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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16246894 No.16246894 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, living with bf who recently moved in from the US
>he wants to make me scrambled eggs
>he takes out a cup and a bowl
>ask what the cup is for
>to crack the eggs over
>take the cup away and just tell him to crack the eggs over the bowl
>he does so
>he grabs milk from the fridge
>wtf is that for??
>uh, to mix with the eggs, anon?
>watch as he cracks open eggs into the bowl, mixes in milk, adds salt, then whisks everything into a fine liquid
>pours into prepared pan and cooks the mix
>tfw he insists "99% of all people do it this way"
>tfw I just crack eggs into pan and stir

well, /ck/ how do you make your scrambled eggs? Are you a part of his "99%"?

>> No.16246898

my Ukrainian grandmother did it that way
i skip the milk due to seperation sometimes from overcooking like a retard

>> No.16246903

Why must women insist on arguing over the dumbest shit?

>> No.16246907

my mom cooked eggs like this, i do as well, your dude is not wrong. i also worked at eggs: the restaurant for three years and that is the standard for restaurant scrambled eggs, except they probably use cream.

>> No.16246921

>he doesn't crack his eggs in a separate container
That's how you avoid bloody or subpar eggs ruining your dish. It's very important when baking. Also OP is a faggot.

>> No.16246938

implying OP is a womanx

>> No.16246971

>cracks open eggs into the bowl
everybody does that
>mixes in milk
what the FUCK

>> No.16246984

I make scrambled eggs by cracking them into a hot pan, your bf is a retard

>> No.16246992

>crack eggs into a small bowl
>add salt
>whisk into a fine liquid
>melt few tablespoons of butter in a nonstick pan
>cook eggs without letting the curds settle for more than a few seconds
>plate, top with black pepper and maybe chives if I'm feeling autistic and have them on hand

Sometimes I add a splash of milk or heavy cream as my girlfriend likes it for some reason. I guess I'm a part of your 99%.

>> No.16247002
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Stopped reading there

>> No.16247056

Do I season my eggs and beat them properly? Of course I do
I don't personally bother adding milk (which is functionally just water) but I can appreciate why one might

>> No.16247068

He probably thinks he's one

>> No.16247077

I scramble my eggs in like 15 seconds if I had to take the time to crack each egg into the pan they'd be overcooked

>> No.16247081

Why are women so petty?

>> No.16247085

milk makes fluffy
everyone knows this

you are wrong.

>> No.16247089

Happy pride month

>> No.16247091

"Fluffy" is the exact opposite of what adding moisture achieves

>> No.16247093

your mother's a whore and you know fuck all about eggs. You dint whisk them, you scramble them. the clue is in the fucking name you moron cunt.

>> No.16247104

You sound like a fag

>crack 4 eggs into a bowl
>10 tbsp of milk
>salt and pepper
>heat some butter in the pan
>add eggs when it’s foaming
>let it cook for a minute
>start bringing eggs into the centre
>break eggs up slightly
>cook for a minute more until eggs set

Fluffy, creamy and tasty eggs every time

>> No.16247107

I mean you basically have to do that to make an omelette in a pan

>> No.16247109

Adding a little milk to your scrambled eggs will make them fluffier. Nothing wrong with that. Nor is there anything wrong with mixing eggs in a class if that's what he prefers. You kind of sound like a passive aggressive cunt

>> No.16247110

my mom used to do that method, i thought thats how everybody did it desu, but i do the folowing;
>crack 3-4 eggs into a bowl
>add butter and salt and pepper
>add to heat

>> No.16247126

wait a second, are you guys actually retarded and dont cook?

>> No.16247139

your mother is a whore and you know fuck all about eggs. you don't whisk them, you scramble them. the clue is in the name you moronic cunt.

>> No.16247143

I’m not a woman.

>> No.16247144


>> No.16247174

>t. some cunt who can't read

>> No.16247200

euro trannies don't know how to make scrambled eggs and gets mogged by his US fag "bf"

>> No.16247247

Bro you scrambled your brain instead of the eggs

>> No.16247330
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>whisking isn't scrambling
>squares can't be rectangles

>> No.16247331

you whisk them in the bowl
yous scramble them in the pan
you are a stupid esl monkey

>> No.16247364

my mother is a saint and if you said that to me in irl, id kill you where you stood with my bare hands.

>> No.16247499

I dont remember getting a single bloody/sub par (wtf is even that) egg in my life.

>> No.16247533

you could fucking try it, whoreson. Enjoy your shitty slag eggs.

>> No.16247539

>I haven't got a clue what I'm talking about, here's a false equivalency
your eggs aren't scrambled, is just a fucked up omelette. in cooking, words have meaning.

>> No.16247578
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>ask what the cup is for
>to crack the eggs over
>take the cup away and just tell him to crack the eggs over the bowl
>he does so
it's good practice to crack individual eggs into a separate vessel and then add them into the main batch. eadier to pick out bits of shell that way, and if you are separating the whites then you don't have to throw the whole batch out if you fuck up one egg.

>he grabs milk from the fridge
>wtf is that for??
>uh, to mix with the eggs, anon?
I don't like milk in my egg bur many people add it to make their scramble creamier. uneccessary imo since eggs can be made creamier with technique.

>watch as he cracks open eggs into the bowl, mixes in milk, adds salt, then whisks everything into a fine liquid
>pours into prepared pan and cooks the mix
>tfw he insists "99% of all people do it this way"
Literally everyone does it this way.

if you are beating in the pan then your eggs aren't scrambled, you've just got a flaky omelette.

>> No.16247595

2%milk eggs look best. good color, good fluff.

>> No.16247597

why is bf in quotes?

>> No.16247601


>> No.16247605

because the anus is not a sex organ. it's never too late to beg for forgiveness

>> No.16247615

sure but that seems irrelevant, it's still a boyfriend

>> No.16247618

Stirring in the skillet usually leads to large curdles of egg white, the mixture isn't homogenized.

>Preheat carbon steel skillet, add lots of butter
>Crack desired amount of eggs into bowl
>Viciously whisk egg gloop with a fork until fully homogenized and completely smooth
>Turn heat down and add eggs to skillet while whisking the eggs in the skillet with the fork
>Add a pinch of salt and pepper each
>Keep cooking eggs, while whisking, until mostly cooked
>Kill heat, take out of the skillet
>Wah la perfect egg scramble

>> No.16247648

yes you can add milk. now show tits or gtfo.

>> No.16247649

Bullshit, if this was real he would also add corn syrup. At least sugar to his eggs

>> No.16247650
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>> No.16247667

>leads to large curdles of egg white, the mixture isn't homogenized.
that's the point you mongoloid. that's what scrambled means.

>> No.16247673
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>> No.16247678

obviously not, if you're the only fag who thinks so.

>> No.16247683


>> No.16247707

I get my eggs from my own chickens and I've learned the hard way to just crack each egg into a tiny bowl before putting into the bigger bowl. You could lose your whole breakfast if one of them turns out bad

>> No.16247751

You're wrong, it's okay to be wrong, but you have to recognize that you're wrong.

>> No.16247779

Your mom likely has sucked 40 dicks in her lifetime.

>> No.16247793

>Adds salt before eggs are set
>Wonders why be ends up with egg soup

This is why you have a puddle of water under your eggs. Don't salt eggs until after cooking

>> No.16247800

thanks gordon

>> No.16247803

41 if you count yours you faggot

>> No.16247804

>fine chop some bacon or sausage
>cook it up till done
>last minute of coooking crack in two eggs and mix in the pan with the chopped bacon with rubber spatchy
great eggs every time.

>> No.16247826

...what? Are you saying your mom has sucked my dick? And calling me a faggot? What?

>> No.16247860

You know exactly what I'm saying you coward

>> No.16247878

Its not scrambled eggs if you dont add milk. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.16247903

I honestly have no clue

>> No.16247926

And neither to e she

>> No.16247938

Let butter and eggs cook together master race

>> No.16247999

I scramble my eggs on high heat with no milk or creme, with butter in the pan and they look like the heavy creme eggs here
I think this is bs

>> No.16248005

my bf and I only frot

>> No.16248016

i think you're bs

>> No.16248160

I melt butter in a heavy based wok type pan
I crack 10 eggs into it (senpai of 6)
I then start mixing the egg up with the spatula (some whites have started frying)
I grind some pepper into it
When eggs are 95% set i stir in a couple dollops of creme fresh
Stir in some fresh chopped parsley
Just before serving i salt and stir again

These are very good eggs. I used to add milk but always ends up watery.

>> No.16248181

I just shit in a plastic lunchbox and throw it at the wall

>> No.16248246

I do everything in this greentext, but I add buttermilk instead of regular milk

>> No.16248273

> pan, hot
> butter in the pan
> crack eggs into a bowl, quick mix to break yolks
> into pan
> leave for 15 sec
> stir
> intervals of the above until no longer runny, but still wet
> delicious
> creme fraische to finish, season, done.
scrambled eggs, serve with sourdough toast. beautiful.

>> No.16248294

yeah I do it that way save for cracking the eggs on a seperate vessel. sometimes do what ralphie does in the sopranos and add sour cream instead of milk. doesnt incorporate very well but tastes good.

>> No.16248354

>ore-heat non-stick pan at ~4/10 heat
>crack necessary number of eggs into steel bowl
>add little bit of water
>add little bit of salt
>add little bit of pepper
>sometimes add little bit of garlic seasoning
>add little bit of butter to pan
>add eggs to pan
>let cook a little bit, stir slowly and occasionally, flipping once maybe twice
WA to the motherfucking LA you cunts

>> No.16248996
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medium/high heat
brown butter
and crack into pan

>> No.16249826

you will never be a heterosexual

>> No.16250146

I was taught this way outside of sunny side/fried/basted

>> No.16250192

OP is literally gay but you're the biggest faggot in the thread

>> No.16250278

are you eastern european or american by chance?

>> No.16250288


>> No.16250372

EE here and I never do that, never found a single bloody/subpar egg in my life

>> No.16250379
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>> No.16250383

>being this mad over how people eat their eggs

>> No.16250408

i suppose you lads are closer to your supplier as well i suppose, i shall retract my statement and stay shitting on purely americans

>> No.16250583

>4 eggs

do americans really??

>> No.16250587
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If you put milk in your eggs you grew up poor

>> No.16250589

in all honesty I would eat every single one of those without caring

>> No.16250661

I add half and half instead of milk to my scrambled eggs
>makes them more rich

>> No.16250688

I used to put milk in my eggs, but they would always come out all fucked up and in tiny pieces and when I stopped they started coming out good. Only people who know the measurements or whatever to get them fluffy put milk and other shit in them

>> No.16250689

Butter, egg, stir, WA LA FAGT

>> No.16250745


Rare but not unheard of
last post best post

>> No.16250788

Thank you, based anon

>> No.16250795

>bloody eggs
Why are you’re chickens diseased, anon?

>> No.16250800

>10 tbsp
At this point why aren’t you just measuring it ml/cups?

>> No.16250812

4 mixed eggs inna bowl, cube some butter and add it to the egg mix. Add Salt and a splash of milk.

Heat up a pan on med/low with a little butter and stir constantly till almost done, add shredded cheese if I want and take off heat, Serve on toast or english ,muiffin.

>> No.16251013

Most retarded shit ive heard

>> No.16251023


>> No.16251381

This is why women belong in the kitchen. It's not to degrade you, it's because you are better at it than us.

>> No.16251502

Actually kill yourself you obnoxious cunt

>> No.16251586

no one in this story was a woman

>> No.16252727
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I do. Anthony Bourdain was wrong about scrambled eggs, adding milk makes them better and whipping them before adding to the pan makes sure it's not got any whites that weren't mixed in. You can also cook it faster at a higher initial heat since you don't need to whip it in the pan.
You are not only a faggot you are a dumbass and I bet your eggs suck.

>> No.16252731

Show us your milk eggs retard

>> No.16252789

>if you are beating in the pan then your eggs aren't scrambled, you've just got a flaky omelette.
implies to make scrambled eggs you need to whisk them in a bowl before going into the pan, wwwwwhich is exactly what you do for an omelette retard.
It doesnt matter how you make your scrambled eggs as long as theyre not hard scrambled. the only people i know who like hard scrambled are my mum and my ex, both notorious for not liking eggs/not being able to cook them.

>> No.16252817

fuck off redditor.

>> No.16252822

Is that the guy who licks china asshole?

>> No.16252851

How is everyone in this thread retarded and wrong? You don't add the salt until the eggs are almost done cooking you fuckwits.

>> No.16252862

Okay, Gordon..

>> No.16252888

Scrambled eggs aren't baking and I've never had a bloody egg in my life and eat eggs every fucking day

>> No.16252889

Hey you don't like stonetoss comics?
That probably means you don't like all the intelligent points they make.
Why would that be? Hmmm.

>> No.16252906

>crack a hundred eggs into a bowl and mix the FUCK out of em
>what do you get?

>> No.16252909

>Crack eggs into a pan
>scoop up some sour cream with my whisk
>beat it into the eggs
>keep stirring until they're thickening and just slightly runny
>remove heat
>add choice of seasonings for the day
>add cheese
>eggs cook to the perfect consistency as the cheese melts on top
Wa lah

>> No.16252966

He's right

>> No.16253016


>> No.16253021

well shit... uhhh here

>> No.16253026

I forgot about this. It's been so many years. The eggs penis just doesn't get old.

>> No.16253061

I fucking hate Arin, but I miss egoraptor

>> No.16253157

You were right, and I apologize. By whisking, at a certain point you wouldn't get anywhere with the eggs, but scrambling is a different technique. Sorry man, shoulda engaged in discussion instead of shitposting

>> No.16253199

If I gave you eggs I made by cracking open eggs over the already buttered hot pan and stirring then you couldn't tell if they were whisked or not, faggot.

>> No.16253219

I salt after but he's right about the milk.

>> No.16253226

Nah, bad eggs are like one in a thousand.
It's worth your money to just throw out a batch whenever it happens than to wash an extra dish every time you make eggs.

>> No.16253231

Unless you're fairly undercooking the eggs it's better to pepper before they set.

>> No.16253235

Wrong. Milk/cream for richer taste, a tablespoon or two of water + whisk for a fluffier scramble

>> No.16253248
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I do not like you as a person. If you were a bug, I'd step on you. I'm looking down on you from my ivory tower, and you deserve less than nothing.

>> No.16253292

This. It's all about speed and some technique.

>> No.16254034

>bf wants to make you a meal
>argue with them every step of the way like an ungrateful cunt

How about you let him make his fucking eggs and eat them, and if you don't like them then another day make HIM the eggs your way and see if he likes that, if not then just keep your egg preferences as your personal quirks, one of those silly little things couples know about each other.

Jesus Cunting Christ anon, if your method for making scrambled eggs is anything like your method for maintaining a relationship then your eggs, like you, are shit.

>> No.16254072

Leave him alone he's obviously an incel britbong faggot that had his long distance lover move in, the relationship is already doomed you don't have to give him advice

>> No.16254240

He made an omelet not scrambled eggs. Simple as.

>> No.16254284
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Eggs have always tasted disgusting to me, especially alone. How the fuck do you guys make them not nasty af? It seems like you need to be a fucking professional chef to make them palatable.

>> No.16254308

/ck/ proves to be picky eater central yet again. I swear to god most of you faggots must be quite literally twelve years old

>> No.16254361

Theyre not particularly tasty and theyre not really healthy either, so why the fuck even cook them? Yall spend like 5 years perfecting egg cooking technique watching that same Gordon Ramsey video for a food that tastes like buttery tofu. Just cook a fucking hashbrown or something christ.

>> No.16254366

nobody adds milk to scrambled eggs. you don't salt uncooked eggs.

everyone cracks eggs into a bowl. you always start with a prep vessel, you never prepare food directly into a cooking vessel. common sense.

>> No.16254371

>or american

I guarantee you I can get better eggs (and literally every other single thing) than you can.

>> No.16254381

I think I know what you're trying to say, and I agree most of the time. But my scrambled eggs, which contain grated aged gruyere, don't suffer from this off-putting quality.

>> No.16254395

>you never prepare food directly into a cooking vessel
So how the fuck do you make eggs sunny side up then? Stupidest post ever written

>> No.16254397

Alright now that i understand, omelets make eggs taste a lot better. But I still dont understand people who swear by plain sunny side up with a glass of OJ for breakfast.

>> No.16254400

there's no prep involved there, genius.

>> No.16254419

I do both? I don't understand this dichotomy. That's like asking "do you eat bread with cheese or with peanut butter".

>> No.16254422

No prep needed for scrambled eggs. Just scramble in pan.

>> No.16254426

>Just scramble in pan.


>> No.16254427

that's not scrambled egg, that's "aww fuck i tried to make fried egg and my yolk broke".

>> No.16254474

They are eggs that have been scrambled.

>> No.16254493

>splash of milk
>hot sauce
>sunflower nuts
>cheese sometimes
shit's good

>> No.16254532

No. They have been curdled.

>> No.16254540

And the ones you make in a bowl are not scrambled but whisked or whipped. They should be called whipped eggs.

>> No.16254555

It's called beating and it scrambled the yolk and white together.

>> No.16254567

they are colloquially known as “country scrambled eggs”

>> No.16254583

minimal dishes and efficiency is one of many cooking related skills

>> No.16254741

idk what kind of faggot doesn't just crack eggs open on the counter top, but yeah it's really common to add a splash of milk to scrambled eggs

>> No.16255000

Haha true

>> No.16255020

faggot /ck/ is a trad board gtfo

>> No.16255049

I do this if I'm making quiche. Otherwise, I'll crack and scramble in a bowl with no milk.

>> No.16255105

That's literally how every Army cook makes scrambled eggs, which is a staple breakfast food for us you fucking faggot

>> No.16255132

Get out of here and die for Israel.

>> No.16255147

to be fair, as Americans, our food standards are shit in general, and sometimes you get an egg with a wierd smell or a small/double yolk that throws off the whole dish. cracking into another container does get around this issue, but idk wtf a bloody egg is either

>> No.16255148

His method isn't absolutely uncommon, but it's not standard. Most people just season their pan and crack the egg over it.

>> No.16255233

You behave like one, bitch.

>> No.16255345

I think I remember reading somewhere that a bloody egg is when a chicken ruptures a vein when producing an egg.

>> No.16255352

You will never be a- oh okay

>> No.16255370

don't you mean coddled? Jesus you puerile lack even basic knowledge.

>> No.16255856

>most people

>> No.16255871
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>>be me, living with bf

>> No.16255902
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>crack 2 eggs into cold pan
>add knob of butter
>stir in the pan before putting on heat to emulsify butter into eggs a bit
>med-low heat
>stir constantly
>take off when there's only a little liquid left
>turn into sandwich or just season at end

thought I fucking hated eggs until I learned to do it this way, great with cheese or sauces

>> No.16255907

OP is a fag

>> No.16255925

Wrong. Shut the fuck up Gordon you toe headed goon.

>> No.16255948

That's like 280 calories, europoor.

>> No.16256411

Are you in an open relationship? Let me get a crumb.

>> No.16257405

put the thesaurus down m8 you're not making any sense.