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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16195115 No.16195115 [Reply] [Original]

When a waiter opens a bottle of wine at your table and pours a splash of wine in your glass to taste, they are not asking if you like the taste of the wine, they are asking you to check if the wine is "corked". Has it turned to vinegar?. The fact that they do this with bottles of wine they have screw-caps is hilarious.

>> No.16195153

So the wine can't touch the cork if it's a screwcap? Does the screwcap magically prevent the bottle from falling over? lol

>> No.16195155

wine is for yuppies

>> No.16195183
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God most people are ignorant as fuck about wine. Must come form having lower class parents who were too stupid to know this.

It's to give you the opportunity to inspect the wine to see if it has turned foul, which can happen even under the best circumstances, to any wine, from any manufacturer, and to ensure what you mentioned above. You can literally get two bottles from the same case, same year, same vintage, and one might have just been fucked up for some reason, a neutrino hit the glass the wrong way or some shit.

>> No.16195192

>God most people are ignorant as fuck about wine
Cause it tastes like shit

>> No.16195215
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You misunderstand. A cork bottle can be faulty in sealing the bottle of wine. It can fail and let air in, thus, allowing the wine to turn to vinegar. A screw top does not do this.

Either/or.. My point stands. The plebian idea that a waiter is giving you a taste of the wine to see if you like the flavor is simply embarrassing.

>> No.16195224

Stick to juice and vodka, reprobate

>> No.16195226

go drink your coke kid

>> No.16195236

Wine sucks, only beer is good, faggot ass nerd.

>> No.16195574

My brother in law comes from a wine making family and once opened one of their bottles that had corked apparently. Of course he didn't want to serve it, but I still asked him to let me taste, because how should you notice how a corked wine tastes if you never have the chance to do so. Of course I didn't notice a fucking difference, I'm not the biggest wine drinker either.

>> No.16195962

There’s other wine faults to check for that don’t have to do with the cork. Things like VA, whether there’s damage from sunlight exposure, etc.

>> No.16195980

How is the cork supposed to smell? They sometimes present the cork to me, but I don't know what I'm sniffing for so I just smile and say that it smells good every time.

>> No.16195998

Most of the time it’ll smell fine. If it’s corked it’ll smell like a damp basement with moist boxes. It’s definitely off putting so you’ll notice.

>> No.16196000
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Maybe don't drink Yellowtail or some other basic bitch white girl shit, and have yourself a nice Bordeaux or a New Zealand/Argentinian red once in a while.

Beer is for Reddit-tier faggots. The only people I have ever seen obsess over beer are nu-male fuckboys who think drinking some chocolate smore growler thing makes them masculine.

>> No.16196018

>nice Argentinian wine
No such thing. Just straight green and clay notes in a bottle. Goes for the rest of South America.

>> No.16196039
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>If you compare the best wine to the nastiest beer then wine is clearly superior

>> No.16196115

Wine is for faggots

>> No.16196269
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Wine is for cooking and not much else. I'd rather buy a case of nice cigars than one nice bottle of poncey faggot wine.

>> No.16196270

Wine is for Reddit-tier faggots. The only people I have ever seen obsess over wine are nu-male fuckboys who think drinking some napa valley monte carlo balooga sangria thing makes them sophisticated.

See how that works?

>> No.16196322

>he doesn't eat the cork

>> No.16196336

Somebody doesn't like wine.

>> No.16196350

>low class people dont know shit
>and either do i

>> No.16196380

what compelled you to make this thread?

>> No.16196408

One of the main reasons for a 'corked' wine turned out to be how natural cork stoppers were reacting after being sterilized, so shouldn't happen to caps or synthetic stoppers at all. Not that there aren't a lot of other things that can go wrong, but I believe that was the #1 reason.

>> No.16196421

Shut up rice malt drinking SOB

>> No.16196423

Because he learned something today and is such a boring faggot that he felt the need to try and seem cultured to a bunch of other losers on an anonymous chinese cartoon forum

>> No.16196461


>> No.16196464

I learned something today too... thanks to my friend OP

>> No.16196468

Based OP.

>> No.16196513

Pickle jars are screw tops have a pop top for the same reason. I think you just learned why servers let you taste it first and wanted to brag.

>> No.16196593

I do like wine, you ESL retard

>> No.16196677

Stelvin capped wine can be faulted.

It's rare, but it happens.

>> No.16196684


Don't you have some car seats on your front lawn to be rearranging?

>> No.16196689

Eat shit but that made me chuckle

>> No.16196692


You don't sniff the cork. You put it aside.

The cork is presented for inspection: If you bought an older vintage you could check the cork for degradation or leakage/staining.

You do not sniff a cork.

>> No.16196709

Beer is full of phytoestrogens which turn you into a nintendo switch enthusiast.

>> No.16197311

I learneded about it today when I was getting trained as my new job as a waiter.
I thought it was pretty interesting.
I'm not going to turn up for my first shift tomorrow. It seems like a shit job with low pay. I'm not going to phone them to let them know either. That would be awkward.

>> No.16197345

>I learneded about it today when I was getting trained as my new job as a waiter.
That explains it. All of this cork shit is just the culinary world's equivalent of a left handed bat stretcher. In reality most wine is just grape juice with some everclear.

>> No.16197403


>All of this cork shit is just the culinary world's equivalent of a left handed bat stretcher
>wine cam turn to vinegar if there's too much air being exposed.

Idiots who are too dumb to understand how basic science works really need to stop posting on /ck/. The quality of this post isn't even at the level of shitposting.

>> No.16197417

Maybe in some shithole where faggy ipas still reign supreme, but I just down millers with my buds when we work, and after work. It's still the preferred drink for real men who work with their hands, but you keep sucking down moscato's after you get off from your desk job, queer.

>> No.16197420

And wine isn't? Never met a man who drank wine, who didn't also drink semen.

>> No.16197428


>> No.16197430
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My condolences on your diagnosis.

>> No.16197444

I work outside, numbnuts.

>> No.16197450

>uses "either" as though he means "one of the two"
>while actually trying to say "none of the two"
Yikes... your dragging knuckles are showing

>> No.16197501

Rather be a knuckle dragger than a tea bagger, faggot.

>> No.16197525

>The fact that they do this with bottles of wine they have screw-caps is hilarious.
It’s in order to not make the customer feel/look like a cheap piece of shit by serving his wine differently.
It makes perfect sense in terms of service & customer experience. Is it seriously not obvious to you?

>> No.16197535

Do I still have to clap after she finishes pouring?

>> No.16197541


Are you telling me normal people can't understand a basic chemical reaction?

>> No.16197719

Yes. Its traditional and gives you good luck

>> No.16197722


Lol working class faggot

>> No.16197854

Jesus, you can get a myriad of faults under screwcap. The waiter is asking you to check for faults.

Not just it being corked (TCA).

And you can also in the winery have wooden items/barrels that get infected with "corked" TCA which then can end up under screwcap giving you a corked wine with no cork, hardly ever happens but it does.

>> No.16197919

Why is it my job to check if the wine is spoiled or not? Why am I checking the smell to see if it's corked? Why am I inspecting the cork to see if it had leakage? I'm the fucking customer, the restaurant should be handling this shit.

>> No.16197926

>screwcap wines can never be faulted

>> No.16197927

I am in awe at the size of this woman's forehead

>> No.16197928

lol if you want me to drink your wine as your somm I'll be more than happy too

>> No.16197947

i've counted every last drop you bearded faggot

>> No.16197953

lol cicerones have beards, not somms

how am I supposed to tell if your wine is fucked if I can't drink it? I can spit it back into the glass for you

>> No.16197966

i will drink it myself and if it is corked i will complain rudely and blame you

>> No.16197973

With any other food it would be really strange. Imagine the waiter cutting out a chunk of steak and saying
>have a bite of this to make sure it hasn't gone off, mate

>> No.16197974

no flyovers policy at my restaurant, anon

you'll have to leave

>> No.16197988

do you know who i am? i'm the owner of this dump, pack your hotsauce collection and get out

>> No.16197998

you're definitely in dire straits if you employ a somm who has a hotsauce collection

>> No.16198033

if my sommellier is a millennial, stupid tattoos and hotsauce collection is a given

>> No.16198041

sometimes I forget how boomer this board is

>> No.16198047

Tea bagger, as in one who performs tea bagging, meaning (in slang) to dunk one's testicles into other people's mouths? Thanks for the compliment, I guess. You're still a knuckle-dragging buffoon, a mere caricature of an intellect, an utter ignore-anus.

>> No.16198281


>> No.16198573

caught you out, you hipster fag. go comb your beard you effeminate wine loving fucking fairy faggot

>> No.16198592

caught me out as what? I'm clearly not some clueless flyover boomer

>> No.16198599

Am I allowed to enjoy something if I don't obsess about it, though?

>> No.16198708
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>> No.16199442

I'm telling you that autists can't understand a basic social interaction.

>> No.16199857
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>i know wine good
>drink argentinian reds

>> No.16200204

No. Pleasure is an ego trap.

>> No.16200298
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>For me? A Shirley Temple, heavy on the grenadine, extra cherries.

>> No.16200452

>a nice Bordeaux or a New Zealand/Argentinian red
all trash wines lol nice bait

>> No.16200464

posting on hobby boards is a much bigger ego trap

>> No.16200514

It's all for show. How else are they to justify the 300% markup on the wine unless they put on their song and dance for you?

>> No.16200518

I post on 4channel to enforce displeasure

>> No.16200529

Ive been to tons of restaurants like mcdonalds, arbys, burger king, taco bell, wendys, chicken fillet, Roy Rogers and weinerschnitzel and no one has ever offered me wine or beer. I think you gotta buy it from a liquor store.

>> No.16200531

And you're still an AIDS riddled, pedophilic, limp wristed, cock sucking, cum guzzling, ass licking, shit swallowing faggot.

>> No.16200719

if you order a steak do you want the waiter to cut off a piece and eat it to tell you if it's done to your liking?

>> No.16200776
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>the wagie literally cuts the first bite for you
I want this

>> No.16201721

Reddit fags actually don't like wine. They like craft beer with funny names.

>> No.16201778

You aound like a huge faggot with a small dick and no job skills

>> No.16202369

Wine is for 30-something career women with no kids and a dog they fuck

>> No.16202373

If she's hot, yes. I'd like her to spit on it too

>> No.16202890

Hot sauce collections are a zoomer fad, old man. Go back to yelling at clouds on facebook
Bill Davidson
"For the Lord is my shepard and I shall not want"
USMC 1975

>> No.16202929

Wine is based if you're trying to get medium-high tier drunk and don't want to a) get bloated from a ton of beer or b) descend into oblivion via liquor

>> No.16203177

high quality dark rich sweet fragrant purple grape juice (not from concentrate) with a very very small amount of non-shit quality vodka added is superior in every way to all wines. you can not prove this wrong.

>> No.16203183

The only good beer is stout. all other beers are carbonated pisswater.

>> No.16203299

standards should be maintained across the board, if only for appearances.

>> No.16203329
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guess what the tip was

>> No.16203680


>> No.16203728

Why is for gays
You are gay