don't all thnk in the same way

>> No.16272777

Can you tell me what you think is the issue with burger king? Not American. We have BK and McD and that's it. I don't see a clear difference in terms of quality, even though they sell what I think are reasonably different products. I don't see a direct comparison to be made on anything but individual ingredients.

>> No.16272790

>moved from /g/ to /qa/

>> No.16272855
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>ketchup and mayo on a burger

>> No.16272888



>> No.16272900

That means you're gay for chicken

>> No.16273631

I have a theory that they only suck in US because of bad worth ethic while Yuropoors do everything according to the company regulations because they are scared of their boss having to tell them to stack the burgers better or keeping the place clean, not because there being any threat of losing your job or anything, but they just want to avoid any social interactions that they don't get paid for.

>> No.16273637

work ethic*

>> No.16274708

The average customer is bottom 25% income and the average worker is bottom 10%. these uptick slightly in better euro countries and go up drastically in non first world ones. shits more or less 50% the price in Mexico for example while the average person makes 15% of american wages

>> No.16274822

these are so good, but i haven't had one in years
i wish they wouldn't put the cap on so tight

>> No.16275344

i've been posting on this board for like 6 years now, open at all time on my browser, and this is the first time i've ever seen spoilers. i personally had no idea they were even activated on this board.

>> No.16275366
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>> No.16275368


>> No.16275685

pretty good except it uses BK's shitty sauce. if they had gooder sauce it'd be sublime.

>> No.16275717

I'm not sure I have either

>> No.16275719

Oh man haven't had a burger in over a month. It sort of looks good ha

Too bad the one here messes it up too bad for it to be enjoyable. They put way too much sauce on the burger and it ruins it

>> No.16275725

About 3000

>> No.16275741

those coupons are the insane value i love them. also bk fries are better than any other fast food place, no cap

>> No.16275791

whopper and the original chicken. For a while they were 2 for $5 here. that was nice. now they're buy one get one for a buck. fuckin trump bucks inflating our economy.

>> No.16275799

Video games are for children and install gentoo

>> No.16275813

Crunch. No grease. No problem.

>> No.16275866

Not him but my local mcdonalds is your typical, bunch of teenagers working with a few adults managing fast food joint. My burger king on the other hand is hardened felons and gang members. I walked to the front counter and was greeted with "What you finna get nigga" and the food is what you would expect based on that. These two establishments are literally on opposite sides of the same intersection in a suburban white town.

>> No.16275877

wendys got NOGGED. I remember them being the best fast food burger, but now all i get is dried out old shit, served with an attitude.

>> No.16275894

Wendy's got really expensive, too.

>> No.16275916

Someone misburgered it and called it a Big Mac.

>> No.16276253

True, burgerking in Norway is basically restaurant tier food

>> No.16276609

That really seems like an American problem, over here it's better than McDonald's, especially the fries.

>> No.16276917

They still have that here in Australia, shit is cash, I got a triple for dinner

>> No.16276927

they forgot to put a burger in my bag and gypped me out of five euro because they were rushing orders, i hope they fail miserably

>> No.16276952

70% of this thread is overweight/obese.

>> No.16276954
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>> No.16277052

No it isn't. Unless you count establishments like Egon, were the staff basically just heats frozen food, for a restaurant.

>> No.16277082

ill be the first to bite
a hamburger would be one of the worst 'gamer fuels' as it may require two hands to eat and would thus leave you very vulnerable while gaming.

the best would be to not eat at all in order to focus 100% at the game. but if you for some reason can't wait, then the best 'gamer fuel' would be baby carrots, celery and other vegetables. they're healthy, taste good and doesn't make your fingers greasy

>> No.16277149

Agree which is why taco bell reigns Supreme

>> No.16277174

Too lazy to cook? Do I get something from McDo or Subway?

>> No.16277178

they're not

>> No.16277183

Cry more, faggot

>> No.16277644
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>> No.16277704

You fucked up. Get the onion rings or jalapeno bites.

>> No.16277850

For me? its gonna be the sourdough jack from jacknthebox

>> No.16278765

Burger King and Taco Bell were my go-to fast food places when I was an alchie
Since going sober I haven't had fast food once, nor do I crave it
Since they want me to, I might try something different and see where it leads me/them

>> No.16278822

Made my own burgers over the weekend. Ground beef, tomato, onions, mushrooms, chillis, onion rings, and egg, with ketchup, garlic mayo, bbq sauce and hot sauce. All I needed after that was duct tape to keep it together

>> No.16279485

they have the best onion rings and its not even close

>> No.16279723

>sourdough jack
ask me how I know you suck at video games

>> No.16281287
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>> No.16281306

Im German and at bk I get my favorite chicken sandwich.

I really don't get the hate from Americans but luckily enough I've never been there to try the food.

>> No.16281561

I enjoy

>> No.16282977
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>*Stalls your heart*