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File: 23 KB, 378x326, palmoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16220679 No.16220679 [Reply] [Original]

Sure Palm Oil is unethical, but what's the alternative?

>> No.16220694

What is that pic?

>> No.16220699


ky jelly

>> No.16220702

Palm Oil is a european thing I think, I've never seen that as an ingredient in our Canadian foods

>> No.16220703

My greasy balls

>> No.16220705


>> No.16220710

yeah we use olive oil here in canada
extra virgin etc

>> No.16220712


>> No.16220720
File: 59 KB, 544x477, 7A98090F-353C-4DE7-950B-702AC568DAB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Palm Oil is a european thing I think
It’s tropical and common in asian shit
You mean because it’s grown on plantations? Grow up all plants are grown in a monoculture on a chopped down forest covered with roundup and phosphate slurry, who gives a shit

>> No.16220728

for the longest time, I thought palm oil came from the palms of orangutans because some fag told me that the palm oil industry is killing orangutans

>> No.16220729

Out west the standard cheap oil is canola. The fields are quite a sight to see. The Philippines uses dirt cheap coconut oil, while we only get the expensive shit.
I never considered it until now, but I guess cooking oil is one of those things that is still heavily geographically influenced.

>> No.16220764

animal fats

>> No.16220768

Oil palm fruits

>> No.16220770

>The fields are quite a sight to see
what are the fields for it? corn? i'd be curious to see some pics

and yes, canola is definitely a common one out here

>> No.16220801
File: 12 KB, 275x183, 9CD1C3BC-084B-4A92-A243-A56D2D675283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pics do t do it justice, very beautiful yellow. I avoid canola oil when possible, very nasty industrial oil

>> No.16220807

>very nasty industrial oil
femoid spotted

>> No.16220810

I'm sorry, I was going to post a stock photo, just so you could get an idea, but they really just don't capture how bright canola fields are in the noon sun.
If you're out east you can probably see em, I've only seen em because there's plenty on the trans-canada and the QE2 through here.

>> No.16220811


>> No.16220816


>> No.16220845

pretty to see, but they stink

>> No.16220854

I’m trying, my insurance won’t cover the operation :(

>> No.16220859

You know how it is: a lion is a beautiful thing to see, so long as the glass divider can take the thing head on.

>> No.16220860

Butter, lard, and tallow all turned out to be way, way healthier fats than chemically processed (unstable) canola and vegetable oils.

If you have to use vegan oil, use Olive or Avocado. Chemically processed seed oils are by far the worst for health.

>> No.16220866

It’s deforestation of rainforests in Asia (through burns)
Similar to how meat farms burn down the rain forests for land in South America

>> No.16220876


>> No.16220878

>Chemically processed seed oils are by far the worst for health.

Pretty much all "vegetable" or "canola" oils sold at markets are chemically extracted via hexane, a classified carcinogen.


>> No.16220986

Fruits dont have feelings op, you cant be unethical to them

>> No.16221019

Murican vegan avocado fetish is way more destructive in terms of deforestation and environmental damage.

>> No.16221043

Look at all that rape

>> No.16221062

Fucking lol.
The same article talks about how gmo oils will kill you, and non-organic oils will also kill you.
>omg x contains y carcinogen
Yeah? How much y? Because the air in a developed area contains carcinogens too, but I’m not buying a sealed oxygen suit.
>this oil is bad because if you burn it, it becomes bad for you
No fucking shit eating burned things is bad for you

>Pretty much all "vegetable" or "canola" oils sold at markets are chemically extracted via hexane
>ctrl+f ‘hexane’
It literally only refers to hexane being used for grapeseed oil. You’re as disingenuous as your bullshit article.
The rest is just crying about gmo’s and non-organic farming.

>> No.16221065

palm oil is in fucking everything here anon read the god damn labels

>> No.16221074

they use a palm canola mixture in a tonne of processed stuff
t. berta

>> No.16221340

Shoo-shoo seed oil shill. Enjoy your drooling retard kids.

>> No.16221871


>> No.16221889

>be methodically and verifiably shown to be full of shit
>s-shill! >:(
If you just said “no, u” it would at least be minimally funny instead of sad.

>> No.16221926

you can't really substitute palm oil with olive oil.
palm oil is rich in saturated fats, that's why it remains solid at room temperature, unlike most vegetable oils.
possible substitutes for palm oil are butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter or lard/tallow.

>> No.16222244

If you actually want to know what happens when you replace natural fats with polyunsaturated vegetable oils look at the Sydney Diet Heart Study
tl;dr control group had 62% increased mortality

>> No.16222262

Everything in the goddamn world is unethical

>> No.16222287

Rapeseed. To behold the massive fields of rape in Canada is to embrace transcendence.

>> No.16222348

edit meant experimental group im retarded

>> No.16222353

Stirring your peanut butter like a normal person.

>> No.16222366

palm oil isn't unethical, it's sourced by companies unethically. It's just a plant otherwise.

>> No.16222368

its unethical to tell people to eat polyunsaturated vegetable oils we should return to natural fats like suet, tallow, lard, etc

>> No.16222401

who gives a fuck

>> No.16222407

Where I live rapeseed is subsidized by the government to an absolutely ridiculous extent, so majority of fields have been covered by almost exclusively that for the past few years and the soil erosion is already kicking in. All because >muh biodiesel that fucks up both the environment and the engines that are running it. Honestly, fuck that plant, the oil isn't really good for cooking either.
The palm oil fuckup was also largely caused by government subsidies. Makes one realize that maybe running governments as giant wealth redistribution machines and planned economy attempts are bad for everyone in the end. I thought we closed this discussion last century.

>> No.16222445

Literally any fucking other cooking oil.

>> No.16222755

Thanks for enlightening me, anon. Thought for a sec OP might be about to hurl some truth bombs, but turns out he's just a whinging faggot per usual.
Gonna head out and see if I can buy a few liters of palm oil now.

>> No.16222767

It's in pretty much everything in the Americas and Asia, and to a lesser extent Europe but still very prevalent

>> No.16222877

You know they specifically gage them omega 6 oil heavy diet, which is terrible for you everyone can agree on. This doesn't prove anything for having a higher omega 3 ratio in the diet and studying those effects, which are the benefitial ratios people talk about.

>> No.16222902

desu at the rate we use it, we'll have to turn to farming it anyway. If we stop harvesting it from wild forests, we could keep orangutans around for a little longer

>> No.16223128

the study was for replacing saturated with polyunsaturated vegetable oils which are still in use today in most restaurants fast food establishments etc

>> No.16223241

No, it was observing alpha linoleic acid 6 specifically. You stupid mong.

>> No.16223265


>> No.16223271

Palm oil is "the" cooking oil for many african countries

>> No.16223489

rendered human fat

>> No.16223491

corn subsidies in the US are also a huge contributor to the obesity epidemic. making shit food like chips and soda artificially low in price does not end well

>> No.16223511

check your peanut butter

>> No.16223570

>yurodumbs and amerifats wiped out all their native wildlife 2 centuries ago telling jungle niggers they can't cut down forests cause they want to visit sometimes to see some red monkeys


>> No.16223758

yes they subbed out saturated fats for a polyunsaturated fat and the people eating the polyunsaturated died more...

>> No.16224079


>> No.16224428

Yes, canola is another name for rapeseed.

>> No.16224457

are you telling me it doesn't?

>> No.16224458

>what are the fields for it?

>> No.16224718

Palm oil produces the most oil per square hectare of ANY vegetable oil
It's also used in nearly every organic product

>> No.16225499
File: 147 KB, 768x432, 3517166_2048_1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, it's beautiful
Rape is quite healthy, but it does require a lot of industry to extract

>> No.16225863
File: 32 KB, 500x328, 13492822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the alternative?
how about not eating processed garbage like a responsible adult.

>> No.16225882


>> No.16226516
File: 27 KB, 320x320, that_s_how_it_is_on_this_bitch_of_an_earth_by_deadrkgk_dbpg16g-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16226518

Oh, huh, I had no idea
t. fellow berta boy, nice to see ya

>> No.16226530
File: 141 KB, 433x325, 1615312288155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16226557
File: 34 KB, 640x356, ADA8C621-E13A-40B5-A22D-E033AEDE856B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I don’t know, I’m not familiar with this process, but generally in most chemical extractions in the industrial world, the chemicals used to extract compounds are then subsequently removed via various chemical processes. Just because hexane is used doesn’t mean hexane is present in the final product. It could be, like I said I don’t know specifically, but you would be shocked at how many toxic chemicals are used in everyday industrial chemistry, particularly in the world of food. It’s just that by the time the product gets to you, functionally none remains in it. Industrial chemical processing is wild.