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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16231257 No.16231257 [Reply] [Original]

What are you cooking right now? You are cooking today, right? For me it's bacon and baby potatoes

>> No.16231266
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little ginger would be good on this right once it's cooked?

>> No.16231276

>baby potatoes
Didn't know such a thing existed, how are they?

>> No.16231278

tiny potatoes in a pot
they cook with bacon
and now they're hot

>> No.16231299
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The fuck is this? A human leg?
Buttery and sweeter than the big ones. Try them out if you see them.

>> No.16231320

>Buttery and sweeter than the big ones.
This is why fingerlings are the best spuds imo.
I'll grab some if I see some, thx!

>> No.16231324

I’m sick, so I just made chicken breast with white rice.

>> No.16231334

Make just some chicken
with plain rice
it may be simple
but it's nice

>> No.16231335
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Yeah baby, that's all ya need

>> No.16231356

I have some leftover italian sausage, some spinach, and canned crushed tomatoes, will probably make some pasta sauce and put some feta on top

>> No.16231361

too many potatoes but well done anyways

>> No.16231366

>there's too many potatoes in the potatoes

>> No.16231372
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(Repostan from another thread, sue me if you want)
I tried some wild edibles i found during a walk. Was pretty gud and exciting, never had burdock before

>Burdock stalks with nettle
>Potatoes with wild garlic
>Hollandaise sauce

>> No.16231379

Post a better pic please

>> No.16231384
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That looks cool, what are those fuzzy stems?
Too late for that, friend

>> No.16231394

Umm, sir...there's flowers in your food

>> No.16231398

Pretentious wanker

>> No.16231408
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>what are those fuzzy stems?
They are burdock stems. You pick the biennial flower stalk before it actually flowers and you peel it to reveal the white and tender core. Texture/flavour is akin to salsify and white asparagus, in this instance i have boiled them and rolled them on some powdered nettles.

>> No.16231409

Purple deadnettle flowers?

>> No.16231414

Yes but they're edible, i used the leaves to flavour the potatoes. It's ground ivy

I just felt like trying something new

>> No.16231415

why do you have a tumour on your arm?

>> No.16231423

They are blood vessels. Got em from my da'

Ground ivy

>> No.16231426
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those potatoes are looking crispy

>> No.16231434

They were perfect

>> No.16231438

looks delicious

>> No.16231442

I'll be making some chicken chop suey later with some rice. Garlic and ginger to start, then onions, then chicken. Carrots, mushrooms, bok choy stems and sautee for a bit, then the leaves, some chiles, and some bean sprouts with a sauce made from soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, and a little sambal.

Will come back and post a picture, it's going to be tasty.

>> No.16231445

they're scary

>> No.16231446

recipe? what is this?

>> No.16231448

I disagree with your ordering

>> No.16231459

not him but fuck you

>> No.16231474

I was told gals love veiny arms?

>> No.16231478

Disagree all you want but with Chinese cooking you start with aromatics and then add foods in the order of cook-times.

>> No.16231488
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Made a nice fat omelet this morning with some bacon and avocado on the side. The filling is onions and spinach seasoned with parsley (didn't have any garlic on hand unfortunately), and mozzarella and parmesan with a some feta crumbles. Good stuff.

>> No.16231492
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Some finer wisco meats and cheeses with some beers before DnD

>> No.16231493

I don't but I'm sure some do

>> No.16231497
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Watch out, that Kirby looks mighty hungry!

>> No.16231502

It's potatoes, bacon, and broccoli fried in a pan.
I start with the bacon in a cold pan and put the heat on medium to sweat the fat out before it starts really cooking. Then when the pan is full of grease, add the diced potatoes and turn the heat up high and cook it until it looks good. Broccoli cooks shorter than potatoes so I add that near the end. That's all.

>> No.16231508
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>the kirby
that is the cutest shit ever, do you have more food pics with him?

>> No.16231520
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>before DnD
How's the campaign going?

>> No.16231532

Just about to hit lvl 8 as my paladin. We got tons of painted minis and a TV built into a table for changing maps n shit. Super comfy

>> No.16231540
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>making some caramelized sugar to mix in with apples and banana for something, didn't even know, but I wanted to do that first
>sugar really slow to caramelize but I didn't mind
>starts faintly smelling of caramel nicely
>leave it on the stove for longer
>stirring it when it suddenly goes from a pale golden color to dark orange in seconds
>taste it and it's burnt
>its a bitch to clean off

what the fuck

now instead of adding some butter and then pouring in the sliced apples and bananas, cooking them through, and leaving something delicious that I can eat or use to make something in the morning, now I have to clean this fucking pot with burnt caramel sticking to everywhere FUCKCKK

>> No.16231569

thanks anon

>> No.16231572

I tried dnd a couple times with my friends but none of us had the autismos to actually pull it off well.

Try making a sugar suryp first with some water and boiling that until desired colour. I find it takes some of the stress off the process

>> No.16231574

>suddenly goes from a pale golden color to dark orange in seconds
Yeah, caramel can be a bitch to make. Wait until you get a little splash on your skin, burns like napalm.

>> No.16231586

Not bad, ever tried to add some onions?

>> No.16231594

Both kinds of cheese nice

>> No.16231626

>powdered nettles

Pls. Tell me moar.

>> No.16231653

Yes, usually do but today I only had a really big onion and it would've been too big to use. I don't like having half an onion sitting around.

>> No.16231692
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I pick some nettles, either young stalks or the leaves of older plants. I dry them in a dehydrator, althou i reckon you could just hang small bunches to dry on their own (might affect the colour some). Then i just grind some up with a pestle and mortar until it's powdery and depending on the application i sift it.

Gives a nice, dull green colour and a powerful nettle-taste.

>> No.16231693
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Homemade ricotta spinach ravioli with sage butter and a poached egg

>> No.16231718

Thought so - bacon, onions and potatoes just work so well together.
And frying the onions in the bacon grease is such a great base to add other things - cabbage, Brussel sprouts, savoy, ...

>> No.16231731

Ravioli looks good, what type of dough did you use?

>> No.16231739

What does nettle taste like? How many applications are there for nettle powder? I don't mean this in a negative way but this sounds ridiculous.
This looks incredible, what kind of nuts are those

>> No.16231744

looks amazing, would devour

>> No.16231749
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Thanks, man. Tried to find one, but my files and shit are all disorganized. But next time I cook something worth a pic I'll post another Kirby. I did find some sushi I made like a week ago. No Kirby here, but the sushi making kit came with some nice little wooden ducks.

>> No.16231779

Just a standard 00 flour 100gr to one egg, lil bit of olive oil. I overcooked them a bit.
Pine nuts

>> No.16231790

The ducks are rests for the chopsticks

>> No.16231792

Hmm, it's kinda hard describing nettle. I'd say it's like a really strong spinach with some herbal and grassy tones. really just a unique taste, pretty strong too in a good sense. A classic application where i live would be to make some nettle crepes but you can use the powder anywhere you would use flour for example or where you want a green tint or flavour. It's also just really nutritious (compared to other plants), lots of protein, iron, calcium and other minerals, vitamin c etc.

>> No.16231800

I've been tampering with a 50% hydration semolina and water -dough for fresh pasta, it's super quick and tasty in rustic shapes

>> No.16231810
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This was yesterday pasta with lemon dill marinated salmon

>> No.16231818
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No problems with sticking when rolling it through the pasta maker?

>> No.16231841

I shape it by hand into orrechiette or cencioni usually, but i don't see why it would stick to the rollers? 50% is pretty dry still, especially after dusting

>> No.16231850
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the ducks are v cute too
>But next time I cook something worth a pic I'll post another Kirby.
thanks anon be sure to ping me

>> No.16231860
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I'll have to give it a shot

>> No.16231947

Great looking fennels btw, did you use a pan or a grill?

>> No.16232028

Cast iron skillet

>> No.16232047

Not going to lie, I'm a bit down and that looks comfy as fuck. Maybe add an onion so I have an excuse for the tears.

>> No.16232090

bro theres ants in your sauce

>> No.16232145

This whole thread is mad comfy tbqh

>> No.16232164
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Whoa, i didn't see em there. The dish needed some protein anyway

>> No.16232245
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Dough for the guava paste bread is rising.
Probably gonna make some doenjang jigae for dinner

>> No.16232284


Next time, try roasting your bacon first. With water in the potatoes now evaporating in that crowded pan you'll end up with steamed hams.
Also I have never seen micro potatoes, are they local to where you live?


based and saved

>> No.16232871
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Just finished eating this. If y’all want I could tell you the recipe.

>> No.16232877

You could start by saying what the fuck this blob is even supposed to be

>> No.16232898

Fancy Feast?

>> No.16232905

Not sure if there’s a fancy name for it, but I think ill call it dog food when I make it again.

>> No.16232995
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Aldi take and bake pizza. Turned out good.

>> No.16232998

Had a lot of mismatched stuff, so what I did was took a frozen hamburger patty, and brown/smash it. After that I added some leftover deli turkey that I had to get rid of and a packet of tuna, as well as some turkey pepperoni. Add salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder and some chipotle. Cook that for a few more minutes and then I added around a quarter cup of bbq sauce and about 1.5 tbsp of Dijon mustard. It’s served on a stale piece of white bread with some white American cheese on it. Sprinkled with more chipotle. On the side is just a can of progresso italian wedding soup.
Only change would be to not add the turkey pepperoni, It conflicted with the rest of the dish.