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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 101 KB, 1100x734, weed brownie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16212612 No.16212612 [Reply] [Original]

The effects take so long to kick in, and can be super unpredictable and hard to control the dosage especially if you're making it yourself. If you want the effects specifically from consumption, why not just take it in liquid or pill form, accurately dosed, and then eat all the regular brownies or whatever you want? It's just so fucking cringe. You wouldn't make aspirin brownies or xanax quesadillas. Vitamin gummies are for kids and are plastered with warnings so toddlers don't get a vitamin A overdose thinking they're eating candy. For adults, you take the drug, get the effects you want, and then eat whatever food you want. Mixing them together is pointless and risky.

>What about cocktails/alcoholic beverages? (For the purpose of getting drunk.)
Unless you want to drink straight everclear there is no other way to consume it. Also the effects are faster and you can have larger quantities to control your drunkeness over time, and ethanol is actually a positive part of the flavor. But none of this is true of edibles. I just don't get it.

>does not belong on /ck/
It's about food. Also there are fucking tobacco threads here and tobacco isn't even a food.

>> No.16212620

You won't smell like a nigger

>> No.16212628

If you dose your edibles correctly there's no issue with accuracy. It's not my cup of tea but this is a you problem, not an edibles problem.

>> No.16212642

I'm specifically talking about someone who still wants the high they get from consuming weed. You can make the oil and even get it in capsules from certain places, so I'm asking why you would want it as a candy, brownie, baked good, etc
It still doesn't make any sense why you would combine them. At best, you gain nothing at the risk of getting somebody else high if they decided to steal one of your brownies. Of course it's still a personal choice, I just don't understand why somebody would choose to do it. I only see downsides.

>> No.16212708

yeah I didn't read anything written here but I agree that it's best to just shoot up heroin in a parkade because brownies are just so pointless

>> No.16212780

well let me tell u this anon
is right about knowing and measuring dosage
also, edibles provide the most bang for buck ir you make everything from scratch bud

>> No.16212803

Okay, so why not make the oil from scratch, then consume that directly? Why bake it into a brownie that now you have to be super careful about how much you eat?

>> No.16212824

because it doesn't taste too good by itself

>> No.16212858

>why not just take it in liquid or pill form, accurately dosed
Because that doesn't convert the regular THC into 11-Hydroxy-THC.

>> No.16212874

Well I can't speak for others, I think I'm a unique autistic case, I basically dabbed my tolerance into infinity. I got to the point where just dabbing wasn't doing it anymore so I moved on to edibles. I would put about 7gs of wax into a pan of 9 brownies and blast myself off. I live alone however, and wouldn't share these brownies out of fear that they'd cause someone to kill themselves.

Basically it's the fact that I can put as much wax into a brownie that I want and the only downside is it just increasingly tastes like ass.

>Why not drink the oil?
Tastes like super ass

>> No.16212896

this guy gets it.

I for one can't stand the taste of edibles at any level of potency. Even the tiniest bit of weed taste and I gag. I need to plug my nose to consume them.
But that high is so different, and bypasses tolerance. Also it's fun to eat one and have the high come up on you as you watch a movie.
Overall, a nice way to consume marijuana.
The ranking being:
>Bongs and bong like things

>> No.16212909


>> No.16212915
File: 674 KB, 3024x4032, lets call it brunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why you would want it as a candy, brownie, baked good, etc

Why the fuck wouldn't I want to eat a delicious infused brownie? How does this not make sense to you? Put pot in a brownie, eat it, it is delicious, an hour later it kicks in for the entire day. Is that really rocketry? Is this so fucking unfathomably deep that the sheer idea of pot brownies, cookies, and gummy worms causes your mind to totally shut the fuck off?

Jesus fucking H. Christ I can come up with ten thousand reasons to eat THC in ten thousand different ways and you can't conceptualize the idea that a plant notorious for causing "the munchies" would be at the very least novel to consume in a fucking baked chocolate confection.
>why cook with wine it burns the alcohol off
>there's no xanax muffins on sale right now
>dude weed lmao

>> No.16212922

>why eat something that tastes good instead of something that does not taste good?
>muh dosing
it's called "mix well" retard

>> No.16213003
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>> No.16213074

>effects take so long to kick in
not really, it's always 40-60 mins
>hard to control the dosage especially if you're making it yourself
very false you literally control the amount of oil going in it
>taking it in drink or pill
fatty oils help the digestion and makes the experience much smoother
all drugs are cringe, alcohol included

>> No.16213143

I used to reliably make candies that were 50mg each.
100mb would be just enough for me to feel loosey-goosey at a party or the bar.
200 or 250mg would knock me on my ass, i'd be unable to get up for a few hours and I'd get hyperfocused playing first person shooters.

overall i liked edibles because the effects were very predictable and long.
smoking is fun but you're only REALLY high for the first 30min, then you have about an hour where you're High then 2 hours after that were you're a little stoned but normal.
Gets annoying having to go afk for 5-10min to "top up" every hour or so.
At least with edibles I can smash a 250mg chocolate bar or something and then just focus on playing vidya for 4-6 hours without any interruptions.

>> No.16213145


>> No.16213147

>and bypasses tolerance
in my experience, it doesnt bypass smoking tolerance. just edible tolerance and smoking tolerance are two different things.
mainly cuz edibles, the active ingredients are processed by your liver first where smoking goes straight into your bloodstream

>> No.16213156

The active ingredient is working on the same receptors once it reaches your brain though. The receptors are what experience a tolerance. I don't think there's separate tolerances, just that edible form THC is more potent

>> No.16213175

the liver breaks it down into another active ingredient, which is why getting high on edibles feels different

>> No.16213195

Yes, I said that.
But it works on the same receptor which is where the tolerance is experienced. Your tolerance is the same regardless if you're using edible form THC or regular smoked THC.

>> No.16213507

It turns into a different form of thc than smoking.

>> No.16213520

I'd recommend buying tincture (liquid extract of THC/cannabis in alcohol) if you want to control the dose and onset.

It doesn't take quite as long to kick in as edibles. You just put it under your tongue and quickly swallow it washing it down with lots of cold water.

You can more easily control the dose because there is a dropped and you can easily redose more, after waiting 2 hours for the effects to kick in (it still is not instant like smoking).

It doesn't last quite as long as edibles, but still you will be high for 5-8 hours. It sort of wears off slowly.

Most medical dispensaries (and possibly recreational dispensaries, we don't have those here) sell tincture, and you can buy it online if not.

>> No.16213588

all you need to do is just heat up the thc at a low temperature then cover completely with high proof alcohol and let it sit there for a day at minimum, in a dark cool place
the longer it sits the more taste seeps into the alcohol i find

>> No.16213851
File: 27 KB, 640x640, mindys 2mg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taste great
>easy to get an accurate dose
>doesn't use turmeric for the color in a sour apple flavor like the dispensary's brand does. seriously what the fuck

>> No.16213854

>2mg per gummy
>only 20 gummies in the pack
>chug entire fucking pack
>still only 40mg
>barely feel a tingle
what the literal fuck?
you need to take 100 or 200mg to fucking feel anything.

>> No.16213855

It's not hard to calculate yourself you are just a retard. Even redditors and old ladies can do that

>> No.16214102
File: 1.91 MB, 302x230, 1612219017083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is your tolerance that you have to take 100mg at once? Are you just never sober? How the fuck did you do that?

>> No.16214215

I like the slow come up, its reminiscent to psychedelics not in effects, but in that come up glow as you feel it creeping over 60-90 minutes. The kick in doesn't take that long either if you just take it in advance.
The smell of weed is so fucking stubborn and I find after I smoke, I can't tell if it's on me, if its in the room, if it's lingering outside etc. With edibles there are no issues.

>> No.16214225

I agree, mixing medications into food is stupid and dangerous.

>> No.16214247

Yer dosage idea is shit.
Here's how you make edibles

Decarboxylate weed.
Chuck it in the oven for a minute, stare at it and make sure it doesn't burn you stoner.
Mix weed with one stick of butter, you now know your dosage for that entire stick of butter, and hence can anticipate the dose per brownie or per cookie you make based upon the ratio of butter and how many cookies you made.

The point of edibles is to not smell like a nigger, and eating decarboxylated weed straight is fucking disgusting. Either assimilate to the greater culture or fuck off nigger.
>Also, eating more than 5g of weed won't fucking kill you, so eat as many brownies as you want

>> No.16214275

Because the trip is way longer, it's best to be in a good mood and underdose them.
1 gram. for a whole batch is okay. Most people want at least two pieces anyway so.

>> No.16214366

Weed is still illegal in many parts of the world anon, you can't just buy "weed pills" or "weed liquid". Smoking or making brownies is the only alternative.

>> No.16214635

>pointless and risky
It's weed you nerd being "too high" is not a risk.

You can't make accurately dosed tincture at home either, not without a bunch of equipment and you can't get other edibles in an illegal state. Cannabutter is easy to make and chocolates cover up the weed flavor better, these have been around since way before people were making high quality extractions like you have in legal states now.

>> No.16215032

This thread is about the drug, not the food that it happens to be delivered in.
And yes the tobacco threads are stupid and also belong on /b/ but people won't stop making them just like those alcoholism threads so unfortunately we're stuck with them.

>> No.16216311

>100mg to feel anything
I do 10 mg and it's a solid high, any more would be too intense. How massive are you, and what kind of tolerance have you built up over your miserable life?

>> No.16216322

This thread is specifically about how the drug is related to food. Also you probably are going to get better conversation on /ck/ than on /b/...

>> No.16216457

its not my tolerance, cuz 1/4 lasts me almost 2 months

6ft4 skellymode

i just assumed 20mg doses (which used to be the """"""standard""""""") were intended for old ladies who didnt want to feel the psychoactive effects but wanted the medicinal ones.
i take 100mg before going to the pub/party or hanging with friends.
200~250 is the dose I take when i wanna melt into a couch for a few hours.

>> No.16216487

I eat edibles because it's against my apartment lease to use it and edibles don't smell so I don't get paranoid my neighbors will call the cops on me. I generally thought the whole purpose of edibles was because a guy eating a cookie and smelling like a normal person was more inconspicuous than someone packing a bowl and blowing smoke everywhere, smelling like a skunk for the next hour

>> No.16216600

Pretty sure that any guidance you look up online will only recommend 100+mg for experienced users. Your tolerance must be insane to do 200-250 and not have a really bad time.

>> No.16216612

I'm convinced that people that can do massive amounts of weed and not get anxious to the point of paranoia are simply low IQ people (probably partially as an effect of all the weed, but also a prerequisite). Weed intensifies thought and makes you hyper focus on stuff, so if you have any problems in life or are worried about anything (as most intelligent people are) you're just going to focus on that and feel extremely bad. People who "couch melt" or find it super relaxing and don't think about anything probably don't have a whole lot going on up there in the first place.

>> No.16216626

agree on all points but i have found some sober people to be as equally retarded sometimes and we don't even want to get started about drunks

>> No.16216633

>What is the point of (weed) edibles?
Some people don’t enjoy inhaling a lot of smoke.
Some people *can’t* inhale a lot of smoke due to medical or other reasons.
Some people don’t want to smell like a juggalo and/or hoodrat.
That’s just to name a few reasons.

If you seriously can’t imagine any reasons why edible consumption might be the preferred or only method of consumption for some people, you’re smoking way too much fucking weed.

>> No.16216637

For the record my IQ has dropped at least 10 points from alcohol abuse over the past year and a half so it's getting to the point I can do a ton of weed too. Don't really plan on slowing down, life kind of sucks lol.

>> No.16216648

Wax builds tolerance really quickly. If you smoke nothing but wax within a few months of daily smoking regular weed will do basically nothing. I ripped my tolerance all the way to where I was just eating about .2 of distillate to get stoned. Idk what happened, maybe it's the "entourage effect" from terpenes but I switched back to regular bud about a month ago and I've been getting pretty stoned off of it whereas high thc wax doesn't seem to do much.

>> No.16216656

Tolerance is just something you build up. To me, taking a few dabs would be like smoking a joint; It's not really anything. It translates over to edibles. Most edibles I've purchased haven't really done anything for me simply because over time I have fucked my tolerance.

>> No.16216658

>For the record my IQ has dropped at least 10 points from alcohol abuse over the past year and a half so it's getting to the point I can do a ton of weed too
That happened to me for a few years.
Then I landed a sweet job with good insurance, and vyvanse brought my iq back.

>> No.16216711

what I do is
>wrap a pinch of weed in foil
>toast in oven for about half hour at around 125c
>dump foil contents into a shot glass and mush up until it's fine dust
>pour a shot of vodka over and slam the foul concoction
tastes like ass but it's quick and to the point
all you need is about a medium joints worth to be blasted all night

>> No.16216841

Jannies, clean this garbage up

>> No.16217468
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My friend gave me some toffee edibles once and I didn't pay attention to the dosage so I ended up eating too much and I felt like I was having a panic attack when it finally kicked in

>> No.16218205

You might not believe it, but I invented the small brain wojack. (Not that particular drawing, but a slightly shitter drawing that inspired it.) I am also OP.

>> No.16218232

>you HAVE to be THINKING about stuff ALL THE TIME or you're DUMB
woman logic.
nothing better for a friday night after a hard week's work than cracking a beer, getting high and just fukken turning your brain off for a few hours.

weed only intensifies thought and makes you super hyper focus on stuff to a point.
once you get to 200mg territory you just zone out for a few hours.
I used to drop 250mg on Friday nights, order a pizza and play Planetside 2 for 4~6 hours without moving.
used to rank #1~3 in every battle too.

was good times.