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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 345 KB, 420x481, DressCode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16196469 No.16196469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16196485

Yes, she should have been turned away at the door. The restaurant a stupid. end of thread /thread

>> No.16196501


>> No.16196506

Fuck off with that bs

>> No.16196515

She looks like a black christina Aguilera

>> No.16196520

The lack of taste is palatable.

>> No.16196557

On Anon or the Nigger?

>> No.16196571

On the person in the photo. She's dressed for a porn shoot, not a restaurant.

>> No.16196577

It should be okay to beat women who dress like whores in public.

>> No.16196706

For this reason the invention of the Burka was created, praise be to his holy name. .

>> No.16196728

Why do Americans think graduating high school is a big deal? You literally just have to show up and not get shot.

>> No.16196763

Particularly in American schools and especially this year. I'll bet she and her classmates operate at about an 8th grade level as compared to students from other countries, even other parts of the USA. And this year? Who the hell is going to want to hire a 2020 or 2021 "Graduate"? What quality of school do you think she attended as compared to 2019, 2018 graduates? Do they even have standardised tests anymore or is that racist too now?

>> No.16196766

upvoted. racism has no home here!

>> No.16196767

you can always have a food news general instead of being a whiny faggot just because your little elitist group got ousted

>> No.16196768

This. It's always blacks with this outrage shit

>> No.16196893

It's what they do, and especially if it gets media attention.

>> No.16197225

Yeah, people need to stop saying the nigger word

>> No.16197236


>> No.16197242

what does this have to do with cooking? so fucking tired of election tourist single handedly ruined this site.
why do you brain rot retards see and think everything through racial/political lenses
its just some stupid bitch wearing a dumb outfit but you nu age politically rattled brains must see everything through a race or polictic context you've allow actual jewish programming into your mind and blood stream and have allowed it to take over you are the reason this country is failing you are too weak willed to ignore or for one second stop and analyze this entire situation and really realize just how much of that jewish koolaid you've been drinking, the biggest goy-pill is to actively give into politics,race and whatever else retarded shit ((they're)) alway's trying to force down our throats

>> No.16197245
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1614954314199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too have forgotten the legions of white, middle class, boomers getting assblasted about having to wear a mask in eateries over the past 18 months.

>> No.16197258

>Complains about racism and all. Goes on an antisemitic rant.

Nicely done anon. Nicely done.

>> No.16197263

FOOD and cooking. She was booted out of a restaurant for looking like a skank, then complained bitterly.

>> No.16197265

whatever you say fishnel. i know the tricks your kind plays

>> No.16197267

I haven't forgotten them at all. Fuck them, in fact.

>> No.16197284

>wear a mask in eateries

Which makes no sense when you have to take off the mask to eat and drink.

>> No.16197300

Shit like this makes me miss the infant internet days when this would never be a topic Id expect to see on a mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.16197378

I've heard from a variety of parenting groups that it's normal to dislike boys. They can be rude, provocative, angry, destructive, vindictive, judgemental creatures without many redeeming qualities.

This place is a den of boys, young men, and autistic adults. They're bitter and angry at the world while never ever practicing introspection, looking at themselves with an objective lense.

>> No.16197387

I'm confused about american schooling general. Why are ap classes a thing and not the standard curriculum? It seems your ap classes are just the normal Australian classes. Also your SAT makes no sense, its easy and doesn't even test most subjects

>> No.16197394

I too want to live in a world where these kings and queens will never be called a nigger again.

>> No.16197411

I think you mean palpable

>> No.16197436

You a faggot ass bitch lol.

>> No.16197439

Someone should have told her it's not the 2000s anymore.

>> No.16197563

Kiss their feet white boi

>> No.16197574

After they had already let her in and had taken orders. Dress code is enforced at the door, not halfway through the meal.

>> No.16197611

>have zero qualms about publicly presenting yourself as gutter trash
>become “mortified” at being treated like gutter trash