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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 376 KB, 705x412, 2895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16262104 No.16262104 [Reply] [Original]

Same price as yesterday, except now you get less in the package. Sign of the times? Conspiracy against you? Either way, you pay the same for less now and fuck you if this makes you unhappy.


>> No.16262121

It's just how you hide inflation from your customers.
They don't notice they get less, so they don't complain that they have to pay more.

>> No.16262124

Thanks Biden

>> No.16262126

>They don't notice they get less
Yes they do.

>> No.16262135

Inflation happening right before your eyes.

>> No.16262137

0ut of all the ways us Americans get fucked by big corps, this bothers me the least. We're one of the fatest nations on earth. Maybe food NEEDS to be more expensive.

>> No.16262138

On the other hand, I see that Tillamook has just reduced their single serving size of Vanilla ice-cream. In the land of the Amerifat, this cannot be an entirely bad thing.

>> No.16262150

>"But TV said inflation isn't happening"

>> No.16262152

Shut up lardo, have some self control. Its not daddy corporations job to moderate your diet, YOU should buy healthy foods and portion control and excersise. You fucking pigs ruin cost effectiveness for the rest of us with these placid, sheeplike acceptance of being screwed over.

>> No.16262159

HA! Wait and see. The crunch will come when a bag of "nuggies" hits $20. Then we'll see some crying... Oh my!

>> No.16262160

Fuck eurobros what are we going to tease americans about when they stop being fat

>> No.16262173

I spend less then 30$ a week buying chicken, rice and produce. I could not give less of a fuck that you get one less tendy with your happy meal. Get a real job and maybe you won't have to worry about losing 5c value on your dollar bag of cheetos.

>> No.16262175

Are Americans the most spoiled and entitled people on Earth? It's bad enough most don't understand how finances work, personal or global.

>> No.16262208


Flyovers have been and will continue to complain about everything

>> No.16262217

Something very striking about americans is that you don't fight for what you are entited to get. You can complain so avidly on a restaurant because you don't get a burger the way you asked it, but you cannot fight for fundamental things such as quality or reasonable food prices for everyone. Why? pure ego, and the fact that everything done thnking about the whole society is seen as communism.
Of course is not the work of the corporation to moderate your diet, but what can you do when the access to certain items start being a commodity. I eat well and exercise enough, but your environment and monetary influence play a direct role on the way you feed, and to think that a corporation doesn't have an influence on that is borderline ignorant

>> No.16262224

Dude, right? Look at prices of meat (prime ribeye went from $18/lb to $26/lb in my area) and king crab legs went from $28/lb to $45/lb.

>> No.16262269

nobody's even noticed that the pic clearly uses forced perspective to make the "smaller" jar of processed crud look even more tiny so they can fuel this boring, bullshit brouhaha which will be of interest to only the fattest, stupidest American citizens?

>> No.16262287

It was honestly really funny seeing all the ice cream quarts shrink their sizes. It looked like they just chopped the bottoms off in the back. I usually buy pints so it's not much of an issue for me.

>> No.16262295
File: 42 KB, 460x500, again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sign of the times?
this has been going on for decades.

>> No.16262301

I saw a little report about this on NBC a few weeks ago. I think some English muffins were the only one that grew by one ounce.

>> No.16262310

This is why I document all my purchases and price per ounce.

>> No.16262319 [DELETED] 

Smaller products are easier to cram up my ass

>> No.16262322

get fucked coastie

>> No.16262326

Doesn’t matter. Weight is different, price is same

>> No.16262328

A 4.4lb bag of Tyson chicken nuggets at Walmart is still $9.98.
Of course it varies from Walmart stores. Another one has them for $11+.
Tendies have the biggest jump, from $5.50 to $7.50 for a 1.5lb bag. Some of the other grocery stores have them for $8.
I just learned Foster Farms sells spicy chicken patties.

>> No.16262333

look at the weight printed on the fucking container you ignorant fuck.

>> No.16262338

I’ve been monitoring the price of beef since before the initial lockdown and it hasn’t budged a cent

>> No.16262349

I never really check prices, but I only got some Walmart Prime NY Steak Strip because it was 50% off. It was normally $13/lb.

>> No.16262350

Doesn't change my argument that the picture is manipulating you emotionally you fat womanly fuck. Your post is a waste of trips and you are a waste of skin.

>> No.16262354

You are either really bad at monitoring, or you live next door to a meat packing plant.

>> No.16262356

>Presented with facts.
>Facts prove position is incorrect
>Ignores facts and doubles down on position and adds insult and abuse.

Is this not the most American post ever?

>> No.16262364

This shit still sells for $5 to $6.
Even if it's supply chain issues, they're not going back to bigger sizes when everything is normal.

>> No.16262369

>Mad cause fucking exposed as a low iq subhuman

Is wallys even known for quality meats? do they even have a meat department or are they all precut/packaged meats sitting in a case?

>> No.16262405

It’s well known that consumers in general react less negatively to a decrease in quantity than they do to an increase in price. It’s the lesser of two evils.
It’s the same reason McDonald’s did the $1 McDouble when it was no longer viable to sell the double-cheeseburger for $1 and raised the price.
Both burgers were still offered, but people bought the McDouble instead; rather than paying a bit more for the same product, they much preferred to pay the same for a bit less product.

>> No.16262446

I live in a major city, actually. Should have taken pictures...

>> No.16262448

I know they have a deli. The meat is USDA Choice, they could possibly cut it up there. I probably couldn't tell the difference from Kroger or Costco meat.
I know Sam's Club has a visible meat section and you can see them cutting and packaging.

>> No.16262463

still deliberately refusing to see the obvious image manipulation
has the fat got into your brain or are you just shrieking like women on Twitter because you enjoy it?

>> No.16262464


>> No.16262507

Maybe this is the ultimate solution to the obesity epidemic: bread lines.

>> No.16262509

Yeah, but not for bread. It'll have to be for something else. bread is pretty fattening.

>> No.16262510

Trump lost and white genocide isnt real anon. Get over it

>> No.16262517

When you are literally starving to death, nothing is fattening.

>> No.16262533

>what are we going to tease americans about when they stop being fat
We all know this is never going to happen

>> No.16262535

We absolutely do nigger

>> No.16262536

True. But what will all those who insist on everything being gluten free eat? Think of the poor gluten free people!

>> No.16262539

Fuck off fat pinko

>> No.16262585

>Think of the poor gluten free people!
As someone who actually can't digest gluten I'm actually happy about all those people.
The selection of gluten free products in restaurants has increased massively, so I finally have some options other than salad or sushi.

>> No.16262593

They need to go back to food stamps or government supplied food.

>> No.16262616

The last time I posted on /ck/ about how packaged items decrease in volume/size while the price remains the same, I was called a schizo... twice. They keep the price relatively the same and decrease the unit size so margins don't change, and the public doesn't outcry as loudly as they would if the price were increased. I didn't read that article in the OP, but I've observed this myself over the last maybe decade, and read an old psychology article about it some time ago.

Everything gets smaller, thinner, lighter, more airy... Look at the invention and sale of whipped cream cheeses and yogurts. You can accomplish the same thing with a minute of time but they sell a product at the same price but 40% reduce amount of product.

>> No.16262620
File: 152 KB, 1200x675, 2895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Government Cheese!

>> No.16262625


This has been going on for a while now. I think I first noticed it 5 - 6 years ago and it was with a box of crackers or something like that.

Same price, but smaller amount. Not drastically and you might not notice if you weren't paying attention (or if they didn't have the old inventory and new stocked at the same time)

>> No.16262630

I know who you are IRL based on this comment. :) Never thought I'd run into you here.

>> No.16262632

No one eats just one serving of anything.

>> No.16262637

So you'd eat TWO of these icecream tubs at a single go?

>> No.16262660

fuck i guess i'll buy umpqua

>> No.16262661

I doubt it - where do I live?

>> No.16262674

San Diego

>> No.16262679

Nope - roughly one continent off.

>> No.16262686

Fair - I have a friend that has celiac disease who says the same thing all the time - guess it's not that original of a thought. Cheers

>> No.16262688

We must not forget the plight of the extensive homeless celiac population

>> No.16262698

I hope you die with depression, faggot

>> No.16262731

It really isn't, the number of people with celiac and gluten intolerance is ever increasing.
But we are still thankful to all the hipsters, new agers and people who are just gluten intolerant in their head - 20 years ago the dinner options were veggies, steak or sushi. Not bad but gets boring after some time.

>> No.16262751

>projecting this hard

>> No.16262772

>uses buzzwords he doesn't even understand

>> No.16262812

>post about how smaller sizes in foodstuffs is good because Americans can't help but stuff themselves until they die of obesity
>multiple replies basically saying "im not fat, YOU'RE FAT! KILL YOURSELF"
If that isn't projecting then what is, oh wise /ck/ anon?

>> No.16262825

>yet he's the one crying like a little girl

>> No.16262827
File: 27 KB, 300x291, RETARD_MODE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pisspot Jones, it's not just food products.
The cat food I order from Chewy's just recent dropped 1/2oz out of each can but kept the price the same.

>> No.16262836

Bullshit. Biden has been fucking us for less than a year, and it happens.

>> No.16262849

Not anymore, I would say. But 20, 30, even 200 years ago? Absolutely

>> No.16262854

>literally all corporations in all countries first shrink product before increasing prices
>this practice is going on since the 80s
>muh Biden.
Honestly, how many MAGA hats do you own?

>> No.16262877

Do you understand how much your currency is about to tank?

>> No.16262880

4channel is 18+

>> No.16262904

Maybe physically, not mentally.

>> No.16262910

I've got no argument, better call 'em underage. What's next MAGAtard, you call me a tranny?
Or you tell me what sleepy Joe has to do with an established business practice that is going on forever.

>> No.16262923

Fuck off fat pinko

>> No.16262990
File: 1.57 MB, 400x348, great_job_faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I was inferring that you are underage and too young to be able to make the claims you are making.
Also, no need for me to make claims about your sexual orientation and handicap myself an unintelligent when you beat me to the punch by trying to redhat anyone you can't counter.

>> No.16263002

yeah its pretty strange seeing ALL the ice creams go from nice, sensible 1 liter to some bizarre "900g, 850g, 750g, 567g"

I made a point about buying only ice creams that are 1l, and none were.

>> No.16263086

It’s called replacement migration and the UN has a whole web site about it, white genocide is an official policy.

>> No.16263111

>you can't counter
Sweetie, you talk a lot but you still haven't made any argument.

>> No.16263241

Hopefully it will bring the world down with us
Fuck you

>> No.16263254


>> No.16263274

It won't, but it will catalyse the end of economically viable democratic nations. Turns out humans are too selfish for democracy to work long term. Go figure.

>> No.16263284


>> No.16263336

Their package sizes are shrinking far faster than inflation, it's just typical corporate greed.
When a publically traded company stops expanding through market saturation, they're no longer showing quarterly growth and they're forced to either raise prices or cut costs, and the easiest way to keep faking growth is to do both at the same time with smaller portion sizes.
Why do you think eating at mcdicks now costs $14 as opposed to $3?

>> No.16263337
File: 38 KB, 236x233, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. sweaty.

>> No.16263380

This has been happening since the 90's at least.

>> No.16263461

Smaller quarts of ice cream is WHITE GENOCIDE! We can NOT let them get away with this!

>> No.16263470

people eat entire pints of ice cream in one sitting, this is just companies testing the waters and seeing if selling people less product will hurts sales

>> No.16263523

The Biden economy sucks, can't wait to get Trump back

>> No.16263533

They'll just increase the ratio of soy filler to keep the price down

>> No.16263583

If nobody notices, then why does this thread exist, you fucking brainlet?

>> No.16263597

Show us where the obvious image manipulation is. Shouldn't be hard for a person of your intelligence and esteem.

>> No.16264517

thats because it takes 18 months for cattle to be ready for slaughter, compared to 8 weeks for chicken and 6 months for pigs. beef prices won't come down for another year

>> No.16264532

well come to the third world.
Wait until they start changing recipes all together.
When I was young, a famous cookie here was 200g and you could taste the butter in its dough, today it is a 105g, reduced time to time, and the the dough is hard as rock, nothing lke it once was.
They run an ad about being the taste of generation or some shit, they got bashed into abyss by boomer. They run another one, with zoomers tasting what they called the old recipe and saying they love the new one better and the boomer were nostalgic fools.

>> No.16264557

Inflation might play a role but I think it's naive to say it's the only or even just the main reason. They're businesses looking to make a profit, and if they think they can get away with giving you less product, they're going to do it.

>> No.16264566

It's happening in Brazil, too.

I've noticed how a bag of raw peanuts now comes with 400g, as opposed to the previous 500g.

>> No.16264570

they aren't shrinking you're just getting bigger fattie, pic is clearly shopped

>> No.16264578

Not nearly as much as a price increase

>> No.16264582

this has been happening for a decade, or more. you're just now noticing?

>> No.16264592

Sure but that's where competition comes into play to check your ass from doing it too egregiously

>> No.16265846

>for a decade, or more

>> No.16265865

That seems unlikely. Most people just swipe credit cards and don't think too much about what they're spending until the accumulated bill comes in.

>> No.16266089

You cunts need a break from this website and the internet in general

>> No.16266118

If I want cheetos I'm buying cheetos and I don't care if it's 2/3 the size for the same price as it was last year. I'm not buying the cheese-flavored crisp offbrand. The whole reason why this is so popular among companies is that it works. The free market doesn't fix everything.

>> No.16266125

If you believe inflation is happening at a massive rate then blame the Fed and Trump's pandemic response. Inflation doesn't happen because there's a possibility money will be printed in the future, dumbfuck.

>> No.16266139

Good. Our nation needs to eat less Ice cream

>> No.16266155


hello CHAD

>> No.16266165

>It's all Trumps fault

>> No.16266257

go back faggot

>> No.16266264

Based. Donald J Trump is our rightful king. Democracy in USA should have ended the moment He was elected.

>> No.16266283

what is times spelled backwards?

>> No.16266315


>> No.16266316

My thigh highs went up like 15%. reee!!!

>> No.16266415

>democracy is when you let in millions of non-natives by any means necessary and give them voting rights in order to undermine the wants and needs of the native population
I heckin love democracy. Nevermind the fact that every society that practiced it realized it doesn't work for shit unless you get extremely restrictive about it.

>> No.16266465

i feel like I haven't noticed any actual inflation now in the US at all despite the fact I keep hearing about it. i live in a semi-major city, and as someone alive in 2008 (and can remember how the financial crisis affected grocery stores & other consumer products), I feel like I've seen a negligible effect in terms of products. However, I will say, I do think a lot of corporations are taking advantage of "inflation" or "post-pandemic shortage" fears in order to downsize their products and spread the blame elsewhere. During the ""pandemic"", companies like Tyson purposefully fired tons of workers then acted like there was a "chicken" shortage when in reality it was that they had cut their work force and didn't want to up pay or rehire in order to return the supply chain to normal - there was no "actual" shortage in terms of supply. I get the feeling a lot of companies are pulling similar things since it's so easy to manipulate public opinion by blaming things on seemingly cataclysmic events which are paraded around by media and social media

>> No.16266483

Damn, he triggered you bad, lmao.

>> No.16266565

>good thing happen? Biden did it
>bad thing happen? Trump time traveled to the past and did it.

>> No.16266603

I actually appreciate whipped cream cheese because it's easier to spread on a bagel. I'd rather make it myself, but it's nice to have the option.

>> No.16266620

>Tyson purposefully fired tons of workers then acted like there was a "chicken" shortage when in reality it was that they had cut their work force and didn't want to up pay or rehire in order to return the supply chain to normal

I'm confused by the supposed logic of what you're presenting here. The bottleneck is in the plant. If you can't run at full capacity due to pandemic restrictions and your raw material expires (nevermind that you cannot just perpetually hold inventory in normal cases either) then they can only process so much. So the shortage of processed chicken is real and keeping full staff makes no sense

>> No.16267898

America is collapsing.

>> No.16267975

There's democracy in the USA? Since when?

>> No.16267981

The farmers also have to scale down breeding to match what their distributors are purchasing, and it takes a few chicken lifecycles to bring output back up.

>> No.16268263

They have to lower the portion size because Americans can't control themselves.

>> No.16268270

If that were true, Americans would buy two containers, or five, or 100.

Your comment is just another example of the seething jealousy all non-Americans feel.

>> No.16268280

>If that were true, Americans would buy two containers, or five, or 100.
Which is why they have to keep the price the same.

>> No.16268332

I’ve noticed the prices of store brand sliced bread and milk have gone up in the past two-three months. In particular, I bought a loaf of wheat bread last week and it was about 2/3 the size of the same loaf I had bought two weeks before. Like, noticeably smaller

>> No.16268359

In reality lots of producers are struggling to get hold of the raw materials needed to make things due to lots of industries not being allowed to function properly for a little over a year now. Tin, lumber, steel, these raw materials have all sorts of massive ramifications further down the line. The butterfly flapped its wings March of last year, and now the typhoon is picking up speed.

>> No.16268382

It’ll be fixed when Trump gets back in office.

>> No.16268425
File: 27 KB, 800x450, Same price as yesterday, except now you get less in the package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans crying over ice cream
/ck/ truly is a wonderful place

>> No.16268465

You might not be wrong. Idk about this particular example but companies are definitely taking advantage of pandemic restrictions/guidelines to change policy or manipulate supply in order to cut costs and make more money.

For example, if you've stayed in a hotel since the pandemic began you might notice that most placed no longer offer housekeeping while a guest is occupying a room. They used to come through and change sheets, towels, clean up, etc once a day and I don't expect that to ever return. They can change policy that for everyone's safety they only clean rooms once a guest has left and cut a huge chunk out of their cleaning supplies, laundry, and labor costs. Now they're returning prices back to normal and because we've become accustomed to it you're paying the same price or more for less service.

>> No.16268624

So Biden has done nothing to help with those suffering from the Chinaman flu, all the stimulus came Trump?

>> No.16268646

Farmers had to dump thousands of gallons of milk due to lack of demand.
Even rental car companies sold most of their cars to stay alive, a reason why renting a car costs $700+ for a week.
Lyft and Uber prices are up because there was no business for months and many stopped driving and realized it's not worth the pay.
Used car prices have spike as well since there is a lack of new cars due to short supply of semicomductors.
It truly is trickle down economics.

>> No.16268654

It's an understandable failure of the "Just in time" system of product delivery.

>> No.16268735

how much inflation are americans gonna need to finally lose some weight?

>> No.16268894

>americans wont ntice their food id smaller
You are delusional

>> No.16269077

Lmao salty kike

>> No.16269141


>> No.16269283
