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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16206144 No.16206144 [Reply] [Original]

Popular foods that disgust you

>> No.16206150 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16206152

why do you hate jam?

>> No.16206234

>tomato jam
>toe jam
>come together by the beatles
Holy fuck guys paul is still alive

>> No.16206241

All fast food.

>> No.16206242

Have you tried the organic ketchup? Actually tastes like they use tomatoes I like it

>> No.16206316

I hate yoguhrt fruit and such too

>> No.16206332

Original ketchup didn't even use tomatoes

>> No.16206338

'ate normal ketchup
'ate 'igh frcutose 'yrup
l'uv 'ganic
l'uv re'l 'mato

>> No.16206384
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I'm not a fan of ranch dressing. It just tastes like the color white. But millions of Americans just can't get enough of it.

>> No.16206423

Based mushroom ketchup truther

>> No.16206440

I’m convinced that hating ketchup is some sort of contrarian meme spouted by people online who want others to think they’re of discriminating taste.
Like the people who claim to hate whatever trendy pop song but listen to it when nobody’s looking.

I’ve literally never heard someone express disgust with ketchup in actual conversation, even when the topic being discussed is “foods I hate”.

>> No.16206447

I would say it tastes more like an off-white

>> No.16206530


>> No.16206600


>> No.16206738

he said organic, not original

>> No.16206894

Raw celery

Can't believe people enjoy it as a snack

>> No.16206913

>Actually tastes like they use tomatoes
That's why it's not as good

>> No.16206947


>> No.16206948

I'm not sure how popular it is, but I can't stand shredded carrot. Or any raw carrot, actually. It ruins a perfectly good salad or order of lo mein.

>> No.16206954

I fucking love that shit and I'm not white

>> No.16207524

Why, my penus weanus of course!
ITT: Popular foods that disgust you?
My answer is, of course, my penus weanus! haha

>> No.16207538

Vanilla yogurt

>> No.16207540

Mayo, ranch, thousand island, sour cream, cream cheese. Fuck all of 'em.

>> No.16207561

Same. I love tomatoes but ketchup is fucking gross. The taste is too overpowering. Anything you put ketchup on/in just ends up tasting like ketchup. And there's never a "minimum effective dose" where you put just a tiny bit and then it melds perfectly. You either have so little that you don't taste anything added at all, or you add more than that and the ketchup taste overpowers everything else. No middleground.

I have the same complaint about sriracha (aka spicy garlic ketchup)

>> No.16207592
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Mass produced Ranch is awful. Homemade ranch is decent.

>> No.16207595
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It's on literally everything, at least here in the west coast

>> No.16207660

I thought I was the only one. Ranch tastes like how spoiled milk smells. I literally gag anytime it's close enough to smell.

>> No.16207685


>> No.16207712


It smells like freshly squeezed pus. Fucking gross.

>> No.16207721
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>> No.16207723

If you cook it slower and at home it's different!

>> No.16207729

>it's different if you combine the same ingredients at home!

>> No.16207747

You don't need preservatives, you can use decent quality ingredients, and you can season it to your personal taste.

>> No.16207871

It's a basic fucking dressing you pretentious retard
Hope you're at least a NEET so your time has literally no value

>> No.16207916

fuck gnocchi

>> No.16207921

Tomatoes and steak (I don't like steak because personally it doesn't tasted of anything every other meat is good)

>> No.16207923

>whining about whipping together a 2-minute recipe
A tenner says your fat ass eats reheated frozen food off of paper plates.

>> No.16207979

Calm down schizo, I liked ketchup as a kid and still don't hate it but as go to I prefer mayo or mustard.

>> No.16208007

What did they make it out of?

>> No.16208012

Anon speaks the truth

>> No.16208053

this, if you eat seabugs you should fucking kill yourself.

>> No.16208080
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>> No.16208290

>he doesn't like sweet peppers.
Please report for execution. Your genes can't be passed on.

>> No.16208312
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Tomatoes, specifically by themselves or tomato slices. They just taste bitter and watery and anything they are touching takes on the texture of mucus. I like tomato sauces and don't mind if they are finely diced and added into a dish but other than that they are disgusting and belong straight in the trash
Also olives are meal ruiner tier

>> No.16208351

Best mac n' cheese I ever had was the time at scout camp when they forgot the cheese. Fancy brands I find barely palatable, cheap brands make me fucking gag. I've had it homemade by remarkably good cooks, even my own mother's rendition was just meh. I don't even get why it displeases me so, I like macaroni and I like cheese, why do they suddenly turn to shit when you put them together?

>> No.16208417


>> No.16208418

i am aware, have seen what it looks like on the microscopic level, i still dont care, i still eat shrimp.

>> No.16209024
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>> No.16209039

Baloney, should be outlawed

>> No.16209079

Bell peppers are good, but I only like them properly cooked. And the problem is they take a fairly long time to actually cook down to a decent degree.
However, I've more or less just replaced bell peppers with poblanos nowadays. Better taste and thinner so they cook down more easily. Great when charred

>> No.16209139

ITT: Pansy ass children

>> No.16209361

Learn, to, use, a, comma

>> No.16209525

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.16211059
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I just don't like crab legs. I know that they're America's most popular food at theaters but I just don't like the smell.

>> No.16211103
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What fucking theater serves creb ligs lmao WAT

>> No.16211186

Yes, it's very basic and easy to make. Even someone like you should be able to handle it if you can get over your odious ego.

>> No.16211192

what did he mean by this?

>> No.16211193

all seafood
I will make an exception for crab legs

>> No.16211201

me too anon

>> No.16211209

Movie theaters in the US commonly serve crab legs and popcorn as standard fare

>> No.16211217

>he doesnt know
It's a dish from the secret menu at the movie theatres and kinotoreums.
Do you think they had that huge butter dispenser just for popcorn?
The trick is to tell them that Robert sent you,they'll give you a fuckload of crab legs.

>> No.16211359

>you should be able to prove you can do something anyone can do if you get over your ego of not feeling the compulsion to pretend the basic thing everyone makes the same is better if you waste time making it yourself rather than pay basically the cost of ingredients for it at the store
Please post less and think more.

>> No.16211513

The aroma of some types of cooked dairy cheese reminds me of the smell of vomited pizza

>> No.16211626


>> No.16211793

I make my own stock so I always have celery around. I like the tender inner shoots that are more white than green. Great flavo.

>> No.16211806
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>> No.16211956

>No Chip da Ripper rap snacks
those money hungry faggots can fuck off. their snacks suck.

>> No.16212155

I can't stand tomato in most contexts. Bruschetta, tabouleh, in certain italian sauces (ragu/bolognese), lasagna, semi-dried...that's it. Slices or sauce is just disgusting.

Also coriander makes me vomit.

>> No.16212204

Nigger detected.

>> No.16212355


ketchup goes well on a Mcdonalds patty.
desu, I don't really want it on anything else.
Mayonaise is so much more versatile.
there I said it. Ketchup is overrated, fuck your opinion.

>> No.16212360


Just out of sheer curiosity, what does your daily diet consist of, and could you list your favorite foods?

>> No.16212624

After eating lots of wings that come with celery + ranch, I learned to like celery. It makes no fucking sense, but I like it.
I really used to hate it, but associating it with beer and wings must have done some pavlov conditioning. Fuck I want some celery + ranch... I need to update my grocery list.

>> No.16213064

I usually eat some vegan peanut butter bar things for breakfast, have a wrap with some chicken for lunch, and cook all sorts of stuff for dinner. I use all sorts of weird ingredients.

Favourite foods...probably brisket, black garlic, chilis, quinoa, corn, apples? Not sure if you want cooked recipes or ingredients.