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File: 840 KB, 3000x3000, 6e6b3acb-4b76-4d40-b742-f87a17f4f9b7.480b30760a0afaa1abd2697d2b56ee04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16226865 No.16226865 [Reply] [Original]

Nothin like cracking open a nice can of tuna in the morning... Really the only thing that provides me with the nutrients I need for the day... Oh? And did I mention the delicious taste, even better than that... THE PRICE!!!!

>> No.16226877
File: 46 KB, 360x235, cl-alb-swt-w-170g-eng-aug2019[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, this is my favorite. but worse ones aren't that much worse.
what can you do with this besides tuna sandwich filling?

>> No.16226882

I just eat it straight out of the can, maybe a splash of olive oil maybe some lemon juice maybe a few cracks of black pepper

You could always make tuna casserole

>> No.16226902

Mix with some mayo or wasabi and make onigiri

>> No.16228282

there's gristle, eyeballs, and fish pussy in chunk light.

>> No.16228312

Can I get a can of pure fish pussy anywhere

>> No.16229043

Add mayo and some vinegar based hot sauce, then toast some bread. good sammich

>> No.16229719

Do you really want to miss out on those essential nutrients?

>> No.16229778

t. Chronic mercury exposure patients

>> No.16229831
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, 465_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy 1lb of tinned tuna for $2
>add a little salt, spring onions, sriracha and pepper
>put it over rice
good eating, lads.

>> No.16229868

>paying for water weight
>not tuna in oil
yeah you're NGMI

>> No.16229876
File: 86 KB, 720x960, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah nah

>> No.16229882

so don't buy tuna in soya oil you fucking mongoloid retard

>> No.16229887

lmao this nigga trusts commercial oil to actually be olive oil instead of olive flavored soya oil.

>> No.16229889

lmao this dumb ass nigga buying tuna in water

>> No.16229890

Nah senpai you're on the back foot here. Enjoy your bitch-tits lmao

>> No.16229891

like nigga tuna live in fuckin water it's like 70% water already and you gonna pay to have them fill the can up with more water?

>> No.16229895

>Enjoy your bitch-tits
AHAHAHA whether the fuck did that come from? you faggots project so much LOL

>> No.16229898

Yes. oil is heavier than water you dumb bitch fucking jej and kek at your whole life.

>> No.16229907

AHAHAHA yeah so buy tuna in even more water LOL like water is literally free

>> No.16229908

Oil floats on water, anon.

>> No.16229914

realk talk bruv you're just embarassing yourself now
imagine defending tuna in soya oil lord have pity

>> No.16229916

LOL i honestly have to imagine this bitch is like 14 years old or something so i can feel better about it

>> No.16229918

>oil is heavier than water
That's why when you put oil the pasta water it goes to the bottom. It doesn't float in your bizarro universe.

>> No.16229920

AHAHAHA so don't buy tuna in soy oil...lemme guess you don't trust the tuna company but you gonna give them money to pack tuna in water? ahahahhaha what a fucking retard

>> No.16229926

he's not gonna just leave and close the tab he's gonna post something even more retarded i can feel it LOL

>> No.16230031

You can make fishcakes, pretty delicious next to mashed potatoes

>> No.16230819

I make these for the protein:
>1 can of tuna
>1 large egg
>40g oat bran
>pepper, paprika, parsley, garlic and onion
Mix together, shape into three or four fishcakes and fry in olive oil for a few minutes on each side. Goes well with garlic dip.

>> No.16231098

> love the absolute fuck out of chicken salad and canned chicken
> never tried tuna

Does it taste the same?