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File: 41 KB, 800x800, coca-cola-05-liter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16242108 No.16242108 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you have luck quiting this shit?
If so, how did you go about it?

>> No.16242119

Switched to Pepsi Max. Then switched to spartling water with lemon. Very easy desu

>> No.16242135

Switched to sugar free soda. Tried loads of them until I found some that didn't have that "diet" aftertaste.

>> No.16242162

Switch to diet and zero sugar sodas, and once you’ve done that, transition from that to water

>> No.16242172

But aren't sugar free sodas just as bad? Coke zero has a new flavour, and it's not too bad.

>> No.16242245

I never had to quit these, but had to quit or cut down on lots of other bad stuff, so I support your efforts
good luck anon

>> No.16242271

Well first I stopped drinking them, and then I started drinking water and tea. What's the difficulty? Have a little discipline, you child.

>> No.16242297

Sugar is physically addictive over time. My older brother has been drinking soda since a very young age, he's 30. He quit 3 months ago to eat better and go to the gym, and limits himself one soda a week, and talks all the time to me about how he STILL misses it. I haven't touched soda in years, usually will just drink coffee or water, but sugar does give withdrawals that can be hard for some people to deal with.

>> No.16242312

Started drinking coffee instead. Add sugar to it if you need to at first, then slowly wean yourself off the sugar. If you want something cold and carbonated, try a seltzer like La Croix. Good luck, bro, it's really hard to stop but you can do it.

>> No.16242320

So is alcohol or any other addictive substance, dumbass. Acquire willpower.

>> No.16242324

when you wanna drink a coco, drink the wata instaed it easy!

>> No.16242334
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>Addicting things aren't actually addicting
Touch grass.

>> No.16242351

discipline and willpower. sometimes a structured system of weaning oneself off of an addictive substance works better than quitting cold turkey

>> No.16242353

>look at how high and mighty I am while I cal you a child for liking things I don't like
Nothing worse than a kid who pretends to be mature by calling others kid.

>> No.16242371

He’s obviously gonna miss it if he’s still drinking one a week. That’s like repeatedly teasing himself with it at regular intervals.

>> No.16242376

just stopped buying it

>> No.16242433

>lmao look at my manbaby ass doing the exact thing I'm deriding you for

>> No.16242512

Ok, cool advice dude

>> No.16242517

Thanks man.

>> No.16242525

Thanks man.

>> No.16242534

I don't drink much pop in general and never really cared for coke outside of like being at a pizza place

>> No.16242538

I never liked them, too sweet.

>> No.16242559

idk how the soda is making you drink it like does it have a gun?

>> No.16242568

quit cold turkey. don't drink it for a month, then give it a shot. you'll be amazed at how sweet it really is.

>> No.16242571

yea just drink water instead. its actually good

>> No.16242581

The white people are racist thing and since the pandemic coke is never on sale anymore. Shit is expensive if you think about it. Least when you compare it to alternatives like tea or even bottled water

>> No.16242585
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(Take for granted that the spirit of the living God abides in me) first it takes several months to actually quit and second you will relapse, it is a true drug after all. You have to contend with both sugar and caffeine and decades long habitual use of it. I’ll divided it into different sections.

1. Start drinking diet soda
2. Decrease your intake of sugar as a whole (this will make it so you are just trying to use sugar less as opposed to quitting caffeine and sugar at the same time)
3.Once you get settled into eating less sugar and only drinking diet continue this process for a few months
4. Slow down on caffeine, if you drink coffe stop at this point
5. Stop drinking soda every other day
6. Stop drinking soda totally

This is how it happened for me, it took several months

>> No.16242586

Just stop drinking it?

>> No.16242588

Yeah, had to quit. Drinking soda is just too absurd.

>> No.16242589

There’s also my stomach ulcer so that’s a big factor. Pretty much I can’t drink anything bubbly at all. And when I have a fatty meal it’s best to not drink anything at all instead of washing it down with Coke.

>> No.16242594

What helped me with switching to flavored seltzer water. Then I got sick of that shit and switch to nothing

>> No.16242599

I was addicted to Diet Coke for years until this January. The problem is water is boring and sometimes you're going to want something sweet or something with bubbles or something with caffeine or a combination of these things. First, you need to deal with headaches for a few days when you cut out caffeine, if that's one of your goals. What I do is get fake sugar generic brand Crystal Light (old people Kool-Aid) and always keep it around when I'm not in the mood for water. It's cheap and easy to transport. Every now and then when I want some bubbles I get seltzer waters like La Croix or whatever. Lately I've been getting fake sugar sweet tea because I missed caffeine because it's fun but need to stop again. The final and most patrician step is to drink a Coke a few times a year for special occasions to show you can have it without being a slave to the Coca Cola company.

>> No.16242610

Serious replies only, thanks.

>> No.16242612

I stopped because it's too expensive.
That and Coca-Cola is pretty cucked business.

>> No.16242623

These are really good advice, thanks.

>> No.16242867

Work in progress. This month I'm pushing it to see how little I can drink. I had a coke when I went out to lunch with my parents this weekend, but other than that I've been strong. Cutting out french fries and fried foods, too.

>> No.16242894
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You gotta start slowly cutting it
At first add like a tablespoon of rum to your coke. It'll taste awful sure but just endure. It'll be worth it
Slowly start adding more and more rum and sooner than you think your glass is gonna be 1/5th rum
After a few years you'll have switched to drinking just straight rum and won't even think about the sweet sweet taste of coke from good old days!

>> No.16242922

Highly suggest also switching to diet, zero sugar and CAFFEINE FREE.

>> No.16242929

sprite zero

>> No.16242942
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A combination of drinking two a day when I did drink it, OMAD and then water fasting.

The water fasting did wonders for it. Makes it taste sort of bad if you start drinking it again. If you don't hammer back 10 when you're in this state, then it should gradually go under control.

>> No.16242961

Let me add, I drank 2 liter bottles in a sitting and had like a 12 cokes throughout a normal day when I was younger. I literally didn't drink water until I hit my 20's because someone warned me about kidney stones.

>> No.16242967

Jesus Christ

>> No.16242985

In fact how the hell did did you drink that much. Felt like shit when I drank two or three cups a day, both physically and mentally

>> No.16242999

switch to la croix like an adult

>> No.16243003
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>be slightly overweight from drinking soda nearly every day
>read the bap book
>realize that being a fatass is cringe
>stop drinking soda
>drop so much weight in three months that i am now close to being forced to buy new clothes

>> No.16243005

I started drinking coffees and teas instead and it worked wonders.

>> No.16243010

I literally had no reference point. To this day, in my late 20's, Coke does not make me feel like shit. In fact, when I did drink it every day in that amount, I was thin as a fucking stick.

When I started drinking water is when I bloated like a fucker. Like 40 pounds. Weight has been fluctuating every since. It's the strangest thing. Blame old age, I guess.

>> No.16243016

This is the summer I finally try some with peanuts bros

>> No.16243017

i drink orange juice with extra fibre instead, atleast i get extra fiber and shitton of vitamin c, feel way healthier because of it

>> No.16243025

For real, OP, the only thing that worked for me was water fasting and limiting to an autistitc degree how many Cokes I drank a day.

To the point where I only allowed myself to buy individual cans/bottles from the expensive gas station next to my house, never the 20-packs.

>> No.16243028

They're bad for your teeth and probably your general health but they have a fraction of the calories.

>> No.16243068

No. I'll drink it till the day I die. Better vice than drinking or smoking.

>> No.16243103

Why and how are you drinking it?

Daily morning caffeine? Keep a daily replenished big 1/2 galloncold pitcher of iced tea with far less sugar than the soda, even consider half decaf tea, so you can have bigger servings. It's just as easy to reach for ready to drink tea, or flavored teas, than a cold can. Keep it cold all day through a Tervis.

If it's to stave off the afternoon headache from withdrawals, replace with a cold seltzer or diet soda. Or proper cortado espresso in the afternoons. Consider the twist of lemon to make a diet soda taste better.

Don't allow yourself to drink real Coke until you down a glass of ice water. You may just be thirsty all the time. Not a water lover? Splah the top with fruit juice, not much, just enough.

>> No.16243113


>> No.16243125

sounds pretty sad you'll be dedicating your paychecks and health to Warren Buffett

>> No.16243155
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Nope. Every so often I'll start getting pic related instead but I'll slowly move back to Coke Zeros.

>> No.16243168

i didn't quit, i just reduced how much of it i drink, which was too much before. now i only drink a little bit after big meals, and on weekends i pretty much drink however much i want, but not too much too.

>> No.16243175

And you needed a book tor realize that?

>> No.16243193

thats the power of a bronze age mindset

>> No.16243194

Flavoured seltzer water

>> No.16243214

Coke Zero is just as bad for you, may as well just drink Coke original, at least your body knows what to do with sugar, unlike Aspartame

>> No.16243250

carbonated water

>> No.16243334

>muh aspartame
Literally no evidence it’s bad for you

>> No.16243363

I became an alcoholic

>> No.16243517

I stopped drinking it.

>> No.16243535

I don't care

>> No.16243552

they got a new coke zero recipe here and i successfully replaced it. the trick is to go cold turkey for 2 days and then go zero so the brain gets the dopamine kick.

>> No.16243621

I just drink it when i'm bored, and when i'm craving it. Once i drink one bottle of it, i instantly want another one. Right now it's my only source of caffeine.

>> No.16243629


>> No.16243637

Basically never liked it and rarely drank it.

>> No.16243664

Live past the 2nd floor in an apartment. It's a pain in the ass to bring up the stairs every week along with the other groceries if you are trying to do it all in one go. It will make you want to stop buying it. That's how I quit

>> No.16243696

If I want to quit a certain food of drink, then the easiest thing to do is to just stop buying it. I can't break down and get a soda if there aren't any available.

>> No.16243823

I realized that I was getting fat and just decided to drop the stuff cold turkey. Getting a steel water bottle that keeps ice well made it easier. I also started drinking coffee but that was to help with the alcoholism, which it did. It didn't hurt that I could also see the effects of soda from the outside as I lived with a megamorbidly obese fatty in denial who drank LITERS of soda per day straight out of 2L bottles. He'd chug that shit the way you'd chug a glass of water after mowing the lawn on a hot day. I told him he should drink more water because he wouldn't shut up about always feeling like shit so he switched to Kool-Aid and started going through 5lb bags of sugar as fast as I used to go through handles of cheap tequila. Don't be like my fatty former roommate in denial OP, handle your business.

>> No.16243854

I just started buying Pepsi instead, I don't drink it every day so whatever.

>> No.16243875

Yes, that's why you don't stop at Diet Coke.

Coke -> Diet Coke -> Carbonated Lemon Water -> Water -> Nothing

>> No.16243897

Drink a glass of whole milk and the rest juice of some kind. Stopping soda will easily give you muscle with literally 0 other effort. Don't try to only drink milk or you will very quickly find out why when you are trying to shit a brick.
I got tired of the extreme pain from withdrawal any time I missed a day and managed to quit completely.

>> No.16243898
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my mommy banned me from drinking soda when i was young, and then one day my cousin told me to take a sip of his orange faygo so i did and proceeded to vomit. never drank soda again. soda is gross desu

>> No.16243908

yes. even worse than normal soda

>> No.16243917

Sugar free sodas use sugar substitutes like sugar alcohols. It’s my understanding that your body recognizing them as being sweeter which means they get to use less, but your gut doesn’t digest them so they don’t add any calories. It’s probably not any better of a habit but they for sure don’t affect your glycemic index so you aren’t destroying your insulin resistance and setting yourself up for diabeetus.

It’s probably not entirely correct that a 12 oz can of Coke Zero had legitimately 0 calories. I imagine it breaks fast and adds a minute amount of calories. I’ve noticed that sugar alcohols have kind of a laxative effect. Since your body doesn’t digest it, it just passes through the tract and comes out as kind of gooey stools, so there’s that.

I’m almost 30 and I’ve never been a soda guy so I don’t really have any advice for quitting the habit. I drink Coke Zero mixed with vodka when I drink but I don’t drink the cokes outside of that. In my early 20s I worked at a restaurant that gave us unlimited fountain soda so every once in a while I’d have a cup, but it always induced stomach aches and bubble guts so I kept it to a minimum. Growing up my parents bought flavored sparkling water and I basically only ever drink water outside of my vodka drinks.

>> No.16243933

cum into every bottle before you drink it.

>> No.16243950

Depends on how stubborn you are, I used to carry three 12-packs of soda up to my third floor apartment.
What did it for me was switching to tea and coffee, with the occasional latte for sugar.

>> No.16244513

no sexy fit woman is gonna want your soda pop skin, or empty wallet.

>> No.16244588

I love black coffee and unsweetened tea, so it was easy mode for me.

Of course, I drink too damn much caffeine

>> No.16244603

The thing is that once you've been off it for a good while and taste it again, the taste is so strange and radically different. It's medicinal, almost herbal, like root beer almost in the way it tastes. Really makes you appreciate it more. I have it once or twice a year with a small glass.

>> No.16244608
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After not drinking it for a few years and then sipping it again I just thought
>this taste is not that good

I drink one every few years due to parties or when I have a stomachache.

>> No.16244668

who is this woman?

>> No.16244674

This but I go to taco bell for a baja blast every now and then.

>> No.16244675

Yea I quit for good, I also quit hard liquor, I only drink water now. Im still on the fast food jew though. My favorite order is the 20 spicy mcnuggets with bbq sauce and a large fries, with a large water.

>> No.16245500

can you get addicted to Cola ? How does it happen ? What's the addictive substance in it ?

>> No.16245501
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I used to drink one whole 1.5L bottle everyday.
Belly was inflated, teeth always aching, awful sugar crash, headaches a few hours after drinking, constant burping, stomach pain, and lots.
Decided to cut off sugar one day. Just drank water everytime I felt withdrawal symptoms coming. Worked wonders.
The first two weeks were awful tho, but that's addiction withdrawal for you.

I re-discovered a sense of taste I never thought I had lost. You guys have no idea how much sugar overpower everything in food.

Also, I lost a lot of weight just for cutting sugar, and I'm now feeling way better. I also got the urge to do things like learning or making stuff back instead of being a lazy cunt with a clouded mind.

Tl;dr : sugar is trash, get that shit out of your bloodstream.

>> No.16245502

Crystal light

>> No.16245527

Straight to carbonated water and slowly moving away from that.

>> No.16245530

I moved out one my own and stopped buying it because I didn't have the cash.

>> No.16245541

I've been a Dr Pepper addict for nearly 20 years now, only periodically getting off of it but then jumping back in again. The longest I've gone without it is 14 months. Right now I've gone 3 weeks without any thanks in part to treating a dental infection so I'm loaded on antibiotics and painkillers so the withdrawal migraines didn't happen. I've been pouring nothing but water into me since this started and I think I'm just going to keep doing that until I get bored with it, since I'm down almost 12 pounds and I'm kind of liking slimming down again.

>> No.16245547

Caffeine has a good grip strength if you don't do worse drugs.

>> No.16245549

Simply stop drinking it you addicted dumbass.


>> No.16245633


>> No.16245667

not really

>> No.16245748
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You should not give advice. It is terrible.

I used to drink 2L of European grade coco every day. It took 3 years to fully get rid of it. I transitioned from mate tea to just water and fruit juices(no added sugar).

Mate tea has a high natural concentration of caffeine which you can also get addicted to. But it almost eliminates the sugar component completely. I would then mix Mate tea with real fruit juices. Then slowly remove the tea. This would be 2 2/3 years.

Now pretty much only on water and juice. It didn't do shit to my physique but I am pretty sure I dodged type II diabetes.

Good luck Anon.

>> No.16245888

I switched from Coke to Diet Coke, then started only drinking one with meals and having water or black tea the rest of the time. Then I just stopped getting it entirely. The last time I tried drinking a soda it just tasted too sweet and I didn't even finish it.

>> No.16245975

you just gotta buck up and break the habit my dog

>> No.16245995

My dear mother, has literally only drank caffeine free cans of coke for like the last 21 years. She has tons and tons of fucking health problems, shes either at the doctor, the hospital, or getting surgery(yearly back surgeries, probably from being obese for years and barely moving, she just watches tv all day, doesn't exercise or go anywhere) she claims she can't drink water as it doesn't quench her thirst. I will not get her a coke if I'm there, I'll just hand her a water and she freaks out. If your in your 40s and water doesn't qeunch your thirst, either you have a soda addiction, or your full of shit. She's full of shit, she just doesn't like flavorless water and acts like a woman baby and doesn't even attempt to do it. Growing up around that scared me away from any pop. I like water, milk, a coffee. Juice every now and then. Won't sip a pop, find it repulsive and I'm pretty sure it's the main cause of obesity in North America, which makes sense. Drinking 500 calories of liquid sugar several times a day sounds worse than smoking. I remember growing up, this fat chick I went to school with, her parents must have not gave a shit about her, or cared too much Idk but gave here money everyday for after school to stop and buy a big bag of chips and like a 2L soft drink. And she would have it all on the way home. At 16 I heard she wished 330 pounds, she stopped coming to school after awhile because not enough energy to get around. Got bed ridden and who knows, I hope her and her parents got a clue, but I bet she's either dead or 500 fuckin pounds bed ridden in there basement.
Bitch looked like our old obese bus driver Anne but she was like 10yo. Same body. Do you want your daughter to look like an obese bus driver at 10? Give them pop. Now that I'm thinking about It, every super obese person I know either drinks tons of pop, or in my uncle Marvin's case, drink 24 beer and eats a roast beef to himself all before noon.

>> No.16246015

honetly covid switched me, I bouth a bunch of reserves for water like I do every to months (tap water aint drinkable here). And I didn't want to go to the store so I just drunk water or sometimes some fruty drink my mom would buy. And when I tried coke A few months later It just didn't taste good. So now I drink it maybe once every few months since covid started, and only when it's a bbq or something like that.

>> No.16246026

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.16246029

Yeah I quit when I was 16 because I was tired of being a faggot. I'm 31 now and have probably had an average of 0.5 sodas per year since then.

>> No.16246035

I started counting my calories on all foods that I ate during the day and week, and i realized coke isn't worth it unless maybe once a week. i lost my lust for it. but i would agree coke is the best tasting soda.

>> No.16246115

I love getting advice from americans, you guys are so over the top, i only drink around 2 litres a week, at most 3.

>> No.16246306

based tapper off the hard stuff

>> No.16246688
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Just stop try some fruit

>> No.16246692
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>> No.16246702
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>> No.16246711
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>> No.16246719
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>> No.16246723

i just went cold turkey. ive never been addicted to sugar.

>> No.16246732
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>> No.16246739 [DELETED] 

the fact that they chose not to complete the sugar cube pyramid for the can is triggering my OCD like you wouldn't believe

>> No.16246758

Water for hydration
La Croix for bubbles
Black Coffee for caffeine

Diet soda is still detrimental to your health since it fucks with your gut biome and drives hunger.
Start with attainable goals like 1 day without, then a week, then a month, then a year. After about a month soda lost its appeal for me.

>> No.16246773

We only had it on holidays as a treat when I was a kid so never really got into soda. As an adult I don't miss it at all. I'd rather have water, unsweetened tea, milk or beer.

>> No.16247277

Stop being a fat American it's pretty simple

>> No.16247289

I'm in the same boat, but only when I eat greasy food or carbs. It's like beer and cigs.

>> No.16247325

>break an addiction by potentially creating another addiction


>> No.16247428

It's easier to drink less of it if you buy packs of 33cl cans instead of liter bottles. Plus it's tastier from a can.

>> No.16248205

I've never enjoyed this crap, I only drink it when it's the only thing available at a party or something

>> No.16248210

this is a larp

>> No.16248351

I only drink not water about once every 2 or 3 weeks now, so I've pretty much quit coke at this point.
It just makes me super gassy whenever I drink it.

>> No.16248485

Don't buy any. Don't put any in the fridge. You don't need constant will power, you just need to make it inconvenient. After a little time soda will taste disgusting to you.
That said, I took it back up when I entered uni because most of my food was takeout and there aren't non-soda options.

>> No.16248662

Simply: Do not buy it. Always search on the internet about the negative effects and sugar on it to keep you motivated. Always frame it on your mind as something negative for your body.

>> No.16248676

I stopped drinking soda after losing five teeth. You'd think I was just shitposting but no, cost more than I like to think about to fix my mouth. Drinking soda regularly is a terrible idea.

>> No.16248686

never picked it up, but I love it, I just never drink more than once a day, drink it like once in a blue moon, like going to a restaurant, never drink it after noon, cause of the cafeine, etc. Just have self awareness and self control really, practice it, little by little. Just today I had a no gas 10% fruit juice orange soda, it was good.

>> No.16248777

This, it’s not hard

>> No.16248808

Provide a source for your claim that it's bad. Don't reply with an article that says 'w-well it COULD be bad' like all them say then title it as if it's a fact

>> No.16248828

They're bad because they taste bad, soda should be for enjoyment.

>> No.16248833

>Addicting things aren't easy to moderate
Kill yourself.

>> No.16250918

Just quit lmao

>> No.16250957
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>americans actually get addicted to carbonated sugar water
>americans try to quit soda and relapse
Holy shit, I thought it was a troll thread at first.

>> No.16250964

How stupid are you

>> No.16251025

Clearly not stupid enough to get addicted to fucking soda lmao.

>> No.16251118

I quit Coke/Pepsi in middle school when I drank some one morning and got car sick. Got to blame it on soda and that's how I haven't touched a drop since.

>> No.16251359

The addiction is to sugar, which soda contains a lot of. The addiction is chemical, not emotional, and a vast majority of humans are susceptible. Soda is dirt cheap and readily available here and in some cases cheaper than potable water. Coca-cola, Pepsi co, and the rest are well aware of the situation they've created and don't give a shit. Our population is too addicted to their products, and our government won't ever touch them because "DATS COMMUNIST!!!!".

And then there's the retards that think you can "just stop being addicted lol"...

>> No.16251372

>and our government won't ever touch them because "DATS COMMUNIST!!!!".
how innocent are you? They don't touch them cause they have their pockets full of their money, that's how politics work virtually everywhere

>> No.16251386

No shit, but they're never going to say it out loud. They'll just give some feel-good bullshit about how "murica is about freedom".

>> No.16251393
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I mostly use it for cooking meat and stuff

>> No.16251397

>caring about what they say
look at what they do, disregard the rest

>> No.16251817

You literally can stop being addicted with some self-control, it isn't heroin or alcohol that quitting cold turkey would fucking kill you.

>> No.16251989

my teeth started falling out

>> No.16252008

LaCroix shall set you free

>> No.16252022

>aspartame is worse than sugar because... It just is, ok?

>> No.16252051

You have to decide why you like the stuff. I love the carbonation more than anything else, so I drink different flavors of sparkling water as an alternative to just regular water if I want something different. Tea is good. If you want some sugary, you can try juice, but you should probably just do something like blend entire fruit (watermelon is good for this) and then water it down a bit. That way you're still getting the fiber and you won't be able to just mega-chug the shit.

Dr. Pepper is the shit

>> No.16252146

it was associated with litter bladder tumors in rats but turns out they literally had to drown them in aspartame laced water at doses not relevant to human consumption

>> No.16252211

i just stopped. its not addictive. I used to drink a 500ml bottle every day for nearly 15 years and had to stop because it gave me an annoying cough (most sodas do now also)

not sure why youd struggle

>> No.16252224

>what is physical addiction

>> No.16252228

He's trying to help you not get your leg cut off, if you want to lead yourself to an early grave don't ask for help.

>> No.16252367

I never started, coke tastes like ass.

>> No.16252389

>And then there's the retards that think you can "just stop being addicted lol"...
well yeah that's how it works. I was a smoker for 10 years and one day I thought that I'll stop smoking and I did. No cravings or relapses, I just stopped.

>> No.16252440

do americans really

>> No.16252533

I did this when I was single and it was easy.

But when I get with someone I tend to eat/drink the same things. Easy to resist when it's just at the grocery store, much harder when the dearest is chugging it beside me.

>> No.16252536

cooking a ham in coke or dr pepper works pretty well, I don't think i would do it with other meats

>> No.16252556

>much harder when the dearest is chugging it beside me
Throat punch them while they're in mid-swallow. Guarantee they'll stop drinking it around you.

>> No.16252720

perrier/seltzer water in general. it takes awhile of figuring out which ones you like but it's worth it. I really love it when I am eating meals, feels great downing them and knowing I am not drinking tons of sugar.

>> No.16252745
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>Water -> Nothing

>> No.16252779

Drink water nigger put some lemon in it

>> No.16252874
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When I was a child both me and my sister fucking hated soda, the second it touches our tongues we'd reflex spit it out.
I remember getting in trouble at an after school event when I was 6-7 because I refused to drink cola and wanted water. I always thought people were mad for drinking the stuff.
Tried holding some in my mouth during my late teens to see what it tastes like, but all I can focus on is that it feels like my tongue is melting hardly taste anything.
Maybe I'm defective or something but does anyone know why me & my sister have this reaction?
I wonder if it it warps your tastebuds. I love the taste of water but some people I've spoken to tell me they hate the taste of it?

>> No.16253006

I started by drinking kombucha. Same fizzy texture, but slightly less sweet and like 1/4 the calories.
Then I weened myself off that and drank more and more water.

>> No.16253094

switched to coke zero then just stopped buying it

>> No.16253357

>Our population is too addicted to their products, and our government won't ever touch them because "DATS COMMUNIST!!!!"
Yeah lets just lock everyone in padded cells so they don't hurt themselves. Fuck personal responsibility or freedom of choice that shit is for fascists

>> No.16253376

Had an ex who made me feel like shit for drinking it when they would just drink water. Eventually quit cold turkey and made water my go-to. Very very occasionally if I get pizza or Chinese I’ll get a 20oz but I can rarely finish it now, it’s too sweet

>> No.16253528

Just got sick of it. Stopped drinking it for about a year, I drank a can again and thought it was gross.

>> No.16253544

Just because that’s how it worked for you doesn’t mean that’s how it is for everyone retard. Not even an addiction apologist but holy shit you’re a fucking moron lol

>> No.16253591

Stop eating sugar foods. Just get rid of all sugar. You won’t want the drinks once you get rid of it in your food

>> No.16253614

I just quit cold turkey. Sodas were contributing to my constant gastritis flare ups so I decided to completely take them out from my diet, along with anything fried, spicy or also caffeinated. I can have them occasionally now, but I usually don't so as to not get addicted again.

>> No.16253638
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Seltzer Water/Flavored Seltzer Water. It literally broke me of it and soda now just tastes just live overly thick and sugary liquids now. Good shit.

You can always tell when people are butthurt about doing something they can't when they try and pull that "It tastes like fruit coughed while near it XDD" shit. They insult it because they're angry they're addicted to sugar water and can't break the habit.

>> No.16253711


about 3 years ago. i knew i wouldn't be able to quit the caffeine so i replaced it with a new source. i started drinking coffee. i went from 1 or 2 cups of coffee a year to one or two cups of coffee a day. i went from 1 or 2 cokes a day to none.

>> No.16253908

I tried diet soda once and it was disgusting and made me regret needing to drink liquids.
Is that part of the process? Developing a visceral disgust towards soda?

>> No.16253922

I hope you get ass cancer. But, then again, you've probably accumulated so much willpower you would swat it away like a horse to a fly

>> No.16254007

What are my options if I find diet soda disgusting?

>> No.16254042

Drink a slight amount less over a week. At the end of the week, stop and only drink water.

Make it three days and you have basically made it past the hardest part.

>> No.16254043

Doesn't coke zero not have the shitty fake sugar flavor?
>t. Non pop drinker

>> No.16254055

I tried quitting smokes for a week once and ended up just getting drunk the whole week

>> No.16254061

I only drink water, coffee, whiskey, and beer.

>> No.16254069

>I simply trippled my drug intake.
Geniuses all of you.

>> No.16254224

idunno, it just tasted like chewable tablets water.

>> No.16254924

this is not reddit you fatass

>> No.16254935

I tried buying this stuff because I heard it was good with rum, but it's just so sugary. Really not something I could drink more than a small glass of. Also, it makes my teeth feel funny, like it leaves some kind of residue?

>> No.16254936
