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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16228302 No.16228302 [Reply] [Original]

Its like 100° where I live for the next several days. Do folks in tropical climates really eat spicy food to sweat and cool down or is that just a meme?

>> No.16228307

I drink coffee on a hot day, like my father before me, and it never fails.
But I dont live in the tropics fyi

>> No.16228422

id rather eat sweat-inducingly spicy food during winter and just eat "standardly" seasoned food normally

>> No.16228485

those shrimp look crisp

>> No.16228500

It's a cope because they can't refrigerate their food to keep the vermin out of it. They have no choice but to use spicy to keep the insects from eating their food long enough to store it and eat it themselves

>> No.16228504

What about all those fridges they have? I've been to tropical countries and seen them

>> No.16228523
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Cinnamon tea is the best remedy iirc

>> No.16228530

Ah, yes. The fridges that have been possible in their country since 1982. More like since 2002 in rural areas.

>> No.16228560

It's been over 105 in my city for like a week straight already. And it'll definitely get into the 120s in July. Buy an air conditioner or something and suck it up.

>> No.16228574

>in their country since 1982. More like since 2002 in rural areas.
yea but it's 2021 now so not sure what your point is about them not being able to refrigerate stuff

>> No.16228582

The point is OP's question. The spicy is not about keeping cool. It's about pest control during food storage, but conveniently, the locals developed a taste for vermin poison.

>> No.16228588

is this how cumskins cope with milk being spicy?

>> No.16228598

My ancestors probably killed the men of your tribe and fucked your women, then enslaved all of you to opium in search of new spices.

>> No.16228610

Every culture on the planet developed foods and methods meant to increase longevity and stop pests. How do you think cheese was invented? What is all the fermented or dried meat about? Spice is just another way of doing that

>> No.16228615

Your ancestors sacrifices have been in vain then, paleface

>> No.16228617

sweating when its humid sucks
your sweat never evaporates

>> No.16228620

I like how the most scathing insult people can come up with for white people is some nonsense about not liking spices.

>> No.16228624

And this topic is about keeping cool in hot weather, you dumb nigger.
OP, buy your favorite fruit juice and freeze it in a popsicle mold or in dixie cups with a stick in it. Do the same with some instant pudding made with milk. Make things that don't involve the oven, or otherwise plan ahead your cooking so you're only heating up after sundown (but not early morning before sunup because you'll have no time to let things cool down). Make potato salads, chicken egg or chickpea salads, cold sandwiches, and fresh fruit or vegetables for sides.

>> No.16228627

also they're awkward, self-hating and can't dance

>> No.16228632

>And this topic is about keeping cool in hot weather, you dumb nigger.
yea and you changed it to the completely unrelated topic of pest control and made an absolute fool of yourself and now want to change it back

>> No.16228634

Paleface? Like there isn't a brown people color hierarchy where the red bone, castizo, brahman are the most desired of their people. You wish you were me so hard all you can think of to insult me is that you think I cook like the prison food you had 3 years ago

>> No.16228643

>eat spicy food to sweat and cool down
where the fuck did you get that idea from?
we have cooling drinks and desserts for that.
people just like spicy stuff because spicy and strong tasting ingredients grow in abundance here

>t. equatorfag

>> No.16228647
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>tfw +80% humidity year-round

>> No.16228658

Let's compare ballet vs twerking, just for a moment. Which one is dancing and which one is literally acting like a chimp?
I like how you confuse being a decent person for being awkward. It's only awkward because you're so damn loud. And trust me, if you don't stop your baboon behavior yesterday, you will see exactly what we're like when we aren't self hating any more. Keep shitting up this board. Keep assaulting people in the street. You're only helping me.

>> No.16228690
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>Let's compare ballet vs twerking, just for a moment. Which one is dancing and which one is literally acting like a chimp?
I like how you confuse being a decent person for being awkward. It's only awkward because you're so damn loud. And trust me, if you don't stop your baboon behavior yesterday, you will see exactly what we're like when we aren't self hating any more. Keep shitting up this board. Keep assaulting people in the street. You're only helping me.

>> No.16228694

>His only experiences with white people food are from state-run institutions.
Was it jail or a school in the hood?

>> No.16228695

Sure thing, cumskin. Now try not to have a seizure when your food is seasoned properly, you cumskinned rodent.

>> No.16228699
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>Paleface? Like there isn't a brown people color hierarchy where the red bone, castizo, brahman are the most desired of their people. You wish you were me so hard all you can think of to insult me is that you think I cook like the prison food you had 3 years ago

Guys, I think this cumskinned rat is kinda upset....

>> No.16228702

Do you only know how to say two things?

>> No.16228712

yes and now the decendants of my ancestors are fucking your women, enjoy being bred into a minority cumshade

>> No.16228741

This guy is into cum

>> No.16228855

Yes. There's a reason why chili is the most grown spice on earth.

>> No.16228860
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>he can't handle spicy foods
oh no no no no... NGMI

>> No.16228954

Sure thing shitskin. My ancestors fucked yours the past 500 years and will eliminate you and yours before all is said and done... oh and btw we introduced you shitstains to spicy hot food.
You are welcome nigger.

>> No.16229044

Insects don't really give a fuck. It'll keep mammals away.

>> No.16229080
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>sweat and cool down or is that just a meme?
really depends if its humid, in Arizona yes sweating will help, in Florida where it's 100% humidity you will drown in your own skin

>> No.16229113

when you eat something that's way to spicy, it's 100 degrees, and you have a migraine

>> No.16229133

where the fuck do you live kuwait?

>> No.16229337

I live in a humid hell hole right now and there really is something to eating extremely hot foods despite it being hot outside. It sucks at first but when you push through you get a really nice feeling. I guess that's partly due to the faggot "euphoria" you get from hot food but mostly I think it's your body coming down from being doubly hot to singly hot and preferring that so you feel more comfortable than you did before eating the hot food.

>> No.16229454
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>mention spicy food in any context
>white people immediately go into hyper defensive mode
Why are they so fragile?