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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16235992 No.16235992 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had prison/fail food?

How was it?

>> No.16235994


>> No.16236003


>> No.16236005

wing ching ning pon yu

>> No.16236007

Once a policeman gave me a sandwich in the drunk tank. It was alright

>> No.16236008

You failed bro

>> No.16236015

I think they put some kind of drug in the water

>> No.16236032

honestly i swear to God it was the same vendor as my public elementary school. square pizzas and watery sides of canned corn, "smokies" with a single tortilla, those little burritos with the yellow brown industrial paste inside, pressed chicken patty sandwiches, etc.

>> No.16236034

Yes when I did time in prison they were putting battery acid in my food in order to turn me into a robot I had to remove at least twelve microtransistors from my arms under the cover of dark while the guards shouted at me telling me to kill myself. I am still being targeted in this cyborg reclamation program and the guards still stalk me outside my house and break into my home to put more battery acid in my food. I subsist only on raw rice now and I also practice meditation in order to attune with the machine spirity and kill him. I feel powerful every day

>> No.16236042
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Home of the free indeed

>> No.16236051

I was just talking about some sort of laxative but okay.

>> No.16236059

shouted at me telling me to kill myself
we're all doing that now too

>> No.16236060

Eggo waffles with some weird sugar free syrup that tasted like pure Splenda and Sunny D to drink. Only one guy in the jail wanted to eat it, is other 5 guys gave us all his portions. I got bonded out shortly after.

>> No.16236064
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>it's another "zoomer whines about his school lunch" post
Go to jail and cry more.

>> No.16236067

You can't fool me mutant

>> No.16236083

Nope. Never did shit, like shooting around, uses drugs like it was toothpaste, no adicction and
pro: im not an American. So no jail. Everything is fine ^^ pro-plus: im German, if I go to jail I'm writing a book and become the new leader of my folk. Everything is fine - again.

>> No.16236086

>I'm German
I'd rather go to jail for life than be that

>> No.16236093

I learned if you're going to get arrested do it in a nice part of town.
The county jail in the rich areas is generally better cleaned, and has better food.

You got lucky. Where I live they give you literal slop.

>> No.16236098

I've eaten this exact meal before, and it's really not all that bad if you're smart enough to buy salt, and pepper from the commissary.
It's the "nutriloaf" that is inedible.

>> No.16236113

What’d you do time for

>> No.16236116

>he doesn't fill an empty Bob Barker bottle with soup packets and water to make a "hot sauce"

>> No.16236149

Tasted creamy and salted

>> No.16236156

Indecent sexual contact with a minor

>> No.16236166
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>> No.16236192

I used to like to get really drunk, and cause trouble.

>> No.16236203

So you admit to having a small penis huh?

>> No.16236205

Hrhr... Yeah.. Go get some phenta and get jailed lifetime if don't pay tickets in time.. Or hey or get your little kids shot in kindergarden, lose your home cause even your dentist want x-k bucks cause a single tooth. And don't forgive the daily shot of niggers, that's a pro for you, isn't it? Oh and education... I see u learned to write... Niiiice bro, top level american. You can write AND eat 10000 kk at the same time. Thanks cartman, don't forget to hail the flag bevore fapping. And again: you can write AND read, nice dude, u have to be some of the 2percent of the amis out there.

>> No.16236211


Yes its really dumb stuff like cooking ramen in a hot pot, then you add stuff like tuna and hot cheeto dust to give it flavor. In prison you eat 3 times more sodium probably

>> No.16236224

It’s called fluoride

>> No.16236231


My jail gave us a buffet once a day. Food was crap like mac n cheese, bean stew, fried Chinese rice, cheese burgers, and hot dogs. All u can eat.

>> No.16236251

Our commie ran out of all ramen flavors except chicken and chili one time. Stayed that way for almost a month. Instead of cancelling orders they just sent everybody chicken and chili instead of what they ordered. I ate 25 chicken ramens in a week.

>> No.16236263

It's unspectacularly average. Sorry to disapoint.

>> No.16236266

Buffet as in not serve though, right?

>> No.16236271

*As in not *self*-serve, I meant

>> No.16236288

There was a week when everyone in my pod who ordered potato chips all got jalapeno flavor. Literally ANY flavor, but that was like gold for a week.

>> No.16236308

Buffet style typically implies it's self serve.

>> No.16236310

I remember one week they doubled up on everybody's order and the day it came in was a massive celebration. Then they charged everyone for the extra and didn't send commie the next week and people were scrounging for soup packets. I was the poor faggot on the block who was just in for a bench warrant, but I ate good then peaced out before I had to pay of debts.

>> No.16236347

Isn't that dangerous letting cons dish their own food?

>> No.16236403

It's dangerous letting them have access to weights too, but they let them do it anyway.

>> No.16236489

>Buffet style typically implies it's self serve.

No corona changed all that. for example Cici's pizza currently has their food behind plastic windows now, and you have to ask them what you want. At another buffet in my town, self-serve but you need a new glove and wear a mask each time u grab the food. Jail buffet sounds cool but its like the same stuff every single day.

>> No.16236511

pretty fucking good actually

there wa sa burrito option

>> No.16236527

So basically if I'm desperate and hungry, just get a arrested. Noted.

>> No.16236552
File: 1.52 MB, 2629x1403, Nutraloaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prisoners should only have bread and water.

>> No.16236556

>be land of the free
>largest prison population in the world

>> No.16236591

most amer*cans go to prison once in their lives, they have more prison culture than Russia lol

>> No.16236601

Never been to prison or jail and if anyone tries it. We're going to have a shoot out.
>suicide by cop

>> No.16236610


Did you do it though?

>> No.16236640

>Berg lettuce

>> No.16236648

I thought Germans were supposed to be smart. Can anyone translate this to freedom speech?

>> No.16236655

I used to work as a prison guard in my state, and the sloppa they served the inmates was actually not that bad as far as prison food goes. It was like the equivalent of what an elementary school student would eat but slightly worse.

All of it was soy based, however, so after a while the inmates would start getting bitch tits and shit bodies if they ate the shit 3 times a day, every day.

>> No.16236751


Is it true guards in the women prisons have fun with them?

>> No.16236912
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>> No.16236921

No, but i hear it’s much better than prison sex

>> No.16236937

Yeah, in public school. You know it's the same company, right?

>> No.16236944

The vendor is called National Food Group and you are absolutely correct

>> No.16236955

Is it weird that I really wanna take a huge bite of that loaf?

>> No.16236961
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>> No.16236977

is it true women exist?

>> No.16237006


So, yes? I knew. They probably get to strip search them and everything.

>> No.16237069

>t was like the equivalent of what an elementary school student would eat but slightly worse.
Same vendor.

>> No.16237105

I've never had prison food, but I have done a lengthy stint in a jail. The food was of the low quality you would expect/has been mentioned here. The thing was that jail life was so simultaneously soul-numbing and nightmarish that the food was a welcome reprieve and actually quite enjoyable. It wasn't the "3 hots and a cot" security blanket thing; it was simply the opportunity to taste something. Though the people in there who were in for much longer than I was grew to hate it, and I can certainly understand why.

I've known a number of people who have been to prison. From what I hear, the daily meals were the same date. But I have heard of some truly creative recipes that people have come up with considering their limited resources: those being whatever they can snuggle out of the cafeteria or purchase at the commissary. I knew a guy that would autistically spin jars of peanut butter on the ground to whip it, take bread and jelly out of the cafeteria, then process them all into some kind of makeshift strawberry shortcake roll. It actually sounded really good. More aren't coming to mind right now, but if you attend an NA meeting and talk to somebody with bad tattoos, they can probably give you some more prison recipes.

>> No.16237159

>not getting free cheese sticks from the lunch lady

>> No.16237169

please try remember more id like to hear some jail recipes

>> No.16237210

It's happened, but it's usually the other way around. Female COs tend to fuck around with male inmates and get caught.

Women's prison is awful in its own way because you're dealing with ugly, butch-type bitches who will try to fling their bloody tampons at guards.

>> No.16237218

I don't think the details are going to come to mind. I got out of all that a long time ago. I know that ramen is used to make all kinds of sweet and savory dishes. Corn chips as well. And there is of course fermenting fruit into wine/aperitif/whatever. And getting assraped, shooting up heroin/smoking weed even though you're in a high security institution. If you search, you'll get more info than I can provide.

They put salt peter in the food. It's an open secret. They've been doing it forever. They give it to kids in schools and summer camps.

>> No.16237242

Who literally gets gravy on their food loaf?

>> No.16237322


True. Lets say there's a country voting a racist billionaire for president with the ability to atomic bombs.. .. (hypothetical spoken...) that country should be nuked... Silly idiots..? Don't you think so? That's ridiculous... Wouldn't be happen in the laaand of theee........

>> No.16237346

Are you just drunk or a week into some other hard drug bender?

>> No.16237357

Are all germans schizos?

>> No.16237366

I was in the county jail drunk tank for a day. Fried rice with chicken for lunch, and a side of canned mandarin oranges, dinner was spaghetti with meat sauce, “garic bread” aka toast with butter and garlic powder, and canned green beans.

They gave me a lot of food, it wasn’t bad just very bland. I assume prison food is probably worse.

>> No.16237384

If you've ever had to deal with German engineering, you'd realize they're a bunch of fuckin retards

>> No.16237393

Think of it this way, anon. Both Communism and National Socialism came from Germany. All the good Germans left for America in the 17 and 1800s. The only ones left are insane.

>> No.16237407

>actually not that bad as far as prison food goes.
"as far as prison food goes" includes actual torture through intentionally disgusting food, so.

>> No.16237491

Based schizo Deutsch

>> No.16237533


>> No.16237559
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>> No.16237654
File: 9 KB, 309x213, koopum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows what's up

>> No.16237843


>> No.16238640
File: 450 KB, 1770x1437, 20210606_182231_copy_1770x1437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this prison ramen last night

>> No.16238730

I was only there for 24 hours but my dining experience was as follows:
>4 pieces of bologna
>2 pieces of American cheese
>4 pieces of bread
>2 mustard packets
>2 sandwich cookies
>6 fl oz carton of "orange juice" or "grape juice"
They called these sack lunches and that was my lunch and dinner for day 1
>Instant grits
>Scrambled egg
>1 piece of toast
> 6 fl oz carton of "orange juice"
>1 packet each of salt, pepper, and sugar
I had no idea what the sugar was for until I saw all the darkies mixing it into their grits

>> No.16238755

No, and I pride myself on that.

>> No.16238759

Not him, but there aren't any guilty men in prison.

>> No.16238765

I was in the county jail for three days. Breakfast was always the same: some cheerios, a carton of milk, a piece of coffee/yellow cake and a packet of apple jelly.
The lunch and dinner were a little more varied: chicken or bologna patty with two pieces of bread or shredded potatoes, two hot dogs with two pieces of bread, two tortillas with taco stuff (ground beef, boiled beans, rice, salsa and lettuce), some salad mix from the bag with dressing and a piece of the same cake again. Oh and always a packet of orange or grape flavored juice powder you would mix with water in your plastic cup. Overall not too bad just bland, the rice/beans/potatoes were completely unseasoned, not even salted.

>> No.16238769


mid 90's BMW 3 series?

>> No.16238771

>fruit cocktail
>mixed vegetables
Looks fine to me nutritionally speaking, but milk doesn't come in bags in the US.

>> No.16238788

ok, chang

>> No.16238791

Did 8 months in jail and the food wasn’t bad.