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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 514 KB, 2560x1703, Jared subway guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16254652 No.16254652 [Reply] [Original]

Is Jared's subway diet any good for losing weight or just a scam?

Reason I ask is Im 5'11 300 pound male who needs to lose weight but doesnt have time to cook as I work 40 hours a week and commute to and from work 10 hours a week and run around town on the bus like a chicken with my head cut off running errands on my 2 days off.

Is it a scam or will I lose weight eating ONLY 2 turkey subs minus mayo and 2 diet sodas a day?

>> No.16254653

It was his insatiable lust children that caused him to lose weight

>> No.16254654

Fucking children made him lose the weight, not shitty sandwiches. Do what you will with that information.

>> No.16254656

For the first time in his life, Jared actually gave a shit about his health and diet. Instead of pigging out whenever he wanted, he calculated how many calories he needed to stay under to lose weight. Don’t get me wrong, the calculation and motivation was probably done by a team of nutritionists hired by Subway and the paycheck was probably good motivation, but you can technically lose weight eating nothing but McDonald’s burgers and fries if you really wanted to, it’s just not very healthy.

Subway is definitely a step above McDonald’s since they actually serve food with nutrition, but the idea that it was an ideal diet is 100% a joke.

>> No.16254664

Eternal fpbp

>> No.16254716

He ate a caloric deficit and exercised correctly, only reason he ate subway while doing it was because there was a young woman he wanted to harass.

>> No.16254722

he was burning all those calories breaking little bucks

>> No.16254724

Yes, eating a 6in vegetarian sub twice a day as your only meals and walking several miles a day will help you lose weight

>> No.16254725

A Subway opened up on the ground floor of his dorm in college, which was his closest food source. Imagine if it was an Arby’s or something; thousands of Southeast Asian children would have had one less fat Western penis inside them.

>> No.16254737

my nigger, the quality of food you eat doesn't matter for weight loss. the quantity of food you eat is the only thing that matters.

i have the shittiest diet and I weigh less than half as much as you, because I don't eat too much. sometimes when i poop its bloody and I feel like shit everyday. but im not obese

>> No.16254747
File: 86 KB, 736x1067, Fast Food Fighting Force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish he was working for McDonald's so I could post his fucking face in the threads their fat fucking social media managers dump on us.

>> No.16254764

Lies. Your body processes certain foods differently.

>> No.16254777

Not really.

t. dietitian.

>> No.16254778

>t. diet coke
fixed it for you

>> No.16254789

Even assuming that were true, you can't physically acquire more calories from something than it holds.

>> No.16254800

maybe i confused you with the word quantity because you thought i meant physical volume or weight or some shit. in that case yes a pound of butter is more fattening than a pound of lettuce. also i guess some foods can make you bloated or retain water or some shit. but a calorie is a calorie

>> No.16254803

heavily advised-against and I tell people to consume no aspartame even though it could technically get me in trouble.

>but a calorie is a calorie
they really aren't, but the degree to which they aren't doesn't matter that much. mostly matters if you consume huge amounts of sugar. A lot of super fat people have diarrhea basically 100% of the time.

>> No.16254812

Wait, the guy from South Park? He was an actual person all along?

>> No.16254817

>Eat 2000 calories of pure sugar a day and eat 2000 calories of chicken and vegetables - it's the same thing!
the fuq out.

The sugar is processed differently in your body. Different foods cause different reactions and provide different nutrients and your complex digestive system is there to sort it out. I guess if your body literally digesting its own muscle as your liver turns into a ball of fat is the equivalent of weight loss in your mind, you win!

>> No.16254820


>> No.16254823

>The sugar is processed differently in your body
Okay, explain how in detail. Make sure you're extra detailed since I have a Master's degree in this.

>Different foods cause different reactions
What a meaningful statement. Tell me more, since I do this professionally at a hospital as my career.

>> No.16254836

Your leftist “credentials” don’t mean shit here. Your body evolved to eat healthy foods and get calories from those. Every animal does, yet you’re saying they dont, which is retarded.

>> No.16254841
File: 52 KB, 341x502, 488194835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your leftist “credentials” don’t mean shit here.

how did you fucking /pol/ losers spread out to literally every board, jesus christ, how can you think your presence is wanted here or adds anything to this board

>>>/pol/ and stay out

p.s. my leftist credentials mean I earn $72,000 a year, good luck with that, boko haram member.

>> No.16254851

Jared lost the weight before he was hired by Subway, that’s how they discovered him. There were no nutritionist or special regimens implemented by professionals.
He just started walking to class and only eating two Subway sandwiches a day without fatty meats, cheese or condiments.

>> No.16254863

100% of all dudes named jared are perverts or weirdos

man how can you not thank your lucky stars that you have come into literal millions of dollars by EATING SANDWICHES and think "maybe i should fuck teen girls and collect images of them too"

the hubris of man is truly shocking and repulsive

>> No.16254870

don't eat at a deficit, follow a fasting schedule (alternate day fasting, rolling 48s, etc.) and eat at maintenance. healthy, non processed foods. you'll be fine. lurk /fit/ too

>> No.16254875

>lurk /fit/ too

/fit/ is a garbage board that has basically lost all its purpose and is allowed to have generals about anti-fitness shit like fucking steroids and starving yourself.

90% of all newly made threads are one post driveby, relationship, incel or lookism threads

don't recommend /fit/.

>> No.16254888

>$72,000 a year
Did you think this was even vaguely impressive when you posted it?
My brother makes that and he doesn't even have a GED

>> No.16254898

>Reason I ask is Im 5'11 300 pound male who needs to lose weight but doesnt have time to cook
i have the perfect diet for you
unironically just stop eating, and sometimes eat like 600 kcal, ive been doing taht for a bit over a month and lost 17 kg
its extremly simple, easy and no work required

>> No.16254899

mhm sure thing

shhhhhhh now.

>> No.16254906

Lmao I make $85k at 30 and the only college experience I have is “how to bang uni sluts 101” and no I’m not doing construction or other monkey work.

>> No.16254908

Many journeyman tradesmen can make that mate
Are you talking about USD?

>> No.16254920

Fat Fuck Alternate day fast. Eat how many dick you crave on your on day.

>> No.16255053

>eating nothing but McDonald’s burgers and fries
If you eat only that for every meal without soda, it's a pretty balanced diet.
Calorie restriction is the only way to lose weight and most people severely underestimate how much they eat.
A single rounded spoon of peanut butter is 300 calories.

>> No.16255077

>Okay, explain how in detai
What is insulin?

>> No.16255087

cunfun cures all of life's ailments

>> No.16255158
File: 273 KB, 1280x720, scooby 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried it, it is honestly fucking miserable. the low-cal options (e.g. 6 inches turkey) will not satiate you for long and the abundance of salt and artificial flavors will make you hungrier. to lose weight without being hungry you need filling foods with a lot of protein and fiber. check out scooby meal plan

>> No.16255260

The point is that food doesn't make you fat cause it's unhealthy, it's the caloric quantity that makes you fat. So if you eat real unhealthy food but keep it at a daily caloric deficit you will lose weight.

>> No.16255262

>Your leftist “credentials” don’t mean shit here.
Jesus Christ, fuck off with your idiocy.

>> No.16255264

Trannies seething

>> No.16255265

Yeah /fit/ is useless. You'd genuinely be better off going to Reddit.

>> No.16255269

Not him but that is about the high average where I live.

>> No.16255289

Poor scooby looks like shit :(

>> No.16255366

No arguments, just immediately assumes tranny. Fucking hollow headed idiot

>> No.16255414

Eat as you normally do and cut out desserts. Do cardio. Try counting your calories so you are aware of how much you consume daily. I'm not saying to cut back, but you should know how many calories you consume daily.

>> No.16255476

Even before Subway tried to erase all of their long term affiliations with him because he's a fucking pedophile, the story was always that he was walking something like a mile both ways to the Subway, and it was the walking plus eating a calorie deficit that helped him lose weight. For people who are super obese, losing weight is actually quite easy because the amount of calories you need to maintain that weight are far above the average 2000 daily. If you're 300 lbs, you need to be eating more than 3k a day to maintain that. If you cut that down just to 2k a day, either through exercise or diet or a combination of both, then you will be 150 in about 2 years.

So, yeah, the "Subway diet" can work because it was just walking more and eating less. Any successful weight loss program always boils down to calories expended versus caloric intake. 2 years may seem like a long time when you're starting, but if you adopt a mildly healthier lifestyle you could also drop half your weight in that time, but then to maintain that, yeah you have to eat less and maintain exercise. A diet is a lifestyle change, not a fad. It doesn't stop when you drop a few pounds, if you want to stay healthy you have to change your mindset.

>> No.16255490

Losing weight is easy. Calorie count for a just a little and it becomes clear the issue is just portion control and not downing empty calories that add up like soda and junk food

>> No.16255509

he looks fine, what is he like 60 now?

>> No.16255573

He did a bunch of commercials advertising Subway.

>> No.16255589

>my leftist credentials mean I earn $72,000 a year

>> No.16255601

Literally who?

>> No.16255645

I've lost weight eating junk foods like oreo and chocolate. I counted calories. You can do it with subway too.

>> No.16255683
File: 48 KB, 798x809, 1443440536296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not very good, no. When I was trying to lose weight, subway was the only fast food place in the town I commuted to, it was really hard to make a sandwich under 600 calories.
Get Sara Lee Delightful bread(45 calories per slice(half the caloreis of normal bread)) and measure out your own lunch meat, low fat cheese, and low fat mayo or miracle whip; 220 calories vs 600 and it's roughly the same size + you save a shitload of money and it's way faster than standing in line at subway.

>> No.16255691

basically any six inch sandwich on the menu is significantly less than 600 calories, and if you're only eating twice a day you can have more than 600 calories per meal, what are you talking about

>> No.16255701

>don’t eat at a deficit
retard, that’s the only way to lose weight consistently

>> No.16255712
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 1619073718502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I was getting chips too, but still, honey oat, turkey, american cheese, and light mayo is still almost 400 calories, costs more, and takes longer than just making your own sandwich, so it still doesn't make sense going to subway IMO, unless you need a delicious 800 calorie personal pizza with soggy crust.

>> No.16255929
File: 97 KB, 1080x608, Eix6ZtmXkAME41P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically claim ADHD with your doctor and get prescribed Adderall. You will loose the weight because you're not hungry and never eat.

>> No.16256117

>Eat less, move more
Jared's diet had nothing to do with subway specifically. He followed a strict, calorie controlled diet and walked everywhere for exercise. You could have similar results eating double quarter pounders from McDonald's every day if you had the same work ethic.

>> No.16256135

>they really aren't, but the degree to which they aren't doesn't matter that much.
Let's say my daily energy expenditure is 2000 calories. If I eat an amount of butter equal to 2000 calories every day due a year will I gain weight, lose weight or will my weight stay the same? What if I try the experiment with 2000 calories worth of cabbage?

>> No.16256142

yes fat people just switch to pure amphetamine your hearts will be able to handle it. You'll be so productive with all the new stim time you wont just waste it playing games and fapping for 12 hours straight as you historically have shown a ton of discipline and will power.

>> No.16256457

Just quit drinking soda. Don't fool yourself into thinking subway isn't fast food tier.

>> No.16256612
File: 26 KB, 255x378, Fed_Up_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a bit in Fed Up (I think, or another one of those type of food documentaries). There was a young girl who was obese. And she didn't want to be. And Subway Jared gave a lecture at her school, as part of his non-profit childhood nutrition charity. And after it, the camera man is interviewing her about it, asking what she learned. And she was disappointed because her family was too poor to afford Subway everyday. And that's what she thought she need to do to lose weight.

>> No.16256639

>noooo I cant just overcome my addiction I have to replace it with a new one
I regret every ADHD "medication" I ever took, my parents did their best to stop the schools back in the day but damn the industry is relentless in drugging kids.

>> No.16256708

The body needs more energy to digest real food. Moreover vitamins and micronutients increase your montabalism. You will feel less hungry from real food.

>> No.16256766

and then he fucked her

>The body needs more energy to digest real food
not a considerable amount

>Moreover vitamins and micronutients increase your montabalism
Not really. Vitamins and micronutrients don't affect the montabolism a lot.

>> No.16256793

>t. retard
If you think going to a circlejerk university and learning how to parrot something your grifter teachers told you makes you any kind of authority on the internet you're a dumbass grifter too.

>> No.16256805

And the food looks like shit too although I guess /fit/fags are desperate enough to do anything for their hobby

>> No.16256810

>Is this a scam?
you're a fucking pathetic loser

>> No.16256815

Fuck off, retard.
>I never accomplished anything, so education and certification is meaningless!
White trash /pol/ trailer trash infesting every single board these days. Don't you have some dicks to suck in order to pay your light bill homie?

Huwhite boko haram faggots. You're probably actually quite brown yet own hitler memerobilia.

>> No.16256819

it depends on what you studied. news flash a lot of majors are absolutely worthless

>> No.16256841

don't enter the conversation if you can't read the thread

my education is directly applied toward helping people and enriching my own life. people who detest education work at walmart and chew tobacco

>> No.16256844

If you didn't discover it yourself you don't actually understand it. You're just part of a bunch of self-fellating retards who only have as much power as they give themselves because the general populace doesn't give a shit. Simple as that

>> No.16256845

being anti college is /pol/ tier? are you the professors worthless son or something?

>> No.16256852

>people who detest education work at walmart and chew tobacco
pure projection. the funny thing is, you are probably equally worthless as the person chewing tobacco at walmart. but keep on coping friend. it's the only way you will get through life.

>> No.16256854
File: 62 KB, 359x478, 200219032-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you didn't discover it yourself you don't actually understand it.

Post name tag, cart wrangler.


Post name tag, cart wrangler.

>> No.16256861

Go back. You can shitpost there all you want.

Also, post name tag, cart wrangler.

Low-quality posters don't belong on /ck/. Just understand, for once in your life, that your presence is not wanted by anyone. It would've made things so much easier for so many people, like your parents, if you had just realized this as a young teen and done what people like you are supposed to do.

>> No.16256863

you think people who work at walmart are bigger losers than you, but you couldnt be more wrong

>> No.16256896
File: 30 KB, 612x402, happy-senior-africanamerican-woman-at-home-coffee-picture-id1128767533[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you think people who work at walmart are bigger losers than you, but you couldnt be more wrong

>> No.16256908


>> No.16256924

How many pictures of old black women laughing do you have on your pc anon?

>> No.16256929


>> No.16256962

>boko haram member
what did the great fighters of allah and his holy prophets on earth have to do with this?

>> No.16256987

"muh education is bad" posters are literally same caste of humans as islamic goat fucking dogs who wipe their ass with their hand and then eat with it.

>> No.16257009

18 age to post

>> No.16257013

Surely you're not actually that elitist, are you?

>> No.16257256

I don't think that was fed up, I have seen it and there is no Jared. I love myself a good fat kino, please post if you remember what it was

>> No.16257296
File: 216 KB, 500x575, 1600081037278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden cancelled that student debt yet?

>> No.16257412

>t. brainlet
absolute beast of a retard post

>> No.16257616
File: 189 KB, 500x2250, hahahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bragging about earning $72k

>> No.16257729

Glucose is processed as you would expect. Fructose is processed in the liver (for the most part). An abundance of fructose will lead to filling up the glycogen stores and then de novo lipogenesis which will fill the liver with fat. In continued surplus this promotes the accumulation of fat preferentially in the organs (like the pancreas) and viscerally. So while “a calorie is a calorie” is correct the macronutrients are metabolized differently and can preferentially accumulate in undesirable ways (visceral is worse than subcutaneous and much worse than muscle growth). Regarding weight loss CICO often fails when naively applied because basal metabolism decreases with calorie restriction. To mitigate this one can fast to lose weight (experimentally demonstrated to not lower basal metabolism) and exercise to replace the fat with muscle (which raises basal metabolism).

Doesn’t mean shit, post physique.

If you have a master’s degree in biochemistry you should already know how food is processed differently and how this can have an effect upon health.

Not an impressive income at all, kek.

Education is good, credentials are largely worthless as a measure of minimum competency. Nowadays at least, and particularly outside of the sciences.

>> No.16257761

>is eating a footlong sandwich on bread so sweet it legally has to be called a cake in ireland for every meal good for losing weight?
Go away.

>> No.16259120

Please include fiber in your diet so you don't wind up wearing a shit bag.

>> No.16259135

Subway is neither fresh, nor healthy. There is no difference between the produce purchased by Subway and any other fast food restaurant, and Subway food can be high in fat and is almost assuredly really high in sodium.

There is no such thing as a good fast food diet, I'm sorry to say.

>> No.16259160

You're a fucking faggot, and a loser lol.

>> No.16259163

this cumskin works at walmart lol

>> No.16259186

>they actually serve food with nutrition
That doesn't mean shit.

>> No.16259334

I was in a similar situation to you just before the pandemic. Started keto mainly eating meat and not much else, also did intermittent fasting. Lost 95lbs since starting, still fat but it's working. Unfortunately meal prep is kinda shitty for this type of diet if you can't work from home, but apart from that the diet is very effective.

>> No.16259345

do OMAD, it'll suck for a couple weeks but you'll get used to it

>> No.16259369

40 hour a week job with 2 hours of commute everyday and you don't have time to cook, stfu you lazy ass nigger

>> No.16259652

I like subway, but Jared's diet was just CICO, simple as. Subway is not required.

>> No.16259706



i'm a skinny dude that comes here cause I like to cook, but I swear all u fat degenerates disgust me. being fat is one thing, but pretending that it's a difficult thing to fix just go off yourself plz.

>> No.16259717

except when you look at clinical trials ad libidum (eat as much as you want) ketogenic diets lose more weight than calorie restricted "balanced" diets

>> No.16259722

yes all the fatties should starve themselves skinny because i am naturally skinny

>> No.16259724

read the /fit/ wiki or kill yourself. If you actually wanted to loose weight you would make time.

>> No.16259729

yes sodium and fat very bad we should all eat zero fat and sodium to stay healthy

>> No.16259732

Not really starving yourself, you’ve just been overeating

>> No.16259735

the vast majority of the clinical trials suggest keto > calorie restricted diets for weight loss

>> No.16259749

yes you require a "surplus" of calories being stored in fat tissue to gain weight but that is different than saying you get fat because you "overeat"

>> No.16259763

I sense sarcasm, but you might start caring about sodium once you get older.

>> No.16259799

no as I've gotten older I've learned to double check what people assume as fact and generally found that there is usually not great evidence to support these claims
e.g. saturated fat causes heart disease, salt causes high blood pressure, meat causes colorectal cancer, etc
all these assumptions have failed the clinical trials when tested

>> No.16260051

Don't forget that he had aides

>> No.16260058

You should check out a little known documentary called Super Size Me.

>> No.16260068

all diets are scams

step 1: consume fewer calories than you use

>but I ate less and didn't lose weight!
then you are unaware or dishonest about how much you ate(use fatsecret, track everything,) or don't use enough calories(this is where metabolism and CUNDISHUNS come into play.) Either way, it means you didn't consume fewer calories than you used, return to step 1.

>> No.16260104

in clinical weight loss trials carbohydrate restricted ad libidum diets lose significantly more (if not only slightly) more weight than calorie restricted diets in vast majority of cases

>> No.16260120

If you think watching a YouTube video or parroting something a new age hippie told you gives you any kind of authority on these things you're the dumbass.
t. Microbiologist

>> No.16260135

>ate the least healthy items on the menu in the largest sizes on purpose
>was unhealthy
You're moving the goalposts.

>a more restrictive diet works better than a less restrictive diet in subjects with significant executive dysfunction
Your claim does not pass a basic sniff test, much like all of the other claims ketards make. Whatever clinical trials you're referring to certainly did not use conditions relevant to the real world. They were probably inpatient and getting fed by nutritionists, probably also too chicken to put people on more than a 200 cal deficit. The people you recommend keto to on the internet don't follow the program and then when it doesn't work return to old habits- just like every other """diet""" that is not eating healthy.

>> No.16260139

>A single rounded spoon of peanut butter is 300 calories.

>> No.16260149

And a whole cup is 1500. Peanut butter is incredible calorie dense.

>> No.16260156

"Eighty-three percent of clinical trial patients remained with Virta at one year.1 60% reversed type 2 diabetes. This is the new normal in diabetes care."

this is a relatively consistent finding as far as the weight loss seen

>> No.16260173

the diet that does have poor adherence is the semi-starvation diet advocating the conventional wisdom, look at what happened in Ancel Keys' experiments on conscientious objectors on 1600 cal diets cutting off fingers to get out of the study

>> No.16260190

The absolute state

>> No.16260191

Considering 2 tbsp is 188, you might be onto something.
>>a more restrictive diet works better than a less restrictive diet in subjects with significant executive dysfunction

Normal diet: did you have 1200 calories? Hungry? Go fuck yourself.
Keto: Are you hungry? Sure eat 4 ounces of 80/20 ground beef and an ounce of cheese. Yeah that's another 500 calories but your insulin didn't spike and you're using body fat for all of the caloric deficit you did achieve.

>> No.16260197

At 2 years, the mean weight reduction from baseline was −10% (Figure 4A) in the CCI group, whereas no change was observed in the UC group (Supplementary Figure 1C). Among CCI patients, 74% had ≥5% weight loss compared to only 14% of UC patients

sorry wrong quote before but this is a consistent finding you could even see the systematic analyses of clinical trials referenced in thus study

>> No.16260198

Idk why anons are making fun of 72k a year, that's ten thousand more than the median household total income and you're just one guy.

>> No.16260212

Most people in America are poor fucks

>> No.16260216

Then I guess /ck/ has the honour of having more people in the top 10% than any other board