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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16270095 No.16270095 [Reply] [Original]

Millennials are ageing and realizing that they can't drink 9% craft scotch ales all the time so the near beer market is booming. It used to be just odouls and now almost every brewer makes a non alcoholic brew. Thoughts?

>> No.16270099 [DELETED] 

sage in all fields

>> No.16270104

Sage hasn't worked for over a decade but thanks for the bump

>> No.16270113

Sweet! I can get all the bloating of beer with none of the fun!

>> No.16270125

It definitely works

>> No.16270148

They have way less calories too

>> No.16270155

Nope moot disabled it a long time ago because idiots like you were using it as a dislike button

>> No.16270237

He didn't disable it, he just made it so it's not visible anymore.
Try it right now, go sagepost a thread that's not on the front page. It won't be bumped.

>> No.16271313

Why not just drinking one 9% instead of two 5% beers?

>> No.16272168

It's a fad... I'm kind of glad for it - I can have some beers with the family or the friends and still drive home. Some of them are straight up alcoholics, so having that escape button's kind of nice.
The viscosity's always off (they always seem very thin), and there's no buzz, but the flavour's usually close enough.

>> No.16272177

Don’t be a dumbshit, Brayden.

>> No.16272188

Why will anyone drink alcohol-free beer for any good reason?

>> No.16272196 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 478x360, fuckyouTrannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage in all fields and kill yourself jannies

>> No.16272197

Your a idiot

>> No.16272202

Same. I like beer but don't like getting buzzed up and losing the ability to concentrate on a book or movie

>> No.16272209

Pregnancy among other stuff. But yeah just get some sparkling water instead. Non-alcoholic beer is disgusting. You have to be preggers and on some type of weird food craving to get that shit.

>> No.16272214
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stop trolling faggot! take your bullshit to /bant/

>> No.16272231

saw a bottle of non-alcoholic gordons gin the other day. all this shit has to be a scam like the alcohol industry's version of the producers or emoji movie

>> No.16272234

Anything by, for, or involving Hunter S. needs a little brain suppressant to soften the edges... but yeah, I don't think I've ever done the near-beer thing unless I need to drive, but I'm guilty of sipping "sessionables" while murderfucking a good book.

>> No.16272238

Same honestly. Getting drunk/buzzed feels disgusting, I just like the taste of beer. If this shit tasted good I would drink it.

>> No.16272246

As weird as non-alcoholic beer is, I've only understood gin as masochism in fancy dress. I guess if you're more recovered than recovering it makes sense to be able to have a gin and tonic or something. Do they have cokeless coke, or is that just baking soda?

>> No.16272255

people like to exaggerate their problems with alcohol so they can pat themselves on the back for having a "sober month" or some bullshit while drinking shit like non alcoholic ipas

>> No.16272256

heineken 0.0 is like 10x better than the actual heineken

>> No.16272261

Some people just like the taste of beer but don't particularly want to get drunk. People drank <2% abv beer for thousands of years senpai.

>> No.16272270

I don't even consider myself an alcoholic or problematic drinker or whatever, but sometimes drying out for a month or a season feels like the right thing to do. Fucked if I'm going to bring it up first though. "I'm good with water for now, but thanks man!" or "I have to drive, and the cops have been doing spot checks all weekend," are usually good enough excuses.

>> No.16272289

become an alcohol, it will grant you infinite wisdom if you drink enough

>> No.16272292

I can't think of anything that light off the top of my head that isn't non-alcoholic, but anytime I make a batch of beer, I usually do a second running. Being able to have a lättöl with dinner if I have to go back to work afterward or some such is kind of nice.

>> No.16272296

I tried back when I was a non-stoner in a stoner-metal band. No matter how big or bushy my beard was, I just couldn't turn water into wine without grapes.

>> No.16272299

Gratzer? I think is the name. It's a smoked polish wheat beer that's usually around 2 to 3% alcohol. Good stuff

>> No.16272302


>> No.16272357

I agree that one doesn't have to be drunk to enjoy the taste of beer. I rarely get drunk myself because I have stuff to do in the mornings and I like feeling like a human being instead of having my head in my ass for three days. I've tried non-alcoholic beers before and they were either too bitter or too sweet or some tasted like burnt toast. I just don't find it enjoyable but you do you!

Also they drank that kind of beer because water wasn't always safe to drink. Not because they enjoyed the taste. (well maybe they did but we'll never know for sure)

>> No.16272370

well yeah, radlers, shandies, diesels (German, not English), but I'm thinking straight beers with a bit of a pedigree. There's sessionable IPAs everywhere right now, but I can't think of an oldschool 2-3% ale or porter.

>> No.16272371

I like radler too, but it is not the same thing as beer.

>> No.16272419

>(well maybe they did but we'll never know for sure)
Ariculture was literally invented to fuel the early beer industry, people loved that shit.

>> No.16272425

That's just a theory that I don't really buy desu

>> No.16272431

Makes sense to me, and it's a damn sight more plausible than "nobody actually liked beer"

>> No.16272444

I'd try it. I enjoy drinking itself more that I like actually getting drunk, but only liquor. I doubt it has a satisfying burn, but if it's decent I could at least alternate between it and alcohol.

>> No.16272453

Inb4 the water wasn't safe to drink.
Remember that part?

>> No.16272456

Gimlets are also really refreshing,

>> No.16272539

it literally still works though
proof: the thread won't be bumped by this reply

>> No.16272553

I'm not saying they didn't grow shit to make alcohol, but agriculture was invented for safety and security, not beer

>> No.16272655

Forgive me for not taking your word for it.

>> No.16272679

The beer that Mesopotamians would have brewed would have been quite sweet, possibly with a tart aftertaste (open fermentation and all that - lactobacillus likes beer too). Herbs and hops were/are added to balance it back out. Unless you're adding straight boiling water to the mash or burning the piss out of more malt than you should, there aren't too many bitter compounds that show up in sweet wort, just sugars, alcohol, proteins, and some esters, ketones and the occasional lighter phenol.

>> No.16272683

I think youre looking at early humans through a skewed lens m8

>> No.16272694

you sound like a bull. the next big thing in beer is lactose sugar. i have sold more than a couple though, it's mostly for pregnant bitches and recovering alcoholics though, not what you said.

>> No.16272718

>next big thing
It's already there. Bitter Milkshake IPAs need to go away, they just taste like someone sent blue cheese to stop grapefruits from raping a pine forest. Balanced and sweet ones can stay, but lactose and west coast is not a good mix.

>> No.16272742

they're doing it with sours and it's fucking bananas dude. hate it how you will, but if you're looking to invest in something there's definitely gonna be a spike in lactose within the next year. i've had beers that taste like fucking cereal and marshmallows, banana bread pudding and saltwater taffy. it's a brilliant alternative for people who like darker beers but can't enjoy them as much in the summer heat.

>> No.16272751

Forgive me for not taking your word for it.

>> No.16272764
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these will be a better alternative. actually gets you a buzz, minus being able to knock back a million like some child trying to get a buzz on nonalcoholic mixes. no one recognizes shandies as panaches as radlers so leinenkugel gets away with their god awful summer shandy at a higher abv than normal and no one bats an eye at the real shit.

>> No.16272771

Those are fantastic tasting near beets OP

>> No.16272863

People complaining about bloating are dumbest of all. If you don't want CO2 in your stomach, just pour the beer straight down, no 45 degree angle bullshit, wait for the foam to settle and repeat. This advice is wasted on you, though. I bet you drink it straight out of the can.

>> No.16272884

That's bullshit though. You're telling me everyone was drunk all the time until 200 years ago? People would drink table beer (1-2%) daily and when the well got contaminated, they may have switched to beer for a couple of days until a new source of water was established, but that's about it. They knew what booze does, for fuck's sake.

>> No.16272891

>he flavour's usually close enough
It ain't.

>> No.16272897

Most of the sours here are garbage too, but when they're done well (with or without lactose) they're pretty tasty. I get the feeling that a lot of "brewers" up here get too invested in their projects. Make a small batch at home, see if it works first. A West coast milkshake sounds like a great idea, but I've never had one that wasn't (like I said) a jarring battle between cheese, grapefruit and evergreen. Even some lactobacillus and some Belge banana yeast could fix it up if they're dead set on wet and dry applications of Cascade-CTZ-Citra.

>> No.16272914

I like that stuff, what differentiates it from an actual shandy?

>> No.16272916

It is with the stuff around here. O'Doul's is shite, but a lot of the big players seem to have gotten the hops, malt, and esters down, even if they haven't quite figured out how to keep them from feeling thin. The rest (Sleeman, Labatt, Grolsch) are hopelessly fucked.

>> No.16272960

I think it's just semantics with slight variations according to region.
I'm honestly too skeptical of the varying IPA's, westcoast, southcoast, northeast, homestyle, dipa, neipa, dippa, flippa, milkshake slushie, fuckin fads. some are great, but only what i trust.

>> No.16272974

Westcoast are the hop bombs - the shit everyone overdid ten years ago. Northeast is the softer, hazier one. A double (or triple) is roughly a double (or triple) in any style of beer.

I agree that a lot of it's garbage - either some cold war arms race, or just a good-sounding idea that shouldn't have made it past the drawing board. When it's good, it's good, but more and more often those good ones seem like the exceptions proving the rule.

>> No.16272994

I’ve actually had this and it’s really good, the peanut butter one is very nice.

>> No.16272998
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For me, it's non-alcoholic gin

>> No.16273002

They were giving these out at the finish line of the Panama City Beach Ironman 70.3. I ended up buying several cases after I enjoyed it so much at the end of the run.

My dad is also a big fan because he can drink them while he’s on call with the hospital but they taste like actual beer just without that bite.

>> No.16273108
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>nobody actually likes beer

>> No.16273144

>people who like darker beers but can't enjoy them as much in the summer heat
Every season is stout season nigga, catch me at the beach with a CBS

>> No.16273162

What's the point of nonalcoholic liquor when the burn is such an integral part of the enjoyment?
I'd love to knock back as much bourbon as I wanted without getting drunk but I can't see how that would be possible.

>> No.16273173

what are you, a masochist?

>> No.16273286

i think anyone who drinks regularly is a bit of one desu

>> No.16273297

He didn't disable it. He disabled the auto-sage function where if a thread got enough sages it wouldn't be bumped anymore. Typing sage in the option field still causes it not to bump when you post. Fucking newfag getting your information from r/4chan. Go back there.

>> No.16273301

/bant/ is full
All retards need to go back to /pol/

>> No.16273303

The burn means it's working, anon.

>> No.16273310

Tbh my favorite part of a night of drinking is when I no longer feel the burn, usually happens by my third drink, and from there I can pretty much chug it. Usually regret it the next day, but that's why I don't go out drinking as much as I used to when I was younger.

>> No.16273321

This. Also those "non alcoholic liquors" are as expensive as normal liquors, even though they don't have to include alcohol tax (which is quite high in NL). It's a complete meme

>> No.16273332
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Shandy is based

>> No.16273341

Does it though? I've had overproof rum that goes down smoove no burn whatsoever.

>> No.16273374

>they just taste like someone sent blue cheese to stop grapefruits from raping a pine forest
I'm stealing that.

>> No.16273482

agreed, but it's a beer cocktail, not a beer.

>> No.16273491

What type of black-tar laced turkish tobacco are you smoking, and where can I get my hands on it?

>> No.16274084

psht, you mean a Saugatuck Neapolitan?

>> No.16274111

Busch NA and Coors Edge are not that bad for non alchoholic lagers
When I worked at a liquor store this short hardass Mexican dude would fill a shopping cart with Busch NA every other week

>> No.16274258

I don't know about all of them doing non alcoholic (given how much it costs to dealcoholize beer without diluting the flavour) but I have seen more session ales, lagers and lower ABV sours pop up as of recent which is refreshing as I find high alcohol content ales have gotten a bit overdone.

>> No.16274351

Even with the four main ingredients (hops, barley, yeast, and water) there are so many variables at play. I get why brewers stick to the classics for their flagship beers, but I don't understand why more of them don't do more of their own thing. Sure a dubbel or a tripel are defined more by alcohol content than colour or flavour, but it's absolutely possible to make a 2-3% red, blonde or brunette Belgian beer, and the viscosity's easy to pull from things like raw oats and wheat that don't break down easily when exposed to amylase.

>> No.16274664

>but I don't understand why more of them don't do more of their own thing.
Because craft brewers are businesses, anon. They have to brew what they're confident that they can sell, not whatever strikes their fancy.

>> No.16274709

They're already taking chances with various hybrid IPA's, Japanese hops, smoked wheat, neapolitan milkshake beers. There are certain hybrids, like Abbey IPAs, that I know work - I've made them - but I never really see.

Anything can be marketed to sell with the appropriate labelling and prose. Everything should be tested before it heads into production, but everyone should have active R&D for such things.

>> No.16274741

>There are certain hybrids, like Abbey IPAs, that I know work - I've made them - but I never really see.
Time to open a brewery, anon. You could corner the market on experimental styles that you like.

>> No.16274776

I work with two. One's got one of my ideas lagering a bit right now. I tend toward balanced, heavy beers... so... making them for $1-2 apiece at home is no problem, but marketing them to sell for $4-5 requires some finesse. This one's a tropical tripel. 750mL bottles, probably just a seasonal run unless it sells like hotcakes, but it was actually kind of cost effective in that the fermentation and aging are done a bit warmer than usual to squeeze some pear and fruit punch out of the yeast.

>> No.16274798

Put some in kegs for their taps, so people can try it as part of a flight.

>> No.16274821

We must be talking past eachother.
There's two things we might call burn, the harsh rawness of impure spirit and the vapors of alcohol itself.
The former is what I call burn, and it doesn't directly relate to the ABV. I've had cheap shitty 40% whisky that burned like hell, and decent overproof rums that were pleasant and tasty.
The latter might be what you're calling burn? Certainly the vapors do get stronger with higher ABV but they are easily avoided, either by careful breathing while drinking a strong spirit or mixing the spirit into a cocktail.

>> No.16274851

It's on the X-files tap next week. They're deciding whether to keep the bottles back another week, or just release everything all at once... that's all out of my hands. I just bring them some ideas from time to time, and make sure their yeasts, hops and herbs stay healthy. They could use a non-standard session ale. The small-ale from the tripel didn't quite work, but I'll see if I can make a low-gravity version this week.

>> No.16274860

Definitely not the same feeling, but ethanol and fusels both burn.

>> No.16274873

>They're deciding whether to keep the bottles back another week, or just release everything all at once... that's all out of my hands.
They should have bottles available when it's released, so anyone who likes it can run off with one or more.

>> No.16274887

That's my opinion, and half the brewery's, but the other half thinks it's better to try to give it a test run on the taps first. It sounds like it's going to be a coin toss tomorrow morning. Everything's all bottled and packaged (sur lies) so it's not like they have to do much to sell it - bring a few cases up front and negotiate with the LC.

>> No.16275326

why not just chug straight vodka instead of drinking beer at all?

>> No.16275392

>why not just chug straight vodka
That does nothing to quench my thirst.

>> No.16276471

why fuck with vodka whe nyou can chug 96% spirit?

>> No.16276555

>People drank <2% abv beer for thousands of years senpai.
They also weighed 130lbs back then and drank beer/wine by the gallon. Even at 200lbs it's pretty easy to get too fucked up to drive on low ABV beer, they go down way too easy.

>> No.16276627

If you can chug alcool/everclear, why not just buy a bullet and rent a gun?

>> No.16277419

When is table beer coming back? It's becoming unfindable, even in Belgium

>> No.16277423

Been on 4chan since 2016 and no one ever explained to me how to sage before I read this post

>> No.16277430


>> No.16277464

Dumb nigger eats poopooroni i bet haha ;D
Butt sersly just kms urself gaylord looooool

>> No.16277474

I know a lot of people who drink non alcoholic beer because it allows them to drink beer and drive car

>> No.16277493

There was never an auto-sage function, and moot hated that term with a passion. It's a bump limit and threads still have bump limits.

>> No.16277518

Mods, and maybe jans, can force a thread to stop getting bumped at any post number, which is equivalent to automatically saging every post. It's been done to ones I've been using. What do you want to call that?

>> No.16277538


>> No.16277596

this the cool kid thread?

>> No.16277599

whats a millenial

>> No.16277604

It was bumped.

>> No.16277607

women shouldn't drink any alcohol.
it dramatically increases cancer risk.

>> No.16277635

It wasnt

>> No.16277695

imagine drinking beer (peasant water used when fresh water was scarce) instead of drinking scotch or bourbon like a man

>> No.16277701

Men drink whiskey.

>> No.16277708
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>Men drink whiskey.

>> No.16277713

Imagine trying to hydrate yourself with spirits.

>> No.16278374

Nothing good comes from drinking with the dead, anon.

>> No.16278444

They're the only ones who will listen to my tale.

>> No.16278537

It works, I test it very often such as in this thread.

>> No.16278770

Gratzer is the German name slapped onto a traditional Polish beverage. The correct name is grodjieske

>> No.16279652

Are we? I don't remember the last time I had a beer that was less than 9% ABV and came out of a bottle smaller than a 750.

>> No.16279680

>I don't remember the last time I had a beer that was less than 9% ABV and came out of a bottle smaller than a 750.
Memory is the second thing to go, anon.

>> No.16279724

Those are both varieties of whiskey though anon

>> No.16279789

I like it, cut my boozing to only weekends, probably consume less than half of what I used to, scratches the itch

>> No.16279796

I do a sober month each year for like 3 yrs now and i like it.

>> No.16279802

Just healthy imo

>> No.16279821

You really think agriculture was for beer? Not you know, food?

>> No.16279822

>Been on 4chan since 2016
Quelle surprise

>> No.16279835
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The alternatives are fucking dire