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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 138 KB, 1094x694, gordonramsayburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16259009 No.16259009 [Reply] [Original]

>cu/ck/s here really believe a chef with 16 Michelin stars is a hack who can't cook
I bet you don't even know how to cook

>> No.16259017

Its not that we don't think he can cook. It's that the type of food he cooks is for a certain type of narrow pallet.

>> No.16259029

gordon ramaay burger fesh

>> No.16259032

Bro he fucked up a grilled cheese on camera. That casts the shadow of doubt.

>> No.16259034

muh scrambled eggs

This white food is garbage. A bowl of noodles is better than 99% of the mess he makes. Plus he’s mean for no reason fuck him

>> No.16259043

I don't think he doesn't know how to cook, I think he just got to the point where he doesn't give a fuck anymore. If he fucks it up on the first take, well that's what you get to see.

His open fire pan grilled cheese was an abomination and I think 10 years ago it would've gotten re-shot so it wasn't shit. But instead we get gordon who just doesn't care anymore, burnt on one side and barely toasted on the other? Perfect. Cheese didn't even start to melt in the middle? That's just how I like it.

>> No.16259290

He doesn't know an extremely basic concept of cooking on low heat for longer, like with that grilled cheese. It was burned on the outside and unmelted. Instead of sticking it in a fucking fire he should have crammed it up my ass.

>> No.16259310

He knows how to cook but he sold his soul. It's all money and fame for him now. As all the other anons have mentioned that grilled cheese just proves it. The Frito pie thing on the race track was the nail in the coffin for me. He lost his passion and it's just sad to see the husk of a chef that he has become

>> No.16259318

The past couple of decades have obliterated my trust in credentialism. I have no reason to assume those stars weren't earned through connections or back alley deals.

>> No.16259361

>a chef with 16 Michelin stars
You didn’t get the newsletter?
The /ckhitzos/ decided it’s common-knowledge that you can just buy Michelin stars.
They can’t provide a single verifiable instance of it happening, but they made it clear that only Michelin shills would ask for proof.

>> No.16259370

But you can see interviews of Michelin star chefs criticizing the program.

>> No.16259387

>>cu/ck/s here really believe a chef with 16 Michelin stars is a hack who can't cook
>I bet you don't even know how to cook
No, I bet you don't know a thing yourself, because Ramsay videotapes and shares all his unbelievable gaffes.

>> No.16259388
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>burn leeks on grill for an hour
>earn stars

>> No.16259393


>> No.16259429

>Bro he fucked up a grilled cheese on camera
It’s called being rich and not giving a fuck. Do you really not understand how video production works?
You say “on camera” as if it’s some sort of gotcha exposé.
You don’t think he actually knew that sandwich was fucked?
You don’t think he’s constantly surrounded by producers?
You don’t think one of said producers would have done his actual job and said “Gordon, we can’t fix that sandwich in post. We should do another take”?
Of course he knew it was shit.
Of course he was informed it was shit by the people he literally pays to make sure he looks good on camera.
But he’s rich, and way past the point of needing to give a fuck about a YouTube video. He’s had so many series syndicated on so many networks in so many counties that he’s set for life on royalties.

He could have easily done another take of that sandwich. It’s damn near a guarantee one of his producers recommended it.
But he chose not to, because he’s Gordon fucking Ramsay and doesn’t need YouTube money.

>> No.16259439

Yes. But I’ve yet to see one where they say “I had to pay money for my star”.
If you have one to link, I’d greatly appreciate it. Otherwise I think you need to return the goalpost to its original position.

>> No.16259447

>Cream in carbonara
Can't cook

>> No.16259468

your "goalpost" is actually a strawman you set up though. and nobody is obligated to argue against it

>> No.16259471

Says the guy whose comment also moved the goal posts. Paying for stars or not doesn't prove that the Michelin system is or isn't a system that is filled with favoritism, or slanted towards certain cuisines, or has nepotism...yet to pretend it doesn't is just plain naive.

>> No.16259474

OP, you can post here freely, without any consequence. Of course you are going to get dipshits who think they are even worth the air that they breathe. Remember, flyovers & third worlders can post here too.

>> No.16259484 [DELETED] 

Flyovers with shit all to do make good goof though

>> No.16259487

asians don't have souls.

>> No.16259502

People in the 105-115 IQ range need to be purged. The midwit is by far the greatest detriment to society.

>> No.16259503

you can only go so far with walmart ingredients anon. Flyovers need to be drowned at birth.

>> No.16259538

Don’t use terms you don’t understand, anon.
If you don’t think accusations of money = stars is a standard argument on /ck/, you’re either purposely being obtuse or have never actually seen a Michelin thread on this board.

>the Michelin system is or isn't a system that is filled with favoritism, or slanted towards certain cuisines, or has nepotism
I asserted the idea that people pay for stars is bullshit. Nothing more.
You’re arguing that a subjectively opinionated travel guide is subject to subjectivity? I would agree. Anyone who thinks there can be a blanket metric to objectively compare every restaurant and cuisine in the world against each other would be an actual retard.
But if you’re arguing that their reviews are for sale, or change depending on if you suck the right dick, please back it up.

>> No.16259554

>t. totally an INTJ who people just don’t understand. I’m not friendless and ignored by colleagues (if I even have a job) because I’m an unlikeable autist, it’s because they just can’t do intellectual battle with me on a field of equals

>> No.16259570

Are you really this stupid? You think your food comes from the fields of NYC?

>> No.16259575

Obtuse coming from the anon that is defending the Michelin system as the pinnacle

>> No.16259604

>defending the Michelin system as the pinnacle
>simply asking for proof of blatant pay-for-play or corruption
Yes, I understand you think that questioning a conspiracy is proof that someone is part of it.
As I said in >>16259361
>they made it clear that only Michelin shills would ask for proof.

>> No.16259618

wow mr ramsay i must say i had my doubts about your cooking, but this pasta is delicious

>> No.16259638

>anons ITT think any of that TV cooking behaviour makes it into his kitchens

>> No.16259650

>post explaining that ramsay is a rich asshole who longer cares about cooking because he’s financially set
>omg it’s totally ramsay
Take your meds. Surely you have a relative who cares about you.

>> No.16260334

You wrote a whole fucking dissertation to his post I think you’re the one who’s been skipping on his dosage

>> No.16260590
File: 91 KB, 1360x271, truth about gordon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a fraud

>> No.16260652
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, 1623400753118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine bragging being given golden stars like a toddler by tire company which started this like marketing campaign to sell more tires.
We can conclude that the motivation to give stars is given based on geographic location and to make them as far away from each other so people travel kinder distances.
Everything else is secondary. Disprove this besides "bUT iT's NolONEr tRuTh"

>> No.16260696
File: 16 KB, 382x322, 1617419548664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a good cook. everyone in this shithole is a line cook, fast food worker or home cooking fag.

t. 3rd year apprentice chef

>> No.16260703

It's spelled palladium

>> No.16260707

He could have, if he wasn't on the verge if zoning out on whatever drugs he had taken.

>> No.16260875
File: 2.84 MB, 954x1378, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Marco Pierre based? He threw his michelin stars in trash because he deemed judges not skilled enough to grant him award.

>> No.16260883

I don't think he can't cook.
I think he gets coked out of his gourd before getting on camera to the point that he can't make a passable grilled cheese but is too proud to acknowledge that he may have fucked up, even after the fact.

>> No.16260900
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>botched his face with countless operations
Is this true? I just thought he got older and got that bloated face old person thing going.

>> No.16260973
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>> No.16260984

Has he gone senile?

>> No.16261029

Fraud detected.

>> No.16261078

13 stars awarded to restaurants Ramsay did not even cook in, he didnt cook a single dish for the judges.

>> No.16261431
File: 28 KB, 598x800, soy imp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

physiognomy check

>> No.16261436

Who hurt you chud

>> No.16261447

ENTJ-T here, you both should shut the fuck up

>> No.16261455

He's based if you like Knorr products.

>> No.16261464

Ok chud I will

>> No.16261469

asiago and pepperberry something or other
kimchi on a grilled cheese sandwich is like putting sauerkraut on a PB&J. sure, there's probably some weirdo out there that would like it, but is it good? no.

>> No.16261599

Literally 30 seconds in the microwave just to melt the cheese a tiny bit, and flipping the burnt side over would have saved some credibility.
He really does not give a shit.

>> No.16261624

I wonder how many people have masturbated over that video guide.

>> No.16261630

it's so narrow that he runs a successful cooking youtube and 16 restaurants

>> No.16261652

So yes
or no, it's your choice

>> No.16261663

>fuck me its ice coOOOLD IN THE MIDDLE

>> No.16261665

https://www.eater.com/2019/12/4/20995442/michelin-korea-sued-for-fraud-and-attempted-extortion Korean would like a word with you.

Any awards are suspect and likely corrupt. That's the nature of them and denying it is stupid. Adults understand everything is corrupt and try to work around the system as best they can. Children deny it and claim they did really really well and won

>> No.16261852

Don’t act so surprised. This board has always been filled with elitist retards that think they’re the best chef because the don’t fuck up a sandwich or chicken tenders very often while they’re slaving at applebees.

>> No.16261859

>Michelin stars
>A tire company
what a joke

>> No.16261864

> I wish Gordon was my daddy

>> No.16261867

He's reddit, nigga

>> No.16261868

Gordon is an unstable insecure bitch. He's still a little boy.

>> No.16261899

I'd gladly eat anything he makes, but you don't have to act like your God

>> No.16262139

I like how his fucking youtube channel is the first thing you call out to flex lmfao

>> No.16262194

>read Gordon's autobiography on a whim, in 2 hours, tiny book
>It's all about his evil father would abuse him and call him a "poofter" (FAGGOT)
>Immediately took to twitter, called him a poofter, told him his American TV Show production was a laughing stock
>Check twitter DMs months later
>Turns out Gordon replied to me!


>> No.16262201

>Check twitter DMs months later
You are a coward

>> No.16262222

He stared at the camera, calmly told you to use the fucking product and made no excuses for it after. He made a shit ton of money doing so.

He's actually the absolute opposite of twink-Ramsay. Plus, he can cook.

>> No.16262228

you nigger, twitter never notified of new DMs back then

>> No.16262230

But would you eat and actually enjoy his infamous grilled cheese sandwich? I would not. In fact I would take the greatest pleasure in sending it back.

>> No.16262280

He made a bad grilled cheese and called a good 'za bad. HACK!

>> No.16262308
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Quads confirm that Marco may have sold stockpots but never his soul

>> No.16262371
File: 109 KB, 945x1868, 185286643_545517780186143_1844712935220239261_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great British Feast is ten times better than any program with Gordon, unironically.

>> No.16262392

I can cook, but I'm an engineer.
Bet Ramsey couldnt do what I do as a day job.

>> No.16262412

The man not only "sold" stock pots, he bloody well dared you to use them.


>> No.16262439

Only americans think he can’t cook.

>> No.16262447

He was fuckall tired of that industry and decided to make some retirement cash and fuck around. Based.

>> No.16262478
File: 52 KB, 768x960, er7lce6lobw61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a hack who's trying to become a game show host.
Reddit is obsessed with him.
He let a pack of niggers rape his daughter and didn't do anything about it.
Fuck him. Cuck


>> No.16262500

Well, he's a fake tough guy. >>16260590

>> No.16262521

I would eat it yes, enjoying is another question

>> No.16262526

I can't stand his personality but I definitely think he's an extremely talented chef.

I tried a few of his recipes and they all came out great.

Other chefs have their issues too.
Curtis Stones dishes often lack flavor to me but I still like him

Jamie Oliver has some great recipes but his books contain an insane amount of filler.

>> No.16262600

His episode with Bourdain was crazy, MPW apparently lives in mansion out in the countryside and spends his days rubbing pig bellies. The life.

>> No.16262727

chefs dont get stars, restaurants do
hes really good at running kitchens, and he can cook before than me, especially european food
but he is primarily a tv star/personality

>> No.16262733

He's definitely not a hack.

He earned his recognition fair and square in one of the toughest kitchens on the planet.

His *** book is still top notch.

Like all Anglosaxons, protestants and Italian Americans he saw an opportunity to sell and keep selling more.

I don't blame him. Or the others who want to take care of their family..

I blame you. If it's not up to standards, don't buy [the book, the recipe, the cheese, the sauce, the video, the whatever]

>> No.16263318

What was he supposed to do?

>> No.16263335

Get a real job.

>> No.16263354

He doesn’t need youtube money, so instead he’ll take ridicule for fucking up something as basic as a grilled cheese?

>> No.16263363


>> No.16263375

Never occurred to me just how big Jennifer Anniston's head is.

>> No.16263544

It's possible he once knew his shit but has become complacent and washed up over time.

>> No.16263553

That is in fact extremely based.

>> No.16263868

This might come as a huge shock to you, but the opinions of YouTube commenters and Twitter niggers actually matter very little.

>> No.16263940

I have eaten in his 3 star restaurant. It was head and shoulders above any other restaurant I have been to. Every course was perfection - not a single error. Service immaculate. Impossible to fault a single thing.

...And yet so many of the clips I see of him he is fucking up something simple. Roast pork belly with 'crisp' crackling where the crackling has zero crispiness. The grilled cheese, the shitty burger. So many examples.

I can only conclude he doesnt really give a shit any more. He has developed a reputation and the average person probably doesnt question it too much when he presents shitty food as they just assume he knows what he is doing.

>> No.16264066

For real I think the dude just went through fucking miles of cocaine and it's kinda fried his brain. Combine that with getting old and not giving a shit ta-dah