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16210693 No.16210693 [Reply] [Original]

is there any way to make pork not dry without the use of sauces

>> No.16210695

Yes. In fact I'm inclined to ask how you manage to dry your pork out.

>> No.16210697

I just cook it like a steak, i've undercooked it because apparently overcooking it makes it dry but it still just tastes dry and not juicy at ALL

>> No.16210699

no, there'd be tapeworms

>> No.16210700

More fat is better, I have had good results by oven baking it and putting bacon on top as soon as it has a crust.
Higher temps are better and shorter times are better. Be sure to let it rest for at least 2 mins after cooking.
Worst case, baste with butter.

>> No.16210704

Oh and honey is a great baste as well for the latter half of cooking.

>> No.16210707

brine it. or just salt it the night before and let it sit in the refrigerator until you're ready to cook it. the salt helps it retain moisture and also tenderizes it a little.

>> No.16210709

Just don't cook it for too long? I mean what the fuck, just sear your piece of pork on all sides to seal it and whip it into the oven.
Last time I made tenderloin it was so juicy I could bite down on piece and suck out pork juices, so easy and so good.

>> No.16210731

don't overcook it you idiot

>> No.16210748

>Undercooking pork
Enjoy your taenia

>> No.16210781

I'm inclined to ask you how you manage to dry your steak out.

>> No.16210786

my steak isn't dry the pork is

>> No.16210791
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>my steak isn't dry

>> No.16210799

Brine it. Also, store-bought pork that's still pink in the middle is perfectly fine to eat. If you're in a first world country, anyway. Don't risk it if you're in Africa or Mexico or whatever.

>> No.16210880

Put it in water

>> No.16210901

Stop cooking pork well-done you mong. Fully cooked pork is a holdover from when farming standards were lower than modern methods.

>> No.16210908

If you make pork chops, coat them lightly in flour before pan frying. Also, use a thermometer

>> No.16211001

Always choose fatty cuts.
Every retard and their downie cousin spergs out over "muh marbling" in beef, but, somehow, for some reason, hyper-lean cuts of pork (like the one in OP's pic, which needs a 'wet' cooking method to remain juicy) are considered just fine.

>> No.16211021

if you dont own an instant read thermometer, you should buy one immediately

>> No.16211074

Don't risk it in the USA either. All Americans will tell u about the meticulous hygiene rules for meat they have to follow to make it safe. Rare burgers are totally out of the question over there.. They have to sterilize their chicken in chlorine too before selling it. How can they call themselves a first world country?

>> No.16211078

Sous vide. Your problem will be drying it off to get a good sear.

>> No.16211096

>How can they call themselves a first world country?
Because we're first world by definition. A better question might be how people at large have a worse grasp of that term than Americans despite our education system being dogshit.

>> No.16211121

Sous Vide. Literally impossible to make any meat dry.

>> No.16211145

>Because we're first world by definition
Like Laos or Bolivia are? We're not in the cold war anymore, where 'first world' meant 'Nato aligned' and 'second world' meant USSR aligned.
Nowadays 'first world' is synonymous with 'democratic system of government', 'cares about their populace', 'Rational, universal education system', 'secure standards of living' and 'respects the rule of law'. So America scores 2/5...

>> No.16211206


get a fatty cut?

>> No.16211262

Slowcook pork tenderloin in chicken broth to make pulled pork.

>> No.16211283
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Sorry to hear that your shit tier countries haven't gotten to the point where parasites in commercial pork aren't thing. If you ever manage to make it to freedom, I'll save a pork chop for you.

>> No.16211292

I dont fuck around with the bacon and butter (although it does sound good, I'm just often time-limited) but high heat (425-450) and maybe 30minutes always gets me there.
I also use a leave in thermometer (worth every penny) so I always pull it around 140-145 degrees and comes out perfect everytime.

>> No.16211521
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took 6 posts to get a reasonable answer.

>> No.16211537

Don't dry it out. Cook it medium, medium-well, or sear and coast gently to well done with a cauling of fat on it.

>> No.16211544

When I do tenderloin theres always a bunch of juices in the pan. I make sure to soak/dip the slices in that good stuff after cutting... makes a big difference

>> No.16211561
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>no results

>> No.16211595

Try using a leave-in probe thermometer to cook it to perfection instead of over/underdoing it.
If you aren’t already doing that, it could be simple as.

>> No.16211597

this. eating commercial farmed pork cooked rare has been safe for 30 years now.

>> No.16212065

Pull it out at 140F. It'll come up to 145F w/residual heat. Overcooked loin is trash.

>> No.16212084

america scores 0/5 though

>> No.16212363

use a meat thermometer and cook to 145 deg F

>> No.16212454

I know people love to shit on it but this so much. If you're too much of a weak tummied individual to eat medium-rare pork, I feel sorry for you. It doesn't even have to be THAT pink. Buy a pork loin roast or even better, pork tenderloin. S/P/G and cook a tenderloin for about 90 minutes at 140F - 145F, remove from bag and pat the roast dry, sear, immediately serve. If you save the juices from the bag, adding it to a pouch of pork gravy mix will give you a more than adequate gravy to pour on some mashed potatoes and the meat if you choose to do so. I don't think the meat even needs gravy. Just a light dusting of salt after you cut some.

>> No.16212476

Sous vide

>> No.16212490

>pouch of gravy mix
That made me a little sad. There's more than enough time to brown and soup up some veggies (ideally mirepoix or soffrito, but onions at least), and get a roux happening in the time it takes to cook a pork loin. A gravy can be assembled from drippings, roux, and the quick broth (and maybe some cornstarch slurry) in the few minutes the pork rests.

>> No.16212499

I work 70 hours per week on average. I didn't say it was some God tier gravy, I said it was adequate. Seriously, try it sometime if you don't believe me. McCormick "Pork Gravy" or even the store brand stuff. Add in the juice from the bag to it and it will do fine in a pinch.

>> No.16212535

cook with some broth, baste frequently

>> No.16212551

I'm just thinking if you're spending that time on the pork, you might as well treat yourself to the meal you want. If I'm in 100h work week mode, it's absolutely thinly cut (usually fried) pork and packet gravy, maybe with nuked potatoes or buttered egg noodles, but the day that shit's done with, I'll bust out the jambalaya or the vindaloo or the wellington and give it some love.

Not that it means fuck all, but I actually had to cut a deal with my current boss that I (or someone) get to take an hour to cook dinner for the staff, because we're living here Monday to Friday, working from 8am to 10pm.

>> No.16212600

I make this chef john recipe regularly, and it's one of the juiciest and easiest methods of slow cooked oven pork, I've tried. I usually take it to pot lucks, all the chinese engineers love this shit, and I've had people ask me what restaurant I got it from before.


>> No.16212623


Ex-line cook at fancy hotel, can confirm this is the way. Cut cross-ways grooves into the meat before you season it, make sure there is garlic, rosemary, thyme, and a little splash of vinegar in the bag before you seal it. Let it sit in the fridge overnight before putting it in the water. Cook to spec like this >>16212454 anon said. Sear and serve.

The only thing I would change is I would dice white onions with a splash of oil and slow cook them on a pan till they turn brown and add diced mushrooms. Let the mushrooms get soft and sweaty, put the onion/mushrooms in a blender until it's a paste. Take the drippings from the sous vide bag (smash the garlic, it should be plenty soft), add cold butter and flour and the onion/shroom paste. Season the gravy with cayenne and Worcestershire or fish sauce and add salt/pepper to taste.

Best gravy you can make and easy to produce considering the length of time it takes for the pork to cook. If you're worried about temp, buy a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. DON'T FORGET TO LET THE PORK REST AFTER SEARING IT! 3-5 minutes is fine. Just let it hang out on a cutting board. 145 degrees for pork is perfectly safe but the temp should get to around 150~155 if you let it rest so there should be minimal pink.

Enjoy with some mashed potatoes and whatever veggies you like. I enjoy pan seared buttered cauliflower or spinach.

>> No.16212651
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Gaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!! Why don’t these fucking faggots make this shit year long!?!? I fucking missed it again!!!!! Why did they release this in such small quantities??!

>> No.16212658

Sorry, meant to make a thread

>> No.16213947

I use an electric George Foreman grill. It grills both sides at the same time so the meat cooks evenly and doesn't become dry.

>> No.16213955

You can buy ube extract online just make your own

>> No.16213984
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Probably the best post in the thread. Stop buying shitty cuts of pork, loin and chops are garbage tier meat. You can be super finicky with brining and marinades, nail the temp at 140 max, and use all sorts of tricks and hacks to cover up the dry meat with sauces and gravy. Fact remains, its just shitty meat made for the same people who like plain boneless skinless chicken breast.
Your delicious porky pork flavor is found in the fatty cuts like shoulder and belly. As an alternative, choose sausage, which are made of mixed parts, but balanced so the fat content is 30% up to 50%. Yes, a good sausage can be fully HALF FAT before cooking.

>> No.16214001

Why would anyone want to eat any meat "rare"? I like to have meat that actually tastes like something.

>> No.16214012

put it in a bowl of cold water with some salt added for a few hours, in the fridge.

>> No.16214015

Reincarnation explains this

Some were carnivores in their previous life and now they have the same tendencies

Same with poop fetishists...they were swine

>> No.16214245

Or just get some ube. Chances are there's a food delivery service, or even a farm or greenhouse in your area that can get a crate of ube to or for you for a decent price.

>> No.16214252

stop being a shitty cook

>> No.16214621
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>implying beef and pork tastes like anything other than seasoned leather when cooked well done

>> No.16214695

Brine works best, also neck pork chops have more fat and are juicier

>> No.16214758

Remember whole pork doesn't need to be 160 they changed that a while ago. Just cook it low and slow.

I make pork chops in the oven that come out juicy and I don't even bother brining them. Just get some thick ones and cook em for somewhere around an hour at like 275 f.