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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 261 KB, 900x900, weissman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16202233 No.16202233[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did his channel become so shit? He's approaching guga levels with how horrible his videos have become

>> No.16202244
File: 600 KB, 517x847, 1621435354105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Waste of digits. Many such cases. Sad.

>> No.16202247

Babish is mild compared to that fag. Even Ragusa is slightly more tolerable imo

>> No.16202264

He's appealing to zoomers and it's working. He's just making as much money as he can before his popularity fades.Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.16202266
File: 42 KB, 720x720, adc1e3c90f7b1c03baeb968005c28f83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16202275

Guga Foods are based. I want to jerk off the cute one

>> No.16202332 [DELETED] 

>a jew
Kill all jews

>> No.16202363

is he though?

>> No.16202394
File: 1.18 MB, 2101x2048, weissman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never trust stylized cooking youtubers

>> No.16203030

i mean he is a jew after all, why are you surprised he would just steal a recipe?

>> No.16203058

i think this is the answer right here.
any time you watch a cooking video, you'll see comments to the effect of "who else never gonna cook this but is here because they are hungry/looks tasty/love josh/chef john/adam, etc.
weissman's channel just had a larger than average proportion of those so he probably figured he should just make jerkoff fast food recipes and show off his meme cooking gear instead of content that's actually useful for people who cook at home.

>> No.16203106

Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kike's?

I don't give a shit how good a cook he is, just looking at him pisses me off.

>> No.16203126

I can't stand this zoomer idiot, but Guga's videos aren't terrible. If anything they get tiresome because they all follow a specific formula and rarely deviate from it.

>> No.16203343

He's basically the chef version of a fedora wearing neckbeard. His recipes/techniques seem decent enough but his whole persona is just so smimy in an awkward "trying too hard to be cool" way that I can't stand to watch him.

>> No.16203356

good for him. get that money. lord knows there's none of it in real kitchen work.

>> No.16203376

>Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kike's?
yes as a matter of fact i have. whats punchable for me is that he's doing food prep vanity photos with his hair not tied up and under a hat or a hair net. have some fucking standards, dude. bun up and stuff it in a toque or something.
0/10 would kick off the line until he tightens his grooming up.

>> No.16203494
