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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16256333 No.16256333 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Mexican food so delicious?

>> No.16256344

i enjoy seeing white people at mexican restaurants.

for them it's a special treat of the week, for me i had to eat that shit every day growing up.

>> No.16256357

Taquitos al vapor are my guilty pleasure. I could give up all mexican food except that.

>> No.16256358

The only mexican food I like is Doritos.

>> No.16256566

Let me guess, you're fat? Special treat of the week? It's called not being a lardass like yourself lmfao

>> No.16256580

>Why is Mexican food so delicious?
the power of cilantro and lime juice

>> No.16257171

thats why thai is good

>> No.16257188 [DELETED] 
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Why are Mexican McChickens so delicious?

>> No.16257277

Lard and chiles

>> No.16257635

Not everyone eats out everyday fatass. Most people go out to eat 2 times a week. Let me guess you don’t know how to cook anything but noodles and macaroni

>> No.16257682

sal y grasa. eso es todo

>> No.16257685

They let you leave the dishwasher station?

>> No.16258118
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>Unrefined new world savage food
>Literally just beans and odd bits
>Can't even appropriate French cuisine like a proper civilisation


>> No.16258691

not even hispanic but this is a dumb post

>> No.16258700

> twice a week
Let me guess your 401k balance … four digits

>> No.16258714

explique el aguachile

>> No.16258735

I enjoy seeing mexican "people" mow my lawn. For them it's a special treat because they put food on the table, for me I hire spics to do the mundane shit in the yard so that my time is spent elsewhere.

>> No.16258830

because they understood that it's best to go with things that actually taste good and that people like, rather than forcing people to like stuff that you have to eat out of pride and a misplaced sense of tradition

>> No.16258836

why would you pay someone money to do menial work that just about anybody is capable of, for sake of browsing through 4chan & jerking off all day? the absolute state of amerimutt-country

>> No.16259826

makes my ass leak. love the food though

>> No.16259835

>lul people from a different culture were raised differently and them trying to enjoy something different is so quaint lmao
Please kill yourself.

>> No.16259854

cilantro doesn't exactly taste great, but it's good for your health so I prefer to have it

>> No.16259855

You forgot coconut milk

>> No.16259862

Mexican food is flavored with love. Unlike, oh say, Chinese food, which is flavored with lies and cruelty

>> No.16259887
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Came here to post this. They really do know what they are doing with food, too. But mostly because LOL ayyy can we put more calories on it?
>adds more lard
not enough calories
>reinvents mozarella cheese
ayyy cabron more calories
>throws it all on a sack of doritos pours five types of sauces on top including fucking mayonaisse and then adds some fruit because no reason

>> No.16259934

>poor cope

>> No.16259958
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this but unironically

>> No.16259974
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nah. I do love good taqueria rice though.

>> No.16259975

This looks like a bowl of ass

>> No.16259982

no it doesn't

>> No.16259989

Please die.

>> No.16259995

I know you've never had sex but ass is a good thing
you'll get'em next time, champ

>> No.16260003

lel, mexican food is like Subway
Choose a corn based bread
Salads: Red Onion, Avocado, Corn
Add: Rice or beans or both
Pick a meat
Garnish with hot sauce, coriander and a lime, Wa La! Amazing.

>> No.16260023
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>> No.16260043

I wish Mexican food had more vegetables.
It's mostly a meat + starch bomb

>> No.16260056

Because it hits all the right notes for flavor. Also melds well with capsaicin.

>> No.16260059

you would be the expert.

>> No.16260061

white hands typed this post

>> No.16260067

Mexicans fall under white race.

>> No.16260163

it's true. Mexican food doesn't have a lot of vegetable content.

>> No.16260401
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It does actually. Cactus, purslane, quelites. The only thing that Mexican food needs is more glaze type sauces because glaze with smoked peppers are godlike. They're still a top 5 cuisine though.

>> No.16260456

I don't see a whole lot of that (besides maybe cactus) even in real Mexican restaurants. Chinese has way more vegetable content on average.

>> No.16260468

mayos mad

>> No.16260472

hispanics who are lighter than your average german are so weirdly OBSESSED with being pedantic about whether they count as white or not lmao

>> No.16260479

has newer mexican cuisine introduced things like that as well as whatever else traditional mexican was missing?

>> No.16260480

cactus is unironically one of the best vegetables if you're not a pussy with the slime. It's hearty and doesn't just taste like water, and works alongside everything else mexican

>> No.16260486

Are they really sour?

>> No.16260492

basado y espalda mojado

>> No.16260531

Call it coriander. Cilantro sounds like the name of a fabric softener or soap brand. Not that I expect burgers to know the difference between food and soap

>> No.16260542

you need to go back

>> No.16260557

Why would anyone drugs when they could just mow the lawn?

>> No.16260560

The tacos I get are usually meat, cheese, and lettuce and burritos are just meat. Beans and rice are on the side, if any.

>> No.16260563

Who doesn't love Taco Bell?

>> No.16260565

The Chinese have forty-eight words for rice but not one for loyalty.

>> No.16260568
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barboaca kaysodeeyahsss!

>> No.16261130

It’s a little bitter but salt and lime can cure that

>> No.16261132

You can’t have a Mexican/chinese food thread without the Autists coming out of the woodworks

>> No.16261181

In Texas they really should let people shoot spics on sight.

>> No.16261194

They really know how to cook lips and assholes

>> No.16262340

fuck off Groyper faggot

>> No.16262357

For me? Its the number 6. Speedy Gonzales special

>> No.16262373

Gonna cry libtard?

>> No.16262395
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>not being a Patrick Crusius tier incel means I'm a libtard

>> No.16262406

mexican lips wrapped around my cock in the form of a bj is delicious if ya follow me

>> No.16262460
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For me, it’s enchiladas de mole.

>> No.16262472

mexican food sucks ass. texmex on the other hand, is delicious and great

>> No.16262473

Finally someone who gets it.

>> No.16262771

>beans and chorizo
>not chicken

>> No.16263239

chicken is for low test.

>> No.16263618

They do, you just know what a taco or burrito joint has. Go to an actual Mexican restaurant. Especially one that's catering to a Mexican region or style.

>> No.16265230

because you have a bias/preference towards Mexian food. I mean you're not wrong, but what you're stating is opinion, not fact

>> No.16265274

same reason why Italalian food and Indian food are so good
there are a bunch of mexicans here saying its good, so good normal people bought into the meme like Italian food
and its drowned in spices like Indian food, so it mask anything that is shitty

>> No.16265289

Looks like a lot of insane flavor. i'm mexican but never ate those combinations.

>> No.16265371

Mexican food isnt drowned in spices the way Indian food is lol. You can have something like mole poblano which is like 20+ spices or you can have something like aguachile or ahi tuna tostadas that are dishes that rely in the freshness of the seafood

>> No.16265416

i work for a food delivery app. at a restraunt they gave me two orders on accident. the extra order had indian curry inside the bag. I tasted it and it was the most amazing thing Ive ever tasted before. so I think a lot of spices does work if you know what you're doing.

>> No.16265432

Fajitas are delicious

>> No.16265464

Texmex isn't real mexican food.

>> No.16265483

White people food doesn't have cumin as the major spice.

>> No.16265546

i grew up on tex mex. i've been to mexico as a teen. there's not much difference. but true the food tastes better in mexico. all in all i would say taco bell is a joke on mexican food. i can't eat there anymore.

>> No.16266376

says the white boy pretending to be a beaner.

>> No.16266381

Sounds right

>> No.16266395

I love Pozole

>> No.16268303

No, I'm referring to actual Mexican restaurants
Avocados and tomatoes are not vegetables.

>> No.16268310

A lot of the ingredients in mole aren't even spices but rather bread, bananas, seeds, etc.

>> No.16268886

>t. doesn't know the simple bliss of throwing on some noise canceling headphones, grabbing a beer, hopping on the tractor and mowing their own lawn

Sometimes I turn the blades off and take a couple victory laps just because I enjoy being able to forget about the outside world for a while longer. Enjoy keeping your face planted in your cellphone, baby zooms

>> No.16268923

Depends on the mole. mole negro calls for Ginger, allspice, cumin, avocado leaves, majoram, thyme, pepper, coriander seeds, cloves, cinnamon, anise, cloves and of course, the dried peppers.

>> No.16269216

they serve vegetables all the time though lol

>> No.16269282

like what?
The standard Mexican dish is meat + rice + tortillas
The salsas have tomatoes, peppers, and tomatillos, but those are also not vegetables

>> No.16269290

Lettuce, cabbage, and cactus

>> No.16269294

void of nutrition
I don't see it that often, mostly on fish tacos
I see it with carne asada sometimes but it's not in most meals

>> No.16269309

You asked for vegetables and those are it. Cabbage is served with pozole, with grilled chicken, and tacos. Don't forget about the vegetables they serve in classic dishes such as caldo de res, mole de olla, and cerdo con verdolagas

>> No.16269311

>im a beaner i swear, my mom sucked a dude off who used to work in el paso

>> No.16269327

No one cooks 19 meals at home a week. Lie to strangers on the internet, fine, but dont like to yourself.

>> No.16269369

>fish tacos
where fuck are even going. im yet to see a '''fish taco''' in my life and ive never left mexico nigga

>> No.16269395


>> No.16270766

Because most of the cooks in any restaurant in the U.S. are Mexican. They know how to do it right.

>> No.16270789

>everyone must conform to my autism
Literally tranny tier thinking

>> No.16270792

Chicken mole enchiladas are the best enchilada

>> No.16270797

No seas pendejo.

>> No.16270814

No point eating chicken when pork and beef are options

>> No.16272005

>what is cheese poured over everything

>> No.16272019

Not in raw seafood

>> No.16272672

I'm trying to not eat beef and pork though

>> No.16272673

You must not get out much

>> No.16272993

If your bowel movements look like that you should see a doctor. It suggests that you're not digesting food at all

>> No.16272997

Shit up, Moshe.

>> No.16273089

Mexican food is so comfy. I just wish it were healthier

>> No.16273635
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can you fucking faggots stop describing shit as a bomb? goddamn. its not even the right word for what youre describing it makes you sound like a fucking retard.

>> No.16273667

>if you're not a pussy with the slime
you cook it out anyways. love me some nopalitos

>> No.16273748

Cilantro sounding like a soap brand is convenient because it tastes like soap

>> No.16273977

Mexican food has the GOAT sauces

>> No.16273985

Caesar salad

>> No.16274000

I've never tried cooking with cactus, but I usually have some pickled cactus on hand.

>> No.16274129

what do you like eating these days? and what do you have against mexican food anyways, I still like a lot of stuff I grew up with.

>> No.16274159

All the anti Mexican responses to this post kek. You can tell /ck/ is unironically whiter than /pol/

>> No.16274174

Maybe with your plebian genetics

>> No.16274366

A lot of MSG.