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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16257211 No.16257211 [Reply] [Original]

Share your stories of making mistakes in the kitchen, i'll start.
>Be me a few days ago
>Trying to slice a lime for my water bottle
>Doing chores around the house, decide to skip using a cutting board to save time
>Cut the pad of my ring finger
>Lime juice makes the cut sting like a motherfucker
Use a cutting board anons.

>> No.16257218 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 800x600, mcchicken_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Share your stories of making mistakes in the mcdonald's kitchen, i'll start.
>Be me a few days ago
>Trying to slice a mcchicken for my water bottle
>Doing chores around the house, decide to skip using a cutting board to save time
>Cut the pad of my ring finger
>mcchicken juice makes the cut sting like a motherfucker
Use a cutting board anons.

>> No.16257230

kek, nice edit

>> No.16257300
File: 813 KB, 500x405, 1622873243077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>make jalapeño fries for finding Nemo movie
>sit in couch with fries, watch Nemo
>Fish fuckers attack Marlin's family
>all the babies except Nemo died, wife died
>start crying like a bitch
>rub my eyes, realize I didn't wash my hands after cutting jalapeños
>cry for hours
That was a sad scene man, I can watch gore all day but when animals are hurt, I cry.

>> No.16257307

I'm the same with animals, man. But also, rip your eyes. How long until the hellfire left your eyes?

>> No.16257731

Are you better now, fren?

>> No.16257747

Inb4 cramming something up ass

>> No.16257775

Added 3 tablespoons of salt to an expensive chili recipe that requires 3 teaspoons.

I tried to dilute but ended up having to chuck it.


>> No.16257780
File: 3.50 MB, 640x506, 1589978761543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prepping cheesecake
>realize I forgot to pull the cream cheese out of the freezer
>put it on the counter for a bit
>almost no change
>get the brilliant idea to cut it into smaller pieces
>knife sliding all over the place
>don't heed this warning
>eventually don't catch it in time and the knife slips sideways
>shave a quarter inch off the end of my left index finger
>cream cheese immediately covered in blood

>> No.16257800

I once crammed a Ketchup tub up my ass and squeezed, wanted to know if my shit would become red.
Believe me, it was not nice. Don't try it. Not really a fuckup though.

>> No.16257811

Did it turn your shit red though?

>> No.16257817

This much fucking time on your hands to post this and you didn't even tell us if it turned your shit red.

>> No.16257819

>for my water bottle
What the fuck does that even mean

>> No.16257851

>he doesn't exclusively drink mcchicken-infused water

>> No.16257944


>> No.16257976

This whole thread just proving the idea that under no circumstances should anyone on this board be allowed sharp objects

>> No.16257987

I was cutting the lime slices to put in my water bottle so it'd be lime-flavored.

>> No.16257997

Yes, luckily it ended up being about as deep as a bad papercut. The lime juice made it hurt more but i think it saved me from cutting deeper into my finger because the pain was more immediate.

>> No.16258016

Did something similar a couple months ago, felt the change in resistance as I cut my thumb open a second before the pain.

>> No.16258120

> Be 11 years old
> Learning how to fend for self because single mom and poverty
> Pour sachet of dry rice into black non microwaveable cup
> Put hardly any water in it
> Stick it in the microwave for 5 minutes
> Come back after a few minutes and the microwave is sparking and smoking
> Nearly blew up the microwave
> Cry and starve for the evening

>> No.16258128

that's sad, anon
I hope you're doing better now