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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16235855 No.16235855 [Reply] [Original]

*filters americans*

>> No.16235880
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>> No.16235891

>filters everyone with taste

>> No.16235913

These aren't available in their original formulation in a lot of countries, including the US, because of all the added vitamin fortification. Apparently here in Denmark, there was a legal issue where the products were effectively classified as a "nutritional supplement" and not food, but the companies didn't want to go through the hoops and taxes so they just made versions without all the added crap. It has a different texture and slightly different taste.

>> No.16235959
File: 32 KB, 657x527, ETRrRyIXkAcmC04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they taste different

>> No.16236017

Yes. Very.

>> No.16236021

Marmite >>>>>>>>> everything else

>> No.16236092

It does! A food so gross even Americans won't eat it.

>> No.16236182
File: 14 KB, 300x300, ozemite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck's going on in this bloody thread you flamin' galah cunts?

>> No.16236189
File: 62 KB, 549x558, images (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy PS2 when it comes out
>Comes with 2 controllers, 2 games, 2 movies, video store vouchers and 2 jars of Ozemite

>> No.16236190


>> No.16236372

i don't understand how people make gravy and don't add vegemite to it

>> No.16236381

learn to use it correctly.

>> No.16236398
File: 52 KB, 589x535, hgjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make a habanero/spring onion/garlc/cream and vegemite dip that people seem to love. makes for a good dip with jatz/ritz and whatever

>> No.16236690

RIP tricky dickies.
I remember going as a kid it was full of transistors and hobbyist stuff and before it closes it was full of none of that. Now Ruslan owns it.
Old Dick made his money in the 80s selling to woolies so he doesn't actually give a stuff. All his food is now gone from shelves.

>> No.16236957


>> No.16236974
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Marmite is so much better, it's not even a contest.

>> No.16237154

American here. I fucking love this stuff.

>> No.16237168

most americans haven't been exposed to it at all and if they have, it was heaped onto a piece of toast like it's peanut butter or something instead of spread lightly over some butter or maybe cream cheese.

>> No.16237193

i come from a land down under

>> No.16237206
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Based. Promite is severely underrated.

>> No.16237252

People outside of the UK don't know what you're talking about OP

>> No.16237417

do you speak-a my language?

>> No.16237422

are you trying to tempt me? because i come from the land of plenty.

>> No.16237442

>Being proud of eating shit

>> No.16238426

Fuck off dogcunt marmite is 100 times better than ur shitty marmite

>> No.16238439

Agree with this, I would eat it on toast or make soup stock with it.

>> No.16238490
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>> No.16238505

>filters anyone who isn’t a descendant of criminal scum who, themselves, were “filtered” by decent society.
Both marmite and bovril are far superior to vegefelon.

>> No.16238752
File: 178 KB, 625x264, 1604515430911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the NZ version of Marmite tastes miles superior to the UK version.
but i'm not a faggot so I eat Vegemite instead

>> No.16238756

RIP Dickies
My dad used to know him thru Ham Radio. Apparently he was a top fucking bloke.

>> No.16238762

Promite's fucking great in a nice beef stew.
I never eat it on toast but i always have some to put a spoon or two into stew or curry.

>> No.16238763
File: 94 KB, 382x302, le racist rugby man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is a pro-australian board, I demand you shitbongs fuck off immediately

>> No.16238796

as fish bait?

>> No.16239449

i love how deported bongs who live in a desert about to be invaded by slant-eyes think anybody cares about their fungal yeast infection condiments

>> No.16240024

What does that taste like? Also what's the food that bear with the coat makes sandwiches of?

>> No.16240049

>/ck/ is a pro-australian board
Australian hours are horrible. There's a couple hours of overlap when Australian kids get home from school and bongs are waking up and this place is pretty much unbrowsable. That said, you can get Marmite and Vegemite in any grocery store in America, but most people don't bother to try it. Those who do usually say "meh". Calling that "getting filtered" is straight cope from the two places with the worst food among 1st world countries.

>> No.16240063
File: 135 KB, 325x325, BTB_Package_8oz_Seasoned_Vegetable_Base-2017[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have it. we just don't try to turn it into salt sandwiches.

>> No.16240100

South African Marmite > Vegemite > UK/NZ Marmite

Don't agree? COPE

>> No.16240122

I'm American and I unironically enjoy Marmite

>> No.16240126

this is fucking trash

>> No.16240170

This Danish fag is a simp for the US where they don't like strong flavours.
No one in either Australia, New Zealand or the UK hates the taste of either of these spreads, except when people spread it on too thick.
Or don't use real butter under it on toast.
Cry like a faggot if you must, but this spread is gold, especially if there is a poached egg (with runny yolk) on top of the toast.

>> No.16240175

Promite is for homosexuals like anon

>> No.16240184

Oh man, this reminds me of my high school days where our biology teacher decided the school rules could go fuck itself and played a movie during his class while handing out crumpets with marmite.

>> No.16240186

Posted by a seppo cunt

>> No.16240197

This and only this.
Fucking useless wog hedge managers.

>> No.16240210

>>Being proud of eating shit
Easy there Amerifat, your culture is showing.

Ha Ha Ha Ha

>> No.16240215

I live in America and I can't get marmite at any of my local grocery stores. The only british product I recall seeing is Heinz baked beans, which I covet because they aren't as sweet as other baked beans.

>> No.16240220

>Posts homo's padded up and wearing makeup.

Fuck sakes....

>> No.16240227

>can't get marmite at any of my local grocery stores
You either live in a fucking village completely off the grid or haven't looked. You can get it everywhere.

>> No.16240229

you tried and failed

>> No.16240233

australians are literally a joke on 4chan and 4channel

>> No.16240238

Never been to Aussie have you, you dumb cunt?
The weather is always great, the food is even better than the slop than Americans eat.
Get a fucking clue, Juan.

>> No.16240240

I live in the largest major city in my region, and it is a somewhat wealthier city albeit not some highrise infested shithole, there just isn't really a market for import goods like that.

>> No.16240242

too bad the inhabitants are dumb as shit and also retarded

>> No.16240246

Pretty sure you can buy it at Walmart; that sounds like your speed.

>> No.16240248

Woah, the absolute cope from this faggot.....

>> No.16240260

I avoid my local walmart like the plague since it's filled with chugs, but a cursory search revealed that they do not carry it there.

>> No.16240265

Its just salt paste. Good on buttery toast, but not exactly something that can be counted as cultural. You are a cultureless people.

>> No.16240294

>Its just salt paste.
No faggot, it's a by-product of brewing.
Imagine you and your soy bro's open-mouthed pointing at this, because that's how you come across.

>> No.16240298

Well yeah, that's America in a nutshell.

>> No.16240305
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>The weather is always great

I would unironically rather live in mexcrement

>> No.16240344

How do I spread Marmite, shit's so fucking dense it doesn't want to go on bread without ripping it to bits. Should I put the jar in hot water before spreading to make it softer or something?

>> No.16240370

Murricans love getting 3000% of their daily sodium intake

>> No.16240373
File: 178 KB, 296x197, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Angela White

>> No.16240380

i remember one of my teachers brought back vegimite for the kids to try after a vacation she took
surprisingly only like 2-3 people didnt like it

i guess we hear all the time of how bad it is when you actually try it your like oh its not that bad

>> No.16240389

embarrassing slut, you americans can keep her.

>> No.16240395

Seethe that the most famous woman your country has produced is a slut

>> No.16240400

Spread it on hot bread

>> No.16240401
File: 130 KB, 1047x909, b vg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always seethe, I'm ethnically hungarian and i swear 50% of the women there are fucking pornstars

>> No.16240797

That's the only kind I've seen for sale in my area, and it's surprising I found any locally at all. I like it, especially on crackers with parmesan for extra saltiness.

That's pretty nasty and I much prefer subbing marmite. But it is useful as a reference when explaining the taste to others, though "it's like a spoonful of bouillon paste" doesn't turn many people onto it.

>> No.16240838


>> No.16241885

>using rat poison to bait fish
Do angloids really?

>> No.16241944

I'm an American and I use both vegemite and marmite. The latter is simply better.

>> No.16241971

>you can get Marmite and Vegemite in any grocery store in America
no you cant dipshit

>> No.16243576

Yes you can. It's usually either by the honey or in the import aisle.

>> No.16243623

For all of the memes about how terrible vegemite is, this doesn't sound like it tastes bad at all. Why someone would put it on a sandwich is beyond me, though. There are so many better things to put on bread.

>> No.16244121

BTB is nothing like Vegemite. It's basically concentrated stock, which restaurants have used for decades (except BTB is kind of a shitty home version - despite actually being better than bouillon cubes for most things). I just looked up the ingredients, and it does contain yeast extract, but that's honestly just a signifier that it's cheap garbage, and it's listed after soy protein and corn syrup; so, yeah.

>> No.16244250

not him but you can.
when traveling was a thing before the virus, I've seen it all over the US, Canada, all thru SouthEast Asia and even in Japan and Korea.
My Jap ex-gf fucking loved the stuff.

>> No.16244254

I tried to bring it with me when I emigrated and my cleaner threw it out because she thought it had rotted. I didn't get a replacement for years.

>> No.16244257

You seem pretty arse-blasted, have you considered a marmite and cheese sandwich?

>> No.16244451


>> No.16244463

Promite is fucking horrible.

>> No.16244548

but pa might not

>> No.16245220
File: 3.56 MB, 4072x3054, Marmite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'murrican here. I went shopping tonight and only found Marmite - but it was just a small, local chain grocery store in a smallish town. I'm sure I've seen Vegemite a million times before (but honestly can't remember which is which, because nobody here really cares).

>> No.16245369

Terrible pun joke but here's a you because I actually got it.

>> No.16245571

Vegemite was called Parwill for a while.

>> No.16245767

filter this!
*prolapses anus*

>> No.16245774

Par will, but Mar Mite not.

>> No.16246002

I hate you

>> No.16247570

Don't get your panties in a twist, dear.

>> No.16247616

Vegemite is too sweet and doesn't have a kick to it like marmite does.
Don't fall for bogan propaganda.