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16243389 No.16243389 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your boiled eggs and how do you serve them?

>> No.16243423

It can be whatever
I just eat them after peeling them, with some salt

>> No.16243424

9 minutes and I put salt and pepper on them. Anything else is for cock smoking faggots.

>> No.16243459
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>> No.16243670

10 minutes. I eat them with the egg in 1 hand and a tube of caviar paste in the other.

>> No.16243676

I tried marinating an egg in soy and a whole bulb of minced garlic for 3 hours but it just tasted like salt. How am I supposed to make it good?

>> No.16243685

Very little soy and rice wine vinegar. I usually use leftover beet juice from canning.

>> No.16243701

I used 1dl soy sauce and 1dl water. I guess it was way too much.

>> No.16243706
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>How do you like your boiled eggs
I don't

>> No.16243713

I'm a simple kind of guy. I like them hard boiled, peeled, still warm, whole, with salt and pepper. Or sliced and eaten between two slices of buttered whole wheat toast.

>> No.16243723

Going by that pic 8-9 minutes, salt, pepper and some mustard. Fucking delightful.

>> No.16243726

Ya a 1:1 ratio is way too much. I usually use 1 cup of rice wine vinegar, 1 cup of water, and 1 tablespoon of soy. Pickling can be very deceptive. You don't need a whole lot to get flavor.

>> No.16243735

i use an instant pot. 5 minute pressure. 5 minute release. perfect every time

>> No.16243754

For how many hours do you let it sit in the marinade?

>> No.16243787

It depends if the brine isn't very strong they are usually ready after soaking overnight, but when I do eggs using pickle juice I'll start eating them a day or two I and then I can just leave the in the juice. The flavor doesn't really change after 3 or so days.

>> No.16243811

Lick the butthole

>> No.16243824

Soft boiled with buttery dip dip toast

>> No.16243833

deviled eggs except instead of mayonnaise and paprika you mix them with wasabi mayonnaise and sprinkle cayenne powder on top
call them Satan’d eggs

>> No.16243992

I like the soy egg for my ramen. I’ll mad at least 2 eggs at once.

>> No.16244006

12. With salt. Or mash with mayo, salt, pepper and paprika for deviled egg salad.

>> No.16244072

8, with a bit of mayo and a lot of paprika.

>> No.16244087

There's no way they're that solid after 5 minutes. Are those small eggs?

>> No.16244092

8 minutes > *

>> No.16244144

For me, it's 6.5 minutes on the dot.

>> No.16244149

10 Minutes. Very great addition to any salad

>> No.16244217
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I start with the eggs in cold water and when it reaches a roiling boil, I turn off the heat, cover the pot and start the timer for 9mins. Afterward, drain the hot water and replace with cold, drain it after a few mins and refill with more cold water.

For eating, I slice them in half and add some salt and horseradish.

>> No.16244229

7-8 minutes
if i want a runny yolk id prefer to poach it

>> No.16244648

Soft boiled over a savory oatmeal

>> No.16244889

I steam my eggs for 6 minutes. the word jammy is so overused but it truly does make the yolk nice and jammy. then I just gobble em up, I know its nkt an attractive way to eat an egg but fuck it

>> No.16244912

My hard boiled egg system is centered entirely around peelability. I eat alot of them and after years of tearing chunks off whenever I peeled them I tried a bunch of different methods and found the ultimate peelability tek.

Bring water to a boil, put eggs into boiling water (the thermal shock separates the 'skin' from the shell). Boil for 13 minutes, submerge in cold water (more thermal shock). They peel perfectly every time I don't really give a shit about how they're cooked.

>> No.16246127

That's exactly my method too. But I empty the cold water once after 5 seconds and then fill up again with new cold water.

>> No.16246231

I like 6 mins and I serve 9 mins. Fuck that egg cooker pile of crap.

>> No.16246766
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>generous scoop of Duke's mayo
>bit of chopped pickle or relish
>Colman's mustard
>celery seed
>hard-boiled eggs
>splash of Tabasco
>lightly toasted bread, cooled
one of the best sandwiches ever and fairly affordable to make

>> No.16246952

7 minutes if eating by itself/ as a snack
5 minutes if eating on a dish with other food so the jammy yolk can combine with the other stuff

>> No.16247836

>place eggs in cold water
>bring to boil
>2 minutes after boiling starts, fish them out
>Let them cool on their own.

Solid white with gooey yolk.
Bit hard to peel, but worth it IMO

>> No.16248602
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Anyone ever tried frying the boiled egg in oil until you get a crispy skin?

>> No.16248812

this sounds like something that would explode if you tried it

>> No.16248874

Soft boiled, eight minutes, marinated in two types of soy sauce over night, sliced in half and had with noodle soup.

>> No.16249009

8 minutes with chili powder

>> No.16249014

>may be used for passover


>> No.16249144

5-7 minute eggs, cut in half on a spinach and arugula salad with avocado. Olive oil and vinegar. Salt and pepper on top and curry powder on the eggs.

>> No.16249161

That's a Scotch egg without the sausage.

>> No.16249178

10 minutes

>> No.16249406
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It’s not made by Jews but every food company nowadays have to bow the Tribe.

>> No.16249443

I like it DEEP fried.

>> No.16249811
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How do you like your boiled eggs and how do you serve them?
fuck wiggers
heil Genghis

>> No.16249831

Daily reminder.
>Eggs are chicken periods

>> No.16249967

>My hard boiled egg system

>> No.16251281

I like to bathe them in a mix of water/sugar/soy/red wine vinegar

>> No.16251294

not with a fresh egg kek i can imagine the mess. use a already cooked but undercooked egg. like 4-5 minutes in boiling water, peeled and cooled off then you fry em.

>> No.16251440


Can I boil like 6 eggs at once then keep them in the fridge? How long do they last? Do they taste okay like that? I usually eat 2/day.

>> No.16252267

Yes. I think they're good for a couple weeks, but just stay on the safe side and keep them at 3 days. You're eating 2/day so you will meet that easily.

>> No.16252289

Based. Unless you're making an egg sandwich anything other than soft boiled is equivalent to ruining it.

>> No.16252290

Poke a hole in the bigger end of the egg with a thumbtack and add a shot of vinegar
>t. had deviled eggs on a mother's day brunch one year at a southern restaurant, boiled and peeled three cases of eggs for it

>> No.16252351
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Thanks for the advice

>> No.16253229

7 minutes

Comfy "egg in a cup" or egg salad

>> No.16253674


7 is the superior choice

>> No.16253703

soft boiled with toastie soldiers