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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16247598 No.16247598 [Reply] [Original]

How do I prevent this shit from happening with stainless steel pans?

>> No.16247603

turn the heat down and stop letting liquids burn out on them.

>> No.16247608 [DELETED] 

I shove my pots and pans up my ass, keeps the rust away

>> No.16247611

So if I need/want to cook on high, do I need to use non-stick pans?

>> No.16247621

absolutely not, never use a nonstick pan over medium.

what you want and what you need are two different things. you might want to burn whatver you are cooking and bake it onto the pan, but you never need to.

>> No.16247622

Preheat the pan, you don't need high heat unless your cooktop is really weak, you're boiling something, or you're doing a very specific type of cooking. If you don't want to see that shit you can use cast iron. Also, your stainless steel will look worn no matter what if you actually use it.

>> No.16247632

boil hot piss for 2 hours after using

>> No.16247637

Be honest, it's just want you lazy fuck. Not everything can be rushed, despite the fact that your reward center has been turbofucked into believing otherwise. Turn the heat down and take your time.

>> No.16247700

by using ceramic

>> No.16247716

boil water and scrape it off, or if it's not too burnt deglaze for sauce

>> No.16247719

don't burn your food to shit like a fucking moron?

>> No.16247746

Heat the clean pan. Add two tablespoons of table salt and rub it around with a thick sheet of dry paper towel. Try not to burn yourself while doing this and the nonstick properties of your stainless steel pan should improve a little. While stainless steel pans need longer to heat up they also tend to get way hotter and retain that heat far longer than a nonstick-pan. So it's far easier to burn shit in it when you're not properly paying attention to regulation your heat source. t. chef in training

>> No.16247896

Creating fond is a feature of stainless. I would suggest McDonald’s if you can’t cook without scorching your food. You gave no indication at what heat you were cooking, what you were making, and exactly what burned so I’ll assume you’re an idiot

>> No.16248606

*tips fedora

>> No.16249378

Great post redditor fag

>> No.16249418

get a cast iron or carbon steel pan for high-heat applications
ceramic or copper coatings also work fine if you're on a budget

>> No.16249421

Prevent it?! I want to know what the fuck you did to make that happen!! That's not a pan issue. Whatever you're doing will turn out horrible no matter what pan you have.

>> No.16249487

>How do I prevent this shit from happening with stainless steel pans?
Quit leaving it outside and using it as a dog dish.

>> No.16249668

Not that anon but my pan looked like that this morning after I fried some potatoes, in insufficient oil and knob at middle position (don't know if it's actually medium, new apartment and the knob markings are faded away

>> No.16249698

That’s not a bad thing. As long as it’s browned and not blackened, deglaze the fond with some chicken stock after you’re done with the potatoes and then add in cornstarch and you have gravy.

>> No.16249699

I deglazed it with apple cider vinegar to make ice cream sauce

>> No.16249707
File: 438 KB, 640x640, 1622063561-dcda544c99b5358f96d38e80973126a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prevent deglazing
U wot

>> No.16249710

If this is a meme I don’t get it

>> No.16250963

It's stainless steel how did you manage to stain it?

>> No.16250975

I season my stainless steel pressure cooker before browning the meat in it when I make a stew.
The seasoning will be gone by the time the stew is finished, but it has already done it's job by then anyway.
Thin layer of oil or lard and high heat until you have a glassy brown layer of carbon on the bottom of the pot. Makes browning the meat and onions much less of a hassle and I have not noticed it affecting the finished meal in any way.

>> No.16251024

I only know how to boil cold piss

>> No.16251220

So is cooking on SS basically just like cooking on unseasoned cast iron?

>> No.16251318

Barkeeper's Friend

>> No.16251323


>> No.16251733

>t. doesn't cook

>> No.16252029

It's not
>unexpected potato fond
>ok, guess I will make a sauce or something
>vinegar reduction should keep well
>only have apple cider vinegar and distilled vinegar, both I didn't buy for cooking originally
>use the apple cider vinegar
>later decide to pour it over ice cream

>> No.16252161

To start with that's some cheap chink grade stainless in that image.

>> No.16252171

You can't tell the quality of steel from a fucking picture numbnuts.

>> No.16252360
File: 22 KB, 320x324, 1571430144288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a fond you bunch of faggots. Put it over heat with water and scrape it off (deglaze it). Or use it to make a pan sauce. Bunch of shit-for-brains itt.