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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 750x416, Funny-Chicken[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16206159 No.16206159 [Reply] [Original]

Are chickens just for eat?

>> No.16206162


>> No.16206209

eggs are a thing you know

>> No.16206217

eggs are for eat

>> No.16206239

They're pretty funny and if you have roosters they constantly rape the hens

>> No.16206245

i read that blacks like chicken / fried chicken so much because it was one of the few animals they were capable of raising and cooking

>> No.16206252
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Chicken also for slp. Reply “good night chicken” and you will be blessed with many eggs

>> No.16206256

i love u ckn plz give eggs

>> No.16206261

good night chiggen :DDD

>> No.16206265

No.... chicken is for live

>> No.16206269

gute nacht huhn!!! <3 卐

>> No.16206271

Hug chicken, rub chicken throw chicken, listen to chicken, run after chicken
Happy chicken :)

>> No.16206274
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Chiggen is for pet too
but coq au vin too after a few years >:)

>> No.16206282

Chicken ancestor is Tyrannosaurus Rex
Tyrannosaurus Rex ate many of our monkey ancestors and refused to eat bugs
It is now human responsibility to exact vengeance by eating chicken
If you don't eat chicken you are traitor to mankind worse than Trump

>> No.16206298

This and cock fights.

>> No.16206322

nigh nigh chikn

>> No.16206365
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I had a cock fight with OP's mother last night if you know what I mean >:)
(I mean my phallus, my penis, colloquially known as a "cock," was inserted into the loose, cavernous vagina of the mother of "OP," or the original poster, repeatedly, via the gyration of my hips, until I reached sexual climax and ejaculated inside of her, thus disgracing OP and his strumpet of a mother in one fell swoop! Huzzah!)

>> No.16206379

Arise chicken arise

>> No.16206395


>> No.16206413


>> No.16206434

chicken also good for scratch and shit and molt and composting chicken scraps (through eat)

>> No.16206466

They're also for fucking

Chicken fucker.

>> No.16206489

>putting your love sausage in the E. coli infested chicken cloaca
But... why?

>> No.16206505

Hold these goddamn chickens

>> No.16206777

Based. Best sex scene ever

>> No.16208067

i dont get it

>> No.16208076

Chickens are also for racing and fighting.

>> No.16208109

good night chickennn

>> No.16208169

Chickens are an integral part of garden pest control, plus they're cute as chicks and neat to watch as adults
They're not quite companion animals but they're good pets at every stage, from pre-birth to death. Eat the eggs, adore the baby chicks, let the adults lay more eggs and eat ticks in your garden, and eventually as
says, Coq au Vin, chicken stew, so much food
good night chicken

>> No.16208190

No they can have a significant use as pest control as well. They eat insect larvae

>> No.16208191

good night chicken

>> No.16208279

Good night chicken

>> No.16208304

good night chicken

>> No.16208313
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Were the other few pork, beef, and veal? You strike me as retarded.

>> No.16208345
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>> No.16208368

They are also the best natural weapon against ticks

>> No.16208373
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You don't raise pork, beef, or veal. You raise pigs and cattle. And both beef and veal come from cattle.
I won't call you retarded, but you are certainly ill-informed.

>> No.16208376

good night chinkin :)

>> No.16208861
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Also for hug

>> No.16208864

They also keep them around to teach their children how to walk

>> No.16208979

>Chickens are also for racing and fighting.
Spic detected. If I ever catch you at it I will fucking skin you alive.

>> No.16208987

good night chicken

>> No.16209639

Also for hypnosis

>> No.16209660

Good night chicken

>> No.16210390
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Chicken are also for attack.

>> No.16210436

>the cumskin declares while eating the tortured, rotting corpses of pigs and cows

>> No.16210461

good night chicken

>> No.16210745

good night chicken

>> No.16210758

god natt herr kyckling

>> No.16211293

>be poor most of my life
>all my mother could afford and knew to make was chicken
it turned me from a sickly child to a decently fit human being but God damn if I can't stand it anymore

>> No.16211300

Goodnight chicken

>> No.16211307

I have 7 hens and a rooster. They follow me around my yard and come when I call. They are my friends

>> No.16211308

good night chicken

>> No.16211555


>> No.16211567

good night chikky

>> No.16211590
File: 149 KB, 1600x900, 01TB-CHICKEN-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else would they be for?

>> No.16211729

>good night chicken
good night chicken

>> No.16211747

maybe if we did shit like that too we wouldn't have so many pussies like you

>> No.16213110

what can't she do?

>> No.16213181

goob nite chimkin

>> No.16213345

Chickens are good for being fren

>> No.16213390

are you dumb anon? please tell me you arent american. the stereotype of black people liking chicken and watermelon was literally only born from the fact that they were the most economical thing to cultivate by former slaves that didnt have enough land for actual large cattle and certain other crops

>> No.16213406

Youve lost me there chief. Could you explain in more detail?

>> No.16213532
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>> No.16213584

gud nigt chickn

>> No.16213696

You make a fuss, but we all know you like it!

>> No.16213722

Most are bred for butchering yeah. Same for cows.

>> No.16213743


>> No.16213779
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Theyre also for garbage disposal.

>> No.16213784
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>> No.16213865
File: 34 KB, 640x416, warts_1_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom had this blueberry sized wort on her leg, and i saw a chicken eye it just before attacking.

chicken is for wart removal.

>> No.16214094

Good night chicken

>> No.16214246
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Good night chicken

>> No.16215188

lol, dumb chicken

>> No.16216221
File: 455 KB, 408x423, horrific.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight chiken bro

>> No.16216262

Good night chicken

>> No.16216270

good night chicken