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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16210236 No.16210236 [Reply] [Original]

I gave up trying to stop drinking soda.
Should I just drink the normal sodas or the zero calorie sodas bros?

>> No.16210241

Check out flavored seltzers. They helped me counter the emptiness of hunger while I was dieting.

>> No.16210272

anime posters get the rope

>> No.16210292

Just don't drink soda.
Don't buy it, don't be around it.

>> No.16210294

>Check out flavored seltzers. They helped me counter the emptiness of hunger while I was dieting.
Nigger, just drink fucking water

>> No.16210295

diet coke is what billionaires (not just trump, look it up) drink so just do that

>> No.16210389

You know how i quit soda nearly compeltely? I just realized i didn't want to be diabetic, water 4 lyfe.

>> No.16210400

>anime imageboard
>don't post anime


>> No.16210415

Don't drink too much water while dieting, you will deprive your body of electrolytes and intensely crave food to replenish them.

>> No.16210432

Get a soda streamer and make your own seltzer, i practically cut soda out of my life after a month.

>> No.16210439

I'm in the same boat OP
I switched to zero cals

>> No.16210440

How? Did you wean off or could you just not be fucked to make them anymore?

>> No.16210464

DO NOT post anime here!

>> No.16210482

You could try hanging yourself, tranny.

>> No.16210487
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the white stuff
is the rhite stuff

>> No.16210499

I just got used to seltzer over time and just stopped buying soda. They do have syrup flavors you can mix in, but i only use small amounts every now and then.

>> No.16210512

self sweetened seltzer or tea is the way, you can slowly put less and less in there

>> No.16210514


>> No.16210532

>board about food

>> No.16210539

Remember you don't need willpower except while you're in the store. And go for carbonated flavored water.

>> No.16210574

Don't give up just yet. Try drinking sparkling water or just pick up smoking so you don't taste soda anymore.

>> No.16210589


don't drink zero calorie. drink regular soda and do some cardio so your body can actually use the extra sugar?

>> No.16210702

distract yourself with video games

>> No.16210706

switch to a nice seltzer. my favorite brands are waterloo and a-ha

>> No.16210708

>pick up smoking
kek solid advice

>> No.16210740
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Dumb Essex poster

>> No.16210907
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eh, sex?

>> No.16210928
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kek indeed

>> No.16210930

OP try this. I had a beer habit that I actually kicked by drinking seltzer. My favorite brand is bubly. it will taste weird at first but after a few days you wont wanna drink soda anymore.

>> No.16211102

I wasn't drinking a lot of soda, but I was hooked on various fruit juices, apple juice, cranberry, etc. I switched to those zero calorie drink mixes. Fake sugar is probably bad for me too, but at least I stopped gaining weight.

>> No.16211842

ive been there dude. for me i had to limit how much i bought a week, then i started buying alternative drinks alongside the soda, and then i stopped buying soda and only buy like juice, tea, lemonade, and water. but i know it can be pretty hard so good luck anon, honestly i dont think it matters what type of soda you drink so just do whichever you prefer
lol this the worst advice. dudes telling you to give up diabetes drink for cancer sticks that make you smell like shit and make everyone around you hate you

>> No.16212339

Go on /fit/ look for /fast/ general and learn how to make snake juice.

>> No.16212381

>go on /fit/
Absolutely not.

>> No.16212452

>pick up smoking
kek well you won't taste much of anything after a while, works out

>> No.16212749

I replaced soda entirely with coffee.

>> No.16213381

Go to sleep Yin

>> No.16213600

Dumbsex, you belong in /ALG/. They have water for you there.

>> No.16214023

>literally just don't buy it
>buy zero sugar version if you really must buy it

>> No.16214204
File: 177 KB, 1000x924, dd610346a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try posting something original. Posting the same thing over and over again adds nothing to conversations and makes you look like an NPC.
Try posting about soda :)

>> No.16214207
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You're looking at it the wrong way OP. Think of soda not as a drink but a dessert. Something you have once a week.
You don't have to quit, just consume in moderation

>> No.16215897

It's hard to quit bro maybe just leave it only for the weekends as a starter.
I found that the hardest days is the first week. I had soda cravings for around 2 months though before it started getting fairly manageable avoiding it at the store.

>> No.16215912

It isn't hard to avoid drinking soda. Just don't drink it, you dumbass. Water is literally everywhere.

>> No.16215924

Pick up smoking and get addicted. Then quit cold turkey. You'll gain the mental fortitude to push yourself through it and quitting soda will seem like it's nothing.

>> No.16216400
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I say just avoid it completely. My dumbass got two cavities in both sides of my mouth that were in pain constantly for neglecting my teeth. Never in my life do I ever want to go through that pain ever again.

>> No.16217360

You could use whiskey as a crutch to help you quit soda.