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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16239076 No.16239076 [Reply] [Original]

your most missed discontinued food item
for me, its picrel.

>> No.16239097
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they stopped making this variety some time around 2016-2017 as far as I can tell

>> No.16239124
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>> No.16239137

purdue has beer battered tendies that are similair

>> No.16239159

literally nothing is better than freschetta sauce stuffed crust pizza.
why do i even go on in life? its because i wait for the day it will be released again, or for me to stumble upon a long forgotten freezer with a case of these bad bois. it will be mine once again.

>> No.16239348

just dunk the crust in sauce faggot

>> No.16239378
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what sauce? im not going to buy more sauce for this purpose. what do you want me to do? buy a jar of sauce and heat up a very very small amount to dip the crust into? you absolute fucking pleb. its in the crust so you can have that sauce and another sauce you would want to dip the crust into you fucking virgin. you utter tastelet smoothbrain cannot even comprehend the flavor intricacies of such a feat and marvel at commercial food development.

>> No.16239407

okay I'm not reading and your opinion or whatever is in this post is discarded

>> No.16239409
File: 270 KB, 1300x1300, 321D6DB2-CCF1-4BBE-9B27-6C7C0748A01B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they still have this they just changed the box

>> No.16239415

cringe with an extremely smooth brain take. go stuff your unstuffed crust up your ass after dipping it in your boyfriends gaping shitting asshole.

>> No.16239473

Little Ceasars had this smokehouse pizza with brisket and pulled pork. The meats and sauce were pretty good. Best cheap pizza I've had.

>> No.16239817
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>> No.16239827

That's actually a good idea! I can't believe I've never seen or thought about it before. Much better than dumb cheese=stuffed.

>> No.16239869

It might be pretty good in the real world, but it does not "sound" as good as "cheese stuffed".
Sauce is a low value item, and cheese is perceived to be much more valuable. Since brands like this charge the same price for all varieties of pizza toppings, most people are going to opt for something with higher value. Sauce stuffed crust is not going to compete against labels like cheese stuffed crust, three meat, or supreme. The product was terminated due to low sales and stores will not stock shit in their valuable freezer space that doesn't fly off the shelf rapidly. You can personally miss it, but the business reasoning was sound.

>> No.16239907

Imagine being a huge tryhard and then getting trolled to oblivion. Come back when you grow up a bit.

>> No.16240114
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>> No.16240256
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>> No.16240271
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>> No.16240272

You might be right but I don't care it was literally food of the gods.
STFU faggot lmao I was shitting when I wrote that and that took more effort. Imagine attempting to gate keep a blue board

>> No.16241348
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man i loved these so much i even emailed tescos asking if they were coming back.

>> No.16242232

I bet this was discontinued after little Timmy burnt the shit out of his mouth.

>> No.16242273
File: 53 KB, 339x541, D275302A-45A8-4897-AAAE-2BBDE904E5F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This...this was my jam...

>> No.16242282
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>> No.16242317

They were too good for this world.

>> No.16242399

there is literally nothing in this thread you couldn't make yourself but better

>> No.16242404
File: 77 KB, 600x600, large_08caca8e-487f-4e5e-93d0-20d4e4e3cbc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't make choco tacos anymore? wtf

>> No.16242413

besides the point anon.

>> No.16242417
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>> No.16242426

>flavor intricacies
>freschetta frozen pizza
thanks anon you gave me a good laugh today

>> No.16242504

they don't make the chocolate ice cream-filled ones anymore

>> No.16242537
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>> No.16242562

Oreo cakesters, a year or so ago they had these oreo brownies that were pretty similar but those have been discontinued as well

>> No.16242628
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>> No.16242635

I remember these being exceptionally good too. I don't know why. Was the chip made from a wheat tortilla to simulate pizza crust? And the flavor powder, definitely cheese & MSG ala Doritos, but with oregano or something that made it pizza like. It was the 80's, I was young, fucking everything tasted amazing to me back then. But these are remembered more than 30 years later. I wonder why.

>> No.16242640
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>> No.16242682

I liked it because it was all mom would let me have. No Hubba-Bubba or Bubbleicious for me. No Fruit Stripe or Big League Chew.
Without at least internet to get information, stupid moms just believed the advertising claims. Gatorade was for champion athletes, not fat lazy slobs, and it says it satisfies thirst too! That's fucking amazing, what good mother doesn't want that for her child?
I was too dumb to realize, it really wasn't all that good, and my friends all had "the good stuff" and I was stuck with goddamn gator gum

>> No.16242689

>sauce stuffed crust
wow, that sounds stupid

>> No.16242712
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spicy cheese type things are always good

>> No.16242770
File: 109 KB, 512x512, cheezitfiestataco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never forgive them for this.

>> No.16242798

I remember in 2014 or so, the price of Klondike bars skyrocketed and I stopped buying them because they were $5-7 dollars for a pack.

>> No.16243118
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They've confirmed they will never make them against in the UK Literally because of Muslims

>> No.16243158
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Embodiment of my childhood. Do they still make these or is it just hard to find?

>> No.16243198

They still make them. I occasionally buy a pack of them from dollar general and man they are good

>> No.16243309


>> No.16243315
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Yes fellow gen x anon I think they were wheat, and maybe one of the first pizza flavored anything.

>> No.16243318
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>> No.16243329
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Miss these so much

>> No.16243330

A friend bought me some recently. It tastes just like I remembered, and still loses its flavor in about 15 seconds of chewing.

>> No.16243345

Dude yes, chew cherry and lemon together, that's my favourite

>> No.16243355

The key is to chew all flavours at once and have your mouth full, it's the best

>> No.16243430

in germany it's available all year long lel

>> No.16243751
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>> No.16243799
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>> No.16243822
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>> No.16243842

That's... not discontinued, is it?

>> No.16244749
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haven't been to taco bell since they discontinued

>> No.16245087

Was this the same as the ninja turtles pizza chips? Cause I remember those being great too, I one time beat up a girl in school just to get her bag of em.

>> No.16245698
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>> No.16246486
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>> No.16246504
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This is the greatest Dorito ever made and there's not even a close second. And apparently I'm the only one on the planet who enjoyed them.

>> No.16246513

i liked the burger variation

>> No.16246534

I cant think of anything today that uses wheat tortillas deep fried. Taco Bell's "taco lite" had that and it was great. But now its unheard of, it must have required some super unhealthy trans-fats or something so it was just eliminated.

>> No.16246546
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feel like shit just want her back (the chicken bacon club variety anyway), runner up would be those “Deluxe” long round fudgesicles I can’t find anywhere

>> No.16246614

Unless that anon is talking about Beef specifically, but we sell those a lot at my Target.

>> No.16246828
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Yeah bro that's why I'm team chimichanga when we get takeout pic not rel but also awesome

>> No.16246839

Your stupid

>> No.16246850


Why would you chew gum to quench thirst? Wouldn't you drink water or something?

>> No.16246855

We get them every Christmas season in Australia for some reason

>> No.16246863

had to scroll way too far, too many zoomzooms around here now, with their "tiktok" and their "functioning arteries from not eating p.b. crisps"

i saw someone bought a decades old unopened bag, flavor wasn't quite there though :/

>> No.16248194

For me, it was the Buffalo Ranch Doritos Bold.

>> No.16248200

forget about sauce

>> No.16248207
File: 48 KB, 500x336, image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget what they took from you

>> No.16248235

god i fucking miss my volcano burritos

>> No.16248639

These were identical to Rustlers. You just have to replace the bun because microwaved bread is disgusting

>> No.16248787

Garlic bread crust Digiorno was the shit

>> No.16249374

fuck i miss those

>> No.16249380

i miss the chili cheese burritos so bad anon, i understand your pain well.

>> No.16249396
File: 13 KB, 251x201, download (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so tired of the million different varieties of mint and random fruit flavors bros
why can't they make anything interesting anymore

>> No.16249435

Hard to find. I saw them at Dollar Tree the other day in che checkout aisle.

>> No.16249439

You're a fucking idiot.
No it's not.

>> No.16249468
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>> No.16249473
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>> No.16249524
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These being discontinued is one of the sources for my depression.

>> No.16249554
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How did I miss these fuck me

>> No.16249563

shame that a product was inspired by such a shitty comic

>> No.16249822
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Really miss this shit

>> No.16249898

I remember having a bottle with my lunch every day in middle school, since there was a vending machine in the cafeteria.

>> No.16249921

This shit was hella weird... and I even like Chef Boyardee

It LOOKED good as fuck, I'll give you that. But I never bought this more than the one time

>> No.16250213

i remember jetting neon pink vomit all over a parking lot as a kid after eating this stuff

>> No.16250217

my millenial

>> No.16250236

Turning yoghurt and cereal into candy was a war crime.

>> No.16250240

What the hell is ice cream sugar?

>> No.16250244

it sucks

>> No.16250512
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prolly most remembered for its ad. It was a God tier candy tho

>> No.16251774
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i dont think this is discontinued but since the coof started i havent been able to find this anywhere

>> No.16251889

Is Salsa Verde Dorito's gone? I can't find them anywhere

>> No.16251911

Pepsi twist

>> No.16251968


>> No.16251991

every single one of those coke make your own drink with flavorings machines has this.

>> No.16252017

oh you mean the choco choco taco

>> No.16252066

Don't ask questions

>> No.16252078 [DELETED] 

Tell us your recipe for tangerine altoids

>> No.16252115
File: 24 KB, 300x573, 00021130210350-uO9Aai8WqeVRAomr-en-US-0_s500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these.
My store doesn't carry this variety anymore.

>get make some tendies at home
>they're tendies bro, they all taste the same
>quit memeing about tendies, just get another brand

No. You don't understand. Not only have I been painstakingly trying other frozen chicken products for YEARS. Not one has come close to the taste, shape and texture the way these used to hit. Firmer and meatier than the average nugget but it was somewhere between breast strip and chicken nugget (fillers and all). Even the breading was properly distributed, usually didn't peel off the chicken when microwaved and absorbed sauces like a towel if I wanted to change up the flavor a bit.

I've tried so many nuggets and tenders for years and still more I haven't tried because my store doesn't carry any and venturing outside my usual branch is best left to Instacart days.
Not one fucking chicken product thus far has even came close to these. Perhaps I'm wrong, maybe they just had a rebrand and I've been missing it the whole time

What I wouldn't give to have a freezer chest full of these.

>> No.16252230
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The McDonalds Jalapeno double.
It was fucking great.

>> No.16252294

Good post. I haven't had those specific, but I know exactly what you mean about having to explain to people that no, such and such particular store-bought/fast food item is NOT the same as whatever you can "just make yourself." I've had to give people that whole spiel several times. No, you as a home cook can actually not replicate the exact taste and texture of such and such item at home. Why? Because you don't have access to mass scale production, exact measurements, obscure ingredients, and whatever chemicals they use. Not to mention the actual fucking recipe/formula. Half the time they get pissed that I have the audacity to actually enjoy shit from the store or the freezer. "But I can make you one that's better!" I will gladly eat whatever you make, and be grateful for it. But you cannot replicate everything. Gets me heated just typing it out. Anyway, I hope you find them again, pal. We don't have Safeway here or I'd check mine for you.

>> No.16252308

Thafuk? I can't really see frozen hot dogs or hamburgers working out, seems like the bun would just turn into some greasy soggy mess

>> No.16252348

bread freezes just fine.

>> No.16252397

That burger was fucking fantastic

>> No.16252991

Gonna get these. Thanks m8

>> No.16253003


>> No.16253014

Oh damn I never liked Trix but these were tasty fuckerrs.

>> No.16253030

I didn't eat taco bell for 15 years because I lived next door to a cheap taqueria but then I was staying at my mom's and she asked if I wanted anything from there so I looked up their menu and got a few volcano items and I was fucking obsessed with that shit. I barely eat there again since they got rid of that stuff. It wasn't even overly spicy just the right amount and tasted the best.

>> No.16253066
File: 2.64 MB, 1440x1080, altoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these motherfuckers

>> No.16253102

There used to be french toast sticks with blueberries in them when I was a kid. They seem to have been scratched off the face of the internet. I can't find a single piece of info on them.

>> No.16253111

>This is the greatest Dorito ever made
While it was practically god-tier the cheeseburger ones were superior.

>> No.16253134
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>> No.16253156
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>> No.16253254
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Not a day goes by where I don't miss the fuck out of these. They were sold to DeMet's and they no longer manufacture them.

>> No.16253369
File: 50 KB, 600x360, DFE1A04F-6616-4E95-8C30-A859B9882CD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss you so bad bro. You were only a dollar and I never even got to say goodbye

>> No.16253409
File: 54 KB, 512x512, 83c25bd96d8c0b65b01c48805c96b812_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freschetta is the best frozen pizza brand
ah shit i remember these
these were ok at best
these were so good
for me its pic rel, although the cheetos asteroids were pretty good. i used to get those with that weird tea/juice drink you could get in a glass bottle.

>> No.16253413

dont be sad that she's gone anon, just be happy that it happened.

>> No.16253422
File: 12 KB, 680x315, 120134154_1238747246508486_6240973059078773022_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread is still here bitch. i fart on you.

>> No.16254115

Damn, which residence hall?

>> No.16254243

Seasonal. Christmas time.
They recently brought back 3d Doritos. I've got some here rn.

>> No.16254259

These return sometimes.
All of the ingredients are still there. Potato burrito no sour cream add jalapeno sauce and grill it please. Wa la

>> No.16254262
File: 225 KB, 600x350, 6D7AA4CE-1F54-4D12-B533-B37793FE7871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn this brings me back, ironically my favorite flavor was the mint chocolate ice cream but it was crazy how accurate these tasted to the actual desserts

>> No.16254269
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a joke, Mark. A Christmas joke

>> No.16254276
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...o-oh... I see...

>> No.16254292

Muslims were right about this. McRib is absolutely haram

>> No.16254462

i'll make an exception for that one, it was pretty great too tbdesu

>> No.16254475

The one and only time I bought these I got a carton entirely full of breading because the pieces were so tiny. It was terrible.

>> No.16254621

>replace the bun
Fucking retard just grill the bun instead of microwaving it FUCK retards like you piss me off

>> No.16254626

Fuck off back to redit, loser.

>> No.16256061

He means the tear and dip ones