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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16250264 No.16250264 [Reply] [Original]

do you use these? i find them very pretentious

>> No.16250270

nah, people keep trying to teach me how to use them but i keep forgetting inbetween the times i eat asian food.
just not for me dawg

>> No.16250277

just to eat steamed rice, noodles and remove bones from cooked whole fishes

>> No.16250282

I'm asian, so yes.

>> No.16250283

for weebs only

>> No.16250290

They work well in the cup noodles

>> No.16250293

2 sticks 2 pretentious for me.
Grug only use fingers !

>> No.16250297

no I use cutlery like a normal person baka

>> No.16250307

This but completely unironically.

>> No.16250311


depends on the dish?

you don't eat pizza with a fork and knife, you don't eat ramen with a fork. baka desu

>> No.16250333

Yeah every day

>> No.16250357

Yeah. Got a new set from my family as a gift too that works great with noodles. I usually just knife and fork everything though.

>> No.16250375

I respect Asian culture, but the ol fork-spoon-knife combo just works better. Sorry.

>> No.16250381

When I get noodles or sushi or any Asian food I do because it's fun. At home I rarely do.

>> No.16250393

I wish i could use them more often, but i keep forgetting to buy a set. Most of my supply i get are disposeables from a local sushi place.

Using them for any finger foods is great and keeps my fingers from becoming cheetoed.

>> No.16250395

If what I'm eating is easier to eat with them, sure.
I cook with them sometimes too.
Probably 1 or 2 times a month, realistically.

>> No.16250399

Pretentious? More like ridiculous unless you lived in Asia for some time.

>> No.16250406

.. or have an Asian family background

>yes, I assumed an American/Euro background, calm down

>> No.16250411

>you don't eat pizza with a fork and knife

What nigga?

>> No.16250429

>Live in a conservative town with only whites
>Never saw a pair of chopsticks
I feel like they are just inconveniencing yourself to feel all hipstery and cool.

>> No.16250437

It often is faster to use the fork and knife but in some situations the chopsticks can do things better than the fork and knife
Like this anon says, you can eat potato chips with chopsticks.
t. Live in Asia

>> No.16250438

Fucking chopsticks pinch the inside of my cheeks!

>> No.16250442

Why did you make the conscious choice to live there? Bloody hell

>> No.16250445

I'll use them if I'm in an Asian restaurant but if I order takeout I'm using a fucking fork

>> No.16250453

idk about for eating but they're kino for cooking. they're honestly so convenient
I use them mainly for fishing stuff out of hot oil and stirring food when using a nonstick pan (they don't scratch the teflon surface)
they're amazing, basically you can use them as an extension of your fingers but with the advantage that you can't burn yourself, that's the definition of versatility
by the point the food the food is in the plate I think a fork i way more useful though

>> No.16250478

Eternally based

>> No.16250546
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a better question:

Why aren't they more common in America?

>> No.16250549

I do. It pleases me to have mastered them without instruction.

>> No.16250562

If a restaurant provides them and no fork/knife, I just use them. At home I very rarely use them, except for when I use certain kinds of noodles that are so slippery it's a huge pain to grab them with fork or a spoon.

I do have a set of long cooking chopsticks and those are cool for stirring and manipulating stuff you're frying or whatever.

>> No.16250582

Because here in freedom land, cheetoed fingers is part of the experience of eating Cheetos

>> No.16250598

Yes but they’re dumb for rice
Weird how only the Koreans use a big-ass spoon for rice instead of a couple of wooden fake fingers

>> No.16250697 [DELETED] 

Literally just for sushi. They're designed for each other.

>> No.16250714

You're wrong though unless by sushi you mean california rolls

>> No.16250725

No. Fork or spoon only.

>> No.16250768
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I live in Asia, so yes. They're convenient enough in most situations, and I actually find them preferable to a fork for certain dishes such as salads. What's pretentious about them?

>> No.16250801
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They're different.

AND/OR because certain pretentious people use them, lending such a basic tool to be seen as pretentious.

>> No.16250822

>just not for me dawg
wtf? Did you just call me a dog?

>> No.16250824

Even asians don't use them anymore, only in tourists places

>> No.16250827

I use em when I'm eating Chinese food because I grew up using them, but if I'm eating at an Asian restaurant with white people, idgaf what you do. I'm not using chopsticks to eat fucking potato salad or even western pastas; only Chinese food.

>> No.16250829

anything culturally different seems dumb or pretentious to people who are naive or (in OPs case) don't care
in the case of food, foreign things have been associated with class for a while in most cultures, even mcdonalds is fancy in the middle east. accents get a similar treatment. saying words with the long "a" sound will get you called a fag by a lot of americans, whereas saying fillet without the "t" sounds stupidly pretentious to brits

>> No.16250843
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i got these special yakusugi ones as a souvenir but ended up not giving them to anyone for years and needed some the other day so ive started using them. ridiculously lighter than other chopsticks.

>> No.16251070

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.16251076

>weeb with no friends to give gifts to.

blog on

>> No.16251080

>wooden sticks
It’s literally one step above using bare hands.
Do you find it pretentious when someone drinks from a glass instead of sticking their face in a river?

>> No.16251096

are you trying to insult me dude? why?

>> No.16251110

because im a pathetic little man.

>> No.16251200
File: 95 KB, 1200x1800, quick-and-easy-chinese-noodle-soup1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suprisingly yes, for eating Sushi from a shared plate, for eating the noodles (sppon for broth), it's handier than a fork sometimes.
Nobody is expecting you to use them, including Asians.

>> No.16251278

yes i legitimately like the simplicity of eating pre-cut food with two sticks

>> No.16251319

If I'm in a restaurant or eating sushi or ramen then yes, but I'm not eating lasagna with them, that'd just be weird.

>> No.16251859

good bait, here's a (You)

>> No.16252286
File: 152 KB, 900x702, Forbiddendumpling_947952_7693119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Asian foods that are typically eaten with chopsticks yes, as well as finger foods because I'm a huge faggot who absolutely hates getting his hands dirty. What's pretentious about that? Seems pretty utilitarian to me.
I haven't used them for cooking yet but I have seen them used for that as well like other anons mentioned earlier and that seems pretty practical as well.

>> No.16252301

I don't think you know what pretentious means

>> No.16252315

Was going to post similar. Just a flubby middle aged white guy here, but I do like chopsticks for certain things: work great for leafy salads, chip like snacks - especially ones that leave shit all over your finger, and in some cooking I like them because I can whisk, stick and flip with them, also the long cooking kind are great for deep frying.

>> No.16252330

I'm glad I'm not the only person who does this.

>> No.16252338

so do y'all just not have any asian restaurants at all
not even a chinese takeout

>> No.16252427
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>> No.16252432

Ya, it’s a requirement for living in hawaii

>> No.16252446

I use tongs frequently for cooking, and chopsticks are just mini tongs. If you don't have the finger dexterity for chopsticks, you're just clumsy.

>> No.16252486

Any else get a cramp in the heel of their hand, just down from their pinky when using them? Is my technique that shit even though I eat chips and shit just fine with them?

>> No.16252495 [DELETED] 

Lets play a game, is OP a nigger, spic, mudslime or white trash?

>> No.16252496 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 461x560, 1622716080655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>16250270 person has brown skin and his opinion should thus be disregarded

>> No.16252665

yeah, sometimes, its fun!

>> No.16252756

You mean Rakesh*

>> No.16252766

I don’t respect Asian culture and I use them sometimes

>> No.16252792

Fingers? yeah, me to.

>> No.16253050

>saliva touches chopsticks
>got for another cheeto
>puts wet saliva chopsticks in bag
congrats tou just contaminated the whole bag

>> No.16253059

if i'm eating sushi or something asian, sure. it's kind of fun once you get the hang of it

>> No.16253114

>saliva touches chopsticks
how the fuck would you need to shove the chopsticks right in your mouth for a cheeto

>> No.16253117

You eat pizza with fork and knife? Are you French or what?

>> No.16253129

If I'm at home and grabbing an eating utensil the only time I go for chopsticks is if I'm eating asian style noodles. They're legitimately the best way to eat them, but for anything else it is just more work.

>> No.16253141

Salads are far better when eaten with chopsticks

>> No.16253152

I actually cramp more like between my index finger and thumb, but yes.

Anyways, I love chopsticks for sushi and Chinese food. I don't know how any of you fucks prefer them for noodles though. A fork is wildly preferable so I can twirl the noodles or get leverage. I can still do it if I'm standing on occasion somewhere, but if I'm just sitting at home eating some ramen, it's a fork for me.

>> No.16253165

Chopsticks are better for noodles if you're willing to pick your plate/bowl up. If you keep it on the table like some kind of white person you'll eat your noodles at a really slow pace and they'll be cold by the time you're done eating.

>> No.16253173

Fair, never thought to use chopsticks to eat a salad at home but it always seemed to work fine at restaurants now that you mention it.

>> No.16253187

relaxed grip, anon, or get a lighter pair

>> No.16253191

See, this is the weird thing, I see that with rice and noodles, like people just get it super close to their face and then barely grip the chopsticks and just use it as a scoop. Makes other utensils seem more meaningful. Scooping close to your face seems gluttonous.

Anyways, I don't like super hot food, so I don't have a problem with them being "cold" by the time I'm done.

>> No.16253197

I bet you jerk off with chopsticks too, retard.

>> No.16253198


>> No.16253201
File: 913 KB, 920x520, Chaliapin_Steak_Don_(anime).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make don often because am poor so yes.

>> No.16253279

Yes and I'm going to make a big plate of fried rice and eat it with chopsticks just to spite you OP

>> No.16253319

I've been to 2 asian restaurants and had no issue using them
>t. uncultured burger

>> No.16253346

i eat

>> No.16253355

i grip them too strong. when i try using relaxed grip it just falls back on the plate. everyone else at the table does it fine, i must be a retard

>> No.16253617

Just grip it with the same force as a pen or pencil. You don't need retard strength.

>> No.16253623

Well.. my apologies then. Carry on, sir.

>> No.16253624

Retard alert.
Your fingers do the exact same thing. Also you afraid of a little germs? You probably haven't even kissed someone.

>> No.16253631

>congrats tou just contaminated the whole bag
>sharing a bag of Cheetos with anyone else
Fuck off, commie. You aren’t entitled to any of the contents of my bag of Cheetos.

>> No.16253635

>You probably haven't even kissed someone.
I have. In fact I’ve kissed 3 girls; but with protection, because I’m responsible. Enjoy your mouth-herpes.

>> No.16253721

You bought them using EBT payed with my taxes nigger so gimme a few

>> No.16253729

Fuck off christfag

>> No.16254126

Use chopsticks or you'll get laughed at. Nobody wants to see that embarrassing white cunt at a restaurant eating with their fucking fork. You look like a child.

>> No.16254414

I use them to get stuff out the toaster

>> No.16254466

I’ve been called a weeb and accused of using chopsticks by people who didn’t know that I’m Asian...Europeans are so weird.

>> No.16254710

how do people not know you're asian? are you a white asian?

>> No.16254755
File: 2.64 MB, 480x270, tv-and-ghost-kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How insecure can one person be? They're just two sticks, you fuckin' beta lmao

>> No.16254766

A WoW account is highly effectiv, but not really protection.

>> No.16255235

It only happens on the internet

>> No.16255241

nigger who the fuck cares then, they were trolling
>i've been called fat for posting a pic of fried chicken by people who didn't know i wasn't fat
this is how you sound like

>> No.16255654

chink here. i honestly think the filipinos got it right with their spoon and fork combo. spoon just makes it way easier to shovel rice into your mouth.

>> No.16255918

city slicker

>> No.16255931

why do americans hate white people so much brehs?

>> No.16255932

literally 0 reason to, a fork does the job much easier needs 0 "mastering"

>> No.16255946

I use then to eat popcorn, I don't like greasy fingers and it forces me to slow down instead of eating handfuls at a time

>> No.16255984

yes, I use them in pretty much every meal.
I just liked the concept when I was a kid so I started to eat stuff with chopsticks and stuck with it through all these years

>> No.16256166

I find op to be a faggot of the highest degree. To clarify, he is not a high quality faggot, nor is his faggotry high quality, yet op remains at the pinnacle of the sodomite pile when it comes to being a big gay faggot dripping with sperm from other men.

>> No.16256189

Use them to cook and eat most rice dishes. So, almost every day. They are extremely underrated to cook with.

>> No.16256201
File: 87 KB, 268x325, 1612043879687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might get dirty looks by the Asians. I go to this ramen shop with some friends. We all use the chopsticks and the chinese spoon. While my friend on the other hand ask for no veggies in his ramen, double pork, bring me a fork please. The waitresses and waiters usually give him the "this fuckin guy" look. I find it hilarious.

>> No.16257373

Yeah that's rich people shit

>> No.16257528

I like them because they slow me down when I eat. I have a bad habit of eating way too fast, normally.

>> No.16257581

Use them all the time. A longer set is great in the kitchen to move shit around with accuracy. Also use them for eating popcorn or any other hand food that makes your hands gross.

>> No.16257599

He's gayer than a box of crayons

>> No.16257620

I use them for cooking. I saw japs use them and ti thought it was retarded but they're actually kino

>> No.16257688

I've known how to eat with them since I was little, and whenever I'm cooking easy stuff, I use chopsticks instead of a spatula or tongs. Nice amount of control.

>> No.16258139

I feel it allows me to slow down and more appreciate my food since it takes longer to shovel things into my mouth.
Yes I'm fat yes my parents ruined my eating habits and I'm still coping.

>> No.16259298

I used them a lot in Japan and now I cannot eat Asian food without them. It repulses me to have Chinese, Japanese, or Thai, with a fork and spook. I NEED to use chopsticks. And yes, I am completely aware how big of a faggot this makes me.

>> No.16260287

thai people don't really use chopsticks

>> No.16260501

just fucking aim the chopsticks?

>> No.16260903


>> No.16260907

what do they use?

>> No.16261923

head, shoulders, knees, and toes

>> No.16261932

if you can't use chopsticks you're genuinely mentally handicapped

>> No.16261939
File: 316 KB, 1692x1142, F3970E8A-1897-43B4-B4F1-1C1D71449EC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I am,.

>> No.16261952

pretend not to know on dates, it's an easy way of getting skinship with an asian qt

>> No.16262187

ok, cletus

>> No.16262229

I only ever use to them if all of my silverware isnt washed and I despetately need to cram something up my ass

>> No.16262298

Did he pinch a nerve?

>> No.16262531

But I thought he didn’t like chopsticks?

>> No.16262554

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16262919

what? just put the cheeto in your mouth a bit and let go? your chopsticks don't have to enter your mouth at all.

>> No.16262956


>> No.16263873

My ancestors have eaten with a knife and fork for almost 2 millennia, ofc i do not eat with WOODEN STICKS like some fucking primitive

>> No.16263904

no i'm not a chink. plus they're stupid. forks are better.

>> No.16263946

It's part of the experience.

>> No.16263985

Asians would say that it's the cook's job to properly prepare the meat so that no cutting is necessary. Likewise, the North Korean word for a "fork" is the same word for a tool to shovel cow dung. Looks like you're the savage.

>> No.16264340

They're a tool. If you find tools pretentious you must be a caveman.

>> No.16264357

very intriguing argument
I gues I should bow to the nort korean superiour culture, where can I sign up for my rice field job and death by hunger at the ripe age of 40?

>> No.16264361

>all these seething ricecels itt
stick it with a fork
cut it with a knife
scoop it with a spoon
simple as

>> No.16264364

fork. spoon.

>> No.16264373

fork, knoife, spewn worked just foine for me mum, and 'er mum before that, and 'er mum before that
'ate chopsticks.
simple as...

>> No.16264391

Why did you say NORTH Korea? They speak the same language as the south. Just fuel for dicks to hate on your claims.