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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16242598 No.16242598 [Reply] [Original]

Is he a good cook or just a pretty face?

>> No.16242608


>> No.16242614

Oh, Hey Guy

>> No.16242702

Neither, it's his personality/energy that people find entertaining.

>> No.16243246

probably better than most home cooks but nowhere near the level of an actual professional

>> No.16243265


>> No.16243376

I've been to one of his original restaurants a few times, both before and after he got famous, and it's really mediocre. Also knew a couple people who've worked there and they all said he was a dick irl.

>> No.16243388

Ehh decent cook but if it wasnt for the background writers making him famous he wouldnt have gone anywhere. Also his Cruiseline food is meeeeh to ok at best. That bacon patty was so dry it made me gag.

>> No.16243835

I think he's held in better regard for his philanthropic work. He's apparently a pretty decent guy, all around. The cooking is more of a means to achieve those goals.

>> No.16243964

He did an episode at comet ping pong

>> No.16244019

He's annoying, but supposed to be a decent dude.


>> No.16244031

Most people think that their boss is a dick unless they're a kiss ass.

>> No.16244044


>> No.16244082

>most people think that their boss is a dick
Working in a kitchen is a little different than most jobs, because the chef typically gets there before you and leaves after you, and is in the trenches with you, and if he isn't, he has been there and knows what it's like. There are still some oldtimers who act like Ramsay, but that hasn't really been normal since the 80's. But even so, there's a difference between being authoritarian and abusive because you want everything to be perfect (and actually know what you're doing) and just being lazy and acting like you're better than everyone without putting in the time to manage your kitchen. From everything I've heard Fieri was the latter. tl;dr you have to earn the right to be a dick if you want respect, but if you don't care then you can't expect anyone else to, and from everything I've heard Guy was just a narcissist who kind of got lucky. I'm industry, and everyone I know who's tried his place (just looked it up and apparently he no longer has a stake in it) thought it was confused, average, and inconsistent quality/poorly executed.

>> No.16244605
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>> No.16244660

yeah noone in a kitchen really judges you for acting stressed and mad when you've got a wedding party of 40 drunk retards to plate at the same time vs how you act when everything is chill.

>> No.16244671

my brother works for a foundation that did a charity event with him and he said guy had an airtight rider (no phones, no non-press pictures etc.) but could not have been nicer. it was a big ass charity event with lots of press so he could've been putting on a show but just what i've heard.

also went to a random diner in kentucky that had been on his show and all the waitresses said he was lovely as well.

>> No.16244682

Guy isn't a chef he's a brand. Were the people working for him too retarded to realize that? He's a businessman.

>> No.16244730

Alton Brown isn't a chef, but he got me interested in cooking. Guy Fieri actually was a chef/restaurateur before he went on whatever Food Network reality show that turned him into a celebrity, but he's always been a hack. I used to go to one of his restaurants (in a strip mall in a Sacramento suburb) before he was ever on TV. It was called Johnny Garlic's. For context, I also did a year at the same culinary school Emeril went to, and every chef instructor told us straight out, "you're not going to be the next Emeril; if that's why you're here then just give up. That guy was bright and popular and commanded the room when he was 17, and none of you have that charisma". They also said that, despite being a good student, Emeril wasn't a great cook. Bourdain is another good example of just an average chef who became a massive food celebrity, but was never known as a a great chef. Fieri is below all of those guys on all counts (AB never opened a restaurant; probably because he's not that dumb).

>> No.16244733

garbage line cook take

>> No.16244746
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Drunk line cooks are literally the only ones who contribute anything of value to this board.

>> No.16244754

>AB never opened a restaurant; probably because he's not that dumb

Bourdaine jumped from the actual kitchen life as soon as he could.

Guy can probably cook ok. Dudes rich as fuck so hes probably a prick in ways we cannot see.

>> No.16244755

The guy is famous for visiting diners while being entertaining and eating basic stuff. Anyone could have told you that he's "a hack" after watching a few of his shows. The thing is, I'd bet money that he was a front of the house guy that mostly stayed out of the kitchens that he owns. Everything that you've posted about him reminds me of a typical manager that you'd find anywhere.

>> No.16244776

>Guy can probably cook ok. Dudes rich as fuck so hes probably a prick in ways we cannot see.
I keep saying that I ate his food before he was rich and famous and it was bad, and yet you still keep insisting that he's just some celebrity so it's okay that he doesn't know what he's doing.
>I'd bet money that he was a front of the house guy that mostly stayed out of the kitchens that he owns. Everything that you've posted about him reminds me of a typical manager that you'd find anywhere
I don't know the details, but I'm pretty sure he was the chef, and was responsible for the menu/horrible décor/ambiance. But yeah, he comes off as much more of a FoH manager than an actual chef - in spite of the fact that HE WAS THE CHEF. I don't even know what I'm arguing about anymore, as it seems like we're all in agreement that he's a hack. It's just that it's infuriating that there are still threads like this (or just pick whatever flavor of the month e-celeb) wondering if such and such is actually a real chef.

>> No.16244804
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line cooks arent baddass they're fuckups that literally cannot get hired to do anything else
youve been fed a lie by a nonfiction writer who an heroed over an italian whore

>> No.16244892

He owns a small chain of restaurants, correct? I've watched a few videos of people trying his food and they've basically said that it was very meh--on par or slightly better than other chains like Texas Roadhouse et al and not worth the price. I've never viewed him as a proper chef and have always considered him as someone like Adam Richman. He just comes off as a charismatic guy that likes to stuff his fat face for our entertainment.

>> No.16244895

Shouldn't his name be pronounced like "Ghee" ?

>> No.16244914

He studied in France, so he knows how to cook. But he became a personality. So on one hand he can cook but on the other he has to be the "triple dipple slamma jamma burger" guy and say good things about absolute fucking degenerate slop.

Hates eggs, breakfast foods and desserts as well +10 guy Power Up HAHAHA

>> No.16245070
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Neither, he's a raiders fan

>> No.16245128

he's the best ever food review show of yesteryear

>> No.16245148

the best part of watching DDD with my family is observing my brother and dad attempt to interpret Fieri's comments on the food.
>ah, see, he called the fries "slamming" that means he really liked them
>"it's every bit a pulled pork sandwich turned into spaghetti" is just a factual statement, that means he hated it

>> No.16245192

Maybe if you're a fucking frog

>> No.16245218

Neither- his show concepts are just good and the producers give it to the most jolly "cool guy" fellow on the channel.

His son Hunter is hot though.

>> No.16245259

>line cooks arent baddass
Nobody ever said that, and no line cook is idolizing Bourdain. That was kind of my point.
>always considered him as someone like Adam Richman
Adam Richman was fun to watch because he presented himself as an everyman, who just happened to have worked "every job in the food industry", kind of like that dirty jobs guy. He kind of had a little inside knowledge, but it was all about the customer side rather than the kitchen side. Fieri always presented himself as a chef who was judging places that were "below" him. It was always, "haha, I'm a real chef, but I like this low brow shit... oh, wow! You put some red pepper flakes in your gravy!?? That's so unexpected and Fire!!" or whatever. The entire premise of his show was that he was a real chef who went into the kitchen and watched these low class cooks make good food as though it was a hidden gem, but it was fake all along. Richman was just like, "I'm gonna see if I can eat all this food because this is fun and now I'm gonna puke".

>> No.16245288
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>> No.16245405

I've never really heard any praise for these celebrity chefs' restaurants, even on their shows.

>> No.16245775
File: 64 KB, 300x361, thumb_what-are-those-big-huge-hats-that-hasidic-jews-wear-54176538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw that shit. it was pretty weird after all the threads on /pol/ , and the cook was of course a raging marxist jew

>> No.16245785

40? Lol, I could do that but myself with one hand tired behind my back. Most of you co/ck/s have no clue the degree of actual wizardry that goes on in scratch kitchens.