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File: 93 KB, 1500x2250, cosmopolitan_drink[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16267403 No.16267403 [Reply] [Original]

Can a straight guy drink this or will everyone instantly start laughing or gay guys hitting on you?
It's yummy.

>> No.16267410

I drank one once then fell into an insatiable homosexual bout; sucking and fucking every man within a 20mile radius, my anus eventually tore and prolapsed before i fell out of the trance

>> No.16267412

Stop basing your masculinity on what you eat, it’s embarrassing

>> No.16267414

the true sign of masculinity is to drink whatever the fuck you want. The Hemingway is one of the most ladylike looking cocktails there is, you think Papa gave a fuck what incels thought?

>> No.16267415
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You're not that straight, that's why you like sweet alcohol and also why gay men would hit on you. Not because you picked up the sweet drink, but bc you are not 100% straight.

>> No.16267420

This. Embrace the Superstraight. Do whatever the fuck you want with no fucks given.

>> No.16267429

everyone will instantly start laughing, not because you are drinking a pink drink but because you are glancing over your shoulder like a pantywaist visibly fretting about what they think

>> No.16267437

I don't think you know what masculinity is at all. Youre either a incel or a femcel.

Masculinity is sticking to your shit. Whether others call it old, stubborn, outdated, somethingphobic, gay, w.e. thats them getting upset over me, not anything related to me.

Fuck cocktail

Gimme wodka fabryka broni lucznik radom beryl m762

>> No.16267479

You can drink whatever you want. Gay guys might take it as a sign that you're out, but if you're confident enough in your sexuality to drink what you want, you're confident enough to turn down a man.

>> No.16267506
File: 29 KB, 156x190, NINTCHDBPICT000657373614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk about anyone else but I have to deal with gays sometime in my college (masters program) and they make me sick, its not easy to pretend to be their colleague. I spoke with this older student who looked to be gay but also had those red lips from miles of cock sucking and I imagined stepping on his neck and unloading my glock30 into his left temple and ear. I have no hatred for them, only revulsion

>> No.16267572

Damn dude sounds like a wild time

>> No.16267574

>Masculinity is sticking to your shit. Whether others call it old, stubborn, outdated, somethingphobic, gay, w.e. thats them getting upset over me, not anything related to me.
Nah, that's called getting assblasted by the opinions of others. Nothing's more annoying than a boomer who builds their personality on how much people get upset over them.

>> No.16267587

t. gay retard

>> No.16267606

>I have no hatred for them
Sounds like you have a lot of hatred for yourself though

>> No.16267615

lol, nail on the head there.

>> No.16267616

>had those red lips from miles of cock sucking
I once sucked a dick and my lips immediately puffed up and turned a glossy shade of pink. Funny how that works

>> No.16267646

I inappropriately laughed out loud in a public setting at that last bit

>> No.16267647

Most people are completely oblivious to what’s happening around them.

>> No.16267657

Time to get off 4chan

>> No.16267673

bottom text

>> No.16267677

Best to get it in a normal glass of you want a tropical fruity drink unless you’re at the beach or tiki bar.

>> No.16268092


only the super femme gays drink this, most gay guys ik are into beers since ppl tend to forget that a lot of the gay scene is made up of v masc ppl.

jus drink what you want (apart from ipas, then people will laugh at you)

>> No.16268103


asking a bartender to put your drink in a more "manly" glass cause ur afraid of what other people might think is the most pathetic shit i've ever heard

>> No.16268115

t. retard

>> No.16268121

I mean, the Martini glass is a normal glass, much like the Champagne coupe, the Rocks Glass, the Collins glass, etc.

>> No.16268221

Then truly best to get a clear martini or dirty martini depending on your social goals in the given situation. If you’re with friends and comfortable enough to drink whatever you want, go for it. Obviously there’s no need to ask here if you feel that way. If you’re wondering if ordering this in a bar/lounge/nightclub will signal to females you don’t know who you’d like to meet that you’re a flaming homo, the answer is yes. The question is whether or not you care.

>> No.16268247

I've orderered a cosmopolitan and didn't get shit from anyone for it.
Genuinely, unless someone is already seething at you and needs an excuse to unload that vitriol nobody will care about your drink choice. Worst you'll get is a couple jabs about your girl drink.

>> No.16268256

>sneeding and feeding every man within a 20 mile radius

>> No.16268275

a straight guy can drink them--yes--but whether or not someone will label you gay is largely circumstantial. find some alcoholic female friends & get invited over to their place, or something

>> No.16268287

Many such cases

>> No.16268307
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>> No.16268387

I have had more interesting conversations with women while drinking a fruity beverage than with a beer or a "classy" cocktail... they start a bit rocky, but most good conversations do.

>> No.16268416
File: 2.03 MB, 1200x894, 1620963162945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like time to spend MORE time on 4chan baby, currently departing for bar #4 with the lads

>> No.16268461

I'm serious: drink WHATEVER the hell you want. Who cares, should you drink bread water because it's "manly"? I'm not usually a progressive person but screw this kind of stereotypes

>> No.16268510

Sounds like you neither got laid nor got a date and instead they used you for conversation like a homo until they got attention from someone else.

>> No.16268512

Drink deez nuts[?] bitch

>> No.16268581


>> No.16268591

yes if you drink this you instantly troon out


>> No.16268861

What you do is you grow a pornstache, go full sleazecore and order only the fruitiest, tiki-est drinks on the menu, while flirting badly with any girls that come within speaking distance of you.

>> No.16268903

Hellishly based

>> No.16269810
File: 349 KB, 697x906, 1619701454765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh so what I do is disgusting? Well you're actually the gay one!
Faggots have no defense for their disgusting behavior, they can only hope to drag others down to their level.

>> No.16269842

wtf is a pornstache? i have only had a stubble mustache throughout my life, sometimes a bit longer than stubble

>> No.16269855

ah, those statistics are based on a fallacious study from the mid-late 20th century where some dude went around frequenting gay clubs and bathhouses
don't get me wrong, i still hate fags and think they are mentally ill, but there is definitely gonna be an issue with your statistics if your sample size consists mainly of faggot prostitutes and swingers

>> No.16270100

That's a pedostache.

>> No.16270109
File: 73 KB, 600x591, 1623191163064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone mocks you, they're simply a buck in need of a breaking. Finish your drink, then break the buck to demonstrate the order of things. Simple as

>> No.16270110
File: 8 KB, 199x253, 74hjhdfs5ret+8345t241df8g5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the seabreeze is the patricians girly drink

>> No.16270121

whiskey is sweet but it's one of the manliest drinks. gin is tart but it's one of the most womanly drinks.

>> No.16270128

I always thought they sounded classy when that singing demon kept mentioning them on Angel. I was surprised when I looked up what they are and found it's just vodka with two juices.

>> No.16271075

drink whatever you want i fucking hate people who gender alcohol

>> No.16271095

i find beets repulsive. does that mean I actually like beets?

>> No.16271103

Me too. Not because they gender alcohol, but everybody in the world does it and I hate everybody in the world.

>> No.16271108
File: 1.40 MB, 320x189, JFgoa6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking insulting. I'm one of the gays and I would not find a man drinking a fruity little cocktail attractive at all. Yucky.


>> No.16271110

>it's yummy
I bet you're yummy
(- v -)

>> No.16271112

So you're not a real fag. Just another straight guy trying to find easy sexual relief in the current cultural climate. Many such cases.

>> No.16271117
File: 25 KB, 293x295, tears_in_the_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I've never found a woman attractive. And it's not easy, I have a terrible time finding a man I want to get with and not into meaningless secks. I went out and had a bunch of beers with a friend last night at the pub and there were gorgeous guys everywhere but wasn't a goddamned thing I could do about it

>> No.16271532

Why don't you just get a tomboy and fuck her in the ass? You really don't sound very gay.

>> No.16271547

No anon I'm very very gay, I'm just not effeminate and I hate drama and can't stand musicals and pride marches and Adele

I feel such strong romantic affections for guys, I get bad crushes and want to cuddle and kiss and smell their hair and flirt and that's not even getting into the sexual part of it. Women are like aliens to me and I don't even like smelling them, nevermind tolerating their shit.

>> No.16271562

>It's yummy.
idk anon it sounds like you suck dicks

>> No.16271567

don't do this, it makes mustard gas and gets the tomboy pregnant

>> No.16271605
File: 98 KB, 697x767, kch12oi2m0b21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sheer insecurity of the male is a sight to behold

>> No.16271632
File: 1.75 MB, 1080x1466, cosmo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16272034

A man can drink whatever he wants.

>> No.16272063
File: 833 KB, 764x1087, _watanabe_you_love_live_and_1_more_drawn_by_shamakho_bc4b36158c9ab1ec052d71933762c778_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the exact same way.

drinking tequila rn and gonna hang out with my bf soon

>> No.16272073
File: 13 KB, 432x288, adncih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my bf
you lucky duck

I haven't had a bf in 10 years

>> No.16272080
File: 1.05 MB, 2135x4032, _20210603_191751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some creme de cassis recently and I've been having a cassis orange every few days. They may be girly but they are delicious.

>> No.16272133
File: 161 KB, 723x990, IMG_20210610_175208715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a bloody mary sans garnish

>> No.16272141
File: 1019 KB, 900x1211, MaiTai-900x1211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a proper tiki drink instead of that, it tastes better and more complex instead of just being sickly sweet.

With that all said, first off no one really carea all that much but secondly it depends largely on the context. If you go to a pub that's known for beer and you order nothing but sweet cocktails which won't be made well, I'd wonder why you even came. However if you're somewhere where fruity cocktails are the point, then sure, no one's gonna care.

>> No.16272144


>> No.16272147

It isn't, though. It's blackcurrant liqueur and orange juice

>> No.16272157

dangerously based

>> No.16272164

are moscow mules girly drinks

>> No.16272166

My husband drinks cosmopolitans, is he gay? I drink bourbon. Does that make me a lesbian? Should I be the one fucking him?

>> No.16272173

you're both men, right?

>> No.16272189

Ah I should've seen that one coming. No. The point is that no one gives a shit about who drinks what. The barmaid doesn't give a shit as long as you pay.

>> No.16272483

Everyone in your class definitely knows you fuck wild animals

>> No.16272656

You don't have to care about what a person is drinking to register that their drink choice signals femininity.

>> No.16272747

A straight guy can stand or walk where and when he wants.

He can say, wear, drink what he wants.

As long as he doesn't get worked up over it.

I can drink it while wearing a baby blue shirt and a sailor hat, you're not even allowed to take a look.

>> No.16272749

>AHEM girl here...

shut the fuck up queer